Hilarion: There are these questions astrologically based about many things, but one of them is about mundane astrology, the birthplace of United States, birthplace and time and so on. These are interesting aspects, but you might also look at it from the point of view of what it means. The nurturing aspect so common throughout the understanding of the chart we are going to suggest, yet with Sagittarius rising, the energy to find truth, to work it out is so often an ongoing issue. In this way you understand that one of the important issues in context-busting for the United States is the welcoming of others outside the United States and the ability to incorporate them, to blend them and then later to use their energies in such a way that they're actually helpful for the rest of the planet. It is not too far different from planting a seed, a seed which grows into a great tree whose fruit is then shared with all of the world.
This isn't always easy to understand, and the fear and ego associated with this is an important revolution that must be overcome within each person, if you have fear of someone else taking your job, pushing you off of your own place, or misunderstanding you. Does this mean that we would suggest that America throw open its doors wide open to all immigrants on the planet?
In the current state of technological misunderstanding about food, sanitation, water, genetic engineering, and related matters, this would be foolish. But if these technologies were properly understood and properly utilized, in a matter of only a few years, yes, this country could easily open its doors to all of the world's people, who could indeed exist here in harmony and act as a powerful example of a unitized understanding community based on love, based on service, for the rest of the planet, if people chose that.
And so you go through these political cycles in order to work with these energies. But for most people, when they return to the energy of the founding fathers and mothers, they do recall an energy in themselves of this upliftment and of this nurturing. This would be associated with the date 1776, July 4th, Philadelphia as the place, and the time 5:12pm. There were many signers to the Declaration of Independence. There were many ways in which this was brought to bear. Some of them were in other states and took months before they signed it. But at 5:12 there was a great party. It was a wonderful summer day, and there were guns fired, firecrackers lit, and the skies opened, and lightning flashed. It was as if, for many, it was a moment in which there was an exultation, an awakening, and at the same time a great hope.
Yet who were those people? Most of them had come from other countries--from France, from England, from Spain, from many places. And it was in casting off their shackles that they gained inner freedom. That is an energy that must be understood. Where humans invite shackles, they are then able to overcome them to grow. Does this seem a little bit backwards? Perhaps a little roundabout? Yes, that is correct. And yet you choose this pathway of resistance on so many levels. It is a powerful fractal you use over and over. Just the whole act of coming into a physical body is one to take on resistance, struggle, difficulty, if you choose it. There are many who would support you in such choices because they also have made such choices. Yet at its core, this need not be a world so based on struggle once you understand what is really happening here and so then this would be a useful astrological journey.
At its source, of course, are some of the energies of awakening and freedom that were initially in the British and so there is this question as to what date to choose for the bringing into formation of the British Empire. Yet when you look back in history, William I would seem to most often symbolize this, and his being crowned in 1066, on Christmas, December 25th, in Westminster, would seem the most appropriate. Yet here, the rising sign is so difficult because there is so little of historical records as to when this occurred. But it is easy for you to recall as you open to this in your consciousness, that there were many preparations all day for this, yet the most powerful energies all focalized shortly after 12 noon. At the time of 12:12, the ceremonies began, and they completed themselves with the crowning of this being at 12:32. So this would be an important point. Yet 12:12 also has important value as what would be similar to the beginning of a soul energy for association with England's birth for that time.
Understanding this energy shows you that here Aries rising, it is a time of awakening, of strengthening, of bringing new power into the world, but it is also one that will burn itself out eventually and the aspects that would help others seek truth will also be blended later. Any way in which freedom then is forgotten would always backfire. Then as this way of granting freedom, yet struggling with chains is so difficult for Aries on so many levels.
The other interesting facet of the United States chart under such circumstance is that as a natal chart, Mercury is retrograde. This is not true for England, and this is why she was able to maintain for so long such domination of the planet. Yet, Mercury retrograde means that humans in America must always be thoughtful, must always be looking inside, must find ways of changing the way in which they perceive and know the thought process itself, and must always pay attention, particularly when Mercury is retrograde, to inner thoughts, inner truths, inner understanding.