Sunday, December 18, 2016

Mental Illness

Why do we have so much more mental illness than ever? Comment on the increased use of psycho-tropic meds. What is the cause? What is the remedy? Are they all that helpful?

Hilarion: It is an interesting matter. The solution is right in line with the profit motive, the medical system as it stands, the whole nature of allopathic medicine. But eventually it runs out its course as the side effects from all the medications exert themselves on the human body. As we have already suggested, so many ways that have pushed people out of the ways of naturalness, have been so widely embraced by your society, and so widely advertised as almost to reach the level of universal acceptability; this is having its toll on each successive generation.

The indigo children, as the generation now coming into the early use of these drugs and into the next decade more and more, using these "medications" to "help" them supposedly, will be the first to collectively hold the new picture. It may be a few years, but what they will discover is that there is another energy, another solution, another way forward. They will not always know what it is. They may even choose to delve deeply into their depression or their supposed insanity or struggle, but the point will be that as they do this they will be setting the seeds for the ultimate manifestation of these energies on the worldwide basis - that which we have already described as a general strike. The point simply being that as they ask the deeper questions, inevitably a solution that is successful will emerge. The solution has already been applied to a fairly good number of people, a few thousand, with extremely high degree of success. This is the utilization of the diet of your ancestors, that which the human body was designed for in the first place.

The next level of this is the influence of the crystal children or the next generation to come. These will often be the children of the indigo children, and there may be other generations as well. But their idea of bringing in a higher consciousness that will merge with that of the physical and inherently then raise its vibration, will be sufficient to bring a few mutations into the human life stream that will be able to tolerate the higher levels of pollution and struggle once there is sufficient connection and attunement to the underlying healthful diet that is associated with the diet of your ancestors.

Then the opportunity to branch off from this into higher vibrational diets - a solar diet, a breatharian diet, a vibrational diet will be possible. Such would be inevitably necessary when some of the underlying recognition of the inherently natural foods is lost from your planet. This is already very close to occurring as cross pollination throughout the Western hemisphere by genetically modified foods is so widespread that the genetic detection at levels of less than 1% is now universal in all foods, be they organically grown or commercially grown in the Western hemisphere. Such has not occurred in Europe, Africa, and Asia yet, but it seems inevitable given the way in which all of these products are being shared across the planet.

In the meantime, the underlying issues as the children evolve will inevitably cause change and shift. For your own part here it is very useful here to look at the underlying questions; to return as much as possible to an understanding of what the human body was designed for. If you cannot do this then the psycho-tropic drugs when they are applied can temporarily provide the reduction in symptoms. When the individual is in such a position of having greater mental clarity, introduce the idea, the educational aspect of the diet of your ancestors, of what your human body was designed for. Think of it logically. Think of it with the mind. Look at it without emotional attachment. Inevitably these levels of education will be utilized. Such individuals may be on such medications for long periods - 10, 20, 30 years - but as the side effects crop up, as the underlying difficulties show themselves; they will have in the meantime educated themselves about other possibilities and be able to move back eventually to either lowered levels or elimination of those medications once correct foods are utilized.

Of course, there are those who are your soothsayers, wayshowers, front runners such as Sally Fallon, Vonderplanitz, Weston Price and others. To read their works, to understand these underlying principles will help you in the deeper level issue in the education and communication with the children as they grow.

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