Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How The Chakras and Meridians Relate To Each Other

There is a question about how the chakras and meridians relate to each other. May we have an energy anatomy lesson? 

Hilarion: When Gurudas asked this and it went on for many hours and other people worked with this energy at the same time, the consciousness evolved about this and much of it was written down in the books, “Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing,” “Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing, Volumes I and II.” 

The problem with any particular system of thought with regards to subtle energies is that it is always influenced to some extent by the time period and the other people who are seeing it and the consciousness that is receiving it at that moment and so on and yet this can eventually lead to arguments. “Well, I thought the blue ray was really about teaching and now you’re saying it’s about healing. Which is it?” You ultimately understand here that the purpose of all of this is to engage your own consciousness and to connect to how you would see this. 

The categorization of various aspects of a being or consciousness, or the universe or what has worked with various levels of experience and consciousness itself is helpful. It gives you an idea of this. But, it should never be limited just because you have come in with the blue ray doesn't mean you have to be a teacher. In fact, your greatest lesson was to show teachers a completely different way of teaching. The point is that when you read these various explanations of what are essentially energies which can be perceived in various ways you then recognize that you may have some disagreement with this or maybe you don’t care and those are both perfectly, equally, valid. 

A lot of it comes from those who have developed their own higher vibrational vision and we have talked about this extensively how it is very much focused on the third eye and working with various energetics associated with that such as the example of gazing at a person, places, objects and nature wIth half closed eyes and a relaxed point of view you might begin to see colors. What is the meaning of those colors? As you get better at it as you begin to notice there is an energetic coming into the top of the head which is a different color of a person or an animal and you see how those energies move through the person and then are moved out of them. Then you look at their body and they turn around and you look at their back and you see how the energy there is a little different from the front. 

So, naturally from all of this you have people naturally trying to explain it and how it works.Their various ways of doing it are equally valid even if they are different from one to the next and yours may be different from all of those. The general idea being that an incoming energy, which is called “the ray,” is then transformed or transferred within the being. Not just the physical but the non-physical associated with the being and then moved into various aspects of the subtle bodies, in and out of them and used in different ways.

The energy then moves through the chakra centers directly associated with particular paths of consciousness and awareness and then out of the body through the nadis, tiny points all throughout the physical body. Those energetic centers are so powerfully influenced by consciousness generally called, “chakras,” are the place by which the energetics from the subtler levels, such as the rays are transformed and brought down from the physical.  

The way in which those interact form an interference pattern which is an energetic like a hologram. That is what you are seeing when you have that subtle vision. It is far more profound, interesting and helpful to those who have the capacity of seeing these things than it is for those who don’t see them at all. Most people don’t see them at all. So, they will rely on what their other friends say or written accounts of such. 

But, interestingly enough, most people do have an energetic experience of this process on some level. At the very least, because of the tremendous power of that interference pattern it is usually helpful for most people to do some sort of meditation or visualization on the chakras. There are many of these and there are many systems of thought about them, the most common ones, the ones we will call lam vam ram yam ham aum (that was seven) it would be very simple and keeping it in a place where you are aware of that energy. You can do various meditations that show up for you as you are aware of that and you don't have to get into an argument about what is the right color of the second chakra. “It’s orange, or no, it is pink,” or whatever. Could you just let it go? Let that which shows up for you be most helpful.

Now, there are those that have worked with this with sound extensively and it has been noted that many vibrations associated with the frequency of certain energetics seem to work a little better with the chakras. For instance, 432 as the basis of the note “A.’ Or variants on some number directly associated with the number 2: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and so on as associated with the note “C” and the various ways of using that through song or through music in various songs such as Steven Halpern being the most famous promulgator of this. All of these things seem to be very helpful particularly because they are stimulating the stem cell production in the physical body. Stem cells are an important component that has not really been well, related to the discussion of the rays, chakras, nadis, subtle bodies, frequencies, etc. But, all ways do connect and all ways do relate.  

Over and over we see that a frequency associated with 528.0 that exact frequency seems to be very stimulating harmonically at higher vibrational levels and even lower ones taken into sub multiples divided by two and multiplied by two in harmony with the various ways of working with the note “C.” You have to be very careful here working with frequencies when we are speaking about such matters in this public forum because what we speak about would be applicable to all cultures and you see very different cultural relationships to musical scales in other countries. In India, or in Polynesia it is a useful place to begin with these simple frequencies and work outward from there.

September 21, 2024


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