Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hilarion on Thoughts

Q, Please discuss the power of thought in positive/negative manifestations that we can use in a positive way.

Hilarion: It is as if the real essence to this is not just the way of thinking that you are used to, but those ways that go beyond this, that incorporate the intuition, that incorporate other ways of thinking than you have had before. This is a very important key.

Thoughts are things. As you manifest through your thoughts, these energies exist indeed at the nonphysical level. If you think on something over and over, it is actually manifesting on a nonphysical level. If this is continued and continued long enough, it will eventually manifest at the physical level. You may think that that's a good thing if what you are thinking about is, for instance, a million dollars. But if they all have associated with them the fear of not being able to pay your rent, then there will be fear associated with those million dollars, and perhaps then they would be stolen from you, or they would somehow get you into trouble and other problems.

And so, you will see that the real key to this is the unconscious thought which will usually be related to an emotion. The emotion can usually be traced back to fear on some level. Fear is that which is held within the consciousness because the individual indeed has made a mistake about recognizing reality. Try this one: False Evidence Appearing as Real, F-E-A-R. So that perhaps you can understand the real truth of it. Because if the worse came to the worst, perhaps what you would say that the end result of your fear is that you would die, how is that the worst of the worst? It simply means that you become nonphysical, that your energy moves to another vibrational level.

In other words, how much can you really take seriously all the emotions you have built on top of the fear? When you get right down to the heart of it and have the fear and see that you are still there, still existing, still alive, still interacting, still loving, still being loved, it gives you pause.

In this way your thoughts are shaped to perhaps be in touch with the very energy that keeps you alive, the essence energy, as the basis at an emotional level from which the thought is based, from which those things you wish to accomplish or manifest are put into action, not because they are going to be more or less effective--whatever energies of the emotions and the thoughts are put into action have effect in the world--but because those energies are in alignment with the larger plan, the one of inter-connectivity, of greater love, of clarification, of this way in which all grow together as opposed to just one.

These are general ideas, but can be put into very specific ideas once you understand them. For instance, if you are in contact with any specific issue that you are wishing to change and you can ferret out the fear associated with it, have the fear and put in a new thoughtform that is connected to a new energy, that feels genuinely, terribly, incredibly, powerfully positive every time you have that thought, that direct association with that loving, expansive, wonderful energy, and it's not one that you're just laying on top of the fear, but the fear itself has indeed been released and this new energy is in place, quickly as those thoughts manifest, they come about in the world in a way that will self-perpetuate and continue even greater joy, love, caring.

This is a principle that is described by Lynn Grabhorn in her book, "Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting," and is not really understood so well by most beings because they haven't a direct physical experience of it. And that's why you come into physical bodies. You have these suppositions, these hypotheses, how things work in the world, well let's find out for real, and so you put it into a body to discover it.

If you can at least begin at that place, acknowledging the experiences you have created in body, in physical reality, you can then begin to see the powerful loving reward energy, the sense that says to you, "You have done it anyway." This energy can sometimes be an excellent beginning point at taking apart those false evidences appearing as real, seeing the real truths among them, and opening them to new levels of love, caring, and other energies.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Arab Spring (Karma)

Hilarion: in the Middle East right now, many powerful ramifications of what has been termed “Arab Spring,” the idea that the people in those countries relate more to each other than the leaders of those countries. This is a powerful message that has been very difficult for Israelites to understand and yet it is the fundamental message. What is coming through now in dreams, in the actions of the guides and helpers, energies of the other side,” meet your neighbors.”

To the Palestinians, to the Israelis,” cross the border, become friends.” This is a unique opportunity to set aside what your leaders have told you and discover for yourself, find a kinship, find a family, find a loving, find a possibility here. When this is more available, when people write about it, when it is shared in ways that others can accept it, can expand beyond this, can expand to the neighboring countries especially into Syria and the areas of continued repression and difficulty in the Middle East. When the sense of greater brotherhood, greater fraternity, greater respect and the powerful messages. The powerful messages that have been present in Israel about women can be better understood and accepted in the Islamic countries much benefit can take place.

Israel is entrenched. Much of the Arab world recognizes this, although Arab leaders will speak of it as though somehow it will be removed and Israel will somehow disappear. The people who live there know this is absolutely not going to happen. The opportunity to live with your neighbor, to learn about them, to become somehow friendly, this is ultimately more important than any religious idea, then any thought pattern that is simply there to provide power to the leader who provides that thought. This is the great opportunity of peace in this region. Not peace in the sense that it relates to the political leaders, the economic issues but the people themselves. After all, think of the karma, think of the energy associated with your own consciousness if you chose to be born a Palestinian or to be born in Israel. The powerful lessons, the balancing opportunities for you and so on.

As this is all occurring, there is greater and greater intensity and focus on communication through the Internet, through various specifics such as Facebook, Twitter. Such as all of the ways in which people can work with this so it expands and expands until it reaches a point of a powerful, critical shift. This has already occurred in some other countries and between the Palestinians and the Israelis some new thoughts around this are now beginning to appear. A way in which the world is told we want to find some deeper connection here. These people deserve just as we do all the opportunities for life, for existence, for understanding.

It is true that at the same time as this there is some backward movement that, “Arab Spring” has produced. In addition to all kinds of ideas of freedom, many aspects of intensification, of fundamentalist religious principles that are essentially exclusionary. It is these very principles that are being mirrored in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because these principles must be discarded.

Those principles that allow greater acceptance, greater love, greater connection are the only ones that can yield any sense of solution to the issues. No people cannot be wiped out. There are simply too many and to accept that this is even possible is going to go again back to the karmic issue, the sense that you are seeking revenge because of what happened to your brother, your father, your mother, or even more difficult, to you in a past life.

It is hoped that as people will recognize this essential sense of greater freedom, the powerful energies that are poured into this place will be better understood. Many eyes are on the countries where there is greater repression and as this shifts more energy for freedom becomes available. What will you do with this? Can it be more than simply an existence in which you have more choices? Could it also be a better use of your time here? When we spoke before about evil, we spoke about it truly being a matter of ignorance.

The powerful question, the aspect that draws you to your center, the energy that shifts you is possible to discover and when people in the world are willing to ask each other such powerful questions, when they are willing to ask themselves these questions this becomes more widespread. It becomes ultimately the thing to do. It becomes for many an act of love and so such questions as, "is it truly appropriate to allow in religious thought that which would exclude, hurt, destroy? How do you feel about that? What do you sense in your heart about it?"

These are indeed useful questions to ask yourself about your own religion and not necessarily what you would call religion in the usual sense, such as your adherence to a particular faith such as Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam but rather the things that you hold near and dear. The aspects of your life, those that when you question them you might feel uncomfortable, do so. Question them. Find a way in which you may ask more penetrating questions such as: what are you really here for? Given that you are going to leave all of this behind who or what is really experiencing you right now? And so on.

As you are able to ask the penetrating questions, you do not have to have answers. You can simply sit in the place of discomfort as you ask and know that this is mirrored or others are willing to produce some similar level of discomfort, probably questions that would be much easier for you to answer. Still though, as this can be shifted many of the aspects in which the hiding from the sense of connection to others in religion, that can be shifted, that can be released and then the opportunity for celebration, for connection, for love might indeed be magnified between the Palestinians and those in Israel until these energies might be shared with the world. What a powerful and important example if love can be found there.
