Hilarion: There have been questions, since we are speaking about cleansing, about how one might be able to clear from the physical body radiation which as a result of a significant release of radioactive water which is now increasing in the environment all over the world. Although, this is primarily blamed on Fukushima there are other nuclear reactors also that are releasing radioactive water and they get away with it because all eyes are on Japan.
In the meantime, the underlying physical methods are already those we have spoken of in the past. In particular raw avocado and raw orange from organic source would be very helpful. These have an effect in the physical body, a way of preparing the DNA damage as well as assisting with and combining with radioactive materials and pulling them out of the body.
Radiation tends to damage the DNA in the physical body. The telomeres are the most susceptible. These are the ends of the DNA chain and these are also affected by other things; aging is the process by which various radicals in the body do naturally create some of this harm. Hence, the difficulties with heavy metals and other materials. But, it is important to recognize that as scientists understand this, there will be as usual, the profit motive involved in telomere repair.
Hence, the release of a variety of telomere repairing substances such as TA 65 and others which work well in laboratory experiments but have not really been all that much benefit to human beings. The reason for this is simply that the human body is not designed to take on these substances in their purified form and often the other substances, various solvents, other materials used in the cleaning process to produce the supplements and so on and so forth go in also.
Sometimes this is responsible for a sudden burst of energy an individual will feel in taking any supplement. But this is followed by a few weeks or months later with significant loss of energy as the body must cleanse and repair the damage done by these substances. The telomeres are also repaired by raw unsalted butter. This material has all kinds of benefit and repairs much in the physical body. In particular, the raw butter and other dairy taken from the spring grasses, be it in the northern or southern hemisphere, the spring time provides a variety of helpful materials in the grasses that if not destroyed by heating or other processing can indeed be very helpful to the human body on many levels. In some ways this is superior to any of the supplements. But, eventually these aspects will be figured out and scientists will eventually produce substances as we have spoken of in the past that will be beneficial to human beings and still be those which are easy to absorb.
An important key to this will be that help will come from the other side in many areas. Many who have examined and worked with these things while here on earth will assist in the process. But, all of these individuals are very clear that the true benefit of this is to everyone, not to a drug company or a supplement company and hence those who are going to share the information and make it as available as possible to everyone will be those who will be assisted most in this project.
This is similar to the path that has been going on for the remediation of radiation for many years. Those who are involved in profit motive and specific tools or techniques that bring them lots of money are those who have met with only a limited degree of success, whereas those areas which have not been patentable, those which have been shared widely, such as the production of Brown's gas or Rhodes gas, also been called "HHO" has met with a great success in remediating radiation.
So, it is also therefore a potential to be explored particularly at the source where water can be processed in this way, dirt, various building materials and other things. The flame from a HHO torch is utilized to create an internalization explosive or implosion that can convert radioactive materials to their non-radioactive isotopes and that this process can be fairly reliable and utilized, may indeed be widely accepted. The result would of course be a new energy source as many of the world scientists bring all of their resources to bear and recognize that it is possible to use a very small amount of water to produce huge amounts of energy using these techniques.
But, this will not be that which is patentable, that which is going to be owned by any single corporation and it is that which will be widely shared by many individuals as they put their attention on it. This seems to be the larger pattern that is being exerted from the higher dimensional level in every way in which new forms of energy, new aspects of power generation can be utilized if it is that which can be available to all. Not that which is held by a single individual, an oil company, a gas drilling company or whatever. This is that which will have maximum benefit not just because it will be widely utilized. But, because the underlying principles will inevitably lead individuals to understand something about the nature of how energy is produced and in this way lead them to methods that are nonpolluting and those which can be used by anyone.
The ultimate manifestation of this requires a great deal of spiritual maturity on the part of the individuals who understand the potential for harm that such non-polluting methods could also be used for. So, as they prove themselves as worthy of working with this more and more information becomes available. The reason for this is very simple. There are beings who have already done it, worked along these lines, who have used these technologies and used them in ways that allow their civilizations to prosper, to survive, and even come to space travel, inter-dimensional travel and mastered various aspects of time, space, movement and many things that are only in the realm of what you would call science fiction.
Along the way it was very clearly recognized that service to others, rather than service to self and the opportunity to assist at every possible level rather than only to make oneself more powerful were those aspects that were necessary in order for the universe to work with this. The specific around this is very simple. A manifestation around an atomic explosion that leads to a thermonuclear explosion in a small space could rip the fabric of time and space and destroy this galaxy similar to the destruction that has happened to other galaxies as you view them through your telescopes. In this way you are being given the opportunity to mature and set aside these aspects that are destructive and harmful and come to the others that may have within them immediate benefit showing that you are ready to go on to the next level.
Is it possible that nonphysical energetics could also play a part in this quite apart from beings of higher consciousness or advanced civilizations that is going right to the energetic source themselves; Akashic records as they are sometimes called. The nature of the universe and other things. Yes, to a large extent the extraterrestrials, the consciousness associated with this, your guides and helpers and others are doing their best to slow down this deeper understanding of the universal forces so you don't destroy yourselves.
But, in such a time you are coming to in which you may be able to see this in the light of helping everyone, available to all, truly beneficial at the most fundamental level, then more of the doors open, then the understanding already present comes in and so many of these other methods that can be seen as higher dimensional science become available.
In the meantime, this deeper question of your own spiritual maturity? What does it mean to you? It must revolve around love more than anything else. Is it loving? The questions about who you are. What you do. These are difficult because many times the answer is right there in your heart. That which would harm your planet, that which would harm your friends or your family or your body, these are not things that are loving to your friends, to your body, to your planet. This is not the end of the inquiry because deeper in that inquiry is the understanding that you not only can change that but you can forgive that which has come before and you can let it go.
So, we have jumped about a bit trying to look at a few of the different issues and the different questions in an attempt to string them together in our own fashion. But, in this way in which the energies are touched within you we would ask you now to look very consciously at these fundamental questions of who you really are. Who or what is experiencing you? What is this aspect that is called myself?' As you look at these things for yourself you realize that there are two answers. There is one that is verbal, there is one that is describable as it relates to infinity, to the void, to some aspects of consciousness, but it is nameable. There is another aspect. One that is unnamed and is pure consciousness itself and we would remind you that this has a component of love in it. We ask you now simply to let that love breathe you.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
What Will Be the Energy Source of the Future for Most Cars?
Hilarion: The immediate application here is very simple. As always, we try to give you the larger perspective if possible. Many of developments in free energy technology have intrinsic weapons potential. These can be misapplied and it is for this reason that the higher vibrational beings are as much as possible interacting with every other source on earth to slow down the introduction of this technology until humanity is sufficiently spiritually mature to work with such energies.
This is quite unfortunate because of course, such technologies have tremendous potential, not just as pollution-less energy sources or transportation as in automobiles but also to directly cleanup pollution and planetary difficulties and to raise the vibration on planet Earth as well. Initially though, understanding this weapons potential must come sufficiently into consciousness to provide to people a simple choice.
“If I had access to unlimited levels of energy would I use it entirely for the good? How do I define this for myself? In what way does it bring greater clarity? Greater love? Greater benefit? Longer life? Greater happiness?” You must decide this for yourself. We would certainly suggest that anyone who answers this question with something that is inherently limiting or contracting such as, “only for my family, or only for my religious group, or only for my country,” is clearly missing the larger point that we mentioned earlier - that approximately 50 billion want to be incarnated on your planet together and they are probably not all going to be the same family, the same race, the same religion, or the same country.
In this way, you would then understand this opportunity for greater spiritual maturity. To answer the question, now that we have given background, initial idea must be that of electricity as much as possible with minimum electro-magnetic interference by utilizing fields which inherently cancel when they are in the passenger compartment and that these electrical energies are derived from renewable sources including most specifically, higher efficiency solar, wave energy and wind energy.
These are not the entire solution of course, free energy will eventually be a part of this in secret where it looks like a solar farm, only it's producing far more than anybody imagined. Because, of course it is then easy to put those free energy generators underground or in places where they simply tie in to the energies produced by the solar array. In this way, gradually introductions can be made and this can take place in a gentle experimental mode before it is widely accepted.
In the meantime though, you are quite correct in recognizing that the push in this direction to pollution-less sources of energy for automobiles will be an important first step. Of course, there are many steps beyond this. Ultimately, to transportation that does not involve the physical movement from one location to another. This however, has tremendous weapons potential and so the aspects of this are not going to likely be developed in your lifetime. But, the essential science for this has already been developed and it is simply a matter of applying it appropriately in the future.
Can Hilarion please tell us about reiki attunements for self-healing that are being offered on some of the websites. I think this is a genius idea but other people say it is better if the attunement takes place when both parties are physically present. Also, I’m curious, did Jesus practice Reiki?
Hilarion: Many of the practices did originate with many mystics. Many of the great ones of your past have learned pieces of this. You'll even see this in some of the great inspired paintings of the Renaissance masters, the hand position, the spiraling energies, the aspects of the sun and consciousness all around some of these depictions. Yes, this and many beings, associated with these energies have gone on for a long time.
But, the time now is one in which these energy can be shared. The great difficulty in putting these out in such an available manner as the Internet is the possibility of falsehood or those who wish to lead you astray. But, for now at least these are not at all harmful so it certainly makes sense to try them, to work with them, to understand them.
As with all things there will be some individuals for which utilization in this form is preferable. Others, be in person form, clearly preferable. We see no harm in either so why not use it all? Why not indeed give this sense of encouragement to the many of thousands of others on your planet with new healing system, new methodologies to share, new techniques, new energies?
Do not be so lost in all of these as to think that they are actually doing the healing. They awaken, they invite, they share, but the healing and change is that which you are manifesting as you choose a new way of seeing an energy that you have not worked with before, bringing that which might be hurtful or harmful out and bringing that which is helpful in.
Yet, it is noted here that one of the important things of Reiki is this burst, this beautiful energy that comes in various suddenly and shifts things around. Being aware of that, use it. Not only for healing but for asking, where am I using the energies of the world best? Am I receiving enough of the important nutrients, the raw fats which I am designed to receive, the powerful and helpful enzymes which allow me to digest and mobilize my food.
The capacities of light and energy associated with the food for which I am designed to receive and know, etc. etc. These are difficult questions to ask when your society tells you very differently that the foods that are produced for you are those which will make those people in positions of power money rather than those which are necessarily good for you. This is far more pervasive than most people realize even moving into the supplement industries and of course through drugs and substances utilized by the doctors and others trying their best to help.
If you simply ask the right questions about this, where were they made and what was their intent? Was it to make money for somebody? Was it in order to get rid of industrial waste? Was it that which is intrinsic or non-intrinsic to human nature in the first place? You can then more easily determine these ways. But the Reiki energy as well as all of the healing systems and there are many of these: Masakari, Omega and many others becoming more widespread all the time are great encouragement to find alternative pathways by which you are nourished directly by the energies of the world, of the universe, of your own consciousness.
Hilarion: Many of the practices did originate with many mystics. Many of the great ones of your past have learned pieces of this. You'll even see this in some of the great inspired paintings of the Renaissance masters, the hand position, the spiraling energies, the aspects of the sun and consciousness all around some of these depictions. Yes, this and many beings, associated with these energies have gone on for a long time.
But, the time now is one in which these energy can be shared. The great difficulty in putting these out in such an available manner as the Internet is the possibility of falsehood or those who wish to lead you astray. But, for now at least these are not at all harmful so it certainly makes sense to try them, to work with them, to understand them.
As with all things there will be some individuals for which utilization in this form is preferable. Others, be in person form, clearly preferable. We see no harm in either so why not use it all? Why not indeed give this sense of encouragement to the many of thousands of others on your planet with new healing system, new methodologies to share, new techniques, new energies?
Do not be so lost in all of these as to think that they are actually doing the healing. They awaken, they invite, they share, but the healing and change is that which you are manifesting as you choose a new way of seeing an energy that you have not worked with before, bringing that which might be hurtful or harmful out and bringing that which is helpful in.
Yet, it is noted here that one of the important things of Reiki is this burst, this beautiful energy that comes in various suddenly and shifts things around. Being aware of that, use it. Not only for healing but for asking, where am I using the energies of the world best? Am I receiving enough of the important nutrients, the raw fats which I am designed to receive, the powerful and helpful enzymes which allow me to digest and mobilize my food.
The capacities of light and energy associated with the food for which I am designed to receive and know, etc. etc. These are difficult questions to ask when your society tells you very differently that the foods that are produced for you are those which will make those people in positions of power money rather than those which are necessarily good for you. This is far more pervasive than most people realize even moving into the supplement industries and of course through drugs and substances utilized by the doctors and others trying their best to help.
If you simply ask the right questions about this, where were they made and what was their intent? Was it to make money for somebody? Was it in order to get rid of industrial waste? Was it that which is intrinsic or non-intrinsic to human nature in the first place? You can then more easily determine these ways. But the Reiki energy as well as all of the healing systems and there are many of these: Masakari, Omega and many others becoming more widespread all the time are great encouragement to find alternative pathways by which you are nourished directly by the energies of the world, of the universe, of your own consciousness.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Stem Cells
Is there something Hilarion can clarify about stem cells?
Hilarion: Stem cells have various important characteristics and it is no accident that as a result of people pushing in every way possible for more research in these matters, the new administration is willing to look deeper into this and allow fostering of further research in this area.
Hilarion: Stem cells have various important characteristics and it is no accident that as a result of people pushing in every way possible for more research in these matters, the new administration is willing to look deeper into this and allow fostering of further research in this area.
However, it must be understood here that at the core way in which these work they are but a manifestation of consciousness that the cells can be shifted through consciousness of anything that you are eating. Sometimes this shifting can come into the body for the aspect of natural and available healing. Stem cells as used in research allowed to mature into certain specific cells in the body or injected into the body to then take on the role of those cells as needed is a technology that has not yet been fully developed because of this aspect. Because the important role that consciousness plays in guiding this must be as much as possible an important part of this interaction and these experiments.
The other aspect here of course is you recognize where stem cells are already present through bone marrow, through sperm, through various plants where they are allowing their own change through the seed structure. All of these stem cells in their own ways have important lessons to give to people and as they are able to learn that by applying them in various ways, or eating them they may have capacity to alter their own consciousness as it changes and affects their bodies. This can be very important when you are seeking to heal something in which you see something as significantly lacking. But, it must always be asked in a development of the consciousness associated with this: who is asking? Who or what is the nature of the being that wants to be healed? That wants to see this shift in the physical body? That recognizes that something is lacking and so on and so forth.
The other aspect here of course is you recognize where stem cells are already present through bone marrow, through sperm, through various plants where they are allowing their own change through the seed structure. All of these stem cells in their own ways have important lessons to give to people and as they are able to learn that by applying them in various ways, or eating them they may have capacity to alter their own consciousness as it changes and affects their bodies. This can be very important when you are seeking to heal something in which you see something as significantly lacking. But, it must always be asked in a development of the consciousness associated with this: who is asking? Who or what is the nature of the being that wants to be healed? That wants to see this shift in the physical body? That recognizes that something is lacking and so on and so forth.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Besslers Wheel
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Hilarion: Johann Bessler was given this information by extraterrestrials in a concerted series of efforts to test humanity for its readiness. He was extremely clear as to how this information might be passed on and how he might be compensated for it. With such compensation, then create an academy to study and work with the energies, all kinds of new technologies, and opportunities for people, etc. Humanity in that sense failed this test. His strong personality was that which would then not allow him to reveal the secrets of this until, as he would put it, "humanity passed the test."
And so this is a pattern that has been utilized at various times by humanity's guides, many helpers, and so on. Indeed, this construction is being replicated right now. There are many working on it, and it is a relatively simple matter having to do with spinning forces at small levels, and indeed by application into nano-technology it will be that which can be available as a truly operative motive force which can be utilized for generation of electricity or other techniques.
But, other techniques have also been presented to humanity - those which make use as through our own energies, through various vehicles, as the inert gas energies which provide a much higher potential for higher levels of energy and healing at the same time. These various technologies continue to be presented, and indeed at a more rapid pace than ever before, and rediscovery of the old ones. This is always with the same underlying energy - as you learn from this being, as you learn from what came in the past; you can apply this now. If these energies can be shared, if they can be utilized in an altruistic manner, if their ultimate development can be that which has benefit for all; then indeed these energies can be appropriately balanced, released and shared with all of humanity.
The specific technique involves dual methods of spinning. When small particles are spun in correct direction, the allowance of various forces can be released in a larger sense. This can be multiplied up for the spinning of a large structure. Very little energy can be pulled out of such however, and so the key is that the small forces are made even smaller. This is the real reason for the recognition of Bessler's work in the current context of potentials now being explored in universities for nano-technology. The nano-technological breakthroughs have not yet been commercialized to the point that the large corporations are involved, though they will be eventually. Because this is currently at university level, at research level, the opportunity still exists to use these underlying forces in ways that can be then for all benefit for all beings.
One term often applied to such forces is the "Coreolis Force," and a deeper understanding of this and all that it represents mathematically will inevitably yield two sets of equations. Those which are based on imaginary numbers, meaning those based upon square root of negative one, are generally discarded as the imaginary solution. It is in these that the true solution exists. The mathematics that describe this, describe the etheric realms, the subtle realms from which the understanding of this is mapped through the mathematical language into the physical.
Mental Illness
Why do we have so much more mental illness than ever? Comment on the increased use of psycho-tropic meds. What is the cause? What is the remedy? Are they all that helpful?
Hilarion: It is an interesting matter. The solution is right in line with the profit motive, the medical system as it stands, the whole nature of allopathic medicine. But eventually it runs out its course as the side effects from all the medications exert themselves on the human body. As we have already suggested, so many ways that have pushed people out of the ways of naturalness, have been so widely embraced by your society, and so widely advertised as almost to reach the level of universal acceptability; this is having its toll on each successive generation.
The indigo children, as the generation now coming into the early use of these drugs and into the next decade more and more, using these "medications" to "help" them supposedly, will be the first to collectively hold the new picture. It may be a few years, but what they will discover is that there is another energy, another solution, another way forward. They will not always know what it is. They may even choose to delve deeply into their depression or their supposed insanity or struggle, but the point will be that as they do this they will be setting the seeds for the ultimate manifestation of these energies on the worldwide basis - that which we have already described as a general strike. The point simply being that as they ask the deeper questions, inevitably a solution that is successful will emerge. The solution has already been applied to a fairly good number of people, a few thousand, with extremely high degree of success. This is the utilization of the diet of your ancestors, that which the human body was designed for in the first place.
The next level of this is the influence of the crystal children or the next generation to come. These will often be the children of the indigo children, and there may be other generations as well. But their idea of bringing in a higher consciousness that will merge with that of the physical and inherently then raise its vibration, will be sufficient to bring a few mutations into the human life stream that will be able to tolerate the higher levels of pollution and struggle once there is sufficient connection and attunement to the underlying healthful diet that is associated with the diet of your ancestors.
Then the opportunity to branch off from this into higher vibrational diets - a solar diet, a breatharian diet, a vibrational diet will be possible. Such would be inevitably necessary when some of the underlying recognition of the inherently natural foods is lost from your planet. This is already very close to occurring as cross pollination throughout the Western hemisphere by genetically modified foods is so widespread that the genetic detection at levels of less than 1% is now universal in all foods, be they organically grown or commercially grown in the Western hemisphere. Such has not occurred in Europe, Africa, and Asia yet, but it seems inevitable given the way in which all of these products are being shared across the planet.
In the meantime, the underlying issues as the children evolve will inevitably cause change and shift. For your own part here it is very useful here to look at the underlying questions; to return as much as possible to an understanding of what the human body was designed for. If you cannot do this then the psycho-tropic drugs when they are applied can temporarily provide the reduction in symptoms. When the individual is in such a position of having greater mental clarity, introduce the idea, the educational aspect of the diet of your ancestors, of what your human body was designed for. Think of it logically. Think of it with the mind. Look at it without emotional attachment. Inevitably these levels of education will be utilized. Such individuals may be on such medications for long periods - 10, 20, 30 years - but as the side effects crop up, as the underlying difficulties show themselves; they will have in the meantime educated themselves about other possibilities and be able to move back eventually to either lowered levels or elimination of those medications once correct foods are utilized.
Of course, there are those who are your soothsayers, wayshowers, front runners such as Sally Fallon, Vonderplanitz, Weston Price and others. To read their works, to understand these underlying principles will help you in the deeper level issue in the education and communication with the children as they grow.
Hilarion: It is an interesting matter. The solution is right in line with the profit motive, the medical system as it stands, the whole nature of allopathic medicine. But eventually it runs out its course as the side effects from all the medications exert themselves on the human body. As we have already suggested, so many ways that have pushed people out of the ways of naturalness, have been so widely embraced by your society, and so widely advertised as almost to reach the level of universal acceptability; this is having its toll on each successive generation.
The indigo children, as the generation now coming into the early use of these drugs and into the next decade more and more, using these "medications" to "help" them supposedly, will be the first to collectively hold the new picture. It may be a few years, but what they will discover is that there is another energy, another solution, another way forward. They will not always know what it is. They may even choose to delve deeply into their depression or their supposed insanity or struggle, but the point will be that as they do this they will be setting the seeds for the ultimate manifestation of these energies on the worldwide basis - that which we have already described as a general strike. The point simply being that as they ask the deeper questions, inevitably a solution that is successful will emerge. The solution has already been applied to a fairly good number of people, a few thousand, with extremely high degree of success. This is the utilization of the diet of your ancestors, that which the human body was designed for in the first place.
The next level of this is the influence of the crystal children or the next generation to come. These will often be the children of the indigo children, and there may be other generations as well. But their idea of bringing in a higher consciousness that will merge with that of the physical and inherently then raise its vibration, will be sufficient to bring a few mutations into the human life stream that will be able to tolerate the higher levels of pollution and struggle once there is sufficient connection and attunement to the underlying healthful diet that is associated with the diet of your ancestors.
Then the opportunity to branch off from this into higher vibrational diets - a solar diet, a breatharian diet, a vibrational diet will be possible. Such would be inevitably necessary when some of the underlying recognition of the inherently natural foods is lost from your planet. This is already very close to occurring as cross pollination throughout the Western hemisphere by genetically modified foods is so widespread that the genetic detection at levels of less than 1% is now universal in all foods, be they organically grown or commercially grown in the Western hemisphere. Such has not occurred in Europe, Africa, and Asia yet, but it seems inevitable given the way in which all of these products are being shared across the planet.
In the meantime, the underlying issues as the children evolve will inevitably cause change and shift. For your own part here it is very useful here to look at the underlying questions; to return as much as possible to an understanding of what the human body was designed for. If you cannot do this then the psycho-tropic drugs when they are applied can temporarily provide the reduction in symptoms. When the individual is in such a position of having greater mental clarity, introduce the idea, the educational aspect of the diet of your ancestors, of what your human body was designed for. Think of it logically. Think of it with the mind. Look at it without emotional attachment. Inevitably these levels of education will be utilized. Such individuals may be on such medications for long periods - 10, 20, 30 years - but as the side effects crop up, as the underlying difficulties show themselves; they will have in the meantime educated themselves about other possibilities and be able to move back eventually to either lowered levels or elimination of those medications once correct foods are utilized.
Of course, there are those who are your soothsayers, wayshowers, front runners such as Sally Fallon, Vonderplanitz, Weston Price and others. To read their works, to understand these underlying principles will help you in the deeper level issue in the education and communication with the children as they grow.
Releasing Earth-Bound Souls in Iraq and The Middle East
How can we help to release all the Earth-bound souls who are present in Iraq and the Middle East areas of murder? I am looking for specific techniques of soul release.
Hilarion: The most powerful methods are those in which some attribute of your physical energy is combined with a non-physical attribute of a non-physical being who is most centered upon this task. This is best accomplished by taking a few minutes on a daily basis at a pre-appointed time, at a regular time wherever possible. Allowing yourself to run energy by whatever means you have available to you. There are many different suggestions that can be made for this. The mere idea of moving energy up and down the body may be sufficient.
The PENTA Energy Technique
As the energy is raised, you then have less and less opportunity for the energy to be misused by a negative non-physical being such as a psychotic post-mortem or other being who would unconsciously misuse. Since after all, as there is greater awakening and energy, there is more consciousness.
When the energy is made available on a regular basis with the intent of this being allowed to heal and assist souls, a sort of established energy gets started. Usually three days of this for half an hour at a time at a specific time repeated at the same time for each of the three days is sufficient. Then on the third day specifically request that the most highly evolved non-physical being, non-physical helper, or higher evolved assistant can be then part of this manifesting, creating, helping energy. And then the visualization simply that that being will use that energy that is coming from your body, from your running that energy up and down in your body, to assist with the soul release and acceptance of higher vibration by those in positions of suffering.
This is a powerful technique that can be done even when you are not in the actual physical location of the conflict. And the idea is informing a temporary liaison so that the energy may be most appropriately used. Your greatest gift when you are physical is your physical energy, and so to allow this to be used in a high useful way is always helpful.
There are techniques of invocation, visualization, movement of energy, all kinds of things that other beings would suggest. These are good as far as they go, but how can you know that they have been targeted to the people who need it most? How can you know that those energies are being used in the most appropriate fashion? Many times this is beyond your own ability to understand or to work with and thus the liaison with a higher evolved being is useful.
Also, there are many beings on your planet who are already doing this - sending positive, helpful energies in this direction, and the idea here is simply to make this a more conscious liaison if possible.
Hilarion: The most powerful methods are those in which some attribute of your physical energy is combined with a non-physical attribute of a non-physical being who is most centered upon this task. This is best accomplished by taking a few minutes on a daily basis at a pre-appointed time, at a regular time wherever possible. Allowing yourself to run energy by whatever means you have available to you. There are many different suggestions that can be made for this. The mere idea of moving energy up and down the body may be sufficient.
The PENTA Energy Technique
As the energy is raised, you then have less and less opportunity for the energy to be misused by a negative non-physical being such as a psychotic post-mortem or other being who would unconsciously misuse. Since after all, as there is greater awakening and energy, there is more consciousness.
When the energy is made available on a regular basis with the intent of this being allowed to heal and assist souls, a sort of established energy gets started. Usually three days of this for half an hour at a time at a specific time repeated at the same time for each of the three days is sufficient. Then on the third day specifically request that the most highly evolved non-physical being, non-physical helper, or higher evolved assistant can be then part of this manifesting, creating, helping energy. And then the visualization simply that that being will use that energy that is coming from your body, from your running that energy up and down in your body, to assist with the soul release and acceptance of higher vibration by those in positions of suffering.
This is a powerful technique that can be done even when you are not in the actual physical location of the conflict. And the idea is informing a temporary liaison so that the energy may be most appropriately used. Your greatest gift when you are physical is your physical energy, and so to allow this to be used in a high useful way is always helpful.
There are techniques of invocation, visualization, movement of energy, all kinds of things that other beings would suggest. These are good as far as they go, but how can you know that they have been targeted to the people who need it most? How can you know that those energies are being used in the most appropriate fashion? Many times this is beyond your own ability to understand or to work with and thus the liaison with a higher evolved being is useful.
Also, there are many beings on your planet who are already doing this - sending positive, helpful energies in this direction, and the idea here is simply to make this a more conscious liaison if possible.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Contact Lenses, Glasses, Laser Surgery
Can you please discuss the physical, energetic, and the emotional benefits of the choice between contact lenses and glasses? Comment on laser surgery and its long-term effects.
Hilarion: The work of many of the ancients in understanding eye difficulties gave rise to a whole sequence of understanding of the eye and the ability to see without tension. This was an important spiritual practice for many years. You see, if your vision was as poor as the vision of many adults at the current time you would not have survived on this planet. To find food, to be able to work with others, when no glasses, no corrective methods were available you would simply have not survived.
Many of the aspects of causation, of vision difficulty come from diet; many ways in which small substances unable to be easily excreted from the body collect in the tiny capillaries in the eye and produce additional tension, stress and difficulties. The understanding of this has passed from your world. A few with it now are those known as, "The Bates Practitioners."
Information is not found in the books that Dr. W. H. Bates wrote, nor widely available. But, those who have been trained in this methodology passed from person to person are often able to have clearer sight, bring greater degree of benefit and ultimately find the deeper meaning of this. The willingness to see clearly, to see themselves, to see their world, to see the lessons around them. So for this reason anyone with vision difficulties is very much than asked to look at the spiritual side of this and to look at the deepest aspect that they can find enough to learn from these powerful lessons that they are presented with every day as they struggle to find clear vision.
At the same time as this then you are contending with all of these modern solutions in ways in which going back to a time about six hundred years ago when corrective vision first began on the planet and evolved fairly quickly over a period of a few hundred years to the glasses you see today. More modern methods will have the opportunity to provide benefit but the benefit is in terms of the opportunity to learn these lessons the same. It takes away the opportunity to learn more deeply and tends to reinforce the stress which is causing the vision problem in the first place.
To correct this by a deeper understanding by various exercises, by working with meditation, by corrections to diet, these would always be recommended. The difficulty is that if any method is utilized which is permanent such as eye surgery, laser surgery or similar surgical methods then you have the built-in difficulty that once you have learned the lesson you cannot then correct for it in the visual apparatus.
This is why of the various methods we do not usually recommend this one. It is also now gradually coming out of the various difficulties 10-20 years down the road from LASIK surgery and other methodologies and of course this must also to some extent be taken into account. However, we would see that the other corrective methods, contact lenses versus glasses have many pros and cons that put them right around equal. There are those involved in various corrective forms of contact lenses such as orthokeratology, utilizing technologies to gradually reshape the eye and these do not have long-term benefits since they are just again holding in place the underlying difficulties which could be corrected from within.
But these methodologies do allow individuals to eventually use either no contacts or minimal contacts and therefore from a simple point of view of vanity, or convenience and not having anything between you and someone else as would be formed by glasses. This is slightly preferable on some levels. Generally though, it is very much a matter of the lesser of multiple evils and working with these energies. The larger lesson here must always to be seen, the opportunity to see clearly, that which is in front of you to work with.
Myopia relating to the whole idea of that which is in the distance, which is farther in your future which relates to seeing the big picture, to seeing all of it at once, to understanding the true nature of that which is all around you in your own life. And that of hypermetropia, that being the difficulty with close vision, that aspect of understanding the details working with the innermost light of your own being, understanding that which is closer to you, most intimate within you.
Grasping this principles along with new methods of seeing, relaxing the eyes, not staring, looking in different directions, drawing from many sources, all of this can be helpful at making a deeper correction. Of course, the more important spiritual energy is not associated with the two, but with the third eye and this is an awareness that also can contribute at many levels to that which you feel as corrective vision. To attune to the subtle nature of what you are looking at, to see its deeper meaning, to let a sense of warmth and deeper relaxation penetrate into the point between the eyebrows or in the center of the forehead, to allowing this as also always seeing to go deeper into your own being.
Hilarion: The work of many of the ancients in understanding eye difficulties gave rise to a whole sequence of understanding of the eye and the ability to see without tension. This was an important spiritual practice for many years. You see, if your vision was as poor as the vision of many adults at the current time you would not have survived on this planet. To find food, to be able to work with others, when no glasses, no corrective methods were available you would simply have not survived.
Many of the aspects of causation, of vision difficulty come from diet; many ways in which small substances unable to be easily excreted from the body collect in the tiny capillaries in the eye and produce additional tension, stress and difficulties. The understanding of this has passed from your world. A few with it now are those known as, "The Bates Practitioners."
Information is not found in the books that Dr. W. H. Bates wrote, nor widely available. But, those who have been trained in this methodology passed from person to person are often able to have clearer sight, bring greater degree of benefit and ultimately find the deeper meaning of this. The willingness to see clearly, to see themselves, to see their world, to see the lessons around them. So for this reason anyone with vision difficulties is very much than asked to look at the spiritual side of this and to look at the deepest aspect that they can find enough to learn from these powerful lessons that they are presented with every day as they struggle to find clear vision.
At the same time as this then you are contending with all of these modern solutions in ways in which going back to a time about six hundred years ago when corrective vision first began on the planet and evolved fairly quickly over a period of a few hundred years to the glasses you see today. More modern methods will have the opportunity to provide benefit but the benefit is in terms of the opportunity to learn these lessons the same. It takes away the opportunity to learn more deeply and tends to reinforce the stress which is causing the vision problem in the first place.
To correct this by a deeper understanding by various exercises, by working with meditation, by corrections to diet, these would always be recommended. The difficulty is that if any method is utilized which is permanent such as eye surgery, laser surgery or similar surgical methods then you have the built-in difficulty that once you have learned the lesson you cannot then correct for it in the visual apparatus.
This is why of the various methods we do not usually recommend this one. It is also now gradually coming out of the various difficulties 10-20 years down the road from LASIK surgery and other methodologies and of course this must also to some extent be taken into account. However, we would see that the other corrective methods, contact lenses versus glasses have many pros and cons that put them right around equal. There are those involved in various corrective forms of contact lenses such as orthokeratology, utilizing technologies to gradually reshape the eye and these do not have long-term benefits since they are just again holding in place the underlying difficulties which could be corrected from within.
But these methodologies do allow individuals to eventually use either no contacts or minimal contacts and therefore from a simple point of view of vanity, or convenience and not having anything between you and someone else as would be formed by glasses. This is slightly preferable on some levels. Generally though, it is very much a matter of the lesser of multiple evils and working with these energies. The larger lesson here must always to be seen, the opportunity to see clearly, that which is in front of you to work with.
Myopia relating to the whole idea of that which is in the distance, which is farther in your future which relates to seeing the big picture, to seeing all of it at once, to understanding the true nature of that which is all around you in your own life. And that of hypermetropia, that being the difficulty with close vision, that aspect of understanding the details working with the innermost light of your own being, understanding that which is closer to you, most intimate within you.
Grasping this principles along with new methods of seeing, relaxing the eyes, not staring, looking in different directions, drawing from many sources, all of this can be helpful at making a deeper correction. Of course, the more important spiritual energy is not associated with the two, but with the third eye and this is an awareness that also can contribute at many levels to that which you feel as corrective vision. To attune to the subtle nature of what you are looking at, to see its deeper meaning, to let a sense of warmth and deeper relaxation penetrate into the point between the eyebrows or in the center of the forehead, to allowing this as also always seeing to go deeper into your own being.
This can not only be helpful but can actually be an important opportunity to look at why you aren't seeing, because there is something that you can receive from that pathway the subtle pathway, through the psychic pathway that you would otherwise be avoiding at the more physical level and that can often be a way then in which a new pathway allows the emergence of energy or information that you previously denied.
The dietary aspect to this is the more complex and more controversial of course because so many of the substances that you are constantly consuming are those which you are not designed for or programmed for a long time ago. Over and over fats can be so helpful at absorbing those toxic materials before they ever get to the eye. Once they have reached the eye, fats can also be employed to remove them from the eye.
These are controversial methods yet they are discussed extensively by the two books by Vonderplanitz and that will be a wonderful way to educate, grow, and strengthen both physically and spiritually because some of the ideas run counter to the whole idea of society in an understanding of vision. An awareness that somehow you are getting older and degenerating and must therefore have these effects, this is nonsense. In point of fact you have more opportunity for more experience, greater strength in the eye if you understand the underlying principles.
The dietary aspect to this is the more complex and more controversial of course because so many of the substances that you are constantly consuming are those which you are not designed for or programmed for a long time ago. Over and over fats can be so helpful at absorbing those toxic materials before they ever get to the eye. Once they have reached the eye, fats can also be employed to remove them from the eye.
These are controversial methods yet they are discussed extensively by the two books by Vonderplanitz and that will be a wonderful way to educate, grow, and strengthen both physically and spiritually because some of the ideas run counter to the whole idea of society in an understanding of vision. An awareness that somehow you are getting older and degenerating and must therefore have these effects, this is nonsense. In point of fact you have more opportunity for more experience, greater strength in the eye if you understand the underlying principles.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Ovarian Cancer
One question was asked about ovarian cancer. Here one has a deep sense of loss. Usually with regard to the reproductive system, loss of child, potential for child, loss of ones’ own child self, capacity to bring through a child, capacity of releasing a child, many are different ways to examine and work with this. But the sense of loss at the deep most level is what is resounded and felt powerfully throughout the endocrine system throughout the brain; thus influencing and bringing the vortex when various toxic materials are then eaten, heterocyclic amines, a powerful example from the various cross linking occurring with the heating of foods past their critical temperature. These substances have no easy way out of the physical body and are then deposited at the vortex spots. Tumor formation is the way in which the body can rid itself of these materials elsewhere, putting them where they are out of the way.
Now the deeper issues specifically around cancer, have been studied extensively on your planet by individuals who have an entirely new framework, a new point of view about this. One of these individuals is Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. The powerful energies that he has discovered in the brain as it relates to the manifestation of cancer in the body are important revelations about how these energies are directed. At the same time though increasing research has shown the tremendous role foods, particularly poorly nourishing foods, foods with large levels of toxicity and various toxic substances found in the environment contribute to cancer.
The link to all this then becomes simple. The substances that accumulate in the physical body must have an outlet. Where there is an energy deficit a place in the body associated with the symbol associated with that part of the body would then produce some deeper healing of the psyche. A deeper awareness or understanding, a vortex appears and it is a swirling of energy which naturally draws to it toxicity. If the toxicity is present in the physical body it will then move to that point. This is firmly and clearly directed by the unconscious attributes of the animal brain.
The attributes of the hypothalamus, the lower lymbic system and attributes within the brain structures that affect various aspects of the animal self. The part of you that attunes to the animals and work with them. So the more one chooses to cleanup the diet at the physical side, eating only those foods that are healthful, that bring healing to the physical body. The attribute of the underlying issue and the symbol associated with it also so very powerful. People have been playing with this idea of symbols for a long time because they have noticed so often how certain personality types in certain people working in certain ways have a repetitive picture of bringing in certain types of cancer. When you bring in the animal side to this though, you begin to glimpse what is really going on.
Hamer’s more interesting discovery is that many times by increasing circulation through heart attack various ways of cleansing the body can also be activated. And as a result various embarkations are very likely. And various heart attack phenomena can be seen as part of the healing process. This is controversial of course, since so many would attribute it to high levels of cholesterol, various attributes in the diet but actually these go right hand in hand. The body is gearing up for a heart attack by building more cholesterol with the deliberate intent of using the cholesterol to cleanse and clear where it can.
After all, cholesterol has the capacity to combine or bind with other substances to pull them out of the body. This would obviously indicate that eating the appropriate levels of cholesterol is also helpful and very healing along with recognizing the need for improved circulation to enhance and strengthen the body. Many aspects of this are not well understood with the traditional medical approach. This does not see the whole system. Welcoming the larger point of view and the deeper understanding.
Does the Earth Need Saving?
Hilarion: In one sense of this, at the purely physical level, in which the saving would be so that the status quo would largely be preserved, the answer is a clear and resounding yes. If however, a very rapid development of wide increase of mutation, significant decrease in population, much suffering is an important part of the plan for humanity, then the saving of Earth is certainly unnecessary. When the ozone levels reach sufficient depletion and ultraviolet at such a high level on Earth that humanity must move underground, Earth's own response to this as a general warming pattern would naturally increase volcanic activity, earthquakes and various ways in which the Earth would cleanse herself. She will in other words, allow the healing crisis to help her and she will then release those toxic materials that have caused her problems on her planet - people. And with their destruction, just as you might do in releasing any toxic material from your body, then the healing crisis would eventually pass.
But, for humanity, in their interaction with mother Earth, this is more complex. How to do this most appropriately? One could of course choose another planet. But, one does tend to accumulate a bit of karma, you know, when you do that too much. Some planets might even say, "Please, not those guys." Because indeed they know the possibility that humanity would simply repeat its old patterns and mess up yet another planet.
Indeed yes, humanity has done this before. So, why not work it out? Why not find a way in which this balancing of the atmosphere, the balancing of pollution, the balancing of interactions is understood in its true light - why it is coming into consciousness? Why is this great possibility being made available? It is not at all about the external; it is about the great reminder of internal balancing, of welcoming one's own judgments against others as symbolic of the energy that is truly present within one's self. And to find the way in which one's taking of self responsibility in this regard, can eventually take you all the way to the place where you give up some of those accoutrements of civilization that are ultimately harmful to the planet.
When the energies are understood, there can be other ways. There can be other solutions at a practical level. But people would not normally accept these unless they recognize their benefits, what's right about it in other words. So, in that sense, things are going along perfectly to increase the pressure, to increase the possibility but at the same time, provide enough food, land and water for more and more of the non-physical beings to become physical. Sufficient technology to prevent the accumulation of pollution and difficulty on Earth; no longer available by the old means, presents a tremendous opportunity for all of humanity to solve the issues together.
It doesn't mean the solutions aren't available right now; they most certainly are. But people are not willing to move in these directions out of their own fear, their own ego, their own past habit. They are afraid they will lose the power, lose the money.
How silly, you don't take the money with you anyway.
So we then can see the grand plan that humanity chooses this planet because it is so beautiful, so that here the learning can take place and you can be reminded of your own inherent beauty, your love, your ability to touch. In this way, Earth's own deeper message is received: if your receiving of the future self, down the path of pollution and destruction tells you, "I have lost this wonderful opportunity to interact with this beautiful Earth," perhaps you will shift and change.
Now, currently this is difficult for people, not just because they see that it's out of their hands. That is, it's in the hands of the government or people who create the situation where they must drive a car, polluting, in order to get to work, etc., etc. Rather, it is that the overall thought form is one that is continually sloughing off personal responsibility. When that shifts, when people actually think it's fun to take on personal responsibility, as much fun as, shall we say, going to the movies, how about as much fun as great sex, how about as much fun as you can imagine having while in a body, how about the reason you came here in the first place. You begin to recognize the great opportunity that is really being presented here. From that, indeed the Earth doesn't need saving at all. It is indeed a place where this great opportunity to receive the opportunity within yourself to change, is being magnified beyond any previously available means.
Now that isn't easy to see when you look around you and recognize fewer frogs, fewer birds, more development, more pollution, light pollution, sound pollution, air pollution, water pollution, food and all the rest. It can be quite disheartening unless you see that the larger message, when you see in yourself that you say, "It is somebody else's responsibility," - that is where it begins.
Now, any judgment that shows up in your life is a self-judgment. This is a very difficult principle for most people to understand - the way in which the law of reflection is showing you that indeed it is all within you. But when this is understood as the great opportunity in being alive, everything changes on your planet. People then begin to make the changes necessary at every level and people in positions of power aren't going to be left out of the fun, are they?
Now, that may be seen as an oversimplification, but it is indeed important to recognize that you have been through periods in history where this has occurred before, where people have recognized that there is a shared responsibility and thus, protested or made shifts. Such changes have been small by comparison, but still, the capacity within humanity to change as a whole still remains.
What opposes this force? Anything that tells you that you are not deserving, that you should be afraid, that there should be some aspect of you that is made less than. In other words, any capacity to divide. So that is why you find yourself so often back looking for love, receiving love, feeling love, because it tells you through an inner experience that you are more than, that you are part of humanity, a group, or just a relationship. Remember that, receive it, amplify it, and it may often show you a more powerful pathway that ultimately leads to saving the Earth. Because the larger solutions will come in groups, in countries, and in humanity as a whole.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Please comment on how vaccinations have affected us. What's the best way to clear the early traumas from the womb, the birth, and the vaccinations?
Hilarion: These are wonderful questions and have been beautifully addressed by many. Vaccinations themselves, because of moving through the usual systems of defense--the skin, the muscles and other things, to be injected directly into the body--go way beyond the physical level and shift things at the very level of the blood themselves. Vaccinations would seem to be so important in your world for ridding the world of disease, yet all that you have to do is ask the simple question that would be applied to every other aspect of medical science: the double blind peer-reviewed study. This has been done on supplements to a limited extent, but more and more, and certainly done extensively on various drug substances, therapeutic technologies and modalities, etc. etc. Yet, it does not exist for most vaccinations, for most vaccine programs widely applied have never been peer-reviewed, never been truly understood as to how they work.
Most of the benefits are those that were already happening in your society. The shift away from the disease of polio was already on the way because of the increase of chlorination in swimming pools. The increase of many diseases on your planet is to some extent slowed by the use of vaccination, and the increase of the disease is manifested by the ingesting of foods that are primarily devoid of the important attributes in life: Enzymes, and raw fats, and this is an ongoing difficulty.
But most individuals with appropriate diet can correct difficulties associated with vaccines. Sufficient enzymes and raw fats (raw milk, raw butter, raw coconut cream, avocado) will gradually clear them from the body. Some additional help can be given by taking the same vaccine at a high homeopathic potency, such as a 1M potency, for a week or two, once or twice a day as a way of attuning the body to this. Yet many individuals will struggle with these methods because there is something inside that still fears the disease. There is a lesson for you in this--perhaps in a past life you struggled with the disease or knew someone of this nature, some friend of yours who had Polio or died from whooping cough, or whatever.
Trauma itself is a very important issue to understand and work with, but it is never held in a vacuum. There are many ways to move through it, therapeutic methods, various ways of understanding it, etc. But at some point, having moved through them, having cried the tears, having felt the fear, having shared the anger, having truly deeply known the shame, having experienced the joy of the shift of it, there must also be a place where you take responsibility, where you recognize at the core of it that it was an important lesson for you, that you chose it that way, that indeed it is that way. So, if you choose it not that way, you are going to have a lot of conflict and if you let go of the conflict, you will find that deeper inside the choice itself can be truly loved.
This is the most profound way of healing trauma. It can be utilized directly, but only if you as the perfect, shall we say, meter or guide or gauge of this energy are on top of the situation. You must not pretend to yourself that because you have said that you accepted that you created the trauma that you truly did within your being. If you can accept it at its deepmost level as the true nature of what you welcomed in this world, you can really feel the joy about it. You can then truly engage the healing process.
This does not mean that it goes away, but it does shift your relationship to it so that you can actually learn from the experience. If you don't, you will tend to fall naturally then into this paradigm of victim-perpetrator. And you do this lifetime after lifetime, one being the victim, one being the perpetrator, and switching the roles over and over with various others who might inflict trauma in different ways.
Ultimately, that is no solution, of course. So, your forgiveness will inevitably expand in your life. You can never say that as you have healed a trauma, it's finished, it's complete, it's done. There will be another part of it that will come to you, and another, and another, because it will be the doorway to expanding your forgiveness and your love for all of those that you held in the position of perpetrator in your past lives and your future lives. Welcoming it on such a level is that which provides the deepest healing.
Now we know this is so hard at times when you are stuck in the reality that says, "I am the victim" or "I am the perpetrator." Of course you cannot have one without the other. So breaking through your belief patterns with this will help greatly, as well as running the emotions to the point that you do, for instance, get a little tired of them.
Hilarion: These are wonderful questions and have been beautifully addressed by many. Vaccinations themselves, because of moving through the usual systems of defense--the skin, the muscles and other things, to be injected directly into the body--go way beyond the physical level and shift things at the very level of the blood themselves. Vaccinations would seem to be so important in your world for ridding the world of disease, yet all that you have to do is ask the simple question that would be applied to every other aspect of medical science: the double blind peer-reviewed study. This has been done on supplements to a limited extent, but more and more, and certainly done extensively on various drug substances, therapeutic technologies and modalities, etc. etc. Yet, it does not exist for most vaccinations, for most vaccine programs widely applied have never been peer-reviewed, never been truly understood as to how they work.
Most of the benefits are those that were already happening in your society. The shift away from the disease of polio was already on the way because of the increase of chlorination in swimming pools. The increase of many diseases on your planet is to some extent slowed by the use of vaccination, and the increase of the disease is manifested by the ingesting of foods that are primarily devoid of the important attributes in life: Enzymes, and raw fats, and this is an ongoing difficulty.
But most individuals with appropriate diet can correct difficulties associated with vaccines. Sufficient enzymes and raw fats (raw milk, raw butter, raw coconut cream, avocado) will gradually clear them from the body. Some additional help can be given by taking the same vaccine at a high homeopathic potency, such as a 1M potency, for a week or two, once or twice a day as a way of attuning the body to this. Yet many individuals will struggle with these methods because there is something inside that still fears the disease. There is a lesson for you in this--perhaps in a past life you struggled with the disease or knew someone of this nature, some friend of yours who had Polio or died from whooping cough, or whatever.
Trauma itself is a very important issue to understand and work with, but it is never held in a vacuum. There are many ways to move through it, therapeutic methods, various ways of understanding it, etc. But at some point, having moved through them, having cried the tears, having felt the fear, having shared the anger, having truly deeply known the shame, having experienced the joy of the shift of it, there must also be a place where you take responsibility, where you recognize at the core of it that it was an important lesson for you, that you chose it that way, that indeed it is that way. So, if you choose it not that way, you are going to have a lot of conflict and if you let go of the conflict, you will find that deeper inside the choice itself can be truly loved.
This is the most profound way of healing trauma. It can be utilized directly, but only if you as the perfect, shall we say, meter or guide or gauge of this energy are on top of the situation. You must not pretend to yourself that because you have said that you accepted that you created the trauma that you truly did within your being. If you can accept it at its deepmost level as the true nature of what you welcomed in this world, you can really feel the joy about it. You can then truly engage the healing process.
This does not mean that it goes away, but it does shift your relationship to it so that you can actually learn from the experience. If you don't, you will tend to fall naturally then into this paradigm of victim-perpetrator. And you do this lifetime after lifetime, one being the victim, one being the perpetrator, and switching the roles over and over with various others who might inflict trauma in different ways.
Ultimately, that is no solution, of course. So, your forgiveness will inevitably expand in your life. You can never say that as you have healed a trauma, it's finished, it's complete, it's done. There will be another part of it that will come to you, and another, and another, because it will be the doorway to expanding your forgiveness and your love for all of those that you held in the position of perpetrator in your past lives and your future lives. Welcoming it on such a level is that which provides the deepest healing.
Now we know this is so hard at times when you are stuck in the reality that says, "I am the victim" or "I am the perpetrator." Of course you cannot have one without the other. So breaking through your belief patterns with this will help greatly, as well as running the emotions to the point that you do, for instance, get a little tired of them.
Root Canal Surgery
There is a controversy as to whether or not to do root canal surgery; some say it creates virulent bacterial conditions and are responsible for all kinds of difficulties in the body. What is Hilarion's perspective on root canals?
Hilarion: We are lucky in many ways not having a body right now; we don’t have any teeth, and these are a repository of a tremendous degree of attention and energy for many people. These structures have many nerves in them and have important symbolic meaning, as we’ve discussed in our book, Symbols http://m.hilarion.com/symbols.html- and the ways in which many people can access and work with this information can be helpful.
But as you recognize that at the physical level when a problem begins to show up in your tooth, it is almost too late. It is as if, then, the reaction of the physical body to toxic substances, usually a severe acid/alkaline imbalance and improper use of salt and inability to take in or absorb proper nutrients, leads to a condition in which the accumulation of various toxic materials in the nerves in the teeth, and other points in the face, will occur. The body will then invite and work with bacteria in different forms to clean it out, to improve it; and in doing so will even do physical harm to itself, because some of these materials can be so toxic and so difficult.
So in working with this to the point where a root canal would appear necessary, you are up against some very difficult choices, because the body has already progressed to a point where there is so much difficulty. But, our observation of this is that if intervention can be minimized, if it can be avoided where possible, if rapid means to bring greater healing to this part of the body can be provided, there can often be the avoidance of the root-canal work and the bacteria encouraged and enhanced throughout the body to do its job; and then having completed the job, move on.
Bacteria is particularly good at eating up dead material; you see this in the example of the forest, where the dead leaves and rotting wood is being destroyed and taken apart by bacteria, then into their component parts begin again the cycle of life. And so it is also that bacteria will thrive in a body in ways that are harmful or give you problems when there is a lot of dead material taken in; food without living vital force.
Yes, we have spoken about this extensively in the past, and reminded you of the books and materials to read to inspire your shifts about this; but more deeply, what about seeing the aura of the food? Recognizing its vitality for yourself? You would be shocked, of course, to walk down your supermarket aisles and see row after row where there isn’t any aura at all coming from the food. But then, perhaps, to meander down the produce section and see that much of its brightness does not come just from the fluorescent lights used to expose it, but from the plants themselves. Understanding this activity will help you in choosing foods that are easier on your body because they are alive; because they bring more living energy into your body.
A specific treatment that many have found extremely helpful is the use of white oak bark in various forms, preferably unheated, raw, applied directly by taking it from scraping the inside of the bark of a white oak, and putting this inside the mouth against the gums, as a very powerful treatment. There are those also now providing this as a commercially-available powder which can be used in such fashion; these are all beneficial and helpful, and will sometimes allow the individual to avoid such powerful intervention as root canal.
The difficulty, of course, for anyone in such a position, is the pain. Pain itself drives you to change; it pushes you on many levels to create shifts in yourself. There are, of course, ways to temporarily ease the pain; but because it has reached the point that pain is there, you know you must make a change. Many individuals simply misinterpret the change when they look at it only from the point of view of doing something to a tooth, without recognizing, of course, that the whole body is involved; the other teeth and many aspects are also potentially susceptible in the future.
So if you must go down the route of intervention in regards to the pain of that one tooth, at the very least, then, extend it further; increase your consumption of high-vitamin, mineral-rich juices; increase the live foods in your life and decrease those of origins that are harmful or bringing contamination. Learn and educate so that you can improve health overall, so that you may avoid this difficulty in the future. This is the best way to proceed.
What are the factors involved so that some people get cancer and some don’t?
Hilarion: There are “allergies” - the extent to which you are allergic to the foods that you are eating; allergies meaning the foods are not easily utilized and are difficult for you to get rid of. They store in the body, causing debilitation and destruction of various organs, systems, etcetera. Some of these things are those to which everybody has some allergy; an example would be the element Mercury. You need very, very little of this element to survive; and in many of its forms…as it is injected into the body in the form of Thimerosal, as a preservative in vaccines; as it is utilized as a swab on the skin with various liquids such as Mercurochrome, Betadine and others; as it is provided in various aspects of your environment and so on…problems erupt.
To the extent to which you are able to get rid of this and other toxic materials, your body is then naturally more or less susceptible to various ways in which cancer forms. As cancer is a way of separating cells, moving them into a place of rapid reproduction in the hopes that…that is, the primordial body hopes…that such rapid metabolic change will more quickly metabolize and release these substances.
To the extent to which you are able to get rid of this and other toxic materials, your body is then naturally more or less susceptible to various ways in which cancer forms. As cancer is a way of separating cells, moving them into a place of rapid reproduction in the hopes that…that is, the primordial body hopes…that such rapid metabolic change will more quickly metabolize and release these substances.
It is a last-ditch attempt of the body at healing; not an enemy, not an aspect of destructional harm; but rather that which in itself is provided as a healing aspect. Such will usually be specifically motivated and engendered by several nonphysical events; these include two vortices as minimum. One will occur in the brain, a very small vortex; this vortex will anchor itself in some portion of the brain, usually the lower brain, that is related to some function in which some issue, or aspect, poorly communicated, something of a difficult nature and so on, is present.
This begins the cycle. The deposition of substance, the utilization of the body to get rid of things, the changes and others, will begin to interact with this structure in the brain, to then create a second vortex in the body. There can be others, of course; this is called metastasis. But when that first one appears, as something in the aura, it can be identified. The one in the brain is very difficult to identify by auric sight, but it can be seen by those with the understanding.
For instance, the exploration of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, a learned German doctor who has understood the role of the brain in cancer and especially the actions of various thought forms, belief patterns and preconceived ideas are not fully communicated or understood. Ultimately as all of these coordinate, the physical body is pushed to a point of choice. Usually such choice will revolve around an unconscious decision in which love, self-value, some degree of deservability, some aspect then dealing with this part of the loving, accepted self, is up; it is to be considered, it is an issue, it is to be explored.
When an individual, be it unconsciously or consciously, rejects the body, rejects the love, rejects the opportunity for self-healing, it then becomes nearly impossible, even by dietary means, even by various means provided in science, all the different techniques, to stop the cancer from unfolding; because the will to live becomes enmeshed with the vortex.
This is rarer than most people think; but it still is an important consequence of the action in brain and body. If the person is at such a place, it is more important to confront that issue than to work with anything else, be it physical or psychological, in dealing with the cancer. If, however, the will to live is strong and the person does wish to work with the issue, one must confront your own natural sensitivities, both psychologically and physically, to various foods and other substances.
For the most extent of this, the largest way in which there is a key factor here, there are two things to be looking at; the first, at the brain level, is the issue of territoriality—animal instinct, ability to interact with others around territory is unconscious and often very difficult for people to understand and work with.
Other issues that may show up will relate to such things as family or community, or attunement to others, the basic physical issues. But, usually some issue of territoriality is involved, some place you feel connection to; some issue you have attachment to; some belief pattern you would never let go of because of what it would mean about your identity; some way in which you see yourself. Yes, territoriality can even be taken to such an extent.
The other side is fats; fats and oils that have been heated excessively, critical temperature is 104 degrees Fahrenheit, is that which provides the lubrication mechanism by which the cancer gets thrown into the state of virulence. This makes it difficult for the body to heal when those fats are repeatedly pushed into the body and no specific agenda is unfolding to get rid of them.
There are ways to do this, and there are those who have studied this, including the individual Aajonus Vonderplanitz in his book We Want to Live; aptly named, don’t you think, when it relates very much to this beginning place? But when you understand how these issues interact, you will see over and over that each of these, the physical and the higher or psychological or spiritual, or even just mental functions, have specifically one purpose in mind: As you move through them, you will value physicality or you will reject it. You will have some shifted or changed relationship to being alive. Those who have survived cancer, be it through medical intervention or self-healing, will all tell you how much they have learned; how they have valued each breath, how they have then come to see life in a new way. Why wait? Why wait for this difficult issue or any health issue, for that matter, to overtake you?
Understanding this can help you at times to understand that the deeper level, though, the emotional understanding, the gratefulness, this is the toughest, you see, because it isn’t only about forgiving, about finding new patterns; it ultimately comes down to the gratefulness—the sense of being grateful for life, for breath, but even for the cancer, even for the struggle, even for the lesson that you have rejected. When you can consciously move to that place, all of the opportunities begin to open to you. It is very difficult to enforce gratefulness; but you can work on it. Does this answer the question?
Working with the Energy of The Stars
Hilarion: Yet there is this question about the stars, and how they could be blended and utilized in this understanding of Universal Law. All of them affect you, all of the stars. But as you gaze into the night sky, you may find a star that you have particular affinity for. To gaze on that for a while is good, but then use the strength you receive from this to find another one, one that makes you a little uncomfortable. Gazing at such a star for awhile can also be helpful at shifting your energy and helping you understand things at a deeper level.
There is this question as to which ones are so powerfully influencing and affecting people on Earth. There are many of course, but the continuing interactions between the Sirius Binary and existence on Earth is a powerful energy. It has passed its maximum of powerful magnetic storm, other aspects of transformation, but this is a slow cycle, taking 49 and a half years, so there are still very powerful aspects of this pouring into Earth right now. To attune to this is helpful, also because many beings have had an incarnation or two on the planets--usually the third, fourth, or fifth planet orbiting the Sirius binary--or various ways of interacting with various guides and helpers associated with this place. This isn't to say that all of the extra-terrestrials associated with Sirius are wonderful beings. After all, if all humans were viewed in such fashion as guides and assistants to lower vibration planets, they could, at least a lot of them, get into a lot of trouble. But as you understand this energy, you will see that it is always to help you shift context.
Yes, there are important associations with the Pleiades, particularly Alcyone, and other star systems. A powerful influence guides and helpers are trying very much to incorporate and increase on your planet is association with Fomalhut. Beings associated with this place have much to teach you about releasing addiction, even at the deepest most level, addiction to thought. But understanding this is very difficult and takes time. Yet they also have great patience. Understanding these issues can help you, because in gazing at the night sky and opening to these stars, you can grow and shift your own consciousness.
There is all of this to consider. Yet at its core it is not about the technologies, the techniques, the devices, the distractions, or any of the rest of it. What you are here for is the experience of being, of loving each other, of feeling and knowing what it is like to be in the physical body and at the same time to use what you have in the capacity of the sharing, be it the sharing at the level of schoolroom Earth, or hospital Earth. And so once again we must speak of assistance. The most powerful methods that are then available to individuals to raise their consciousness, to help them, to shift personality disorders or improve them psychologically, is to work with the highest vibrational beings in the way that provides maximum assistance for all.
There are many practices that are quite helpful and powerful. One of these is called Penta, for Personal Energetic Task, http://www.iacworld.org/penta-in-practice/ and it is that which has been defined and worked with in different ways for eternity. It is a way in which you allow your energies at the highest possible vibrational level to be used by helpers, anonymous beings, beings at the highest vibrational level. These are the guides of our guides.
In understanding these energies, you see that they need some aspect of becoming physical, becoming real, to be used in the world. How do you do it is really very simple--you make a commitment, a deep one, at a particular time every day for the rest of your life. That is your commitment. You will open to these energies. You will move into a higher vibrational state utilizing whatever method you have learned. Remember here, you will learn new ones, you will grow in how you can do this. We would of course suggest that some aspect of the kinesthetic reality be an important part of such increase of your energy. And then, you would tune into these energies by asking that the highest vibrational energies be allowed to move through you.
That is all you have to do. You don't have to know where the energy's going, to whom or why. It is not just a matter of trust, because you will quickly recognize that these energies have value. It will take a while, depending on the nature of who you are, the nature of how you commit to things, how you have or have not in the past, before the guides trust you enough to show up and work with you at the very powerful level often. For most people on average it would be about a year--that is a pretty strong and deep commitment for you, and it shows that you are willing to do this through all of the seasons, through all of the aspects of change that this symbolizes in your life.
And then what you will begin to notice is that everything begins to change. Slowly at first, then faster, for the positive. All the people around you are benefited deeply. Health improves, not just of you, but of everybody around you. And various energies shift, because what you are working with in its essence is assistance, allowing energy at the highest vibrational level to assist.
Now there are those who in their wisdom in physical bodies might choose to direct that energy. There isn't anything wrong with that. That is something many people do. As they fall asleep they pray, or they send energy to help this one or that one. But how do you know that that is the best place for your energy? From the nonphysical level, from the way we see it, you have a tremendous amount of energy.
By comparison, if you were to do this as percentages, you are about 98.5% dense physical energy, and about 1.5% intelligence to use it in the most appropriate way. That is not to say that you do not have that intelligence, you just aren't putting it into action now because of practice, or lack of it. When you are nonphysical it is the opposite. You have very little of the dense physical energy. In the intermissive period you act sometimes to help others and to learn from various energies in a purely nonphysical way, by the intellect, by consciousness, by attunement, by vibration, but not by the physical body.
So then, if in your 1.5% wisdom you decide that this person is the one that needs your help the most, yet you do not recognize that this other one whom you don't even know would perhaps have the key to solve energies that would help not only this one that you are friends with but many, many others, than perhaps you would get an inkling as to why perhaps one of these nonphysical helpers is better to work with.
You must understand here that there are many examples of this in the way in which you trust your intuition. You're driving down the street and for no reason that you understand logically, you go here or there, only to find some wonderful thing that comes from this. These are simple examples that the guides or helpers throw your way, sometimes with a great deal of force, so that you will recognize this principle. But in order for the dense physical energy to have maximum effect, of maximum assistance--meaning you're effective in the most positive way, others are helped in the most positive way--it must be your free will. No one else can stand in to say "you must do this" or "it is the best thing to do" or any of the rest of it. It must be you who decides. Again, back to belief, dogma, and all of the rest.
One of these beings on your planet who is seeking as a context-buster at the core level--"no context is too big or too small, we will break them all"--is your friend Byron Katie. Yet this is an energy that is represented by thousands of helpers. When you engage in the inquiry process and begin to look at these issues, you draw to yourself angelic presences, beings on many levels, soothing, assisting, loving you, saying to you, "You can break through."
If you can feel their help, you can be encouraged when you come to the precipice that says suddenly "All that I knew was wrong, and all that I might recognize ahead of me is new." This is scary, this is different, but it is that which you have come here to experience. Because when you trust that you can break through contexts, then you will apply them to the most difficult contexts, the contexts that shape life on Earth itself: Fear and Ego.
The contexts that make those important to you, that allow you to be swayed by False Evidence Appearing as Real, F.E.A.R., or swayed by the energy that says "Who I am is a massage therapist - a wife - a mother - an engineer - a friend - a person who cares." These are limiting definitions, and you struggle against them. But it is in the understanding of your essence as a multidimensionality, as a being that has aspects that are not just rooted in the time constant of now, but also knowing your future and past selves simultaneously. And that the animals teach you about this, because they understand this principle, feel it and know it. That is one important reason to choose an animal body: To give yourself some extra encouragement in this direction.
There is this question as to which ones are so powerfully influencing and affecting people on Earth. There are many of course, but the continuing interactions between the Sirius Binary and existence on Earth is a powerful energy. It has passed its maximum of powerful magnetic storm, other aspects of transformation, but this is a slow cycle, taking 49 and a half years, so there are still very powerful aspects of this pouring into Earth right now. To attune to this is helpful, also because many beings have had an incarnation or two on the planets--usually the third, fourth, or fifth planet orbiting the Sirius binary--or various ways of interacting with various guides and helpers associated with this place. This isn't to say that all of the extra-terrestrials associated with Sirius are wonderful beings. After all, if all humans were viewed in such fashion as guides and assistants to lower vibration planets, they could, at least a lot of them, get into a lot of trouble. But as you understand this energy, you will see that it is always to help you shift context.
Yes, there are important associations with the Pleiades, particularly Alcyone, and other star systems. A powerful influence guides and helpers are trying very much to incorporate and increase on your planet is association with Fomalhut. Beings associated with this place have much to teach you about releasing addiction, even at the deepest most level, addiction to thought. But understanding this is very difficult and takes time. Yet they also have great patience. Understanding these issues can help you, because in gazing at the night sky and opening to these stars, you can grow and shift your own consciousness.
There is all of this to consider. Yet at its core it is not about the technologies, the techniques, the devices, the distractions, or any of the rest of it. What you are here for is the experience of being, of loving each other, of feeling and knowing what it is like to be in the physical body and at the same time to use what you have in the capacity of the sharing, be it the sharing at the level of schoolroom Earth, or hospital Earth. And so once again we must speak of assistance. The most powerful methods that are then available to individuals to raise their consciousness, to help them, to shift personality disorders or improve them psychologically, is to work with the highest vibrational beings in the way that provides maximum assistance for all.
There are many practices that are quite helpful and powerful. One of these is called Penta, for Personal Energetic Task, http://www.iacworld.org/penta-in-practice/ and it is that which has been defined and worked with in different ways for eternity. It is a way in which you allow your energies at the highest possible vibrational level to be used by helpers, anonymous beings, beings at the highest vibrational level. These are the guides of our guides.
In understanding these energies, you see that they need some aspect of becoming physical, becoming real, to be used in the world. How do you do it is really very simple--you make a commitment, a deep one, at a particular time every day for the rest of your life. That is your commitment. You will open to these energies. You will move into a higher vibrational state utilizing whatever method you have learned. Remember here, you will learn new ones, you will grow in how you can do this. We would of course suggest that some aspect of the kinesthetic reality be an important part of such increase of your energy. And then, you would tune into these energies by asking that the highest vibrational energies be allowed to move through you.
That is all you have to do. You don't have to know where the energy's going, to whom or why. It is not just a matter of trust, because you will quickly recognize that these energies have value. It will take a while, depending on the nature of who you are, the nature of how you commit to things, how you have or have not in the past, before the guides trust you enough to show up and work with you at the very powerful level often. For most people on average it would be about a year--that is a pretty strong and deep commitment for you, and it shows that you are willing to do this through all of the seasons, through all of the aspects of change that this symbolizes in your life.
And then what you will begin to notice is that everything begins to change. Slowly at first, then faster, for the positive. All the people around you are benefited deeply. Health improves, not just of you, but of everybody around you. And various energies shift, because what you are working with in its essence is assistance, allowing energy at the highest vibrational level to assist.
Now there are those who in their wisdom in physical bodies might choose to direct that energy. There isn't anything wrong with that. That is something many people do. As they fall asleep they pray, or they send energy to help this one or that one. But how do you know that that is the best place for your energy? From the nonphysical level, from the way we see it, you have a tremendous amount of energy.
By comparison, if you were to do this as percentages, you are about 98.5% dense physical energy, and about 1.5% intelligence to use it in the most appropriate way. That is not to say that you do not have that intelligence, you just aren't putting it into action now because of practice, or lack of it. When you are nonphysical it is the opposite. You have very little of the dense physical energy. In the intermissive period you act sometimes to help others and to learn from various energies in a purely nonphysical way, by the intellect, by consciousness, by attunement, by vibration, but not by the physical body.
So then, if in your 1.5% wisdom you decide that this person is the one that needs your help the most, yet you do not recognize that this other one whom you don't even know would perhaps have the key to solve energies that would help not only this one that you are friends with but many, many others, than perhaps you would get an inkling as to why perhaps one of these nonphysical helpers is better to work with.
You must understand here that there are many examples of this in the way in which you trust your intuition. You're driving down the street and for no reason that you understand logically, you go here or there, only to find some wonderful thing that comes from this. These are simple examples that the guides or helpers throw your way, sometimes with a great deal of force, so that you will recognize this principle. But in order for the dense physical energy to have maximum effect, of maximum assistance--meaning you're effective in the most positive way, others are helped in the most positive way--it must be your free will. No one else can stand in to say "you must do this" or "it is the best thing to do" or any of the rest of it. It must be you who decides. Again, back to belief, dogma, and all of the rest.
One of these beings on your planet who is seeking as a context-buster at the core level--"no context is too big or too small, we will break them all"--is your friend Byron Katie. Yet this is an energy that is represented by thousands of helpers. When you engage in the inquiry process and begin to look at these issues, you draw to yourself angelic presences, beings on many levels, soothing, assisting, loving you, saying to you, "You can break through."
If you can feel their help, you can be encouraged when you come to the precipice that says suddenly "All that I knew was wrong, and all that I might recognize ahead of me is new." This is scary, this is different, but it is that which you have come here to experience. Because when you trust that you can break through contexts, then you will apply them to the most difficult contexts, the contexts that shape life on Earth itself: Fear and Ego.
The contexts that make those important to you, that allow you to be swayed by False Evidence Appearing as Real, F.E.A.R., or swayed by the energy that says "Who I am is a massage therapist - a wife - a mother - an engineer - a friend - a person who cares." These are limiting definitions, and you struggle against them. But it is in the understanding of your essence as a multidimensionality, as a being that has aspects that are not just rooted in the time constant of now, but also knowing your future and past selves simultaneously. And that the animals teach you about this, because they understand this principle, feel it and know it. That is one important reason to choose an animal body: To give yourself some extra encouragement in this direction.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Astrological Chart of The United States and Britain Regarding Immigration
Hilarion: There are these questions astrologically based about many things, but one of them is about mundane astrology, the birthplace of United States, birthplace and time and so on. These are interesting aspects, but you might also look at it from the point of view of what it means. The nurturing aspect so common throughout the understanding of the chart we are going to suggest, yet with Sagittarius rising, the energy to find truth, to work it out is so often an ongoing issue. In this way you understand that one of the important issues in context-busting for the United States is the welcoming of others outside the United States and the ability to incorporate them, to blend them and then later to use their energies in such a way that they're actually helpful for the rest of the planet. It is not too far different from planting a seed, a seed which grows into a great tree whose fruit is then shared with all of the world.
This isn't always easy to understand, and the fear and ego associated with this is an important revolution that must be overcome within each person, if you have fear of someone else taking your job, pushing you off of your own place, or misunderstanding you. Does this mean that we would suggest that America throw open its doors wide open to all immigrants on the planet?
In the current state of technological misunderstanding about food, sanitation, water, genetic engineering, and related matters, this would be foolish. But if these technologies were properly understood and properly utilized, in a matter of only a few years, yes, this country could easily open its doors to all of the world's people, who could indeed exist here in harmony and act as a powerful example of a unitized understanding community based on love, based on service, for the rest of the planet, if people chose that.
And so you go through these political cycles in order to work with these energies. But for most people, when they return to the energy of the founding fathers and mothers, they do recall an energy in themselves of this upliftment and of this nurturing. This would be associated with the date 1776, July 4th, Philadelphia as the place, and the time 5:12pm. There were many signers to the Declaration of Independence. There were many ways in which this was brought to bear. Some of them were in other states and took months before they signed it. But at 5:12 there was a great party. It was a wonderful summer day, and there were guns fired, firecrackers lit, and the skies opened, and lightning flashed. It was as if, for many, it was a moment in which there was an exultation, an awakening, and at the same time a great hope.
Yet who were those people? Most of them had come from other countries--from France, from England, from Spain, from many places. And it was in casting off their shackles that they gained inner freedom. That is an energy that must be understood. Where humans invite shackles, they are then able to overcome them to grow. Does this seem a little bit backwards? Perhaps a little roundabout? Yes, that is correct. And yet you choose this pathway of resistance on so many levels. It is a powerful fractal you use over and over. Just the whole act of coming into a physical body is one to take on resistance, struggle, difficulty, if you choose it. There are many who would support you in such choices because they also have made such choices. Yet at its core, this need not be a world so based on struggle once you understand what is really happening here and so then this would be a useful astrological journey.
At its source, of course, are some of the energies of awakening and freedom that were initially in the British and so there is this question as to what date to choose for the bringing into formation of the British Empire. Yet when you look back in history, William I would seem to most often symbolize this, and his being crowned in 1066, on Christmas, December 25th, in Westminster, would seem the most appropriate. Yet here, the rising sign is so difficult because there is so little of historical records as to when this occurred. But it is easy for you to recall as you open to this in your consciousness, that there were many preparations all day for this, yet the most powerful energies all focalized shortly after 12 noon. At the time of 12:12, the ceremonies began, and they completed themselves with the crowning of this being at 12:32. So this would be an important point. Yet 12:12 also has important value as what would be similar to the beginning of a soul energy for association with England's birth for that time.
Understanding this energy shows you that here Aries rising, it is a time of awakening, of strengthening, of bringing new power into the world, but it is also one that will burn itself out eventually and the aspects that would help others seek truth will also be blended later. Any way in which freedom then is forgotten would always backfire. Then as this way of granting freedom, yet struggling with chains is so difficult for Aries on so many levels.
The other interesting facet of the United States chart under such circumstance is that as a natal chart, Mercury is retrograde. This is not true for England, and this is why she was able to maintain for so long such domination of the planet. Yet, Mercury retrograde means that humans in America must always be thoughtful, must always be looking inside, must find ways of changing the way in which they perceive and know the thought process itself, and must always pay attention, particularly when Mercury is retrograde, to inner thoughts, inner truths, inner understanding.
This isn't always easy to understand, and the fear and ego associated with this is an important revolution that must be overcome within each person, if you have fear of someone else taking your job, pushing you off of your own place, or misunderstanding you. Does this mean that we would suggest that America throw open its doors wide open to all immigrants on the planet?
In the current state of technological misunderstanding about food, sanitation, water, genetic engineering, and related matters, this would be foolish. But if these technologies were properly understood and properly utilized, in a matter of only a few years, yes, this country could easily open its doors to all of the world's people, who could indeed exist here in harmony and act as a powerful example of a unitized understanding community based on love, based on service, for the rest of the planet, if people chose that.
And so you go through these political cycles in order to work with these energies. But for most people, when they return to the energy of the founding fathers and mothers, they do recall an energy in themselves of this upliftment and of this nurturing. This would be associated with the date 1776, July 4th, Philadelphia as the place, and the time 5:12pm. There were many signers to the Declaration of Independence. There were many ways in which this was brought to bear. Some of them were in other states and took months before they signed it. But at 5:12 there was a great party. It was a wonderful summer day, and there were guns fired, firecrackers lit, and the skies opened, and lightning flashed. It was as if, for many, it was a moment in which there was an exultation, an awakening, and at the same time a great hope.
Yet who were those people? Most of them had come from other countries--from France, from England, from Spain, from many places. And it was in casting off their shackles that they gained inner freedom. That is an energy that must be understood. Where humans invite shackles, they are then able to overcome them to grow. Does this seem a little bit backwards? Perhaps a little roundabout? Yes, that is correct. And yet you choose this pathway of resistance on so many levels. It is a powerful fractal you use over and over. Just the whole act of coming into a physical body is one to take on resistance, struggle, difficulty, if you choose it. There are many who would support you in such choices because they also have made such choices. Yet at its core, this need not be a world so based on struggle once you understand what is really happening here and so then this would be a useful astrological journey.
At its source, of course, are some of the energies of awakening and freedom that were initially in the British and so there is this question as to what date to choose for the bringing into formation of the British Empire. Yet when you look back in history, William I would seem to most often symbolize this, and his being crowned in 1066, on Christmas, December 25th, in Westminster, would seem the most appropriate. Yet here, the rising sign is so difficult because there is so little of historical records as to when this occurred. But it is easy for you to recall as you open to this in your consciousness, that there were many preparations all day for this, yet the most powerful energies all focalized shortly after 12 noon. At the time of 12:12, the ceremonies began, and they completed themselves with the crowning of this being at 12:32. So this would be an important point. Yet 12:12 also has important value as what would be similar to the beginning of a soul energy for association with England's birth for that time.
Understanding this energy shows you that here Aries rising, it is a time of awakening, of strengthening, of bringing new power into the world, but it is also one that will burn itself out eventually and the aspects that would help others seek truth will also be blended later. Any way in which freedom then is forgotten would always backfire. Then as this way of granting freedom, yet struggling with chains is so difficult for Aries on so many levels.
The other interesting facet of the United States chart under such circumstance is that as a natal chart, Mercury is retrograde. This is not true for England, and this is why she was able to maintain for so long such domination of the planet. Yet, Mercury retrograde means that humans in America must always be thoughtful, must always be looking inside, must find ways of changing the way in which they perceive and know the thought process itself, and must always pay attention, particularly when Mercury is retrograde, to inner thoughts, inner truths, inner understanding.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
How Does One Stay True to One's Vision in the World?
How does one stay true to one's own vision in this world?
Hilarion: How to stay true to one's own vision in the world is a very difficult matter, of course, when one of the issues that you came to learn here is perseverance. So, you will throw in front of yourself every opportunity for obstacles, until of course, you realize that those beings that you thought were your enemies are your teachers, your helpers. Not your quote "teachers," but your capital-T Teachers. They are the ones who are there for you truly because when you welcome them, you also welcome a very difficult matter to understand until you shift your own belief pattern about what you think you should know, what you should be learning and how you should be responding in the world.
Ultimately, the way this unfolds is that there is usually a resonance, some deep aspect in yourself in which your personality is now engaged in that resistance. You truly at some level believe what those beings allowing the resistance, welcoming its struggle in you, what they have told you: "Oh, you shouldn't ever sing. You can't even hold a tune," said to you at six years old has tremendous impact for the rest of your life, if you believe it. Yet, this is said commonly to some of the greatest operatic tenors, the great divas and beauties of your planet, told at some point in their lives these lies, and they simply didn't believe them.
Yet, the other factor that must be an important part of this is the energy that strangles you, that draws the energy from your throat when you cough like that, that takes the energy out of your consciousness because it is trying to survive. You see, you have more beings than ever on your planet who are dying without a deeper understanding of God, a deeper aspect of consciousness or awareness. It is one reason why so many are attracted to fundamentalist religions. These are often beings who in a very recent lifetime died in a state of ignorance. They didn't even know they were dead. So, when they get reincarnated, when they choose the physicality, they will gravitate towards ways in which the simplest form of lessons is to understand that there is a higher reality around them to manifest.
The most widespread form of fundamentalist religion on your planet is not Christianity, or any of its derivations, but the Muslim or Islamic religions. These have powerful useful messages, but have also been utilized by those in power to enforce various dogmatic ideas. People resonate to this because there is something they need to know deep in their heart, that there is a larger reality, that God exists, that there is this beautiful energy. Yet when one goes beyond this, one need not be held any longer in the trappings of old ways of thinking and seeing.
Yet, when an individual has passed from this world without this deeper understanding of a higher reality, they tend to be stuck here. They don't know they're dead, and they tend to draw energy from others. They couple with those in which there is a similar personality resonance. They draw energy from that being, and thus when there is a weakness in your body, they will take it from you, right now from your throat, but perhaps from other places as necessary. They do this for their own survival, of course.
Now, the most powerful, broad-sweeping, helpful and consistent method to release the hold of non-physicals of this nature--beings called "intruders"--is just to raise your energy. Do it regularly, by whatever methods you find most effective. We would strongly recommend the methods described in the book Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce, but any method, such as the Vibrational State exercise, which we have described frequently in the past, or other exercises, are wonderful.
Yet, over and over, those things that will influence who you are by the coupling with these non-physicals will be an important factor. Thus, when there is a seemingly different personality that begins to exert itself, in some cases it is welcomed through the resonance, but it is not your personality at all, but that of this other being that simply doesn't know that he or she is dead, living instead through your body, through your energy, through who you are.
Raising your vibration naturally raises the vibration of everyone around you and shifts that resonance. Yes, it is possible to do a de-intrusion, to cause that being to release his or her hold. But, if the resonance is still there, another one will step in shortly, for so many of these beings, more than ever, are dying on your planet without the understanding of the higher consciousness associated with what the higher reality truly is and this is where the knowledge, the learning, the acceptance of the higher vibration is so useful.
Hilarion: How to stay true to one's own vision in the world is a very difficult matter, of course, when one of the issues that you came to learn here is perseverance. So, you will throw in front of yourself every opportunity for obstacles, until of course, you realize that those beings that you thought were your enemies are your teachers, your helpers. Not your quote "teachers," but your capital-T Teachers. They are the ones who are there for you truly because when you welcome them, you also welcome a very difficult matter to understand until you shift your own belief pattern about what you think you should know, what you should be learning and how you should be responding in the world.
Ultimately, the way this unfolds is that there is usually a resonance, some deep aspect in yourself in which your personality is now engaged in that resistance. You truly at some level believe what those beings allowing the resistance, welcoming its struggle in you, what they have told you: "Oh, you shouldn't ever sing. You can't even hold a tune," said to you at six years old has tremendous impact for the rest of your life, if you believe it. Yet, this is said commonly to some of the greatest operatic tenors, the great divas and beauties of your planet, told at some point in their lives these lies, and they simply didn't believe them.
Yet, the other factor that must be an important part of this is the energy that strangles you, that draws the energy from your throat when you cough like that, that takes the energy out of your consciousness because it is trying to survive. You see, you have more beings than ever on your planet who are dying without a deeper understanding of God, a deeper aspect of consciousness or awareness. It is one reason why so many are attracted to fundamentalist religions. These are often beings who in a very recent lifetime died in a state of ignorance. They didn't even know they were dead. So, when they get reincarnated, when they choose the physicality, they will gravitate towards ways in which the simplest form of lessons is to understand that there is a higher reality around them to manifest.
The most widespread form of fundamentalist religion on your planet is not Christianity, or any of its derivations, but the Muslim or Islamic religions. These have powerful useful messages, but have also been utilized by those in power to enforce various dogmatic ideas. People resonate to this because there is something they need to know deep in their heart, that there is a larger reality, that God exists, that there is this beautiful energy. Yet when one goes beyond this, one need not be held any longer in the trappings of old ways of thinking and seeing.
Yet, when an individual has passed from this world without this deeper understanding of a higher reality, they tend to be stuck here. They don't know they're dead, and they tend to draw energy from others. They couple with those in which there is a similar personality resonance. They draw energy from that being, and thus when there is a weakness in your body, they will take it from you, right now from your throat, but perhaps from other places as necessary. They do this for their own survival, of course.
Now, the most powerful, broad-sweeping, helpful and consistent method to release the hold of non-physicals of this nature--beings called "intruders"--is just to raise your energy. Do it regularly, by whatever methods you find most effective. We would strongly recommend the methods described in the book Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce, but any method, such as the Vibrational State exercise, which we have described frequently in the past, or other exercises, are wonderful.
Yet, over and over, those things that will influence who you are by the coupling with these non-physicals will be an important factor. Thus, when there is a seemingly different personality that begins to exert itself, in some cases it is welcomed through the resonance, but it is not your personality at all, but that of this other being that simply doesn't know that he or she is dead, living instead through your body, through your energy, through who you are.
Raising your vibration naturally raises the vibration of everyone around you and shifts that resonance. Yes, it is possible to do a de-intrusion, to cause that being to release his or her hold. But, if the resonance is still there, another one will step in shortly, for so many of these beings, more than ever, are dying on your planet without the understanding of the higher consciousness associated with what the higher reality truly is and this is where the knowledge, the learning, the acceptance of the higher vibration is so useful.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Colloidal Silver
There has been a question posed about colloidal silver. Colloidal silver has a strong antibacterial, antifungal, and in many ways, microorganism nature, even antiviral. As a last ditch method, when someone is in a great deal of difficulty, it makes sense. But where the immune system is ultimately compromised and bacterial action is not allowed to run its course, the individual will ultimately suffer. One must always ask, what is the purpose of the bacterial or viral or parasitic infection? If you cannot answer that question first, it doesn't make sense to treat the infection. The infection may have a specific purpose or a general purpose, but it must always be looked at.
The purpose of Ebola, the purpose of certain of these extremely deadly strains of bacteria, such as certain forms of e. coli., has in its own higher wisdom evolved for certain specific destructive mechanisms. These must be allowed to run their course in certain individuals. But by and large, when this shows up in an individual, if they cannot easily make their peace, then it does make sense to treat the individual with the usual emergency methods that the medical profession has developed so well--kidney dialysis, antibiotics, etc.
If that individual has indeed, though, made their peace, understood for themselves that it is time to let go of this physical body and come into a new one, then to do so with the greatest degree of loving, compassion, and energy would make sense. It will be noted, however, that individuals who have been working with raw foods for sufficient amount of time, individuals who have specifically developed their own immune system, will be immune from these and other very difficult organisms because they are man-made, because they come essentially from certain specific mutations that are influenced strongly by human thought and where those thoughts then have been deeply with that individual that they are no longer afraid of bacteria, they even welcome parasites for the way in which they can clean up the body so effectively, so powerfully, so deeply, so then will such individuals be generating the opposite of fear. In the presence of those organisms, they will generate love and this is ultimately the greatest saving grace.
The purpose of Ebola, the purpose of certain of these extremely deadly strains of bacteria, such as certain forms of e. coli., has in its own higher wisdom evolved for certain specific destructive mechanisms. These must be allowed to run their course in certain individuals. But by and large, when this shows up in an individual, if they cannot easily make their peace, then it does make sense to treat the individual with the usual emergency methods that the medical profession has developed so well--kidney dialysis, antibiotics, etc.
If that individual has indeed, though, made their peace, understood for themselves that it is time to let go of this physical body and come into a new one, then to do so with the greatest degree of loving, compassion, and energy would make sense. It will be noted, however, that individuals who have been working with raw foods for sufficient amount of time, individuals who have specifically developed their own immune system, will be immune from these and other very difficult organisms because they are man-made, because they come essentially from certain specific mutations that are influenced strongly by human thought and where those thoughts then have been deeply with that individual that they are no longer afraid of bacteria, they even welcome parasites for the way in which they can clean up the body so effectively, so powerfully, so deeply, so then will such individuals be generating the opposite of fear. In the presence of those organisms, they will generate love and this is ultimately the greatest saving grace.
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