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Hilarion: A question has been posed about enlightenment: "Is this even relevant? What is enlightenment?" It is clearly, as a definition, a moving target, because that which would have seemed enlightening to somebody a thousand years ago would in this reality indeed be quite normal.
Thus, the enlightenment of being able to learn things from many places simultaneously is average everyday sort of action for you, when you watch CNN news and you suddenly learn of one thing happening in one part of the world and then a few seconds later, a new energy, completely different, from another part of the world-in fact, sometimes the opposite side of the world, and even aspects of learning from far away, the aspects of science, and astronomy, and so on. That which is enlightening, then, is that which pushes your consciousness to its uppermost limit, that which it can possibly come to absorb, to understand, to awaken to, that to which it might perhaps develop some sense of goal, a place to go, a direction along the path.
Welcoming such an energy can be quite helpful, yet it means that when you truly grasp it, enlightenment is not a goal achieved. Enlightenment is a process entered into and received. Perhaps that reception occurs regularly, perhaps it is a state of enlightenment over and over. In the word itself is the ability to receive light, to know it more fully, and this of course is helpful. But, this does not mean by any means that enlightenment is obsolete. Indeed, as a process, as an awakening, as an energy key, you have had it in your past lives for millennia. You understand the concept, whatever frame of mind (religious, social, spiritual) you come to, and it has significance.
Many individuals have specifically experienced enlightenment in particular areas of their lives. These can be aspects that lead to completion, a deeper understanding. Many times this will be seen as symbolized in the fingertip patterns in the hand, where a bulls-eye pattern is complete. They have learned a particular lesson. Yet in most cases you will see that the individual in this life does not truly deeply manifest the full aspect of the retention of knowledge from this. Instead what they struggle with is how to come back to this. This is often a powerful potential just waiting for them, particularly relating to some specific aspect.
We've described the aspects of each finger in past channelings, so we will not dwell on them now. But, understand that this is one of the many symbols. Others can be particular unusual patterns on the palm-stars or dots or various ways that would draw your attention there. These are but an illustration of the potential for the opportunity for enlightenment, for deeper manifestation of all of the integrative principles, all of the understanding that you could muster in this life, is available to everyone. It is an energy that is always there ready to be touched, ready to be known. Really the difficulty is the resistance to it. How much of this people will have will depend on many factors, which brings us to a much more mundane aspect.
To have enlightenment, to have deeper awakening, even just the ability to know yourself better, to meditate more deeply, or to receive energy from higher vibrational realities, even those of your guides and helpers, it would be so nice if that had no physical implications, but it always does. At the very least, it will stress the nervous system, and this we see as being quite difficult for most people, not because the nervous system isn't ready to handle it, but rather because science as it has evolved to the current day thinking has reduced the nutrients most available, most helpful to the nervous system. These are fats and oils that have never been heated past 104 degrees F (that is, 40 degrees C), and these must be present for the nervous system to grow, to develop.
Many of the studies that have been done on the human brain have indicated that after a certain age, somewhere in your teenage years, the brain stops growing. Indeed if it is given sufficient raw fats and oils, it will continue growing. As cells die, they will be replaced. The brain functioning can indeed enhance itself repeatedly throughout life, yet all of those studied are those individuals who have deprived themselves of these, as indeed most people have since milk was pasteurized and required for these wonderful opportunities for fats and oils through dairy to then be heated to the point by which it is actually destructive to the human body.
As one studies and learns about this, one can go deeper into the symbols of this, and recognize that there are patterns already present on your planet to reduce consciousness, to stop this evolution towards enlightenment, as a direct result of nervous system burnout because a sufficient availability of the fats and oil and have been so reduced by so many means by so many people for so many supposedly good reasons-to protect you, to help you-that indeed it is not being questioned. This must be changed.
Yet, the only way to question it is to look deep within yourself, to experience the changes yourself, and then, even in fear of that which you have been warned against, to proceed into the world. This is a pattern that you are going to see replicated over and over around i ssues of money, around caring for others, about true deep gifts, about the ability to receive love and to give it, and many other things on your planet. As if the assumptions that society is making clearer and clearer with each passing day do not have relevance to you, and it is the underneath, the assumption that you are ready to discard, that leads you to that which is a higher truth that you are ready to embrace.
There are those who are playing with the ideas of words, calling that which is a contract or an agreement, a gift or a gifting program, and one must be cautious as to what one calls something, and understanding what it really is. But, of course this has happened over and over on your planet, and it is essentially defined as propaganda. Understanding that this ability to misname can be inherent in the nature of things on your planet-that you insist on naming everything, that you work with naming repeatedly-so also can you use that quality once you come to the true name of something. Is it love, or is it that you want something from someone? Asking such a question over and over with regards to your own ability to love will help you then perceive and recognize other people's ability to love.
Yet, at the same time, more people are asking the question, sometimes at great personal cost, since if they wake up, if their nervous system is then tremendously enhanced, some people may suffer insomnia, nervous system disorders, various physical difficulties as a result, and so on. Yet, they will persist because they have prepared for it in many past lives, studying, learning, and in the intermissive period (that is the time just before this life) getting ready for this life, seeing the tremendous opportunities here, they are going to take it no matter what the cost to their own physical body.
For this reason, therefore, you will see more and more people letting go of materialism, letting go of the attraction to this, the need for it, the desire, all coming from the propaganda, the thought, the conscious shared energy that a thing will somehow do "it" for you. You may substitute, of course, into this all of your own particular things, all of your particular "its"-that indeed at the level of advertising a particular toothpaste is going to get you into an excellent relationship and all the ways to such mundane matters as this is human consciousness being bent, currently.
Yet, this is very good, because people who can see through this illusion and will then be as if gently persuaded to look into their lives for other illusions, illusions that are much more deeply held, much more difficult, and those which relate to their own personality development, their own evolution, their own consciousness... ultimately, their own enlightenment. Yes, from a toothpaste ad to enlightenment, it is possible. But each individual will find their own path along this way.
In the meantime, then, this deeper question as to the nature of a gift, how it can be appropriately shared, is a difficult matter when you are looking outside yourself as if the external answer is somehow going to do it for you, and it will not. Inside, you will know the difference, because the feeling inside, the sensation, the nature of your being, it is truly that which would assist another, and there would be no need for return because it is a deeply unconditional love.
The love in itself, the gift in itself, the sharing in itself, gives you the sense that you need, and no more is necessary. Of course, then, your own patterns, society's patterns, various other things may encroach. "Well, shouldn't I get something in return?" But is that the nature of your being to ask this, or is it someone else asking through you? Be it these aspects of society, an intruder perhaps from the nonphysical realms, what your mother taught you-whatever it is. As you go deeper into this, you will see as you contact the core of it, the core is unconditional love. The core is giving. The core is the energy that says, at its basis, "I am. And through the nature of being, through the I am itself, I give."
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