Friday, February 16, 2018

The Primal Diet

What is the best way to move the Primal Diet forward and connect that community?

Hilarion: The key to it will be the way in which people who have contended with various health problems have come to their own successes in overcoming these problems. This is how the diet was first brought to the planet. The law of progress stating that as a thing is begun so it continues. 

So, also then will this then be its manifestation. The principles of the diet are helpful and other principles of other dietary processes in other ways of working with these things may show up in the future. Just as the practical manifestation must always be that which drives anything forward that is going to be successful and helpful to others this is the most important aspect.

At the same time as those who are having benefit from this diet can speak about it there will be others who will have alternate explanations. It is important wherever possible to utilize scientific data, various cell or chemical analyses, blood tissue samples, so on so forth so that the underlying benefits can be shown by other means than simply your own subjective approach.

But, what will certainly be seen more and more is that with the increasing physical difficulties on your planet due to many distresses we have already mentioned tonight. Those who are working with these underlying Primal Diet principles will probably fare the best and be able to survive longer. The difficulty with this is that it may not be long enough. That is why where people are able to benefit from this, speak about it, even if it is in small ways, this can certainly be very helpful. There isn't an easy path for this because you don't have a product on your planet, this seems to be the easiest path, where you have something to sell, other people sometimes pay attention.

But still, there are other ways you can share this simply by noting where other people are having struggle with their own issue for which the Primal Diet might be helpful and then find a very nonthreatening, easy to pose question that might engage others. In the past you might have held back, held your tongue, said nothing, seeing them suffer or having their difficulty and waiting for moment at which they will ask. Knowing now that perhaps that moment will come too late. So, it is helpful then to offer your own experience, to offer a possibility. If they are not open to it of course you would go elsewhere or share with those who are open to it.

But, the surprising thing is that there are many people now who have opened to this, who have examined it in many ways and now can indeed receive this new information when perhaps they could not have even as just a year or two ago.

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