Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hilarion on Michael Newton
Hilarion: Now, there is a question about a fellow named Michael Newton who was one of those who has spoken extensively about lifetimes, karma, the nature of what it is to be in a body, to leave it, to go to a place between lives and so on. It is important to recognize that any single individual who looks at these aspects will inevitably be influenced by their own consciousness more so than what you would think.

Because when you are on the other side what you think manifests much more quickly than it does when you are in a physical body. You don't have the resistances, the heaviness of matter itself and energy plays a much stronger and easier role. The higher in vibration you are the quicker this takes place until you eventually come to a place where you question all of it. In which case it all collapses and all you have is pure consciousness itself.

For many individuals the path to reaching that level of consciousness is very different. It will depend on what you are used to, the language you have spoken. For instance, we see individuals who have had a few incarnations in the Philippines who speak Tagalog, a language that is so very much focused on present tense and having an experience of energy that has very little to do with what you would consider, “past lives,” in the usual way. It is as if an instantaneous merging of their past lives and future lives takes place as soon as they move out of the physical body.

Similarly, individuals who have had lifetimes that are culturally, deeply associated with some particular attribute such as war, or disease re-experience this on the other side and at the highest vibrational levels it is coming through this that they're able to shift and understand. So, such individuals making this aware to others, sharing about it, would of course tell you, “well, here's what happens to you when you go to the other side and relate their own personal experience."

There are many souls in incarnation on your planet. There are many paths by which each can manifest these wonderful experiences and many by which they could be seen as that which is taken as a religion perhaps or a particular way. Fortunately, science comes to the rescue with this because you have the opportunity to draw consensus and to look at averages and ask all of those who have awareness of the other side of what is true for them and to look at this from the levels by which it is related to culture, it is related to language, it is related to various other attributes that eventually come out as you analyze this.

One of the beautiful things that Newton was able to do was bring forth the idea of a journal of people sharing information and with it being more scientific. But, this is also done by IAC (International Academy of Consciousness), another nonprofit that is sharing such information and does so across multicultural and multi-language but is still somewhat separated because it is working more with the European and United States and South America but not so much with Asia.

So, you will see gradually emerging from this different ways of approaching and understanding what is happening when you leave this physical world and when you come back in again. It's very tricky because belief patterns here can figure so prominently not only into the interpretation of the information but the information itself and the way in which consciousness is being used to study consciousness.

Well, what could go wrong there? But, of course as you examine it and work with this you will see that the consensus does eventually emerge and the beautiful thing about it is that which gives you a beautiful sense of peace about your own death, a deeper sense of something wonderful to come to then you will be more likely to enjoy the process and be able to to at some point perhaps, to speak of it to others and to reveal it in a way in which it could be helpful to others.

This is a very tricky area because of the way in which belief patterns so prominently figure into this that we would want to give one little bit of advice. Not just again you throw up your hands and say, “Well, since everyone is influencing and creating it themselves, it really doesn't matter and we can't take any of it with us.”

Because not only from the area of consensus, but from the way in which all of this takes place there is a certain sort of resonance with your soul and if it is able to answer, at least to some degree, these fundamental questions that we begin with, you see of the ways in which this becomes valuable and helpful. Thus, a greater degree of truth begins to emerge from this.

What do you take with you? Now, you do leave behind all of these physical things but one of the things you do take with you has to do with this experience. The very nature of what it is to incarnate and the opposite of this is to discarnate. The very nature of what these vibrations are, the very nature of existence itself by your own personal experience. As many would say some of the learning, some of the love, some of the attributes of being human, some of the things that you would know deeply in your soul have changed you, have evolved you, have helped you and have helped others.

The tricky part here is now is we get down close to beliefs. “Hilarion, you're telling us that we take these things with us, but how do we know that for sure?”  You don’t. You are simply going to recognize that somewhere in you there is a relaxation around it, an expansion, an enthusiasm, and an awareness that indeed you do take this with you.

That other question “Who or what is experiencing this?” is directly answered because you no longer have the trappings of the human body holding you back. What you recognize is something much greater than yourself and by asking that question right now you experience that right now. Beyond that we would suggest that just as anyone who would study out of body experience, projection of consciousness, lives between lives, past life research (the list goes on and on) that Michael Newton’s research and understanding can be very helpful.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Hilarion on ALS and Selenium

Can you speak about what can be done for those who have ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) which claimed the life of Stephen Hawking? What causes it and is there anything that can cure it?

Hilarion: At the core level there is a genetic difficulty with the correct absorption and utilization of the mineral selenium. This mineral has a variety of pathways by which it is properly utilized in the body. 

So, in a few individuals properly acknowledging and working with selenium will be an immediate cure. Some will have excess as is more common, some will have deficiency but bringing this mineral to appropriate levels will be helpful in about 20% of the cases.

This can be derived from hair analysis, blood analysis, skin analysis, urine analysis and each of these will give different levels of the understanding of selenium and may indeed chart a course for an immediate shift of this. Decreasing selenium levels as you can imagine is much more difficult than increasing and such techniques as the hot bath that draws through the lymph what Vonderplanitz called the “lymph bath,” technique is one of many. Chelation therapy has too many side effects for us to recommend at the current time but hormone therapy may prove valuable as that which is called low dose naltrexone may improve a possible intervention method more along the line of conventional medicine.

For the other 80% there are usually a variety of difficulties that eventually lead to these significant selenium imbalances. It is interesting to note that there were several cases that Vonderplanitz himself treated who were cured of this and the key to this was of course simply being consistent in correct use of the dietary principles that he set out that are listed on page 40, 41 of “Recipe for Living Without Disease.”

Whether people can follow this or not is a whole different matter. In their consciousness they may have to deal with all kinds of resistances. Selenium is a fascinating material it is one of the so-called semi-conductors and it is essential in various parts of the brain for acceleration of consciousness. It is no accident that many of those who have had ALS have had various aspects of their consciousness significantly shifted in ways that were valuable to others in ways that were helpful in charting an example as with Lou Gehrig himself or with Hawking as mentioned with areas of science and deeper understanding.

But, as various components of this come forth inevitably there will be some blockage, some resistance, some deeper attribute that the individual is unable to easily bridge. For such, to examine belief patterns would be helpful and to use the two principals as previously mentioned: to see where there might be two areas where this stuck-ness is present will often be helpful in individuals who wish to clear this disease in themselves and ultimately gain its greatest value.

Because what happens with ALS is loss of function of the musculature of the physical body and greater dependence on others and the inevitable ways in which you are helpless or taken care of. There are other diseases with this too, but this is particularly profound in ALS. The result is that the individual gives over aspects of their consciousness and is able to connect and merge with others and see a deeper, loving, consciousness and various other things in which they would have had resistance to this and they would have seen themselves standing alone.

In this way they are taken care of in a way that affects the soul very deeply. Then, in the next life they will usually be able to make progress by recognizing this and perhaps by being in a lifetime in which they care deeply for others in ways in which they are able to act as a healer or somebody who is able to us assist in healing in some other way, such as a researcher or scientist.