Thursday, April 5, 2018

Crisis Of Faith (Saturn Return)
Will you please comment on the experience of a crisis in faith.

Hilarion: Typically, you schedule this. You might not think so and you might think it sort of happens to you or you back into it. Faith, is that which must relate to the very idea of limitation in some way. So, naturally you bump up against those limitations. Oftentimes, you find that your consciousness has needed some time to evaluate, to have experiences to learn, to connect. Astrologically, this will often be connected to the movement of Saturn around the sun and its interaction with people on earth. This awareness talks to you about what is sometimes termed your, “Saturn Return,” which will typically be in some multiple of seven years.

So, you will most frequently see all of these sorts of things coming together where you have good health, or you have enough learning and enough experience and where you have awareness of other people and at the same time these energetics with Saturn, thus coinciding around age 28. At that point you begin to reevaluate, "what am I really here for?" If you had no particular religious affiliation it would not be what you would necessarily call a crisis of faith, but it is not necessarily a midlife crisis either. This would typically be associated with one of the later Saturn returns as so often coalesce around age 56.

But, as the 28 year energetic occurs you may be ahead of the cycle and picking it up at 26 or a little behind at age 30. You often see the roots of it that began right around that time period. This is simply to tell you that it's on schedule and it is showing up for you because you knew at some level your soul needed to make a leap and it needed to go beyond. So we would call it a leap of faith as much a crisis of faith.

Oh! Hilarion, you are being overly optimistic again. Indeed, as this is an opportunity. You can begin to look again, what do you believe? Is that really serving you? How do you know it's true? Is that belief stressing you? Is it that which you really need? As you question beliefs you question every aspect of your reality. We would like to see if possible from the level of the soul, that it is not that which occurs at age 28 but that which begins at age 28 and you continue for the rest of your life.

Because over and over you are being handed beliefs, you're being shown them as being an ultimate truth and somewhere deep inside you know better. You know that, “I don't know,” actually has value now. We have touched on this in different ways. You could say that a crisis of faith is simply that, “I don't know,” gets a little louder and is more heard and understood than it was before. Which you recognize is the real truth that what you recognize as the real reason behind, “Who or what is experiencing this right now?” That is your own personal answer and it is not which is imposed, pushed into, laid upon you and is not that from your parents or your church or your friends. It is your own personal experience of being. Could you do this before age 28? Of course, there are many who do but they will often find it tends to re-create itself around that age and it manifests again in a new way; a way in which you have a more profound opportunity to experience and know it.

Naturally, many people as they come to this, even if it is an earlier age have resistance. “I don't know,” can be very uncomfortable in various ways in which the energies in which they truly see themselves, where they have hurt others, where they have made mistakes. It is difficult and they cover this over with drugs or alcohol or obsessive behavior of any kind. There are dozens of ways which you can strategize to get out of knowing this, looking at it and so on. We would say wherever possible chuck it, toss it, go right to that which is the truth of it and examine the beliefs and let them go if they do not serve you. Examine carefully the answer to this question, “Who or what is experiencing this? “The truth of your being that which is really breathing you, knowing you right now.

Sometimes this helps in ways that allow you to to more easily let go of those behaviors that are harmful to the physical body, harmful to others, harmful in ways that only give you temporary relief from looking at these deeper issues. However, “crisis of faith,” is that which has been the basis of many powerful enlightening experiences for many. Many beings who come to understand this and use it as the point of their own awakening and the ways in which they share this with the world. Many powerful famous examples in the world such as some of the powerful beings in incarnation today but others such as Buddha who have passed. But, as you understand these energies you know that is both opportunity and the discarding of beliefs and an awareness of crisis.

March 21, 2018

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Is This The Path?
Hilarion: This will bring us to a very important question that many people are considering. Is this the path? Am I doing what I came here for? There are levels in which the guides, helpers, and especially those who coached you before you came into your existence here in hearing this question, struggle with it. They struggle at times between laughing and crying. Because the laughter is about how could you have possibly forgotten with all of the studying, all of the energy, all of the things that you were attracted to in childhood? All of the friendships that you rejected that were not along that path and all of the ones you accepted that were. But, crying in the way in which you would seriously recognize for yourself that you truly, deeply strive for this awakening and when you encounter it at times, walk away from it as if to say, “This is not me, this is not the energy that I came in with. It is too frightening, too much responsibility, too much this or too much that.” No, it is not that they cry because of your grief at forgetting what you are here for. 

That was part of the plan. It was part of most individuals’ idea in coming here. But not everybody. There are a few individuals who are very clear about this as they evolve. Not necessarily remembering, that is to say that they remember and recognize all of the aspects of what they worked on before they came into their bodies, but they instead simply recognize that they are here for certain, specific things that give them joy, that are important to them. So, the question, “What am I here for?” The contracts and so on, it doesn’t even come up for them. 

This is very important to recognize because it gives you a little hint as to how these energies unfold. That even in those individuals who are on the path, a filter exists as to how much of this they know for themselves. You begin to recognize the training for this of course. That it is teaching you about your intuition, about your sense of trust, about your willingness to come from the heart in answering such a question and not your mind. And that these often are difficult but take a lot of practice, therefore, a lot of incarnations before you get it right. And from again the point of view of guides and helpers, you are forgiven if you get it wrong. Because you are here primarily for most people to learn about that process of getting it right, of coming from the heart, of interacting with other people, to learn from them, to learn about yourself and so on. Not to accomplish one great important task. 

This is a very confusing state of affairs, but as with all things the idea of as above, so below, the various ways of the Law of Reflection manifesting itself in so many ways on your planet. You are surrounded by variety in nature, in relationship, in information. In various aspects all around you, you see, rather than anything being homogenous, everything then has so many differences. Is this not an important hint to you? That you are not here for the one thing, you are here for the many things. 

This does not in any way take away from certain important tasks to be accomplished, things you are going to focus on, contracts you have created for yourself and so on. But when you understand this overall point of view at first that you are here to learn many things by experiencing them, you then perhaps can make the first step towards knowing your contracts, having a deeper sense and more importantly, awakening your memory of what you were doing in your planning stages before you came into this life. And that means relaxing about it. Taking a step back, laughing or crying with it. Not being so serious about that one pointed purpose that you forget and ignore the beauty around you. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Starting a Spiritual Business

What are the best ways for metaphysically orientated people to go about starting a business that will have a lot of appeal in today's market?

Hilarion: It is a fascinating question that many have asked and they do not recognize the underlying difficult principle associated with it. Some have talked about the Law of Attraction and get a hint about this; authenticity, sincerity, connect to intuition with those who are your primary market in a business of this nature, if it is to be successful. This takes out of the equation the actual content of the business. Because if that action that is a part of you that aspect that is truly loving, that is answering the question for yourself what do you want from this business? What do you want more than that? What do you want more than that?

That you are constantly honing back on your authenticity, your sincerity, the intuition of others who are drawn to your business, to buy your product, to work with your service, to share with you in order to understand this at its core will be intuitively aware of this authenticity or lack thereof. This is what allows the business to expand, to become that which encompasses others that truly perhaps makes a difference in the world.

Naturally, as part of that authenticity would be that opportunity for you to make a mission statement that is including this. To re-create it regularly even if necessary in the middle of the business if it is that which is true to your heart, you change it. It is important as this goes forward to understand that at the deeper level, those who are metaphysically inclined are doing their best to answer this question when it comes to such as marketing. Both as those who are your buyers and those who are your sellers. Those who are receiving and those who are giving. What do I take with me?

In this way they will not take any of these things and many of the services that are offered will be left behind. It is this level of the discovery of a kindred soul, of an opportunity for something deeper of that which somehow takes one step towards answering that question that will have a more profound impact and assist with success.

Success, however you realize the danger here, changes its definition. You might have said that success would mean a certain number in a bank account or pieces of paper with hundreds on them stacking up somewhere. But, in actuality since you don't take that with you, success might be something different. It might involve something you've let go of or something you've come to understand differently or some way in which somebody was truly helped or some way in which you released something holding you back. Resistance to this can very quickly throw you out of authenticity because what you must recognize is the true nature of this business. The way in which it is to propel you to transformation.

What is metaphysics? What is this metaphysical energy? What is that which is spiritual in nature? It is sometimes defined as that which is simply, “not business.” That is to some extent accurate. So, to merge these two can be a little bit uncomfortable unless you begin to recognize that you can use business as a steppingstone to spirituality and metaphysics and any of the other things you are interested in as long as when any of those aspects of the business get in the way you are willing to transcend, to let go, to transform, even to destroy if necessary as it would be in alignment with the authentic understanding that you have in that moment.

This is not easy and that is why you don't see too many businesses succeeding in this arena, but some do and often times these are the ones that sincerely promote transformation even to the capacity by which the people who are sharing it transform. Thus, taking them out of that into perhaps another business. As such can be available in the world it is possible and indeed would be a very helpful sort of thing to understand so that transformation could then go into the other businesses on your planet. The ones that don't have so much of spirituality necessarily or metaphysical aspects necessarily connected to them but those which still are helpful and not hurting.

Can you give us some examples?

Hilarion: Certainly. When you look at the transformative information put out particularly through the video media, you see names such as Byron Katie or Eckhart Tolle and how their ideas have been very helpful to the businesses involved in promoting those ideas and sharing that information. You see how alternatives in health that have truly been helpful for people that also tend to improve their consciousness. Thus, you have such as flower essences, vibrational remedies, homeopathy and so on. Each of these can at times powerfully transform the very people who are involved with them. Assisting them to move into different realms or to shift their entire way of marketing or sharing these things.

Fall 2016