Thursday, September 28, 2017

Subliminal Affirmations and Their Affect On Disease
Can subliminal affirmations, be they presented sequentially or simultaneously to the subconscious mind help cure disease or change physical conditions and afflictions? To what extent are they able to erase or override existing patterns of the subconscious?

Hilarion: It has been suggested that approximately one third of the diseases that people are experiencing are psychosomatic in nature. Meaning that there is a direct link to some powerful attribute in the their consciousness; their ability to communicate perhaps, their ability to be truthful and loving with themselves perhaps; their ability to perceive and work with the energies around them in a more conscious fashion and the resistance to this and the difficulty it provides being that which is the fundamental basis for disease.

We would disagree with that number and put it of course much higher. But, by the mere fact that there does seem to be a consensus that a third is indeed performed by those, clearly anything that will shift your consciousness, be it as subliminal or many other possibilities would be valuable.

It is also noted that when an individual is focusing attention on the opportunity to change their own consciousness and thus shift their own disease or their own pattern of disease they will often recognize the tremendous value of multi-modal stimulation; of things happening simultaneously. That you are doing it not only with a subliminal that is audible but one that is also visual, one that also affects you at a feeling sense, one which works perhaps with smell or taste. These are important to recognize also as having beneficial effects because they work in different areas of the brain simultaneously.

But, it is to be noted that there is within this aspect a great mystery, why then this particular tendency? It has been blamed on genetics but so much has been observed of the way genetics aren't dynamic. They can be shifted. Energetics associated with them can be those which are changed through consciousness, through drugs, through herbs, through lifestyle changes, even through various forms of exercise and where you are putting your consciousness.

The result of this is that there can be a little confusion about all of this. But, we would note over and over that when you ask the right questions you begin to perceive this at a more available, helpful, level. This “why,” sort of question can be quite profound. It can take you into your past lives. It can take you into your reason for coming here. Oftentimes, these energies are those which are fighting against the energies of subliminals. A subliminal that gives you some impotence to change in the way of rejecting or pushing out the very reason you are here in the first place would obviously give a lot of confusion.

So, we would suggest that as you become able to accept and to see the pattern as it moves through you and see that it is that which is showing up and is if then almost like a sniffing dog seek out and release resistance. You may find a great deal more information, more understanding, more consciousness coming through and help you in determining the appropriate affirmation. The one that is life affirming, purpose affirming; but also that which is able to help with clearing of the condition or disease.

We've often stated that in those languages, particular such as English, where rhyme can be utilized that a sort of affirmation or phrase has a deeper effect and that is because it lingers in the consciousness. So, also that which is musical which affects more languages and includes that of the English language where the words can be carried by music and that music can bring into your consciousness a repetitive function. But, always with the warning that this should not be in that which is opposing some aspect in your consciousness that you are here to learn and to know and need to work with. For this, forgiveness is tremendously powerful. An energy that brings more love to the situation and allows and lets the message that is coming through by that which is in your own consciousness.

Any aspect you use in which you are determining or working with the psycho-spiritual attributes of disease, if it is to be successful must also apply to children. This is the more difficult filter where a child comes in with some powerful disease; the drugs, the treatment utilized by surgery, by various tools that the medical profession has, they can be successful for awhile. Sometimes those children grow up to be doctors; the ones who are going to continue some of this healing.

But, sometimes indeed these fall far short. That is simply because the acknowledgment of this powerful karmic attribute that the child has come into clear is not acknowledged, welcomed or understood. It is often so strong within those children that anyone around them asking the right questions can perceive it. What does the soul want here? What is the soul crying out for? What is the higher consciousness connected to this child looking to receive and know from me right now?

These three questions might be very interesting to ask around such children instead of, “oh, why is this happening and what can we do about it?” Oftentimes, these messages when fully understood will lead to a miraculous healing. A way in which the child will indeed be able to experience this. But, sometimes there is an intervening factor where the child is caring deeply for those around him or her and asking that they be acknowledged in their good work and their jobs. So, miraculous healing would be inappropriate because it would show them that those actions of the medical profession are not those of maximum importance, but this understanding of the soul truly is.

All of it works together of course, and in each individual you have a particular path which is unique and different from one to the next. But, it is important to acknowledge and work with all of it where possible. Always, though, when you come up with any blanket statement where you are looking at be it as psycho spiritual implications of affirmations or the unconscious or subliminals you must look at the application of this at every age, in every culture, in every race and begin to understand this from the point of view of the soul. What is the soul trying to learn with the subliminal? It is trying to have some deeper insight or understanding into itself. Into its’ awareness and Its consciousness.

Oftentimes, this is easily available again when asking the right question. One which we posed earlier tonight where you are asking at every level, the soul speaking through you. Who or what is experiencing this right now? This is not an easy question to answer sometimes it takes you to a place of, “I don't know.” That can be a beautiful answer in and of itself if you simply allow yourself to rest in, “I don't know. “ There is a powerful energy there. A different kind of energy that you can contact by other means. An energy that wants to move. By holding this energy, this, “I don't know,” or this who or what is experiencing this right now... in your hands. Then you can recognize a movement as if the hands themselves want to express this. Perhaps, with a sweeping motion, perhaps with an opening gesture. How could you allow your body to stretch into, “who or what is experiencing this right now?” The gesture of the shoulders shrugging is a powerful one. It is for some cultures the epitome of, “I don't know.”

But, it is also a place where people will tend to hold tension and energy. It is a good time right now to let this go. To see that stretch as its own sort of Qigong movement in your own imagination, in your own consciousness. What is the movement that represents who or what is experiencing this right now? This body? This breathing? ThIs sitting here?  This questioning? Who or what is experiencing this? So, you see of a way in which you can incorporate this question into your daily life. Into many parts of your being. Sometimes this is more powerful than any subliminal or any affirmation because it gets at the truth of your being and it allows you to let go of some of the rest of it. We've actually seen some miraculous healings with that and these are often in harmony with your reason for being here.

September 21, 2017

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Free Energy Technology
Hilarion: There is a question about free energy technology in which some of it would appear to have the necessity to collect energy or to work with it in various ways that relates to consciousness- to people thinking about it, to being aware of it. 

This is one of nature's facets, this interconnectedness that you are then aware of the nature spirits is similar in a way when you are involved with those aspects of the mechanical world, the electrical world, the energetic world, the sub-atomic or those associated with the cosmic.

There is a scientific side to this of course and that is very important to understand and work with the scientific theories and working with them as much as you can and so on, but oftentimes the very reason a person is involved with such things is because of the wonder, the awe, the beauty, the majesty, elegance that they sense as these things are made known to them.

Thus, when you are in such a position to create an energetic technology touch that first, the awe. It works! How wonderful! Have a sense of it. This is often the collective consciousness energy saying this is possible. Sometimes this is important not just for you personally because many of the energies associated with these technologies are not derived from simple chemical energy such as burning of fuels nor photonic energy such as that derived from the Sun, but subtle energies relating to the space between electrons and nuclei or the space between the nuclei themselves. This empty space energy has a connectedness also. It is this connectedness that is vast and in understanding or welcoming it, it does assist in bringing it more physical.

Now, with certain technologies it is more important than others but in all of this it is very important for the person who is involved in this to experience this in their own way. It is often this sense of awe or wonder that also leads you in a sense of creativity or openness or awareness to the next idea and the next. Ultimately, this has its purpose too, in an awareness to something beyond yourself; something back to this connectedness to the whole, to the way in which all of these energies are aware of so much.

Which brings us of course to the understanding of a great teacher in this regard. There are many and many have written and spoken about this but one who has inspired so many is the individual Rudolph Steiner and the awareness of the sense of what he was able to bring into the world was indeed so beautiful and so helpful that for many it became a sort of religion. To use these teachings out of the original context could be a definition of religion, that indeed these teachings were about the wonder of nature, the way in which all things co-create and his work had a tremendous degree of focus on the blending of science and all other aspects; art, philosophy, agriculture and these scientific discoveries of the time.

So of course, if you stop that, if you don't use the scientific discoveries of this time then you are missing that underlying point. One of the most important aspects of this of course karmically available right now is brain science. Brain science has not yet been applied to children because of course it is difficult to put children into the analytical devices, principally MRI technology, that are being utilized in order to see how the brain works. But, all of this as it changes and what is being learned from and what experiments are being done with children needs to be integrated with the understanding that is brought through Steiner's work. Schools, called the Waldorf system have within them some of this rigidification, this turning it into a religion but this is simply losing sight of those original ideas in which there was this powerful and important blending of the channeled wisdom, of the subtle aspects, of the observation of nature and the science that was available at the time.

Science, as it is available now can gradually but consistently be integrated with this for much further development and understanding. At the same time, teachers who enter into various opportunities, Waldorf schools primarily to teach using these systems are going to be pushed by their guides, by subtle energies, by the Earth, by all of these things that are present to do this. To integrate the knowledge, to use their own hearts, their own wisdom, their own love, and coordinate this with the patience and loving teachings that Steiner so lovingly and powerfully advocated. In doing so, they will be hard-pressed to face their own fears, they must not fall back on various ways in which they use an excuse, they use somebody's other idea, some misconception about karma, or nutrition, or schooling or whatever it is simply to avoid their own fear. Because, as they experience it, of course they can let it go and come to a place of greater understanding.

June 21, 2000

Hilarion: Let us begin with the issue of chemtrails, contrails, sometimes called emissions from various jets, etc. This has been a problem that many have noticed in the last few years, and yet as much as has been asked about it, as much as people request information, very little is forthcoming. There are a number of scientists working with large corporations, and chemical producers, and a number of other beings, who are quite concerned about global warming on your planet. 

Indeed, the recent record rise in temperatures worldwide is making it increasingly likely that to even your most skeptical scientists, the issue of global warming will be accepted as a true fact on your planet. A simple question to ask is, "What is being done on your planet to increase the percentage of oxygen in your atmosphere?" Obviously much is being done to increase the percentage of carbon dioxide, which is contributing to the global warming effect. Your atmosphere is a balance of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen. Nitrogen levels tend to be fixed, and it is oxygen which is quite variable. So that is the obvious solution--increase the oxygen to decrease the carbon dioxide. It is the ratio of these that determines global warming. This solution is not being accepted on your planet because of course what it means is growing lots more plants, and just the opposite is happening--large portions of your forests are being cut down to make room for people to live.

So, these scientists have proposed that aluminum particles be added to the exhausts of jets in various ways, adding this to jet fuel, adding it to particular exhaust systems, worked with catalytic converters, various jet engines and various other means are being developed to emit these reflective particles to reflect the rays of the Sun so that less global warming takes place on your planet. 

Their efforts in this regard are laudable, and the effects disastrous, because, of course, people are breathing in various aluminum compounds as a result of this. This is indeed affecting health. Some of these programs have been utilized for the dispersal of biological agents, various other toxic materials that cannot be easily disposed of by other means, even radioactive elements and other means. But the majority of those involved in these projects are specifically dispersing highly reflective materials, with aluminum being the cheapest of these, for the idea of reducing global warming.

Now, of course, if such a solution was proposed worldwide, it would be rejected. Nobody would want to be breathing that stuff. But, at the same time, if this was rejected and people began to look at the areas where none of these chemtrails were utilized and global warming was particularly problematic, the blame would go right where it belongs--onto those government policies, advertising, and other aspects that are encouraging people to destroy your planet, to make more room for factories, for people, for chemicals and all of the rest of it. So you see that for the time being in this unstable situation, these difficulties will continue. 

Now, the larger solution to this is not one that can be done individually, very easily, but small steps in this regard can always be taken. For anyone in an urban area, it only makes sense to be involved somehow in regreening your city--rooftop greenhouses, bringing as much green material, living plants, in any way possible on your planet just makes sense. 

Of course, the discontinuation of fossil fuels will be an important avenue. But you see the tremendous destruction that this will cause on your planet. However, nonphysically, the technological devices to replace the internal combustion engine--or should we call it, "the infernal combustion engine"--these techniques have already been developed, and many indeed at the physical level have utilized them, have produced alternate energy sources and these are not being accepted widely on your planet quite yet. 

The main reason for this: fear and ego, no different than it used to be. Here, the emphasis will tend to sort of flip-flop between them. Fear by those companies that want to stop these inventions, scaring the inventors from bringing it out. Ego: buying them off, allowing them somehow to sense that they have completed their lives, they have done what they came here to do because they have made millions of dollars, not because they have contributed something useful.

But, that is not the greatest difficulty, and another of these subprojects is underway to push forward with the many dozens of such inventions. The whole idea of altruism, that there will be some inventor somewhere on your planet, or group, who develops an alternative technology who is notwilling to accept profit for it. Rather than try to patent it, hold on to it, restrict it, they will make the information widely available via the Internet or other means so that everyone can produce such equipment in their own backyard, or by the use of commonly available materials. This way will, of course, stop the old ways of pollution and other mechanisms, but it will not put very much, perhaps even no money at all, in the pockets of the inventors. And so you see how this does indeed allow them to grow up around the issue of fear and ego, ego especially, because they might not even be acknowledged for their contribution, and that would have to be fully acceptable to such a being. 

Where does this sort of altruism start? In the popular consensus, in the energy within you, as the leading edge of those who come to understand new methods of thought and understanding and awareness. So, also in your heart does such then come from love, love of your fellow beings, love of the animals on your planet, love of clean air and clear water and potentials to make things more beautiful, and so on. It is this energy also that allows you to love into existence the possibility that your identity is going to be just fine whether you have your job or you lose it, whether you make money from whatever it is you are doing--in this situation it would be the oil companies, the automobile companies, and others involved in energy production. They would all be out of a job. They would be afraid of this. Would you be afraid of it if it happened to you? You would be, under many circumstances, until you see the larger issue that what the cost is of this, the cost to your world, the cost to your planet.

There are many of these developments for low cost technologies currently underway, and these are going to come out if you look for them, and many of them are already published on the Internet. Simple searches will show you them when you look under "free energy," "alternative energy," "low cost energy," and "non-polluting energy" as useful tools. 

But, here again in a certain sense we stray from this larger program, because these technological advances in themselves mean nothing. It is only going to buy you time on Earth for the larger aspect of this plan which will entail the manifestation of all of these beings simultaneously. This is a tough one, you know. The nonphysical beings right now coexist with you, and this is relatively easy because they don't have to eat, they don't have to have shelter, they don't have to have a job as a result, therefore. You think jobs are scarce now? With 50 billion of you on the planet, there is going to be indeed a lot more emphasis on automation and other means that are going to make jobs even more scarce (except for lawyers, of course, at least the way things are going).

Understanding the way these energies are unfolding will help you greatly in acknowledging what is going on with the nonphysical beings, because their energy is no different than yours in essence. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Growth Hormones

Popular Science magazine reported a study about Yoda, the mouse who doubled his lifespan as he couldn’t produce any growth hormone. Are humans who experiment with growth hormones going to have troubles?

Hilarion: Yes. It is inevitable, as individuals work with artificial substances—extractions of materials, distillations, and so on—that they will make discoveries. The discoveries will lead them, inevitably, to new discoveries and so on. A lot of doingness. At the same time, however, those opportunities to receive naturally encouraging, balanced growth are necessary. Extremely small-statured people who live a long time are not necessarily the best solution.

The point is that as these discoveries are made eventually the underlying issues of the resonance of these various chemicals and other substances with the sunlight energy will be discovered. The innate capacity to receive the energy of the sun, the innate nurturing, manifesting force on your planet—that which is strongly influencing you by the manifestation of tremendous magnetic fields interacting with helium in tremendous quantity. These and other energies associated with the sun are transformed by various materials, blocked by other materials—those which in their various ways make their way through these different materials into the human body. 

So, those who feel the great strength or benefit from human growth hormone or other substances (distilled, separated) may at times be only deluding themselves—that in the long term you must contemplate the cosmoethical implications, that the studies done initially to promote these substances were funded by those companies that produced them. Here are little hints, then, as you study and work with this that indeed those aspects that relate to the diet of your ancestors (those are the most natural foods possible) are the easiest, therefore, for you to utilize.

At its core you are correct in observing that growth hormone in itself has both positive and negative aspects. It is, however, much more than most people realize, as the basis of organic time travel—that which has been utilized by other races and will eventually be understood by humans. In the meantime the focus on time travel will remain at the purely technological and, as such, will be outside ability for most humans to utilize for perhaps the next 20 or 25 years. After that time the understanding of the true potential of this as a beneficial activity and opportunity to do it without harm will be made available.

In the meantime individuals will understand that artificial substances, the more powerful they are—such as human growth hormone—can have unforeseen side-effects that are also quite powerful, such as significantly shortened lifespan. As this is understood the deeper cosmoethical imperative gradually emerges—the opportunity to do out of the beingness (not out of profit, not out of greed; especially not out of fear that indeed something is scarce). Fear (false evidence appearing as real [F.E.A.R.]) reminding you to look carefully at the belief pattern you have held about what you are afraid of, [that] what you see as scarce in this case can be let go of. That is perhaps the deeper reminder, if at all possible, of this little discovery.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Fear of Death
What is the fear of death that we have that enables us to be manipulated? How would we be different if we didn't have the fear of death?

Hilarion: If you truly didn't have it, given what is on your planet, the level of suffering, the level of difficulty balanced against the reward; a hug, a kind word from time to time. Would you choose it? Many would not. Many would say it really isn’t worth the fear, the struggle, the pain, the difficulty. I choose to leave right now. 

But, when they begin such a process right now in the times of great depression or difficulty they find so many biological imperatives to survive, so many energies about love and the possibility of the ways in which this could magnify and be something truly valuable and so many ways in which their soul has spoken to them about this that they decide to stay.

Because this has happened to them many, many times; many, many lifetimes. This does eventually coordinate with the biological imperative to be alive and manifests as fear of death. At some point the real understanding of this emerges that the choice to be here is stronger than the choice to leave and is not made based on fear. But, is based instead on love, on indeed the opportunity to embrace, to love, to be touched by others.

December 21, 2015