Tuesday, April 13, 2021

If Someone Really Wanted to Reduce the Spread Of Coronavirus They Would Turn Off 5G ~ Hilarion

Hilarion: A question about toxicity has also arisen with to the “so-called vaccine,” that is being presented to the planet by many different companies as a means of reducing the spread of coronavirus. If someone really wanted to reduce the spread of coronavirus they would turn off 5G as we have said so many times. This softens the bodies susceptibility on so many levels and does appear to be interacting with some of the so-called vaccines to predispose brain function to be diminished in the production of various hormones. 

The first of these to be studied is serotonin but there are many others and these may be affected by this. If you find yourself forced to take this so-called vaccine you would then perhaps be able to replenish and assist the physical body. The raw food diets as described in Vonderplanitz especially more powerfully than any of the other methods; the use as described in his book, “Recipe For Living Without Disease,” of what he calls “high meat,” is that which has a profound aspect on hormonal rebalancing within the physical body. 

It does so by a variety of means that are natural in the body that utilize various bacteria and are very helpful in ways that can go towards what is needed, not necessarily that which is selective. Certain hormones for instance will be assisted by having yams, not so much serotonin but a little bit. This can be somewhat helpful and for those who are refusing to look into the Vonderplanitz diet certainly could eat more yams. Eating the yams in various ways would be somewhat helpful at reversing some of these anti-serotonin trends. More profoundly though, would be the “High meats,” and to a lesser extent, raw milk.


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