Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mars and Its Effect On The Stock Market
 Jill: In the book The Mars Connection, Maurice B. Cooke correlates the activity of the stock market with the conjunctions of Mars and other planets. Is it possible to accurately predict the stock market with astrology, and what can you say about the tremendous growth we are seeing in certain markets?

 Hilarion: This predictive capacity is possible. It has, in fact, been accomplished by a few rare individuals whose karma it was to perceive and note this. Such a detour, to know by such accuracy the ups and downs of the market, this gave them in many cases huge fortunes, and of course turned their spiritual evolution in some ways backwards. 

 But, it must be understood that the evolution of humanity beyond the requisite reduction of consciousness by money is important for this millennium. And it is also important that people understand money's use. For this reason, there has been in the various stock markets--now especially high-tech stocks, as symbolized by the recent rise in the Nasdaq index--the awareness within consciousness that people want to see things change, as symbolized by technology. But they also see this in the way in which it represents greater communication amongst individuals.

The stock markets are manipulated. Many of these manipulations are coming from a few individuals. Such individuals are those on planet Earth naturally being presented with powerful energies of a nonphysical nature by various intruders--the sort of thing we've spoken of in the past. Yet, you must understand at its deepmost level, the energies of Mars do play a powerful role here and at the same time, the energies of many people's consciousness in an awareness that they can have greater abundance, can have greater fluidity with money and so on, but at the same time take greater risks so far as distractions go, might be useful to understand.

Therefore, "What would you do with the money" is the most important question. If you made a big, as the expression goes, killing (think about that one for a moment) in the stock market, and this of course benefited you, then how would you use the money? This, of course, tells you what you should be doing right now to the most that you can, to the way in which you would then put those energies into action.

The other side to it is that it seems likely that although some minor pullbacks as a result of the Y2K difficulties will ensue, that these stock markets will continue to expand. This may not take place immediately because of the lags and difficulties likely to be felt through the first half of the year 2000. But the result of this is not a recommendation for you to stick your money in the stock market, but to understand its meaning of a consensus, a drawing together, a place in which people can focus their energy.

If this can be seen as a powerful symbol for humanity, then perhaps other things might take its place at some point in humanity's future. The symbol of abundance, of awakening, of that which has real meaning--perhaps that which you can take with you--will come forward. And that is one beautiful symbol about the stock market. Not just that when you have the money and then you die, you can't take it with you. 

When you have the money in a stock, you can't spend it. You can't take it with you in that moment to the grocery store or anyplace else. You must cash in your stock first. You must cash in the knowledge, the awareness that you gained on Earth, the love, in a way in which you truly know it to the core of your soul before you can take it with you into the intermissive period. It's a subtle symbol in a certain way because so many involved in the stock market don't get it until they lose their shirts (another beautiful symbol, isn't it?), and those shirts having been lost, they then do something different with their lives. It is unfortunate that they don't get the larger message about taking their gains with them and what they have learned. In the way in which, for instance, that money would be put to very good use, not to make more money, but perhaps to help others.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hilarion on The Spiritual Purpose of Poison Oak and Poison Ivy
Hilarion: You see that the two most important poisonous plants: poison oak and poison ivy are very much about forgiveness. They are very much about finding a stronger path, about forgiving the inner enemy within yourself. There is more of the emotional body component with poison oak. It relates to a much taller tree that it grows near and more of the aetheric body component associated with poison ivy where it is similar in some ways to a low growing plant.

But, beyond this you see here that the general idea in utilizing this flower essence is unique and distinct from the homeopathic use of this which is primarily at the physical level. Rather, it is a way in which the forgiveness penetrates deeply into your understanding of that which you would call, “an enemy.” That which is outside of you, that which irritates you, that which is seemingly harmful or drawing of energy in your life but, as you recognize this emotionally you begin to recognize shame.

As you recognize this aetherically you begin to recognize the importance of healing and shifting the nature of how you work with this. These are ways in which these plants can be helpful and now what we are suggesting for those who are interested in a big blast to shift this is the combining of these two. This is principally recognized for instance that in USA you see the poison ivy much more on the eastern portion of the country and the poison oak in the western. So, as soon as you combine these you are additionally taking on a very interesting energy associated with USA in particular. The sense of the change now coming into consciousness around immigration. This is the forgiving of the inner immigrant, the person you are afraid of, the person who brings shame into your life and the person as an archetype that you are ready to accept now.
Because at its core it relates to the forgiveness of a very powerful collective karma that affects most of the people in North and South America who are immigrants from other countries particularly Europe, Spain, England, France and Portugal. They have spread throughout the north and south American continents and to have full understanding and forgiveness of this must of course relate to the way in which they clearly outnumber those who were here before you: the native tribes, the indigenous people, those who came before.

As you understand this, you are releasing and relieving a powerful deep racial aspect of this karmic interaction that relates to when you were in positions as leaders, as those who made the decisions and those who ultimately brought so much harm to so many others. In this way then the karmic release of this through better understanding of love and consciousness can be that which brings a new awareness into your planet.

People in the Americas and especially USA are often in a position to bring new ideas into the world, new leadership, new sense of purpose, new understanding. If you have been following our words on these matters in the past you would certainly recognize where we are going with this. Not a place other people are going to want very much. The ultimate goal of this is too far down the road, an alien sort of thing for you that you cannot imagine or piece together which of course has to do with the answer to the question about borders themselves. Why are they necessary? Why do you need them on this planet?

June 21, 2018