Monday, May 22, 2017

Rudolph Steiner

Hilarion: Which brings us of course to the understanding of a great teacher in this regard and there are many. But, one who has inspired so many is the individual Rudolph Steiner and the awareness of the sense of what he was able to bring into the world was indeed so beautiful and so helpful that for many it became a sort of religion. To use these teachings out of the original context could be a definition of religion, that indeed these teachings were about the wonder of nature, the way in which all things co-create and his work had a tremendous degree of focus on the blending of science and all other aspects; art, philosophy, agriculture and these scientific discoveries of the time.

So of course, if you stop that, if you don't use the scientific discoveries of this time then you are missing that underlying point. One of the most important aspects of this of course karmically available right now is brain science. Brain science has not yet been applied to children because of course it is difficult to put children into the analytical devices, principally MRI technology, that are being utilized in order to see how the brain works. But, all of this as it changes and what is being learned from and what experiments are being done with children needs to be integrated with the understanding that is brought through Steiner's work. Schools, called the Waldorf system have within them some of this rigidification, this turning it into a religion. But, this is simply losing sight of those original ideas in which there was this powerful and important blending of the channeled wisdom, of the subtle aspects, of the observation of nature and the science that was available at the time.

Science, as it is available now can gradually but consistently be integrated with this for much further development and understanding. At the same time, teachers who enter into various opportunities such as Waldorf schools, primarily to teach using these systems are going to be pushed by their guides, by subtle energies, by the Earth, by all of these things that are present to do this. To integrate the knowledge, to use their own hearts, their own wisdom, their own love, and coordinate this with the patience and loving teachings that Steiner so lovingly and powerfully advocated. In doing so, they will be hard-pressed to face their own fears, they must not fall back on various ways in which they use an excuse, they use somebody's other idea, some misconception about karma, or nutrition, or schooling or whatever it is simply to avoid their own fear. Because, as they experience it, of course they can let it go and come to a place of greater understanding.

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