Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Chakra System of the New Children/ 8th Chakra

Q. It occurred to me awhile ago that the new children have a different chakra system. Which basically means they are wired differently. (wired for higher consciousness, which will ultimately shift consciousness on earth) So I asked Hilarion about this. Do the new children have a different chakra system?

Hilarion: Yes. It is actually fairly common to see chakra systems that deviate from that which people are used to seeing from the various diagrams etc. We have spoken about this briefly in some of our books through our friend in Canada. (Maurice Cooke) Indeed what occurs is the actual place where energy transfer makes land so to speak, coming from higher vibrational realms into the physical body and this will tend to focalize in various areas where it is needed, where that energy transfers best, where these things can be most appropriate. This can be difficult at times for people to visualize or understand in their own bodies and this can of course create a problem. You may find then that you are trying to force that which is showing up in one particular way into a mold, into a way you think it should be.

With the children this shows up in various ways that can at the current time be seen as falling into a few categories. Principally, as has been occurring with adults for about the last 50 years; a significant shift in the second chakra area, more to color pink and additional focus on the pancreas than has occurred before. This is continuing with these children with an addition of a coral color, some call this a coral pink as a common blend between orange and pink showing up in this chakra.

Oftentimes it is placed a little bit higher or lower on the spine than you might expect but most commonly it will show up with a powerful secondary aspect or it can be the primary one right behind the pancreas. In addition, there will usually be a variety of energies in the chakra system associated with the heart that are different from what has been seen in most others.

Typically, you will see this in children approximately age 6 and below. These have a constellation, most commonly you will see three dots, these dots will typically hold three colors with green, yellow, and a very light blue being most common but there can be other colors. These colors tend to rotate, typically you will see these three in a clockwise fashion although this will commonly be as is often seen with chakra systems in the central area that is adjacent to the spine, therefore connected with the governing vessel typically such locations as GV 10 or GV 9.

You will also see this energy pattern swirling near the heart. This moves it a bit to the left side of the body, or right side if you're facing the person and that left side area is that which tends to be more energized and releases energy more strongly down the left arm. This tends to create a completely different sequence in the brain or a sequence in the brain affecting the arm, affecting the heart. It is impossible to say in fact, the interaction between these makes it undesirable to say which is cause and which is effect.

At these levels what will tend to occur is a potential for a swirling of energy that draws in a telepathic communication or can release one but it is not that which is composed of mind sequence, thought sequence, memory or idea. It is much closer to a feeling sense but it is not that either. Those who do not have this energy are often able to work with this but it is usually by translation. You are more used to a love energy in your heart perhaps you have felt it in an embrace. Oftentimes, for these children again typically but not all of them under six years of age, the embrace will be a powerful training tool for understanding and working with this.

As we have often suggested in working with chakra energies, because there is a complex energetic system that produces the phenomena called “chakra,” it is actually an interference pattern. Then it is usually best to utilize your chakras in order to communicate. Not translate typically therefore using primarily sixth chakra, sometimes fifth, but typically sixth for most translations, i.e. what we are doing right now, explaining, speaking in conceptual aspects.

Yes, this utilizes fifth chakra for the actual explanation but the aspects that are primarily coding, working with models, helping you with the visual pattern, these are working with mostly alpha and beta wave radiation associated with the brain. In the way in which these energies then can be translated and understood there is benefit of course because you can explain it, you can write it down. But to really understand it, it is felt in the heart, it is known directly. You have the sense of if you are standing on three, spinning on three, if there were three lights moving around you. If you could balance yourself perfectly across the dimensions, if you could understand and feel this, etc.

As you might guess there are powerful energies more closely associated with the next step up, the tetrahedron in working with the energies not only of six, seventh, but also eighth. Eighth chakra is significantly different particularly in many of these children. This is not so relevant to most people. They are not working with these higher chakra energies very much. But when you investigate this, when you come to understand it, learn with it, play with it, etc. you then must understand as again we suggested communicating to understand the eighth chakra, using your eighth chakra.

You are always going to have the sense that you are stretching, that you are shifting your energies, you are doing things that you have not done before and yet there is some sense of familiarity, some awareness that it is the link, the doorway to all of the higher chakras, an energetic communication to the universe, to an aspect that is not so much related to spirituality as it is to pure creation that then comes into aspects of spirituality because it is that which is the doorway for 9, 10, 11, 12.

It is from that place of communication that you can better understand the eighth chakra of a child. Oftentimes these energies do not relate to color in any of the usual sense. No association even with ultraviolet, or infrared, as is so often the case with the higher chakras, nor gold or silver. Rather, it is an energetic connection that is to a larger aspect as if to a new type of energy itself. As if to the energy of a vacuum, of that of the space between, of that of the larger probability of coming into existence.

The understanding of probability where it manifests in the physical world is a big stretch for most people so that is perfectly in alignment with the eighth chakra. But it is from that stretch that all of the currently available theories and from those most of the practical applications of quantum mechanics, quantum electronics, quantum dynamics have shown up. These have produced a variety of technologies that you use every day such as the laser in your CD player, such as many things in electronics of all types.

But, the understanding of this at the quantum level is a big stretch even for the scientists who have studied it all their lives. It is this energy which is essentially the energy of the vacuum, the energy of the highest probability of the minimum, meaning the energy of nothing that is then most obvious and that which can be worked with. It can produce, when these children grow up, opportunities for various aspects of psychic abilities that have not been seen on the earth since Grecian times and indeed some on earth that have never been seen before.

The problem with this right now is that the energetic field on earth is too dense. It is very difficult to bring these into manifestation even with a high degree of energy. Those children with healthy bodies who are able to regenerate and keep out sufficient electromagnetic and other toxicity may find that in their teenage years and even into young adulthood, probably these energies beginning to surface with the greatest degree of control and understanding at the age of 28, will then be able to manifest these abilities. They will show up initially as telekinesis, the ability to move objects at a distance.  But this will quickly prove tiresome and difficult. Tiresome, not boring but tiresome as that which is resisting a higher energetic field thus causing innervation, lower energy in the children.

However, the opportunity to use this for teleportation will eventually show up and may turn out to be fairly easy. Though it is said it is difficult to be in two places at once, that is exactly what is happening to so many at the current time. Most people are unable to adequately deal with this as simple as texting, driving or texting/walking and all of the problems happening with this. But, the children who are learning this now, growing up with it, will be more adept at it, and the next generation after them. Those children are the ones who will have an easier time of it with teleportation. Not because of their psychic gifts, that will certainly help and that is going to be a good push up but because of their brain training with this increasing work with multitasking.

Multitasking is having its effects of course in so many areas of the world but at least in this one it does appear that it may be beneficial since of course it uses very little in the way of fossil fuels and as a result will tend to assist the environment generally which by that generation will seem more necessary, more important and indeed more valuable than ever before both personally to individuals and to the world at large. So, in opening the area of chakras you see how it connects to so many different things. This aspect must also be seen in terms of location but that is difficult, yes, with the lower chakras it is easy to speak of such as connection to physical body, pancreas, etc.

But, particularly as the chakra energies are associated with higher and higher functions you are essentially dealing with non-physical characteristics so it really does not make sense if you are going to utilize our suggestion to apply physical characteristics i.e. first and second chakra kind of characteristics to higher chakra components. This is the great fallacy in most chakra charts showing what are actually the acupuncture points along the governing vessel meridian and these points though useful and valuable are not the chakras in the sense that we are speaking of but merely locations along the spine that are typically associated with these in your consciousness.

In fact, it is an energy and the energy has a frequency, this is why it is interpreted as various spinning, various patterns, the typical swastika chakra pattern as has come from ancient Indian or Sanskrit history and of course the colors. But, those are translations. In actual effect it is the energy itself, it is that way to communicate with it, to understand it that gives you the door to understand the nature of interference pattern. At the physical level you have one energy, it connects with the energy at the higher vibrational level, these interfere and that produces the patterns.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real)

Hilarion: Which brings us, of course, to this powerful energy which we have spoken about so often that is the driving factor right now behind so many difficulties you're seeing all over the world. In Greece, in Spain, these are making the news right now but it is happening everywhere. Myanmar, Ukraine, Afghanistan, New York City; many individuals are struggling with fear and their reaction to it, their relationship to it, their resistance to it, their ability to misunderstand it over and over pushes them into experiences that bring them consequences they do not want. They are then seeing more and more fear around and so on. The solutions to this we have spoken of in the past. We will speak on them again but it is very important that as people are aware of the difficulties they face particularly the economic difficulties, that they look carefully where is the fear motivating? Where is present? Where is it from keeping me from seeing a larger truth?

False evidence appearing real (FEAR) is a wonderful way of piercing through to understanding what you think is the truth when of course it is not. Of course, overriding this is the most powerful of all that when you die there will be nothing. But, of course you know the truth of this, and this helps a lot. So death is not feared so much. But, secondly your fear of people, because the greatest solution you find over and over is community, people learning from each other, helping each other, sharing with each other and in the very push to separation is the energy that develops, the issue that is being described as the 1% to 99%.

But, at the same time as this is that powerful third issue where the fear is ultimately your greatest obstacle, the fear of your own power. The fear of your own ability to make a shift, to make a change. So for the first step for this for many individuals is that as you are aware of the vision, a way in which community could be created, take steps in such direction and be aware of where the fear is and let it go, find the truth of it, express it, do whatever it takes and then take a step.

The other thing that is so interesting about the summertime, the way in which from this point forward, particularly through the next three month period in the northern hemisphere is this welcoming for doing-ness. For that which has been thought about, planned about, birthed perhaps in the spring now to come into form. Now to be realized. Now to be shared. As you can be aware of this and welcome it you may find other aspects of it are called forth. This does not always mean you overcome your fear, it means sometimes that you are aware of what is happening and are willing to change it by one simple means. What do you think that is?

In the interconnectedness, in the asking for the deeper understanding about love, about the willingness to experience it for yourself, oftentimes these things shift powerfully for you. This idea of separation dissolves so easily by love.


Friday, April 13, 2012


Does tattooing effect the energy body in a negative way or can there be positive outcomes?

Hilarion: Generally, most individuals who tattoo as a result of careful, conscious thought, preparation, and awareness will typically be bringing up energies associated with recent past lives, remanifesting these in some way on their own physical bodies as a reminder. This is typified, of course, with birthmarks, where individuals have this naturally. But at the deeper level, where individuals draw this to themselves, there are particular issues that they are working with.

The reminder by physicalizing that which is a vortex, an energy connection, can be helpful as they are able to bring this into form regularly. The problem, of course, is once they have learned the lesson—once they have received the important information associated with the symbol of that part of the body, or the symbol that is tattooed, or the connection to the past life, or the forgiveness that is necessary in order to clear the issue—then that symbol remains on the physical body.

It is there as a constant reminder. This can be of some help, but for most individuals the opportunity then to remove the tattoo would be strongly advised. Other options in which tattoos are taken wantonly, rapidly, in a time of drunkenness, a time of intrusion by another being (opportunities in which they are done foolishly or without much contemplation or understanding) will inevitably relate to the negative thought form or energy association with someone other than yourself or some issue that you could have resolved otherwise, in an easier manner.

Many times an intruder, then, during such times of drunkenness, as imposing his or her energy, would actually be the one getting the tattoo in a certain sense, to remind them of the issues in the world. Such would of course only be detrimental where individuals then might perhaps use that as a reminder of avoidance of drunkenness or opportunity to release consciousness to others, etc. (there might be some benefit).

But other than that the deeper understanding associated with the tattoo is then largely lost on the individual. In general, of course, understanding the body as a sacred temple, receiving and working with it at every level, is beneficial. But most people don’t do that. They will be tempted to eat foods or imbibe beverages or do things that bring them immediate pleasure without thinking of the consequences of this. Tattooing is the same sort of thing, as the consequences then are lasting for most of your life perhaps.

At the same time as this, however, this is an ancient art, that which has been utilized by many civilizations in the past and has powerful symbology, as individuals may work with those energies to help them identify with, perhaps, certain cultural beliefs, other beings, other tribes, other capacities. In modern times—the symbology of this now being let go of, being seen so much less—[it] is obvious then the larger attention is not on the old ways and the old habit patterns and the old tribes but the larger humanity—as oneness, as connections to all beings, as the opportunity to share and work with all of earth’s energy. As such, therefore, the more modern understanding of this is one that inevitably leads to the body-as-a-temple concept in which, then, tattooing, becomes less and less widely utilized.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Spinal Fluid

What is the symbology of the spinal fluid?

Hilarion: Spine, generally a significant structure that which is overall holding it all together; that which is in your life then promoting the opportunity for the various aspects of structure to communicate with each other to share and particularly because spinal fluid is liquid, that which is the sharing emotionally. All of the different aspects of your life tend to become compartmentalized. You sometimes have a personality with this one, and another one with that one. These so much then ruled and governed by spinal fluid action.

Spinal fluid is an unusual material because it is one of the few things in the human body with any significant alcohol content and it is that which therefore also has the ability to shift consciousness, to put your attunement more onto the physical or more onto the aspects of the spiritual. Here again, the spine as connecting the top all the way to the bottom illustrates the ways in which the structure in your life as related to your blending of the most spiritual and how the most physical is brought into how you create your life; what you do day to day, all of the activities you find yourself engaged in, all of the energies you work with.

The fluid itself will often contain information. But, the information is primarily that of a unique signature to your being, something relating to the aspects that are most important to you in your life. Your ability to perceive this and understand it relates in a way to that which we began speaking about, a unique quality, the unique aspect of you. Where you can better recognize this and find a way to share this with every part in your life. Oftentimes, various problems in spinal fluid and the messages associated with them reveal themselves so they can be corrected.


Cellular Memory

Please give some more clarification on cellular memory. Scientists and therapists often state that physical cells have memory patterns or imprints from other lifetimes. If the body's cells all perish at the time of death for humans here on earth how is it wise for us to understand cellular memory?

Hilarion: For the most part we do not see this as correct. The way it might be ascribed to as correct, if you say,” other lifetimes,” you are then connecting to your physical ancestors, your grandmothers and grandfathers, and all of those which go back in time relating to your own physical. Then those past lives are having significant influence on the cells. Many of the characteristics associated with them do show up in your own physical body; eye color, height, hair color, the various tendencies toward one physical problem or another, etc. So, these are the first things to contend with when changing cellular memory.

As has often been the case in the past we recommend inert gas technologies especially involving Xenon when you wish to make such changes because the ultimate blueprint, the way in which these energies are nonphysical just before they become physical is that which is held in the aetheric body or that which is also called the holo-chakra. This aspect of your nonphysical existence is that which is significantly amplified, strengthened and worked with by the inert gas Xenon energies as released through exposure to magnetic electric field etc.

But, because this must reach all of the cells and work with all of the aspects of the body the other inert gases are helpful too. So as before with working with cellular memory the suggestion is 50% Xenon, 12.5% each, Helium, Neon, Argon and Krypton. This inert gas combination is that which can be helpful for many individuals seeking to change cellular memory, to better communicate with it, better understand it. In particular, helpful where there are physical characteristics you see as inherited ones that you would like to change. Areas you would like to understand better or work with more consciously.

Cellular memory relating to past lives that are of your own individual consciousness exist also. It is usually a more faint imprint on the physical body but it is there because you selected that physical body because of its characteristics so there will of course be an echo of that which is previous in your own consciousness. Though, that may be essentially created by the ancestry of the physical it still is present to some extent because of the choices you make.

Secondly, where there has been significant trauma, where you have experienced various aspects that are incomplete from your past lives you will tend to override the physical existence and bring that in. This can be particularly interesting in the pursuit of information about the existence of past lives as for instance has been studied by Ian Stevenson and his work with this around birthmarks or areas relating to trauma that come from a recent past life into your own physical existence here is very interesting to contemplate with regards to your own physical body.

Where there is a birth mark or some discoloration or some tendency or weakness, or in the case of something very significant that which might be seen as either accidental or that which simply showed up spontaneously, it does not matter. It is still that which in your own physical body is a reminder to delve into the past and because this is usually an aspect that is in some way incomplete for you, find a way to complete it, to forgive, to shift the energy.

Oftentimes, you elect this as you are mapping out the potentials for your own physical body. You elect this very deliberately so that you will be reminded of it your entire life. Oftentimes it is so deeply placed within the physical body that even should you correct this it shows up anyway, it remains on the physical body particularly if it is not life-threatening. Some individuals do elect to change this be it by plastic surgery or some significant altering of the physical. When you recognize its true value you honor it. You recognize it as part of your physicality and you say then I accept this reminder. I look at this issue and hold it in my consciousness as an important aspect for my life.

Hilarion through Jon Fox http://hilarion.com/

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Impact of Removing Wisdom Teeth

Hilarion: Acupuncture meridians have termination points in all of the teeth. As the meridians can shift and change energies, different ways in which these energies transfer into the body will change. This happens with every action on the teeth as well as any other part of the body.

But, the energies in the digestive system may be particularly sensitive to this. In the removal of wisdom teeth, it is important that the individual is then deliberately attuning to their own digestive system. It is not just the meridians but the sense of the whole system, its ability to better take in energy. It is no accident that they are called wisdom teeth, you are chewing up your food and this is an action of symbolism for chewing up knowledge, chewing up what is coming to you in the world, and it's the first step in digestion.

A nice way to present this is with a little stretch at this point by reminding you simply as you move the body, as you open to receive information, knowledge and energy in ways that are not verbal. Simply with the action of moving the arms especially the body, moving the legs. Simply recognizing the natural ability to receive. This natural ability is diminished with the removal of any tooth but especially wisdom teeth.

So it is a reminder to people where possible to put particular attention on this. One excellent exercise for the next month or so after wisdom teeth are removed is to touch those points below the teeth on the outside of the jaw very lightly with the finger and then move them up slightly or down slightly towards the open teeth area. The idea is that now you are reconnecting, you are shifting those acupuncture points and those energies into the mouth more easily so they may then more easily accept and work with the energies.


Hilarion comments on Psoriasis

Hilarion: There was also a question about the skin disease, Psoriasis which is often symbolized by dryness, redness and all of the ways in which the body then can react to red foods and various foods for which it is not easily adapted by quickly bringing them to the surface. It is also an autoimmune difficulty for similar reasons. The body unable to deal with these foods appropriately.

Oftentimes, healing foods such as raw cream, raw tomatoes, all the raw red foods as bell peppers or strawberries have benefit in bringing these into the action of assisting with removal of toxic cooked red materials. These are then more easily flushed from the body when the raw materials are present thus reducing the action of this disease.


Hilarion Comments on Fifth Density

So, since one of the questions is about what is it like to live at Fifth density; a sort of meaningless number but that which relates to consciousness, that which relates to where humanity is heading and many aspects of Earth as well. That is the most important, that sense that in this conflict between limitation and the limitless, you choose with all of your being the limitless.

When you are choosing with even a significant portion of your own consciousness that which is limited against your better judgment, against your better understanding, against your heart you are of course creating all kinds of internal conflicts. Creating ideas and aspects within you for the purpose of learning about yourself and interacting with other people, providing various balancing ways of karma and things you might think are important. Etc. the list is nearly infinite but not quite.

Because near the bottom of the list is something along the lines of; enough of this. It is as if just waiting, just reminding the greatest gift of existence simply this awareness that all of it, is. So, as a consequence of this, the way you would experience life in Fifth Density would of course be significantly different.

The aspects of what are most important to you, it is as if they are turned upside down and because things tend to be speeded up in terms of the transformation between thoughts and reality: two things happen. For those beings whose thoughts are so powerfully focused on lack, limitation, insufficiency that's what they create and for them the world pinches in and becomes more difficult and there are many aspects of it that are quite troubling.

But, For those who have convinced themselves, who have noticed the truth of this, who have in some way directly experienced the limitlessness of their existence, that is amplified. So, the consequences of that then come to the manifestation of thought, almost instantaneously as matter. The manifestation of your consciousness in the world as that which would feed you, so food, clothing, shelter all become unnecessary. They are there to play with, to enjoy. They are there as you might play a game of chess or table tennis.

But, they are simply there for you to choose from and play with and of course what you come into naturally is an expansion of ways in which this is valuable to your soul which inevitably takes you to one place and that place is one in which the masters, helpers, many beings who wish to assist planet earth have come to. Because in their own evolution they no longer have this conflict, because they understand at the intrinsic level the limitlessness of all existence. Because thought is so quickly manifested as exactly that which you would desire or create. What there is to do is primarily help others, assist those who are unwilling, who are unable, impossible to work with, etc.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What would be the best advice to clear land and make it more fertile?

Hilarion: In "Secrets of the Soil," this was discussed extensively. The towers of power, use of various rocks and materials in addition to this we suggest the inert combination called,"Vitality," as that which is a powerful, beneficial way of connecting and sharing energies. This can be utilized in so many different ways: 18% helium; 36% neon, 46% xenon; pendant, the devices buried in the land, electro-magnetics, all different ways it can be used.

But, intent is most important. If your intent in creating the land as that which is home, that which is place of fertility, of love; intent as you create it. This is most important; walking the land, sharing the intent with the animals, the plants, feeling your feet in the earth and holding a crystal and squeezing it while you walk the land and speak of such matters. Then burying the crystal in the earth; a symbolic act but also some powerful energies associated with this. No technique is immune each has its own benefit but the clear most important message is your own prayer, your own energy; your willingness to share, love, connect and receive.

This is the other side. Receiving the messages of the land. Letting it speak to you as to what it needs. This can also be very important and ways in which the plants in particular communicating through their own Devic symbols and the energies associated with them. This is also very important and relates specifically to dreams. To dream of these things particularly at the time of full and new moon. Welcome this by incubating the dream. Awaken yourself in the early morning; 3a.m. perhaps. Think on such matters, walk the land a bit and then go back to sleep. Receiving the messages and when you awake write them down. These are powerful techniques that have much value.

The most powerful in all of these is when you can project your consciousness out of your body and while you are out of the body you are projecting powerful energies to the land. The reason for this is that you are not putting very much energy on the physical body having to keep it going, you are letting it go, leaving it behind you. This can often present powerful, healing energies and cement your better communication with the Devic orders, the spirits of nature, and the subtle energies all around you.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hilarion Comments on AIDS

AIDS is a manufactured virus in a laboratory. People working towards this as a weapon that which has been widely disseminated worldwide and is having its effect on various populations to a large extent the way the planners saw this as coming forth. As a result, it is more difficult to effect a complete cure.

However, it is noted that this virus is that which has opportunity to infect and work with people with significant levels of lowered resistance, lowered energies in many different aspects of their lives through drug use, through poor diet and other means are often seen.

Aloe vera, in particular, appears to be very helpful in many different ways particularly taken internally and minimally processed to assist along with all of the aspects of the Primal Diet. 

Most importantly is the rebalancing of the acid alkaline as is applied to all viruses. As a result one can have AIDS and yet maintain a fairly healthy, long life even with this virus present in the body and even to the point in which it has little effect because dietary means have been applied. Particularly, the Primal Diet by Vonderplanitz as mentioned. Indeed, there are several individuals who have been doing this with great success already.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hilarion on Thoughts

Q, Please discuss the power of thought in positive/negative manifestations that we can use in a positive way.

Hilarion: It is as if the real essence to this is not just the way of thinking that you are used to, but those ways that go beyond this, that incorporate the intuition, that incorporate other ways of thinking than you have had before. This is a very important key.

Thoughts are things. As you manifest through your thoughts, these energies exist indeed at the nonphysical level. If you think on something over and over, it is actually manifesting on a nonphysical level. If this is continued and continued long enough, it will eventually manifest at the physical level. You may think that that's a good thing if what you are thinking about is, for instance, a million dollars. But if they all have associated with them the fear of not being able to pay your rent, then there will be fear associated with those million dollars, and perhaps then they would be stolen from you, or they would somehow get you into trouble and other problems.

And so, you will see that the real key to this is the unconscious thought which will usually be related to an emotion. The emotion can usually be traced back to fear on some level. Fear is that which is held within the consciousness because the individual indeed has made a mistake about recognizing reality. Try this one: False Evidence Appearing as Real, F-E-A-R. So that perhaps you can understand the real truth of it. Because if the worse came to the worst, perhaps what you would say that the end result of your fear is that you would die, how is that the worst of the worst? It simply means that you become nonphysical, that your energy moves to another vibrational level.

In other words, how much can you really take seriously all the emotions you have built on top of the fear? When you get right down to the heart of it and have the fear and see that you are still there, still existing, still alive, still interacting, still loving, still being loved, it gives you pause.

In this way your thoughts are shaped to perhaps be in touch with the very energy that keeps you alive, the essence energy, as the basis at an emotional level from which the thought is based, from which those things you wish to accomplish or manifest are put into action, not because they are going to be more or less effective--whatever energies of the emotions and the thoughts are put into action have effect in the world--but because those energies are in alignment with the larger plan, the one of inter-connectivity, of greater love, of clarification, of this way in which all grow together as opposed to just one.

These are general ideas, but can be put into very specific ideas once you understand them. For instance, if you are in contact with any specific issue that you are wishing to change and you can ferret out the fear associated with it, have the fear and put in a new thoughtform that is connected to a new energy, that feels genuinely, terribly, incredibly, powerfully positive every time you have that thought, that direct association with that loving, expansive, wonderful energy, and it's not one that you're just laying on top of the fear, but the fear itself has indeed been released and this new energy is in place, quickly as those thoughts manifest, they come about in the world in a way that will self-perpetuate and continue even greater joy, love, caring.

This is a principle that is described by Lynn Grabhorn in her book, "Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting," and is not really understood so well by most beings because they haven't a direct physical experience of it. And that's why you come into physical bodies. You have these suppositions, these hypotheses, how things work in the world, well let's find out for real, and so you put it into a body to discover it.

If you can at least begin at that place, acknowledging the experiences you have created in body, in physical reality, you can then begin to see the powerful loving reward energy, the sense that says to you, "You have done it anyway." This energy can sometimes be an excellent beginning point at taking apart those false evidences appearing as real, seeing the real truths among them, and opening them to new levels of love, caring, and other energies.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Arab Spring (Karma)

Hilarion: in the Middle East right now, many powerful ramifications of what has been termed “Arab Spring,” the idea that the people in those countries relate more to each other than the leaders of those countries. This is a powerful message that has been very difficult for Israelites to understand and yet it is the fundamental message. What is coming through now in dreams, in the actions of the guides and helpers, energies of the other side,” meet your neighbors.”

To the Palestinians, to the Israelis,” cross the border, become friends.” This is a unique opportunity to set aside what your leaders have told you and discover for yourself, find a kinship, find a family, find a loving, find a possibility here. When this is more available, when people write about it, when it is shared in ways that others can accept it, can expand beyond this, can expand to the neighboring countries especially into Syria and the areas of continued repression and difficulty in the Middle East. When the sense of greater brotherhood, greater fraternity, greater respect and the powerful messages. The powerful messages that have been present in Israel about women can be better understood and accepted in the Islamic countries much benefit can take place.

Israel is entrenched. Much of the Arab world recognizes this, although Arab leaders will speak of it as though somehow it will be removed and Israel will somehow disappear. The people who live there know this is absolutely not going to happen. The opportunity to live with your neighbor, to learn about them, to become somehow friendly, this is ultimately more important than any religious idea, then any thought pattern that is simply there to provide power to the leader who provides that thought. This is the great opportunity of peace in this region. Not peace in the sense that it relates to the political leaders, the economic issues but the people themselves. After all, think of the karma, think of the energy associated with your own consciousness if you chose to be born a Palestinian or to be born in Israel. The powerful lessons, the balancing opportunities for you and so on.

As this is all occurring, there is greater and greater intensity and focus on communication through the Internet, through various specifics such as Facebook, Twitter. Such as all of the ways in which people can work with this so it expands and expands until it reaches a point of a powerful, critical shift. This has already occurred in some other countries and between the Palestinians and the Israelis some new thoughts around this are now beginning to appear. A way in which the world is told we want to find some deeper connection here. These people deserve just as we do all the opportunities for life, for existence, for understanding.

It is true that at the same time as this there is some backward movement that, “Arab Spring” has produced. In addition to all kinds of ideas of freedom, many aspects of intensification, of fundamentalist religious principles that are essentially exclusionary. It is these very principles that are being mirrored in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because these principles must be discarded.

Those principles that allow greater acceptance, greater love, greater connection are the only ones that can yield any sense of solution to the issues. No people cannot be wiped out. There are simply too many and to accept that this is even possible is going to go again back to the karmic issue, the sense that you are seeking revenge because of what happened to your brother, your father, your mother, or even more difficult, to you in a past life.

It is hoped that as people will recognize this essential sense of greater freedom, the powerful energies that are poured into this place will be better understood. Many eyes are on the countries where there is greater repression and as this shifts more energy for freedom becomes available. What will you do with this? Can it be more than simply an existence in which you have more choices? Could it also be a better use of your time here? When we spoke before about evil, we spoke about it truly being a matter of ignorance.

The powerful question, the aspect that draws you to your center, the energy that shifts you is possible to discover and when people in the world are willing to ask each other such powerful questions, when they are willing to ask themselves these questions this becomes more widespread. It becomes ultimately the thing to do. It becomes for many an act of love and so such questions as, "is it truly appropriate to allow in religious thought that which would exclude, hurt, destroy? How do you feel about that? What do you sense in your heart about it?"

These are indeed useful questions to ask yourself about your own religion and not necessarily what you would call religion in the usual sense, such as your adherence to a particular faith such as Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam but rather the things that you hold near and dear. The aspects of your life, those that when you question them you might feel uncomfortable, do so. Question them. Find a way in which you may ask more penetrating questions such as: what are you really here for? Given that you are going to leave all of this behind who or what is really experiencing you right now? And so on.

As you are able to ask the penetrating questions, you do not have to have answers. You can simply sit in the place of discomfort as you ask and know that this is mirrored or others are willing to produce some similar level of discomfort, probably questions that would be much easier for you to answer. Still though, as this can be shifted many of the aspects in which the hiding from the sense of connection to others in religion, that can be shifted, that can be released and then the opportunity for celebration, for connection, for love might indeed be magnified between the Palestinians and those in Israel until these energies might be shared with the world. What a powerful and important example if love can be found there.
