Thursday, January 12, 2017

Diseases And Their Lessons

I’m feeling that diseases seem to be tailored to the particular lessons mankind needs to learn in the age that the disease appears. For instance, in the 18th century, many people whose lives were in great struggle contracted and died from tuberculosis. Today, we don't hear about this much, but we seem to have new diseases such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, diabetes etc. Do the diseases evolve to reflect and mirror the lessons that humanity needs to learn in a particular age?

Hilarion: No. Indeed diabetes, heart disease all kinds of cancers unknown in any degree of quantity are there. They were in the medical treatise’s of the day. They were instead though, rare diseases. The only ones that are truly new such as AIDS and Ebola have many routes in various genetic and viral experiments that mankind has brought and to some extent, the slight changes of modern science and various experiments have to some extent influenced the more common viruses and bacteria infections that are present today. The big difference, what people need, where their consciousness has shifted, where the foods they have eaten have changed,  the way in which they have processed these foods has shifted.

The diseases that are then most necessary for cleaning out, for benefit, for assistance; these are the ones that show up. To the extent that which you misunderstand the law of reflection, you reject this, i.e., what good is diabetes? How could it possibly help me? And so on, which you could have over any disease. This is very much apropos to the time the action of the individual's relationship to the disease through the law of reflection was that very same rejection in times past. So, as you look at this you can speed up the process by which the disease has its beneficial effect by asking the deeper question: how can this benefit me? What am I to learn from it? Where does this then show up in the consciousness of all people on your planet?

With diabetes, of course, you have seen such tremendous increase in foods that would never be found in nature that have a high degree of sugar content. The pancreas was never designed to work with such as very few foods are found in nature with such a high degree of concentrated sugars. Even the fruits will have significant carbohydrate, starch, fiber and vitamins and minerals and other things with them. Of course, the one concentrated food, honey, when found in its raw state can not only be helpful it can actually be curative to diabetes. So the real key to understanding and working with the disease like that is twofold. Where have you elected in coming into this society that has put so much processed sugar, so much pancreas harming into the planet, where do you come into that? Where have you elected to experience that? Where have you elected to choose for your own consciousness your own body that I'm going to get the lesson of the pancreas? I'm going to get the lesson of diabetes?

Perhaps you will understand the sweetness of life that much more deeply. Perhaps, you will find in your own understanding of love, something very beautiful. Very sweet, truly unique and your attention on this will shift. Perhaps it will be much more practical. You will simply use those healing foods and release those and reject those which create difficulty and find a way to cleanse them out where they have stored in the body. But, as you work with this you have then this constant reflection. You can monitor your own blood sugar levels, you can notice from your own health what is happening in your body and thus have the immediate reflection of this. So this is the other part at a personal level in shifting your relationship that people have to disease. That somehow you welcome it, that somehow you find the way in which it is giving you feedback, it is helping you learn, helping you understand yourself better, or differently.

Now that is a very tricky part. Because it is as if saying that the law of reflection holds for me, not just for other people. It is that which is available in my consciousness and I welcome that too. Now, this is not very easy for most people to understand, because the disease will usually have associated with it all kinds of issues of pain, struggle, and it will make you value your life. Now, to the extent that the collective consciousness chooses a predominance of certain diseases over others as a reflection of its own nature, then yes, of course in your understanding of the collective consciousness and your relationship to diseases these are important issues.

But, it does not mean by any means you are to understand this solely at the influence that humanity is having on you. If you come into a world where you have to deal with this particular issue, because it is what all of humanity is dealing with. Rather, for many individuals they are given a piece of the puzzle, an insight, an awareness. Sometimes it comes from their own body in their willingness to change and shift their consciousness, sometimes their discovery with foods or methodologies that are healing and helpful. But that can change the collective consciousness and do so very quickly and do so in a way that it produces unexpected results. That is the other part of it, the unexpected.

This is especially true of viruses. Viruses have the opportunity to change the DNA structure; increasing possibility of positive and helpful mutations in the next generation. No other disease has this property or availability. Thus, though there is a great deal of controversy as to where viruses come from as to whether they are alive or not, as to how they work in the body and many other things. Where you can welcome the opportunity for change that is associated with them, you can then begin to see a general tendency away from bacterial diseases infecting all of humanity into more and more viral diseases, because humanity is ready to change.

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