Friday, March 25, 2022

Echo Communities
Hilarion: A question has been posed as to the future of communities.

Echo communities are being formed all over the world. People are seeing that more sustainability and less travel that depends on oil and fossil fuel in various ways is going to be helpful and they are seeking less dependence on technology. Such echo villages are certainly what we have spoken about with various other names for many years. How to choose? How to pick one? This comes back to the “doing-ness.” Sometimes, you are faced with some choices here. Shall I do this to help these refugees? Shall I do this to help influence what is going on in the world? Shall I stay home and meditate? The “doing-ness” question.

So, a simple meditation. Come to a place of awakening. Of relaxation and feeling limitless by whatever means is helpful. Then recognize a sense of cleansing as an energy moves through your own body and is released to the earth. Breathe with it and see yourself surrounded in light and then standup and let your body be balanced gently and easily, so that a gentle rocking motion in any direction can easily show up for you. Then ask your question: “Is this the right echo community for me?” A “yes,” would easily be seen as a front and back or a “no,” left and right. Or, sitting quietly visualize yourself in the mirror and that being looking just like you is allowed to look older, younger, fatter, thinner, clothed, nude until that image stabilizes and see it leave the mirror and go out to these places.
Notice what is happening within you, “over here.” As that second image of yourself is experiencing that echo village or this other one or doing “this,” to help those need or doing “that,” to help those in need to influence politically or “this" to simply be inside or quiet. Each of these has an effect on you “over here,” when you watch that second image do those things. When that which is coming to you is sitting here is expansive, warm and brings to you a sense of greater lightness that is a good “yes.” But, a sense of coldness or contraction or heaviness that is a clear, “no.”

The point of this is that every individual will for themselves these clear paths. There can not be a single recommendation for everyone because you do not know where the interactions with others is going to take you in your own path, in your own future and some of your guides and helpers have a better clue and a better understanding of this than you do and your guides and helpers will help you move in such a direction.

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