Thursday, October 21, 2010


Will the full story of the 9/11 World Trade Center bombing come out?

Hilarion: Yes. Eventually this shows up as every conspiracy, every issue, all of those things, the hidden agendas eventually come forth. The timing on this typically tends to be one generation. So that today's generation is learning about the truth about what occurred in the Vietnam War era and all of the conspiracies then, that were seen simply as fancy as they are now seen as reality. But, that is not the real question of course, it is the perspective. How to hold this? The things that we have spoken about today where people can find a perspective that can somehow balance and see the larger possibility. The reason for this, is the opportunity for those in positions of power to exert their power, more powerfully, more clearly and this seems to be what on the surface, was occurring with the Islamic connection.

But, at the deeper level, the truth about this that those in positions of power, by exerting more fear on the US population could then have all of this power concentrated into their own hands more powerfully, more strongly and that which would continue even past their own administration, into others. All of these things and their perspective must be understood from the position that holds those appropriately; that they have felt fear, that they have felt powerless. 

Can they be seen as loving? Can they be seen as powerful? Can you hold this in yourself that there is a part of you that might seek at times to exert power over others just in order to feel that you are deserving? That you are powerful? That you are alive? That you are here? Can you take a step backwards from all of this as if to love?

As if the many armed goddess El Shaddai, as if the beautiful divine being, the energy of love that flows through you? Can this be held to encompass, to love all of these possibilities, to see the deservedness in the energies of all of these beings in their own way? Still receiving, knowing love, expansion, caring, compassion. It is within this aspect of the emerald light cylinder that we remind you to send love to somebody you care for deeply. 

As you feel it in your heart, expand it so that it may touch everyone and in your own imagination bring into the cylinder of light these other people. The Bush's, or the Bin Laden's, but also those in your family, those in your community, those you have had a struggle with, all of them loved. Held in this energy as it is intensified by your breathing, as it intensifies by your connection to the answer to the question, "who is experiencing this?" To the connection of infinity, of all of it. This inter-connectedness, this knowledge that you are not separate, that you are all loved. To know this, to feel it, to breathe it. This brings benefit. It brings shift but it also brings the reality; the sense that all of this is possible. As you feel that reality so also others feel this. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Brown's Gas

Hilarion: At the same time, in looking into the aspects that have occurred this year there is a greater degree of hope around certain technologies that have been present on your planet before. Some minor but significant breakthroughs in the development of technologies that can produce great amounts of energy without polluting; while at the same time, they would as technologies be very difficult to make into weapons of mass destruction unlike a variety of other technologies that have been investigated to some extent in the past. 

Principally, around the new discoveries with Brown's Gas or more appropriately called, "Rhodes Gas," these energies may yield automobiles that drive on minuscule amounts of water and power generators that can generate significant levels of electricity on minuscule amounts of water. The amounts are so small that there is very little likelihood of depleting the water reserves on your planet and at the same time it would be difficult to initiate any large scale reactions with these. Thus, not being able to use it as a weapon. In the meantime, as people are investigating this they are encouraged to get involved, to do as much as possible with those who are bringing information forward because it is being shared largely, openly, without patents, without consideration for trademark, without the desire for those involved to make a buck from it. But, rather to share the information wherever possible. 

For more information on Brown's' Gas visit

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hilarion Comments on the Pineal Gland and a Free Pineal Gland Attunement Download

Q. There's a question about the pineal gland. What can you suggest in general to increase the health and functionality of the pineal gland and in particular the combination of skate oil and butter oil to reduce the so-called calcification in the pineal?

Hilarion : Various fats are tremendously helpful, not just for the pineal though. Butter oil is going to do all kinds of interesting and helpful things; but is it superior to raw, unsalted butter? Certainly not. And indeed, oftentimes those basic unprocessed foods, are going to be easier to absorb, more helpful, and ultimately create the change needed on your planet. Where there is not the concentration in the hands of supplement producers, pharmalogical companies, individuals, but rather on your family cow. On your relationship to the Earth and those who share it with you; and thus the co-op by which you own and share a cow in your local neighborhood. Thus, a community forms, and various energies associated with that, etc.

But the pineal gland is one that is the most misunderstood and is in many ways mysterious. So necessary, so needed, particularly in a child. Yet, that which has so many controversial, unknown and continuing-to-be-investigated effects. Generally speaking though, the holistic point of view, everything in your body, having its role, having its benefit and so on. This of course applies. Yet in an accident that may befall someone where the head is severely injured, when pineal ceases to function, or is removed, the person is able to get along. So this deeper understanding of it as a psychic function, as a connection to the 7th chakra, as an awareness of all kinds of subtle energies; this remains, and will continue, until people truly understand it.

The most important aspect to understand with pineal is that more than the aspect of that which can make it stronger, is the way in which it is so incredibly sensitive to a variety of influences that make it weaker. Avoiding those influences, and various ways in which you repeatedly simply exercise it, by various intuitive exercises, sense of higher connection to higher consciousness exercises; deeper love and sense of questioning your reality.

That is usually going to be sufficient. This may seems a little strange when afterall, the pineal might seems to have so many beneficial effects if it is strengthened. But where you can go wrong with this, is that when the pineal becomes stronger, its ability to absorb, also becomes stronger. It can therefore more easily absorb a variety of toxins that it is particularly sensitive to.

Those that are stronger than others will primarily include three specifics. The first is aluminum. Aluminum in various alloys, in pure metal, in combination with other materials; aluminum in various ways in which it can obstruct and create various inter-conductivity within the nerve structures surrounding the pineal, and other things continue to be problematic. Second is fluoride. Fluorides do appear to significantly curtail the function of the pineal at the higher rates in which it is working with more light energies, subtle energies and energies that are entirely non-physical. Thirdly is the sensitivity to electromagnetics.

This continues across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, though for most people, the higher frequencies in the range of one to six gigahertz are the most problematic. These are being commonly utilized in a variety of computer networks, cellphone networks, and various other wireless networks, and these do seem to be taking their toll. This is not always a bad thing of course, if the pineal is able to function in such difficult environments, and then those environments are starved, the pineal can have a sudden explosion of energy, in which various higher consciousness states, and other things may be felt. Generally speaking though, the idea of reducing the influence by reducing what is ingested, of aluminum, fluorides, and exposure to electromagnetics, is going to be just as important as any building that can be done for the pineal.

Combination of oils should generally be those which are about 50% building, and 50% cleansing, for most people's pineal benefit. Thus, a fish oil, and a butter oil, might have much benefit. But overtime, for the pineal to also heal and strengthen, cleansing would be necessary. So a vegetable oil, in particular, avocado oil; may prove very helpful in allowing this cleansing. But generally speaking, the idea is that your body will naturally in its own way, gravitate towards those things which are most helpful. Working with various cravings, allowing exercise, movement, and gentle massage at the head. These can also be very useful.

Tom Kenyon
is a genius sound healer who offers a FREE listen or download for the pineal gland, as well as other things, on his website. Do not listen to this while driving!

Pineal Dimensional Attunement


The purpose of listening to this 5:47 recording is to stimulate an increased awareness of, and to activate energetic potentials within the crystalline structures that reside within the pineal gland.

In this esoteric view, the pineal crystals (that are embedded within the pineal gland) operate like a type of cosmic-antennae that can be tuned to the higher vibrational-realms of light. This is, in fact, the intended purpose for listening to this psychoacoustic catalyst.

It is best to listen to this sound meditation with stereo headphones. Any type of headphones, even ear buds, will work fine.

As you listen to the recording, place the focus of your attention in the center area of your head, where the pineal gland is located. Imagine that the sounds are coming from out of the pineal gland, even though in reality, the sounds are coming in through your ears. This simple shift in perceptual imagination will generate a more powerful mind-altering experience.

You can, if you wish, listen to the recording multiple times in one listening session. However, do note that repeated listening of this track can create a type of psycho-spiritual cleansing reaction. If you experience such a reaction, stop listening. Take a break, and then listen to the sequence just once a day until your energetic system has adjusted to the increased light activation of the pineal.

An Important Note:

Normally in the mastering process of a recording, certain frequencies are toned down so that the recording can be played back on a wide range of different systems. In this case, none of the frequencies have been toned back for obvious reasons. This means that if you play the recording on a low quality system (without headphones), the speakers of your playback system may have a hard time handling all the frequencies. In other words, your system may distort the sounds and/or you may hear a vibration in the speakers. This problem can be completely avoided if you listen to the recording with headphones, which is the best way to listen to it anyway.

~Tom Kenyon

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Can you comment on what we do to our children when we immunize them? 

Hilarion: Well, there are many different problems that come from this. Some have been studied with reference to the specific bacteria and other substances that are injected. There are many difficulties that arise from this of course. Yet we see concurrent to this are high levels of mercury that are injected into the human being. Mercury is a difficult toxic substance for the body to get rid of under the best of circumstances, and when it is injected it goes directly to weak organs. These organs will be different at different stages of life, and as they are affected dramatically, many differences in immune response, physical health, various aspects of the respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, and so on, are definitely damaged and affected. 

Pulling mercury out of the body is one important solution, and it is difficult to do because with injection, these substances go much deeper than they would simply by breathing the mercury emitted my mercury fillings or mercury as taken in even through the digestive system through fish or various toxic substances. And so certainly it is best if possible to avoid these. There are many studies of these matters, and there are those who would relate to it as fear: "I am afraid that if I do not give my child the dead bacteria mixed with mercury that then they are going to have the cleansing reactions that are called--" and then you have all the different names of the diseases: diptheria, typhus, whooping cough, smallpox, polio, etc. With each disease, if you name it, quite apart from the experience that you are giving the child, you will then recognize the fear. Fear of loss, fear of death, fear of destruction, fear that relates to all of primordial fears back into humanity's past histories, fear of the plague, fear of contamination, fear of other humans, fear of death. 

Certainly to face death and to understand it, to welcome it if necessary will be necessary as part of any evolutionary, any awakening, any enlightening, any clarifying principle. This also can be true for the parents who choose not to vaccinate. This could be seen as an opportunity. Although most would only then cling to the fear. And so it is a difficult matter that faces everyone about these matters. 
Homeopathy has stepped in at times to alleviate these fears by giving some semblance at a higher vibrational level of the disease so that hopefully the child will not then have to get that disease. But you must ask the right question here. "What is the purpose of disease?" Disease as bacteria, virus, parasite, etc., manifests in nature to clean up, to clean up the environment, to break down various toxic materials, to rebuild. And so it is also in the human body. You see this in the forest, so why not apply it to the human being? 

As such, then, you will understand that vaccines are not necessary if the body is sufficiently healthy from receiving sufficient nurturing nourishing food that the clearing out process engendered by even these seemingly deadly and difficult bacteria, viruses, and parasites will not be necessary. That is, you don't need to get polio because the muscles in your legs do not need to be cleaned out of the toxic substances that have been put into them by what you have eaten, by what you have inherited, by what you have received from the environment, or even by what has been injected into your body. 

So it is a difficult matter to turn the tide in the middle of all in your society when there is so much fear, but ultimately it is the fear which will lead you to the shift. See that as the primary most important factor involved with vaccines, and you will then perceive the larger truth. Because, after all, in working with any substance that is added to the physical body, there are questions your society has already posed: "What double blind peer-reviewed studies have been done of this particular nutrient, this particular substance, and most importantly (already in the world) this particular drug?" Those questions are being asked and answered. Your FDA, your various government agencies in every country seek to answer this question methodically, academically, scientifically. But they have not answered that question, and it must be posed to the question of vaccines. Why are vaccines exempt from this? 

As you understand the laws that have been lobbied and passed by the pharmaceutical companies and others, you will understand how to dismantle this, and how to bring peer-reviewed double blind studies back into vaccine research, which will ultimately answer the question, at least on a practical level, without dealing with the fear issue or the mercury issue. It will be a good start.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hilarion on the Rainbow Children Now Being Born

Hilarion: Many times these beings have waited, and in many cases a very long time, far longer than the usual span of about 35 or 40 years. Perhaps waiting in some cases hundreds of years. So, the very first thing is they find it very difficult. What is this body I am in? How does this work and how can I manifest those things I need to and they get very frustrated with it. To be patient with them, to love them, to show them the way you do, but then to imagine that you are somehow showing them a completely different language: the language of the stars, the language of the planets, the language of the vibration itself, the language of atoms, the language of water, these can stretch the metaphor of language, but still it can help you communicate.

As they grow older, they will often find that they must then connect. Connect with others who understand them. That is not probably under most circumstances going to be you. You might as well accept that fact early on, so that you can help them in connecting with the others who have come here to form this larger rainbow energy or in the earlier generation the indigo energy. To understand this, to be a part of it, it is hard for them, but they find it much easier when you are supportive of that. Sometimes this does not always make sense. They may ask you to do or say something that is a little difficult for you but if you can find a way to do this in love and at the same time asking the right questions it can help a lot.

At the physical level, there is the impression of the old on the new. The idea of the old ways, drug substances for instance, patterns of eating that enforce various old ways of seeing how the body works and so on and so forth. These must be broken through. You must find what works and find a way in which this can be healthy and awakening for yourself and the children you are around. Sometimes, the drugs may have the desired effect as for instance, where there is attention deficit disorder and that is diagnosed when of course, a child is simply putting their attention on something else. Then you are going to kill that, stop it and bring it right back here into what the teachers are saying and the drudgery of schoolwork or whatever.

That is fine for a little while, but you will have repercussions to this of course. So in utilizing drugs, do this as sparingly as possible and if at all possible, find another way. A way through appropriate venues of teaching, far better more natural foods, and especially sufficient raw fats, because many times through the generational deficiencies their mothers and their mothers mother’s in particular, not having sufficient fats. The nervous system is not as developed as it could be. This could be developed even later in life but the longer you wait, the longer it takes. This is nonlinear, that is an individual at 20 years old is probably going to take another 20 years to fully develop the nervous system in the body. But an individual who is only 10 will probably only take 10 years. So this nonlinear understanding allows you to see how beneficial it is to provide appropriate food when they are young.

In addition to this, they often have specific things that they are here to learn and many things, they are here to teach. They often have access to levels of understanding that are difficult for you to understand. Easy for them, but difficult for them to express to you because you can’t understand what they're saying. If you can simply set aside that for instance, to sit with them in the place of all possibilities by asking yourself the question, “Who or what is experiencing this right now?” As you sit with this the openness that comes with asking this in all innocence as if you are a child yourself can help you in your experience of openness and awakening to the child.

Gradually, what forms from this is a perspective that they can be open to other levels of consciousness, other ways of seeing things; other ways of doing things in the world. Many of the children now coming in want that very much; a world where the ways that don't work can be gradually let go of and these new ways can be rapidly assimilated. They may find this difficult to do with older people so they will focus on it much more with themselves, with their own generation, and their own way of doing things.

Although this is possible, it can lead to greater levels of rebellion and have been seen in the past. It is more likely that individuals who understand this, who are of the older generation can assist by showing these children that there are these other possibilities. That they do not have to make assumptions about all of this, they can indeed communicate the higher vibration.

2010 Spring channeling

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Am I Indigo and When Exactly Does the Indigo Age Start?

Lori: Am I an indigo and when exactly does the indigo age start? (I asked this question in 2005)

Hilarion: Indigo has been on your planet for 2,917 years with the first incarnation in Egypt of the first Indigo child. This would be the official start of the ray. The age could be seen to have its beginning in 1986 with the highest influx of indigo children reaching its peak.

Along the way a number of individuals have incarnated with direct association with this ray. You are one of these but it is not your only ray. You have two and this is quite common. Many individuals will have them typically as a cone inside the head. One inside the other. For you the outer ray is the emerald green. The inner is the indigo. Each of these has their own capacities and can work with you on different levels.

The full awakening of the Indigo ray consciousness has not yet occurred on earth. This is approximately five to seven years out though this is difficult to predict with certainty. This is when the indigo children come into a higher level of maturity. They may look to individuals such as yourself or others for innate guidance. Part of what you're doing here is providing a path, showing them a way forward; presenting some opportunities. But it is also to receive their gifts. What they will provide at higher levels of inter-connectivity for all of humanity. A grid is already established for this and tuning in to this and becoming one with it may be an important part of what you do.

As a result, the next age or the deeper awareness of where this goes to probably focalizing around 2012 or so, will be an energy of a shared being-ness potentially called, "The Gold Ray. "This energy may be that which allows the indigo connectivity to have its true effect in the world. Imagine the idea of the indigo children running your world and you get a sense of the potential where this could go.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My life reading with Hilarion

The following is a "life reading" I had with Hilarion. I am very grateful for Hilarion's assistance over the years. You can ask Hilarion any question you want. Nothing is off limits.

Lori: Can you please tell me the names of my spirit guides?

Hilarion: You have five within your guidance group. They each have different talents and capabilities. One, you have known, as the female Archangel of Hope, Derdeka in the past. And she has important capacities to engage various opportunities for you to release belief patterns, to find new ones. To create energies in ways that were not easily available to you before as a result.

It is a difficult matter sometimes as the expression goes to "get out of your own way." But, this eventually provides a true understanding of hope. As a result, the bridge between you and this guide will often come from the sense of awareness of hope in your chest; a sense of opening or a capacity of warmth, an expansion sort of energy. Some of this connection may be felt more strongly at the nape of the neck and there can be an awareness at times of a Violet light helping along this process.

Another guide you have known as Kareena and Kareena's capacity is to in any way possible to help you find humor, play, and enjoyment.

Rama is another guide and his capacity to assist you is with discovering deeper levels of your own sense of power; your ability to assert various opportunities you have in the world and in creating expressive ideas outwardly for others to understand. But these will always be aligned with Athena's energy of this towards the purpose of discovering ultimate truth.

There are twins who work with you regularly. They have had many names for you. But the names symbolizing the Hopi, for sun and moon that is Dawa and Nyma, respectively. In understanding these, they are to give you the sense that you have within you always dualistic opportunities to connect. You can learn this side of something but you can learn the other side too; to blend these aspects in yourself, to connect them in some way. To find some energy of these that can be balanced or somehow brought to the next higher level. This is what can be coordinated amongst all of these guides to find a sense of a higher reality.

Struggling with the law of opposite expression has been of important concern to you in past lives. You have largely come to some awareness or peace with this. But it keeps popping up. As you study it you may find certain levels of inspiration because it is a connecting point between you and the twins. Their ability to help you understand different aspects of the world, from this point of view may eventually give rise to a deeper understanding of the entire creative process.

Creativity has been a very important part of your life. Each of these guides has different areas to contribute in this arena. You may find additional benefit and at the same time an attunement to the entire creative process that the guides help with.

The ability of the guides to bring through creative spark, different energies, etc. is very important. Always a way in which an energy of a positive, helpful nature, combines with that which is purely fun, entertainment and expressed for the sake of others; bringing the opportunity for deeper awareness naturally.

Sometimes this isn't your own awareness. That is the purpose of this creativity, this expression, is to inspire others to discover their deeper awareness. And it is this which you have in common with all of these guides: a strong sense that other people awakening is important and that this will be valuable.

Path of assistance is a powerful truth path, one that will repeatedly give you deeper understanding of your own ability to help others and your capacity to improve the world. This therefore will also be what you share in common by whatever means, not just creativity with these other guides.

Before you came into this life, in the inter-missive period, you mapped out several potential life paths for yourself. One of these was the awakening of deeper levels, intuition, unconscious understanding and ultimately uncovering what you came for here, all of these paths leading towards the same ultimate result, that of discovering of truth. Clear truth. Pure truth.

In point of fact your deeper affiliation is not with our energy as much as it is with the consciousness that is aligned with the feminine side of this energy. Her name is Pallas Athena and you have known her in various aspects in the past. But again focus on truth and the awareness of truth energy as she was created at pure light. It is this which remains available to you at many levels and that we are certainly grateful to assist.

Lori: What past lives have I had with Derdeka the Angel of Hope?

It doesn't really work that way she really gets around a lot. In terms of interacting with people in so many different ways but probably one of maximum value was one in which during an incarnation in Atlantis you became involved with a project. It had its own name in Atlantean, it translates fairly well to what you would say today as the “Angel Project,” and this was an attempt to make far deeper contact with beings who guide and assist humanity and in this one was able to create a bridge sort of energy to many different angelic beings.

During this time period, few of those involved recognized there was something more going on than communication that it was about a sort of merging, an energy that was a powerful connection between worlds or vibrations. You recognized this and extended your own energy so that others could work with it in a more direct fashion. Though it's not really like channeling angels it was perhaps that which you would remember as this or have a vision of this because what it actually was is not something that you have experience for in this life.

But this idea that the angelic energy could be present within you, could be available through you, could touch you or work through you to others. This sort of idea of it became the real foundation of "The Angel Project," and that which eventually affected everyone on the planet. This was a deepening of the ability to contact and work with these beings in a way that would be helpful and useful and would also provide for them a sense of what humanity had to bring, a sense of love or companionship or caring for the earth or various other things that could be made available.

In working in these directions different angels at various times would present different ideas, different ways of being, different things that could come through and it was important that you experienced all of these. Each of them had their own ways but as you would come to understand these you would of course be touched differently by each one.

Derdeka gave you a vision of humanity, a sense of what was possible for humanity that filled you with a sense of hope, possibility of potential, of all kinds of beautiful energies. She saw that this could be perhaps a burden to you not because of the uplifting part of it but because when you are trapped in seeing that which is ahead, that which is not present here it can seem as if that would never show up or could somehow be put forward when in fact it is that which is available right now.

So, as such then a deeper contact was necessary. You would see through her eyes that humanity has this capability, this ability to connect somehow to something at a higher level right now, immediately at any time. This was not just about hope, as is the typical association anyone has with Derdeka but it was about something deeper; a way perhaps of seeing your place in all of this.

So at various times since then you have had different opportunities to interact with guides, helpers and so on. But, in this life you have had a connection to humanity as a whole. Understanding aware energies that are personal to you could somehow be expanded, touching others, working with others in different ways. You could not do this unless you had at some level, hope; an understanding of what is possible for humanity in a positive regard. In the opportunity for greater advancement, evolution or some way even just of knowing and enjoying yourself more. So, in this way you see what you are doing, what you are doing in the world by your actions this is what is paving the way for Derdeka’s connection more than anything else.

Most of the connections you have had in the past with this entity have not been those in which there has been such a direct contact. The idea was to have an overshadowing, a benefit to your guides and helpers that would be more direct, benefit to people around you perhaps, an energy needed when things became dark or difficult or hopeless, that sort of thing. But in this life the deeper contact here can be one that can at times be sustaining, helpful, give you strength when it might not otherwise be available.

Lori: I read in your book that a person's sun sign indicates something from a past life. So, why am I am I an Aquarius?

Hilarion: This occurred toward the latter period of an important Atlantean incarnation so far as a number of other individuals were concerned. You had influence over a group, though not the leader of the group, still in a position of some authority. You were referred to in a word that would translate roughly as "Head Mistress." This was a leadership position that charted out two avenues simultaneously; the more spiritual and the more physical. These were to be brought into people's consciousness through movement, through dance, through the voice.

During this time period however, you became confronted with a series of obstacles. These obstacles laid for you the groundwork for many avenues of esoteric study that were to come in subsequent lifetimes. How to interpret various aspects of what society was struggling with. Issues of religion versus science, issues in technology and its appropriate utilization, issues of how people could accept their own higher spirituality, come to terms with their own sense of themselves.

You were in a position of leadership but you weren't actually leading. It was as if a thought form or an energy which was somehow available in your consciousness. It created a pattern, or a way in which people could relate to each other by your words, by your actions, by your movements, by the things that you taught others by various ways, this eventually was received, communicated to them and in filling out this vision, actually becoming a part of it, the people themselves grew. This was somehow satisfying, it enabled you to go on. There were as you are aware towards the end of the Atlantean epic many obstacles, some of physical nature that confronted the people there.

Some of these difficulties relating to discoveries in science and technology were not properly used. You had many ways of bringing questions and understanding to consciousness about this. Bringing new ways of working with these possibilities, but more importantly the sense that together people could do more. Together an establishment of consciousness could be placed.

This is one of the hallmarks of the symbol associated with Aquarius; the very idea that you can lead without leading, that energy could be established that you could launch, welcome, be a part of, but then get out of the way. Let it simply flow in its own way. As a result of this have a great deal of satisfaction, love, enjoyment, hope and have the sense that you had contributed something useful, beautiful, helpful and so on.

At the same time as knowing all of those energies there were some profound influences associated with the star Aldeberon. Here with the bringing together of many important new energies relating to the relationship of the birth of a new society out of some of the visions and ideas of the old society were made available to you. You were not always able to understand these visions or these ideas and you brought this to the attention and understanding of others.

To your dismay some of those things that you brought forth in innocence were misused. Used in ways that could not necessarily have to do with the underlying way in which you brought these initially, the way in which they could be ultimately helpful or beneficial to others. Although this was a message from the stars, it was that which was somehow to be interpreted by human beings. To be felt or known in some positive and helpful way.

The result of this was that some of the energies that you saw as having tremendous potential to birth a new society, was brought to you, through you, and of course to many others, yet ignored by society. Energy and understanding not only denied but in some cases used to cause harm or difficulty to the lives of animals and certain people.

During this time period there was for you the awareness and attunement to other lifetimes. Reincarnation was well known and understood. But, at the same time there were many blocks that were naturally placed when lifetimes had a strong emotional component.

Because the technology was fairly well developed in this phase, the opportunity to experience other lifetimes using entirely technological means was available to you and many other people. This showed you a lifetime, in fact several, in your future, from that time looking forward in time. You began to see some lives, where through superstition, fear, mere ignorance, because awareness of past lives within you was not present, you did not accept this at all.

That in those lifetimes there was as if a "shutting away" or denial of some of the enlightenment, understanding and even the technology that was available to you in Atlantis. This troubled you and you recognized that there would be times where you would eventually need to overcome that. It was not so much a window or vision into this life specifically but into the generalities similar to this and more recent lifetimes where you would consider some of your past life activities.

Lori: Why am I suddenly drawn to the theater? Was I a theater performer in the past?

Hilarion: Oh yes, many times. It has saved your life in some situations. In others it was somewhat dangerous. Bear baiting and theater was quite common in Elizabethian times.
And sometimes the crowds would go over to the bear and leave you alone. Those would sometimes be times that in your anger you would stride over to the bear and as you can imagine various troubles would ensue.

Earlier than this it was often a time in which you could earn food, be taken care of, have a sense of prominence, not theater in the usual sense, but entertainment, storytelling, helping others with their own issues, and so on. As with most of those activities in this life, which have a more profound influence, you can go back to the lifetime you lived in Atlantis to answer this. The essence of theater was understood at the time, a way in which a deeper aspect of expression was allowed to emerge as a powerful creative light. You felt great delight as a little child. You would turn it into stories and use it as inspiration for creative activities. When you grew older you recognized the pure energy would not be enough. The interesting thing about this that in your view, through your Atlantean lives, where you witnessed various aspects of theater, exploration of your creative expression of your connection to other people, you actually in Atlantis, sent energy, the feeling of that powerful light again, somehow to the future. The equipment or technology was not designed to do that. But your own sense of the connectivity, the bridge, the alignment, it is this energy which does indeed allow this to transfer.

This is the higher energy of theater. You have seen it many times when someone is in that beautiful, wonderful place. What the character had was a powerful message, something valuable for others to come through. It is that energy in its purest sense which was worked with in Atlantis.