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Hilarion: It is a fascinating area that is still under a great deal of study. The most important component to it is that which the earth is asking for. The earth has a profound, huge consciousness. You are swimming in it, working with it all of the time and the only way to really see it is to get far away from it. At least to the orbit of Jupiter and then turn around and look at this little speck and receive the energy.
Because earth's energy, her consciousness, her personality, her desires, her wants, her needs, those things that you might conceptualize as beyond that of karma but that it is present right here, right now. This is an important energy that is stronger, louder, clearer than that of humanity. So, when you are all the way out there and indeed imagining that you are somewhere near Jupiter looking back at earth would be helpful.
You then recognize and see this powerful energy in which earth is saying, "What are you doing? Why do you do this? Do you not see the effects that you are having? Can you not understand this?" And.. you don’t. "I see this, that you do not understand what you are doing. You do not see of the consequences of your actions and as you do see them you are unable to change them. Help me."
When such a cry goes out, such a request, the other planetary bodies respond. Jupiter in particular. So, also do the others and the sun and a broadcast of this naturally is felt in the resonance and the hearts of all of the beings that might love and care for this; both those on earth and those in other star systems.
Solutions that are technological in nature, some at higher consciousness, all of these are available. So then, the big question shows up. Can consciousness, can the awareness of these energies, both of the solutions and of the problems, both earth’s energy and human energy somehow invite these solutions?
Can it somehow welcome them? What is necessary to change or shift to bring these in? This would seem to take people far afield from the direct action that has caused this in the first place. That is simple to see. You could say that earth is ill. Ill is a reminder (I) (L)ack (L)ove and the ILL of this is a reminder that as there might be more love and more appreciation of earth some of these problems could be set aside.
That the driving of the car and the manifestation of the plastics is not as necessary as you think. Now, this is the big problem. People simply don't have the prioritizing to see how this works so they are stuck in their own but, but, but. But, I won’t have enough money, but there won’t be enough jobs, I won't have enough blah blah blah. But, as all of those, “buts,” are present, earth transcends this in her own energy saying, “you cannot see the destruction to yourself that you are causing.”
Earth will survive. She will go through various changes but will people survive? Will the atmosphere remain habitable or will everyone be walking around with oxygen generators? The ways in which all of this can unfold goes in many different possible directions. But, over and over the aspect of consciousness to solve the problem seems to be the biggest focus.
The reason for this is, it is very small. See, you need to have a whole profound different attitude perhaps as an aboriginal, a Native American, a Laplander; some people that associate so deeply with the earth that all of your priorities change if you are looking for the most profound true correction to the issue. An acknowledgment of why you are here.
But, that seems so unlikely that the powerful energies moving forward, the powerful collective consciousness associated with this. So, instead a smaller solution. One that could just bring people to a higher level of personal responsibility so that the technologies that could be introduced, that could have harmful effects if used wrongly could then be better acknowledged, better understood and more widely disseminated.
As an example, it is possible utilizing various high-energy phenomena to crack the molecule of carbon dioxide. Thus, release pure carbon as nano-particles that can be formed and shaped into buildings, into land structures, into automobiles and bicycles and the oxygen then allowed to increase the percentage of oxygen on your planet.
Such a simple solution has been difficult because of the energy levels involved and there are various biological transformation methods that are already being utilized. Sort of superfast, photosynthesis by bacteria rather than plants. These may be successful.
But, in the meantime this larger potential for an energy that would be so powerful and profound that it could indeed be as powerful as an atomic weapon if misused. But, have the capability of immediately causing profound shift in the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels on your planet if properly used. This technology has been known in other civilizations and worked with in various ways.
Could humanity open to this? What is the primary impediment?
The way in which people would seem to have lack of love, greater fear, greater difficulty within their own consciousness and accepting each other and so on and so forth. So, you could say that the collective consciousness, the larger issue is too big for humanity to grasp at this stage. But, the smaller pieces of this, the way in which such a thing as significant acceptance of others could shift everything. Is also available. The reason for this is that step-by-step the consciousness changes. The steps are small. The way in which people come to it are tiny but such small steps are an important beginning.
Now, bring it to the present day. Bring it to the day-to-day actions of your politicians and you run into a real problem here. Because they have recognized that within the collective consciousness of people is something that they can stir up. Politicians have known this for millennia and that stirring up of fear has been that which they have steered away from until more recent times. Seeing that bringing of that fear into consciousness could promote them in their agendas and put them in office and give them power and all of that has simply made this problem more profound.
The solution of course, with the shift in consciousness is relatively simple. People becoming aware of fear, of actually talking about it and saying of how I will listen to you if, you in promoting fear help me with the fear or if even better you can promote love and reduce, release, relax, shift the fear rather then exacerbate it.
This has not happened yet but there are little inklings of this. There are ways in which people can provide greater compassion and love and less fear and still get elected on such a platform. It is possible that more of this will come in the future. For this we see then the pivotal action of the way in which this small change and this big change coincide.
A way in which people can come to a place of more love and less fear is the direction that is necessary for climate change in one way or another to be that which is seen as the motivating factor for consciousness change; for people being able to survive and love each other. This is not easy of course and it is a profound problem that confronts every human being and nobody really seems to know exactly what to do about it. But, little by little they are beginning to see of the importance of this. So, you see how we have addressed this from several different areas simultaneously trying to look at a common thread amongst all of those approaches.