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Hilarion: For the last few months on the entirety of planet earth for so many people they have gotten the word about this virus, this need to protect yourselves and underneath it of course this emotion of fear and the sense of uncertainty and not knowing what would come next, how to proceed and so on.
With all of this though there is obviously great difficulty and many people struggling with their own health and with their own money issues. Still there is this sense of oneness. It is not necessarily what you would call a good oneness but it is a oneness, a shared energetic of fear and uncertainty of the need for connection in a new way and for questioning.
You could say in that sense this is good for the earth, this is good for its people to have a sense of questioning, to look at things differently from how you have before. How is that a bad thing? At the same time there has been sufficient time, many months to evaluate and to look at what works and what doesn't work and one thing you notice is that there is a small family or a small community or a small group that regularly coexists with each other. This could be in many different situations of course, but most commonly a family. If that group is conscious and careful about preventing too many contacts with other people then the group maintains its health. No, not perfect health certainly there have been struggles with this but in terms of contracting the SARS 19 or COVID-19 virus as it is called, this has not taken place in such groups.
These are the little hints about community, about the possibilities for humanity for the future. We spoke often about community for many years in many different contexts, often reminding people that a spiritual community or community based on service or some group with some shared commonality and that which was preferably geographically close together living in the same group of buildings or on the same land or in the same house would have many opportunities. These opportunities were those of course of spiritual growth, of further intensifying your relationships with each other. But, gradually now emerging is the idea that this also has some inherent safety in terms of the transmission of the virus at this time.
There are many questions about this virus and these questions are essentially physical. They do not take into account all of the important sequences that take place for all living things. Living things have a blueprint. They have not only their own imprint with RNA, DNA, various interactions at a molecular level but they have these that precede them which take place at the subtle level, the aetheric level, the nonphysical level, the mental body level, the causal body level that which could be simply understood as “para virus.” So, in order to understand where this virus is going at the physical level then of course, you look at the para level. What is the para virus doing? What is it all about? It is like all of these creatures that co- inhabit this planet with you seeking to learn from humanity and seeking to teach humanity.
In this way it grows, it shifts and one of the things it has learned is that its ability to mutate, to change, to shift its priorities to work in various different ways has ensured its survival in many different scenarios and many different places all over the world. It is very difficult when you look at this from the mere point of view of who has survived? Who gets Covid and survives and does well? Who doesn’t? And from this then to derive any easily consistent answers.
Certainly, many of the predictions we made about this virus having greater resistance amongst people who took certain herbs such as is common in India (Moringa Olifera) has indeed borne fruit and is true and that those who have followed a relatively stress free existence such as those who are in their summer vacations have also built immune systems sufficiently so when coming back to school they are having fewer infections.
Does this mean that this is likely to continue? No. It is very likely that this virus will mutate and shift and will adapt and will utilize various other means so that continued infection will take place. In all simulations with our computational abilities and those of your very best computers on your planet of which you have many supercomputers that are doing many aspects of this job right now. It does show up that if the virus is able to stop transmission for a sufficiently long period of time, it dies out.
You are currently susceptible to the Spanish flu virus of 1918. All experiments with this, all simulations and so on show this. Yet, you do not have this virus. It does not transmit across your planet. Why not? Because it died out in its own time and it reached a point of sufficient death amongst people, sufficient immunity amongst people, that it could not further be transmitted and so it naturally stopped spreading.
Based on this information and the other inputs into these computers it becomes obvious then, that if there is sufficient separation that the contamination from one person to another is minimized and so on then the virus dies out on its own. This is the fallback plan that many virologist, biologists, various scientists all over the world are quite aware of and why they encourage continued social distancing, mask wearing, etc and not having very much confidence in the vaccines that are currently being developed. Indeed, we do not either.
Vaccines to a large extent, as we have many ways of looking at them in the past have been a hit or miss proposition at best and harmful and destructive at worst. This continues and it is a very simple matter to understand why this takes place and we have already described this; every virus has a purpose and that is to clean out, to clear up and to be the scavenger, to be the hunter, to do that in two ways: one is immediate and one in which it is able to remove toxic material from the body. Two: is the way in which it alters the underlying DNA pattern of the host organism and brings a mutation usually of a small number of genes into the next generation. Many of these of course are those which die out, and are not valuable or helpful but some are very helpful and indeed many human qualities of intelligence, of empathy, of various aspects of your physical body that have been advantageous to you were originally originally introduced a long time ago in the genome sequence by viruses.
At the same time though, when this has been abused by scientists who have developed such strains in laboratories and so on, they become more powerful, faster acting and more difficult than anything that nature could devise. That is the underlying cause of course why this virus mutates so quickly and why it is so problematic and why then there are all these difficulties associated with it.
In the long term though, there is this action by which it is deriving intelligence from humanity. One way in which you understand this, one little hint about it is the long-term effects that are beginning to show up in people who have contracted the virus and gotten over it.
Yes, of course you see changes to the immune system and ways in which the immune system is often unable to fight off future infections. But, much more interestingly is its effect on the heart and the way in which the heart is changed by this. This appears inherent in almost every variation that we synthesize in our computers of this virus. This is a hint about your own ability to love. Love over fear, the sense that your heart can be changed in a way that it never has before, that there could be greater love on your planet than ever before, that there could be a setting aside of the profit motive in order to derive the things that you need most on your planet and so on.
This is a possibility that is natural as this virus mutates because it tends to continue from one strain into the other. It is also important to note however that through all of this there is this glimmer of hope, a sense of something ahead for humanity, something for which you need to be prepared and that is the purpose of the channelings, the guide beings, the helpers and those who say to you, “you are loved.” For a moment we would remind you now that, that animal guide who has been listening with you and enjoying you and working with you now extends its own aura, its own energy all around and making yours that much stronger that much clearer so that you may better receive this beautiful light, this beautiful love from your guides and helpers. They are saying to you, many of you, “you will survive.” You will come into a place of greater community and you will lessen your dependence on the aspects that have been brought to you by a very small number of people, those who wish to remain in positions that are characterized by large amounts of money; money in their bank accounts, money in various different ways as a representation of what they think is important.
September 21, 2020