Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Economy and the Formation of Community

Sept. 21, 2011

Hilarion: Unquestionably, so many aspects are in motion which cannot be stopped and we have stated over and over the importance of community, connecting with others, working with them at every possible level and find it for yourself what you have to contribute to your community and what ways you have for them to work with you. Always, where possible, a conscious community; a shared level of ideas; of love; something you have in common with each other, something beyond that which might relate to money. But, if this is difficult for you, if this produces too much fear then of course you have co-housing, co-communities, and if that is too difficult for you then you have your neighborhood community where each one is individually working in their own area but they connect about little things. Perhaps, a sharing of a tool.

Well, we are suggesting whatever it is because of the nature of the powerful economic pressure, all of this community interaction will be forced up a notch from whatever level it is to something of greater interaction. So, take this as proactive. Be a part of this now. Find ways in which what you have is unique and valuable to your community and in this way you can be ahead of the curve, moving that up one notch already. Of course, as the economy is able to produce all kinds of pressure, it has within it this other aspect we've already spoken to. That of the collective consciousness now coming more deeply to many.

You will see more protests, more people rising up against, more energies that say no. Oftentimes these energies are difficult to make cohesive into a new vision that is helpful. You have seen this sweeping through the Middle East and it is happening in the US too, although in a very small way now. But, still already happening. For instance, right now there is on- going a sit in in Wall Street. So, also in various universities, various powerful changes in research laboratories in various areas of community involvement all over the world.

Recognize that the real energy here is emerging around one simple idea. We are going to make our priorities those which are most appropriate. That is of course where the argument shows up. Appropriate in this direction or that direction has to do with asking the right question. There the real questions are those we have already spoken to you today. What do you want and what do you want more than that? Is it interesting, important, valuable to you to feel love? Who are you really? These are difficult questions but in your willingness to answer and work with the answers, in your willingness to ask others and work with their answers, community is created. People are able to connect more easily.

Sometimes there is difficulty with this of course but as you move through that you find on the other side is some aspect of love or trust or a way in which that which was the fear is now melted or shifted. Which brings us to that area that those involved with what has been called, “new age thinking” or new ways of understanding or channeling or many other areas that have been on the edge so to speak of what is collective consciousness, mainstream.

This idea of fear, that you have confronted it. That you have found ways to work with it. By no means is there only one way. Whatever it is, realize, that is your gift. What others are confronting the fear, when they are willing to look at it, look at the way in which the movies now coming out over and over of people dealing with this more and more. Be it the fear of violence, the fear of change, the fear of their economic stability, the fear goes on and on. Often times these movies do not present easy solutions but the point is that the collective consciousness is crying out for an end to fear.

How can you present this? Your own personal understanding? How it worked through you? What happened to help you move through it? That is your gift. That is something that can be shared if you are willing to speak about it. If you are willing to name it. If you are willing to look into somebody's eyes and say are you afraid? This is very important to understand because if you can disconnect the fear from the, as your term was, “economic tanking,” you will find then that it really isn't so bad. That people are able to move through it and find the changes that are needed and find new solutions.

But, when it is the fear that is paralyzing, that is harmful, that prevents them from understanding new opportunities, connecting with others, working in ways that can help them solve it, etc. You then see the way in which this is ongoing and in general the solution presents itself. The opportunity for humanity, the collective consciousness of all of humanity through this fear around economic contraction and all of the difficulties associated with the end to economic growth being those which show up now is that which is symbolic of fear and the readiness for humanity to let that go.

Economic growth of course is absurd. You have but one planet unless you are collecting things from the rest of the solar system all of the stuff you have to work with is right here. It isn’t growing. So, economic growth is simply that which is symbolic of an unwillingness to confront fear. So, what you recognize is neither contraction or expansion but that way in which humanity is able to provide for humanity in a way in which it is appropriate, as it is loving, as is the golden rule: “As you would do for others as you would have them do for you.”

Of course that is all misty eyed and Lala land to think about but in reality it is this urge for the collective consciousness to release this fear that is showing up. What better way than creating fear. Fear of inflation. Fear of losing jobs. Fear of this in the economy or that. The list goes on and on and yet here you are. You survive. If you have a way in which you can share this in a way in which you have personally confronted fear, and have been able to move through it you will be surprised to find it may be very helpful to others. It may be a way they had not considered. It may be some aspect that they would find very useful and helpful.

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