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Now, how do you destroy negative thought forms? You do not do this by dwelling on them, nor by denying them. You go to their core, and you will usually find that that which magnetizes or connects you to the overall negative thought form is a fear. The fear inside you of losing your life perhaps, losing your loved ones, suffering. But, if you understand at its core that you never die, that the consciousness continues and evolves and shifts from one level to another. That at its core that love that you feel is not for someone else, it is just love. It is the energy of the universe. That at the level by which suffering comes to you, you invite it and that no more can come to you than that which you have created, and are creating.
It is then possible to understand the principle: F. E. A. R. - False Evidence Appearing Real, and release it. That the false evidence is that within you somehow a higher truth has been acknowledged. That the presence of energy, the willingness just to be here, now, just to breathe; this is enough.
From such a place sometimes it is easier to let go of those half truths about weapons or aims or goals or domination, and recognize that the underlying truths can gradually emerge. In the specific it does appear that this can push people a little closer by means of the economic struggles and difficulties to those solutions at a very practical level that we've been advocating for a very long time and that which your guides and helpers have been advocating for a long time. That of community involvement, groups, coming together, learning from each other, learning to love each other, learning to serve each other, learning to manifest for each other those aspects of service that are fun and enjoyable for you to serve others as they do for you. Any other solution ultimately will fall far short of the real opportunity for growth and understanding amongst all of you. For what better person to help you grow, to sandpaper with you various aspects of your own personality and change than those that you would be most likely attracted to in such a community?
But, falling short of this, interim solutions obviously emerge. One of these as has been spoken of in the past is technological in nature. How to accelerate this has been asked as an important question, and it is a difficult one for us to answer. Not because the answers are not present. That is easy. But, because of the timing. If indeed the world wide collapse of the oil empire was to take place right now, indeed it would be certain that many of the conflicts around the world would stop. Yet, at the same time, many economic dislocations and difficulties would also ensue. So, this must be a gradual introduction of the various new technologies. But, to understand this and to love it into existence because you love your fellow men and women is the same energy at its core. It would allow you to invite an energy of peace and of love to assist and connect to others at this time.
And so therefore before we launch into such aspects of technological solution and other solutions, we would like to briefly allow another to speak if that's all right?
Angel: I come in love for all of you. I have been known at times as an angel of love, but really it is about peace. As an angel for peace inside, as a representative of what it means to be alive on your planet. Before you came here all of you saw that with increasing population, with all of the changes possible, with all of the energy of so many here at once trying ever so desperately at times to learn, to grow, but also to retribute, revenge, change. The opportunity would always be there as choice to love or to fear. How can you make that choice on a daily basis? How could that choice somehow be communicated to others? A core, central question for your souls. So at the deeper level what this is all asking you - which do you prefer? How can that love be tasted? How can it be known in you?
Even in the times of greatest struggle and difficulty, even in the moments before life is lost, many angels appear. They come in the night. They come in the daytime. They come in those times of battles, of war, of struggle, of death and destruction. Just as much as they come with the times of dawn, of light, of awakening.
So, where you can assist with our energies right now is for a moment to contact an angel inside of you of love and of peace and to let her now envelop you with her loving. Merge with the strength of your being and recognize that, that comes together in breathing, and in your breath, a deep relaxation of your entire body. A sending out of this love, gradually, easily. With each in-breath the understanding, the awakening, the welcoming. On each out-breath the release of that love to the planet, to everyone on this planet. To touch them all and say, "Yes, there can be peace. It is possible. Yes, there are alternatives. Yes, there are other ways. Yes, in your heart you know this peace also. You know this love also. Welcome it."
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