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June 21, 2000
Hilarion: Let us begin with the issue of chemtrails, contrails, sometimes called emissions from various jets, etc. This has been a problem that many have noticed in the last few years, and yet as much as has been asked about it, as much as people request information, very little is forthcoming. There are a number of scientists working with large corporations, and chemical producers, and a number of other beings, who are quite concerned about global warming on your planet.
Hilarion: Let us begin with the issue of chemtrails, contrails, sometimes called emissions from various jets, etc. This has been a problem that many have noticed in the last few years, and yet as much as has been asked about it, as much as people request information, very little is forthcoming. There are a number of scientists working with large corporations, and chemical producers, and a number of other beings, who are quite concerned about global warming on your planet.
Indeed, the recent record rise in temperatures worldwide is making it increasingly likely that to even your most skeptical scientists, the issue of global warming will be accepted as a true fact on your planet. A simple question to ask is, "What is being done on your planet to increase the percentage of oxygen in your atmosphere?" Obviously much is being done to increase the percentage of carbon dioxide, which is contributing to the global warming effect. Your atmosphere is a balance of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen. Nitrogen levels tend to be fixed, and it is oxygen which is quite variable. So that is the obvious solution--increase the oxygen to decrease the carbon dioxide. It is the ratio of these that determines global warming. This solution is not being accepted on your planet because of course what it means is growing lots more plants, and just the opposite is happening--large portions of your forests are being cut down to make room for people to live.
So, these scientists have proposed that aluminum particles be added to the exhausts of jets in various ways, adding this to jet fuel, adding it to particular exhaust systems, worked with catalytic converters, various jet engines and various other means are being developed to emit these reflective particles to reflect the rays of the Sun so that less global warming takes place on your planet.
Their efforts in this regard are laudable, and the effects disastrous, because, of course, people are breathing in various aluminum compounds as a result of this. This is indeed affecting health. Some of these programs have been utilized for the dispersal of biological agents, various other toxic materials that cannot be easily disposed of by other means, even radioactive elements and other means. But the majority of those involved in these projects are specifically dispersing highly reflective materials, with aluminum being the cheapest of these, for the idea of reducing global warming.
Now, of course, if such a solution was proposed worldwide, it would be rejected. Nobody would want to be breathing that stuff. But, at the same time, if this was rejected and people began to look at the areas where none of these chemtrails were utilized and global warming was particularly problematic, the blame would go right where it belongs--onto those government policies, advertising, and other aspects that are encouraging people to destroy your planet, to make more room for factories, for people, for chemicals and all of the rest of it. So you see that for the time being in this unstable situation, these difficulties will continue.
Now, the larger solution to this is not one that can be done individually, very easily, but small steps in this regard can always be taken. For anyone in an urban area, it only makes sense to be involved somehow in regreening your city--rooftop greenhouses, bringing as much green material, living plants, in any way possible on your planet just makes sense.
Of course, the discontinuation of fossil fuels will be an important avenue. But you see the tremendous destruction that this will cause on your planet. However, nonphysically, the technological devices to replace the internal combustion engine--or should we call it, "the infernal combustion engine"--these techniques have already been developed, and many indeed at the physical level have utilized them, have produced alternate energy sources and these are not being accepted widely on your planet quite yet.
The main reason for this: fear and ego, no different than it used to be. Here, the emphasis will tend to sort of flip-flop between them. Fear by those companies that want to stop these inventions, scaring the inventors from bringing it out. Ego: buying them off, allowing them somehow to sense that they have completed their lives, they have done what they came here to do because they have made millions of dollars, not because they have contributed something useful.
But, that is not the greatest difficulty, and another of these subprojects is underway to push forward with the many dozens of such inventions. The whole idea of altruism, that there will be some inventor somewhere on your planet, or group, who develops an alternative technology who is notwilling to accept profit for it. Rather than try to patent it, hold on to it, restrict it, they will make the information widely available via the Internet or other means so that everyone can produce such equipment in their own backyard, or by the use of commonly available materials. This way will, of course, stop the old ways of pollution and other mechanisms, but it will not put very much, perhaps even no money at all, in the pockets of the inventors. And so you see how this does indeed allow them to grow up around the issue of fear and ego, ego especially, because they might not even be acknowledged for their contribution, and that would have to be fully acceptable to such a being.
Where does this sort of altruism start? In the popular consensus, in the energy within you, as the leading edge of those who come to understand new methods of thought and understanding and awareness. So, also in your heart does such then come from love, love of your fellow beings, love of the animals on your planet, love of clean air and clear water and potentials to make things more beautiful, and so on. It is this energy also that allows you to love into existence the possibility that your identity is going to be just fine whether you have your job or you lose it, whether you make money from whatever it is you are doing--in this situation it would be the oil companies, the automobile companies, and others involved in energy production. They would all be out of a job. They would be afraid of this. Would you be afraid of it if it happened to you? You would be, under many circumstances, until you see the larger issue that what the cost is of this, the cost to your world, the cost to your planet.
There are many of these developments for low cost technologies currently underway, and these are going to come out if you look for them, and many of them are already published on the Internet. Simple searches will show you them when you look under "free energy," "alternative energy," "low cost energy," and "non-polluting energy" as useful tools.
But, here again in a certain sense we stray from this larger program, because these technological advances in themselves mean nothing. It is only going to buy you time on Earth for the larger aspect of this plan which will entail the manifestation of all of these beings simultaneously. This is a tough one, you know. The nonphysical beings right now coexist with you, and this is relatively easy because they don't have to eat, they don't have to have shelter, they don't have to have a job as a result, therefore. You think jobs are scarce now? With 50 billion of you on the planet, there is going to be indeed a lot more emphasis on automation and other means that are going to make jobs even more scarce (except for lawyers, of course, at least the way things are going).
Understanding the way these energies are unfolding will help you greatly in acknowledging what is going on with the nonphysical beings, because their energy is no different than yours in essence.
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