Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Domestic Violence & The Unquiet Dead by Dr. Edith Fiore

 How can we help with the rising incidence of domestic violence?

Hilarion: This is partly due to increasing population on your planet, and of the way in which the interaction with the non-physical beings continues; especially those that we haven't spoken of yet. The one-third of these nine to one who are indeed those of malevolent nature, those who are seeking harm, those who often don't even know they've died, who are then drawing energy unconsciously from others. Speak to them. Oh yes, you have all kinds of techniques for non-violent communication, various ways for counseling, for understanding and working with all kinds of manifestations of interaction with the children, with going to the issues at their core, with using the Byron Katie technique to ask the right questions; these are all good techniques. 

But, don't forget about the non-physicals. If it is a being who you are noticing is allowing a child, or a spouse, or someone in your family, to do things that seem to be motivated by unconsciousness, that which doesn't seem to be the natural thing that's best for them and they do it anyway, there might be a non-physical being involved. Speak to that being directly. 

Well, if the child is old enough, he or she will think you are crazy, and so also would a spouse unless of course they've read books such as The Unquiet Dead by Edith Fiore or Projections of the Consciousness by Dr. Waldo Vieira or others that address this issue. 

But, as you speak to these beings, and you receive intuitively more about them, you may get flashes or ideas, trust them and speak of them. Speak to the being directly and say things like, "You know, you're dead. You hadn't thought of that had you, and you're drawn to this energy and this child or this situation because of the violence, because of the struggle. But, if you look around you, you may discover that there are others loving you, right behind you. That there is a world of much greater light, peace and energy than you experience here as you are drawn to us."

[ Ed Note: To learn more about the nonphysical beings who co-exist with us, including psychotic post-mortems, see Projections of the Consciousness and other books by Dr. Waldo Vieira.

To learn more about releasing spirit attachments, see The Unquiet Dead by Edith Fiore - published by Ballantine Books, ISBN 0-345-35083-9 ]

Now, there are many ways that you can work with this energy, but we are simply suggesting that you widen the context to include the non-physical beings. It's no coincidence of course, that speaking in this fashion, we are a non-physical being, does that mean what we are saying is pay more attention to us? In a certain sense, yes, because indeed, we do sometimes have some answers you haven't thought of. They're not always the best answers, but they do help you to think.

In addition to those methods, of course, there is simply the way in which many beings on your planet simply want one thing. They want to know love. They want to feel it. They want to receive it on some level and because at some level they are convinced that it is not available to them, they then don't have that energy, and are seeking then to manifest it somehow, even by negative attention, even by harm, or even by ways in which that fear that they're not going to receive that love, would then perhaps be multiplied. So think about it. Get a little practice. As you speak to someone and get to know them a little better, ask yourself this question - "how does that person love? How do they express their love?" And find a way to express it with that person the same way. In other words, not the way that you would love, but the way that they would love.


This gives you a good practice as to how to do this more easily, and may give you some hints as to how to reduce levels of violence in domestic relationships as individuals do go deeper to that place of love. In addition to all of this, of course, how you use the new techniques, as you find the deeper levels of peace and love, you will also find that food plays an important role. That people are very stressed because they are not getting sufficient nutrition and that they are relying on drug substances, either recreational or prescription in order to solve their problems and that many ways of intervening and looking into this more deeply with food are becoming more possible now. 

Certain fats for instance, (raw butter, raw cream, raw cheese, raw milk,raw coconut, avocado) those which tend to build and strengthen the body can be very helpful and very useful to individuals who are seeking deeper levels of their own sense of peace in their bodies. For this we would certainly suggest We Want to Live as a beautiful book to encourage people to go in new directions with this, and to awaken their own intuition and their own intuitive ability to receive the benefits of foods and pay a little less attention, perhaps to those nutritionists, doctors, and others who have reversed themselves so often just in the last few decades. In other words, a certain level of trust in yourself sometimes goes a long way.

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