Monday, July 11, 2011

The Ascension Process and the Full Reconnection With My Higher Self

Lori: My understanding is that the ascension process is the full integration of my higher self?

Hilarion: That is one of many ways of describing it but the trouble is when you say, "that which is separate, we are now going to integrate them," aren't they already one? Isn't it really just a matter of what is standing in the way of you recognizing?

Let's say for instance that you decided by your very nature you were going to separate. You are going to separate the highest self, the highest vibrational part of yourself, however you would conceive of that, the most spiritual, the most connected to God and you are going to separate that entirely from your own being? How would that feel? Would that be a comfortable way to be? How far are you willing to take that? Why would you do such a thing? As you would imagine this and work it through, in other words, doing the opposite, playing around with the opposite, you do begin to recognize the fallacy in holding the belief.

Here the belief is ascension is necessary, I need to change. These energies that are present at the higher vibrational level are not somehow intrinsic to my being but are inherently separate. This is why so much of the exercises around ascension in all of the study and working with those various techniques that people play with and so on are as much about letting go of what stands in the way. But, really at the fundamental level it starts when you believe there is a problem.

Now, if you can address that you may begin to recognize where the true answer lies. When you recognize that there does seem to be something wrong. There is something within you that's telling you this part is separated or I am not whole or something is missing or I need something. The more you can follow that, have that, the more awake you can be about it.

Specifically, you have now learned Radical Release. This is a very helpful tool when you recognize that something is wrong because that is fundamentally the underlying motivation to do radical release. It is rare that somebody will say, “I am feeling too happy right now and so I'm going to do radical release on that.” Indeed, it is when you recognize there is this issue. But what is different about it, completely different method than ascension process you emphasize it, you make it stronger you make this separation as powerful as you can.

You have every aspect of this which relates to loneliness, perhaps the thought form along the line of, “I am cut off from God, I am separate, I am alone, I will always be alone or whatever. When you have that fully, when you recognize that it really is going to the core of it all. A fear that you are powerful, that you are powerful enough not just to connect to God but to be God.

Then you recognize where this energy comes from in the first place and with this equal degree of ease to the idea that you are separated and you must somehow connect together, you let that go and that ease is that you are one and that energy simply is. It is as if relaxing into your own nature is a more powerful method of ascension than any degree of efforting or meditation or visualization.

Now, it would be foolish for us to suggest that those things are not wise. After all, we are always suggesting visualizations and meditations for different people but if that which stands in the way is that which you are willing to confront head-on, shift it, release it, allow it’s hold on you to dissipate. The energy that becomes available generally tends to be that which is self-governing. It finds its own way once it is there, once it is available. Then that sense of being separated, that sense of alone-ness then begins to dissipate on its own.

The interesting thing about this is that it is rare for individuals with a spiritual understanding to accept the idea of Radical Release. The very idea that having emotions strongly is good for you. This is indeed a fearsome subject and one of the reasons why many of the people who are involved with such processes as ascension or visualization or meditation or other things come to them in the first place because they are afraid of their emotions.

This is the biggest problem with so many spiritual disciplines particularly in ascension process or Flower of Life or even Reiki. There are so many of these beliefs, so many of these stories, and the energy gets stuck in them in different ways. So then, it becomes more difficult to move on. Move on is absolutely necessary to make spiritual progress, to grow, to ascend. Because the true nature of ascension is really evolution and to evolve always means that you are letting go of that which got you to that place and more as you continue to let go.

For more information on Radical Release: