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But, most individuals instead respond to such energies as if they are the victim. They feel separated from a higher part of their being, and so they are doing everything possible to get back to it, including getting lots of psychic healings from others who will assist them in becoming ascended; whereas they are light. They have that highest aspect deep within their being. It is a matter of letting go of anything that says that, "you are not this," that can allow you to know it that much better. Again, asking the right question reveals the right answer not about, then, achieving ascension but remembering ascension, not about being something you are not, but about acknowledging that which you are.
In recognizing this, one can examine and work with all kinds of ways of answering questions, but one must always recognize that to some extent any answer will be incomplete until there is some aspect of you, some part of your nature that is a part of this combining.
It is back to the way of the nature aspect that must always be brought in, and so much in your society that emphasizes the particle or separate nature that allows over and over the misconceptions about how things work in the world. So, you have currently a great powerful popular example in the press, in what is going on throughout your world with this issue of hoof or foot-and-mouth disease.
This is a difficult issue to understand and work with because there are so many forces at work. Separating them and understanding them is of some value and it will assist you with your mind, but from the animals' point of view it is a relatively simple matter. Here again, though, in studying the answer to the question you cannot really understand the nature of a disease on its own. It must be seen in the larger context, its interactivity. So, asking about purpose when it comes to living things, animate beings, interactive consciousnesses is a sort of open-ended question that gives you all kinds of answers, and the purpose of bacteria, of virus, of parasites, of various fungi, plants, animals, working through all of these questions of purpose reveals a lot of information.
Specifically, one will always notice a relationship between different viruses and bacteria. Rife himself in the 30's discovered by the use of a very powerful microscope how each bacteria has within it a virus, and that that virus can as a result of action upon the bacteria become in itself virulent while the bacteria dies away. Under the correct conditions, that very virus can then give birth to the bacteria. Their purpose, however, was not studied by this eminent scientist. Yet, in nature it is so obvious that these organisms are there to clean up, to change the environment, to break down substances so that life at a higher vibrational level, that of sentient beings, that of plants, that of people, that of animals, will then be able to grow.
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Specifically, then, looking at the interactions, one would ask the obvious question, that which is not being asked by most individuals, and that has to do with how foot-and-mouth disease, how these aspects of difficulty as seen in the larger context, then reflect to this interaction. That is then, what good is it? What is its purpose?
You will then understand that the virus itself is connected to the bacteria. The bacterium involved is streptococcus. This has the capacity to clear various congestive materials. In a human being it is typically associated with the throat center. Similarly in animals to some extent. This clearing is necessary when there is excessive toxic material. Some of the materials that are most toxic would specifically include mercury, aluminum, and various overheated fats and oils.
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Mercury has been introduced into the animal population in very high levels over the last few years by increasing use of vaccinations. In addition, various antibiotics utilizing molds and other materials have introduced small quantities of mercury.
Aluminum has been added to the atmosphere in large amounts by the use of chemtrails, sometimes called contrails, with a deliberate effort to reflect some of the difficulties of excessive sunlight reaching the Earth's surface. Reducing global warming has indeed occurred as a result of these large scale programs, but unfortunately, a poisoning by means of aluminum of the water, of the air itself, of the soil, of many other aspects of plant and animal physiology has also occurred.
So, it is only natural then that some disease outbreaks that will clear this will be employed by nature. If foot-and-mouth disease, if this moves properly through the animal, it will indeed create the cleansing and clearing. If allowed to run its course, and if the animal is then taken into a more helpful diet, meaning specifically soil high in minerals, low in toxic materials, used to provide the grasses upon which the ruminants graze, then within a relatively short time, typically a matter of two to three months, the animal will move through this disease and will come out on the other side of it stronger and healthier.
In many cases, however, this is not possible, because instead what happens is a bacterial infection similar to streptococcus or a related one will show up. Under such circumstances, the typical vet will vaccinate or utilize various antibiotics depending on the age of the animal. The young ones get vaccinated and the older ones get their antibiotics.
This, then, creates a vicious cycle whereby the bacteria has to work that much harder. It re-employs the virus and other viruses become involved, and the animal gets sicker. Whereas organically raised animals, those that co-exist with nature, those that are able to properly utilize and work with the environment, and when they are grown under conditions of greater peace, attunement to the Earth, the constant recycling and working with the Earth specifically for pasture to be then highly mineralized, these animals will actually go beyond health to a much greater, more healthful place.
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Now, as an animal then is able to develop sufficient immunity to this difficulty, then it is no longer a problem of a large nature. But, there has been a clear decision on the part of those involved to avoid this, to instead prevent the spread of the disease in any way possible, even at great cost, and one would have to ask then, why? What is in it for those involved? You obviously then recognize all of the aspects of economics falling into play here, where the price can go up of the animals, where those in positions to prevent significant numbers of their animals from catching this contagion will then profit from it, and various animals already slaughtered, kept in storage, etc., will be able to be sold at higher prices and on and on it goes.
It is always simply by a matter of the smallest understanding that these silly things go on. Because after all, where does this set those individuals further down the road? Where does it assist when indeed their supply runs out? They are simple questions that can be asked over and over when looking at agriculture, but they are often the questions that are not asked. Looking at the long term good versus the short term profit.
Understanding all of this, however, has another overlay, and looking into this from the world's point of view, there is another question that has already been asked. How good is the fear-based issue associated with bacteria and viruses as has been implanted it into the consciousness of the planet? The people asking this question are beings quite high up on the "food chain"--specifically those working with bringing various aspects of fear-based propaganda, fear-based energies to people all over your planet.
Ultimately, yes, this can be used to control the population. It can be used to reduce knowledge, compassion, understanding. It can be used to cause people to separate from each other. It can be used in ways that you cannot fathom, indeed, how individuals would want such separation until you ask this other question, why? What is the purpose? For these individuals, it is to supplement their own identity as the kinds of people who exert power and control over others. That is the kind of person that they need to be.It is such individuals who have great wealth, and want more; who have a lot of power and responsibility and somehow want more. It doesn't make a lot of sense when you look at it logically, rationally, but emotionally such beings indeed have important aspects that they are in perfect resonance with, with you, with the possibility within you of wanting more power, more energy, more of different things in the world.
Yes, it is tying into the greed part of all beings, and when you recognize that that is a part of your being--perhaps it is a small one, perhaps it is not the part that you have allowed very much say in your world as opposed to these individuals, but at least you acknowledge that it is present--you will understand a little more of the "why," of this issue.
And so, such individuals will benefit greatly by spreading fear of disease on your planet, fear of bacteria, and fear of viruses. This will enable them to sell drugs, as most of these individuals make tremendous profits by selling various substances of all kinds. Indeed, some of these aspects have worked out very well for them. For instance, notice the scarcity of peer-review for vaccines that has already taken place on your planet--these are widely accepted without any double-blind studies, without any peer-reviewed studies, without any scientific data to back up why injecting people with mercury and various dead bacteria is good for them.
Understanding this principle has drawn into question for those at higher levels how much power is being exerted here. Why? Because of the issue of genetically-engineered foods. These products, recently introduced, have met with tremendous resistance in Europe, and some resistance in the United States. Indeed these difficulties have made those individuals at places higher up recognize they are going too far too fast with such a program to introduce various unnatural components into the world as seemingly the savior, as seemingly the highest benefit to humankind.
So, this was a testing of the waters. Individuals have expressed fear of Mad Cow disease or bovine encephalitis or various other difficult substances and diseases. So, could this then be continued by something around which all people who have had any exposure to various forms of agriculture have at least one past life affiliation or connection? Because, after all, great outbreaks of hoof-and-mouth disease and other related disease have swept across this planet, and many of you have experienced this firsthand in various capacities in your past lives. So, indeed then, this is the new aspect, what makes it different from the introduction of Mad Cow disease, because this is an old disease, one that has been with humanity for a long time.
And so the real issue for those involved at a spiritual level is to find the right questions to ask, to go deeper in the understanding of this, to be able to work out the issues for oneself without necessarily believing that the only solution to this is the wholesale slaughtering of thousands or even conceivably into the millions of animals across your planet.
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But, they are not interested in being destroyed as a result. They learn nothing from this. They are not contributing to anyone, because in most cases that which happens to the carcass--it is simply burned. It is destroyed. It is not allowed even to be as food or nourishment for anyone.
Therefore, it is here again in this as an example of asking the deeper question in order to contact the deeper answer. Yet, by comparison to the issues which face you, the way in which coming into this world you have chosen various aspects of illusion, separation, relationship, working things out in the world and so on, the issue of diseases, animals, diet, all of these things are quite simple by comparison. But before we attempt those bigger issues, let us go to this issue of diet.
There are those on your planet who are suggesting that a breatharian lifestyle, one which does not require food, is possible--taking energy, nourishment, directly from light itself. We have addressed this extensively in the past, and it is indeed quite possible. At the same time we have recommended various dietary patterns for people that are very healing, helpful, but are not a matter of attempting to get their nourishment directly from light.
Now, there are different ways in order to answer the question. One can understand it in different ways. But we would always take you back to a deeper issue. It has to do with individuality, the nature of your own being, your own progress through various lifetimes. This has formed primarily two paths. One is genetic, that which works with the energies of your ancestors at a physical level. It is related to your own DNA, to what your parents ate, and their parents, as Pottenger's cats experiments detail. The utilization of specific foods for three successive generations takes its toll on that third generation in ways that relate very much to what the previous generations consumed. There are many reasons for this having to do specifically with the depletion of enzymes in the physical bodies of each of the different beings through the generations. But, what is more important to understand is that it can be corrected. If it is not, however, one will usually, in working with other diets that don't supply sufficient nourishment, sufficient enzymes, sufficient raw fats, one will suffer.
The suffering can be alleviated by increasing the energy, but most individuals will not be able to work with such energy in its direct fashion for healing sufficiently. This is obvious when you look at it in a slightly different way. We have often suggested in the past that answering questions that have to do with how things turn out in the world--after all what you are looking for here is what diet is most appropriate for your being--that answering this question comes sometimes by the old adage "By their fruits so shall ye known them."
So, then as you look at those who have been involved in these diets, how do they look? What is their health? What is their level of energy? What is their level of strength? If it is a spiritual aspect you are looking for, engage them in a spiritual meditation, or work with them on a level that goes beyond the mere mundane. Note how it feels. But, do they have what it takes to remain in the physical body, to use that body for a time, to be able to understand it and learn its lessons? After all, you have bodies, and it is not by ignoring them that you are going to learn from them.
When we ask this question and look at those involved, it is a very easy matter to recognize that those whose health is suffering are perhaps then personifying dietary concepts that are not going to be helpful. Those whose physical body improves, consciousness, ability to concentrate, and ultimately therefore their meditations improve, perhaps that is the one to be followed. Individuals must hold such a cold hard light to the energies that they perceive if the answers they seek are to be simple and practical at the level of, "What do I eat or not eat now?" They are simple practical questions but they must be applied.
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