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Hilarion: This was around the issues of using the body as a symbol, to be able to blend it in different ways with various aspects of consciousness, what was reality, what was not. This was simply created by the vibrational model by which the DNA itself, set into a very high vibrational mode, can be changed, shifted, allowed to transfer energy, used in different ways.
To achieve such higher functioning requires the body be in full health, and it was designed to do so based upon the fundamental models found in the animal kingdom. But this higher aspect becomes more and more important as larger levels of group consciousness or focalization on this possibility exists. This is why the possibility to such as breatharianism or purely living on light, etc., becomes further and further advanced as humanity evolves.
In the meantime, though, it seems that most individuals require a variety of enzymes, a variety of foods that are truly nurturing and helpful, and a minimizing of those foods that are damaging to the body. The DNA has been deliberately programmed with some of these capacities as if to reawaken the instinct within consciousness for people to know these foods and patterns. But when this has been submerged for a long period of time by the collective consciousness, by people out of fear, or ignorance, or ego, choosing those particular pathways that are not particularly beneficial and helpful to the human body, those patterns are then absorbed too by this same pathway by which the vibrational aspect then becomes physicalized. This is the current situation that humanity finds itself in, that reawakening the instinct is so difficult because there is so much consciousness telling you "Eat this way," or "Eat that way," or "This is good. This is bad."
So doing higher consciousness exercises such as regular meditation, doing the vibrational state, increasing one's energy before approaching the issue of food and nutrition just makes sense; to separate yourself from the collective consciousness that is imposing its will on you, to the way in which you can vibrate your DNA yourself with such exercises as the vibrational state or higher states of meditation, then extend it into the food realm. It takes much practice with this, because you are overcoming many, many generations of ignorance, foolishness, and just plain stupidity where the power of what somebody thought about it was somehow taken on by all of the people.
Ultimately, however, this is the Godsend, the wonderful energy, too. Because as the human body is brought into a state of higher function as a result of adequate nutrition, there is greater possibility that one can pierce through this collective morass of the powerful negative thoughtforms on your planet: Violence, harm to others, fear, scarcity, and other consciousness aspects that so invade your planetary thinking, piercing through this to higher vibrational levels of abundance, love, light, the capacity to understand the truth of the universe, of other people, of other things.
When such is contacted, you can also draw in a little bit of that as a truly nutritive energy, to truly energize the cellular structures. This is going to become more and more necessary as the inevitable contamination of food sources extends on your planet for the next few years due primarily to ignorance, fear, and especially the issue of the ego identity of those few people in power, for instance, those running such companies as Monsanto or Dupont, to gather personal power for themselves at the expense of all of humanity. This is not to blame. It is always to say then that there is that part in you too, a part that will resonate with this, and releasing it, finding a way beyond it, piercing through such a veil, opens you not only to greater insight, more understanding, more instinct, proper foods to eat, where to find them and all of that, but to use the energy itself as a nutritive, as something to assist you.
Therefore, we introduce a new use of vibrational state. After you achieve the vibrational state--whatever means you use as appropriate but generally we recommend the manifestation of energy moving up and down in the body faster and faster because it's a quick and easy way to get to it--become aware of a powerful piercing light. This is analogous to the ray. This light enters into the top of the head, and penetrates right through the body, joining powerfully, beautifully, with the vibrational energies, moving up and down the entire body. And now the tricky part. As this happens, become aware of that energy widening, until it is at least as big as the whole body. This enables the reception of energy and the release of toxic barriers to higher levels of function. The vibration then naturally extends above the head. You can then enter into the cylinder of light, any particular color you wish, but the vibration is extending beyond.
See it as achieving this above-energy initially. It can also be quite helpful of course to achieve this as a below-energy, that which connects to Mother Earth. When you are in the middle of this and it is vibrating powerfully, not just within your own body but at higher and higher levels, and deeper and deeper levels to Earth, so then do you contact the higher self and the instinctual self more easily. Then, see that that energy is inherently nurturing or nourishing. It doesn't really matter which way you trick yourself into knowing this. The idea is that eventually you simply want to establish the pathway by which the cells themselves receive this. It could be by the manifestation of brilliant light in all cells of the body, or suddenly a delicious taste in your mouth, a delicious smell remembered, or a way in which that light as it penetrates just feels--the kinesthetic level--feels so good.
Knowing this and releasing all the barriers to this can gradually increase your capacity to draw in energy. Now as we've stated before, when this goes deeply to the permanent part of your being, you will take it into the next life. Do not worry if you do not perhaps achieve this in this life. It will help you very much into the next. Because as it is quite likely that humanity will continue in one form or another on this Earth for a few more hundred years at least, you will have another incarnation or two, and you will more likely need it then than you do now if things continue as they are going, as you would imagine.
This brings us to another question which relates to the type of energy that one can absorb and utilize. This is sometimes called, "The Incoming Ray." It is a ray of potential, an energy that can energize and assist an individual. But unfortunately, there are many systems of understanding it on your planet. These systems relate to different numberings, different colors, different properties of the different rays, how they might in some of these systems intermingle or in other systems be a single ray. So rather than impose a specific upon this, we would suggest that the characteristics associated with the ray as you understand them be written down, as they relate to the soul, or the emotion, or one's purpose in life, or other aspects. Then, one looks to similar characteristics in the natal chart in order to see what energizing energies would be most easily available to activate these functions. This will then enable any system of astrology (and of course there are several) to interlay and work with any system of the rays, of which of course there are several as well.