Hilarion: The diseases that are then most necessary for cleaning out, for benefit, for assistance, these are the ones that show up. To the extent that which you misunderstand the law of reflection, you reject this, i.e., what good is diabetes? How could it possibly help me? Which you could have over any disease. This is very much apropos to the time of the individual's relationship to the disease through the law of reflection which was that very same rejection in times past.
So, as you look at this you can speed up the process by which the disease has its beneficial effect by asking the deeper question: how can this benefit me? What am I to learn from it? Where does this then show up in the consciousness of all people on your planet?
With diabetes, of course, you have seen such tremendous increase in foods that would never be found in nature that have a high degree of sugar content. The pancreas was never designed to work with such, as very few foods are found in nature with such a high degree of concentrated sugars. Even the fruits will have significant carbohydrate, starch, fiber and vitamins and minerals and other things with them. Of course, the one concentrated food, honey. When found in its raw state cannot only be helpful, it can actually be curative to diabetes.
So the real key to understanding and working with a disease like that is twofold. Where have you elected in coming into this society that has put so much processed sugar, so much pancreas harming into the planet, where do you come into that? Where have you elected to experience that? Where have you elected to choose for your own consciousness your own body that I'm going to get the lesson of the pancreas? I'm going to get the lesson of diabetes?
Perhaps you will understand the sweetness of life that much more deeply. Perhaps, you will find in your own understanding of love, something very beautiful. Very sweet, truly unique and your attention on this will shift. Perhaps it will be much more practical. You will simply use those healing foods and release those reject those that are those which create difficulty and find a way to cleanse them out where they have stored in the body. But, as you work with this you have then this constant reflection. You can monitor your own blood sugar levels, you can notice from your own health what is happening in your body and thus have the immediate reflection of this. So this is the other part at a personal level in shifting your relationship that people have to disease. That somehow you welcome it, that somehow you find the way in which it is giving you feedback, it is helping you learn, helping you understand yourself better, or differently.
Now that is a very tricky part. Because it is as if saying that the law of reflection holds for me, not just for other people. It is that which is available in my consciousness and I welcome that too. Now, this is not very easy for most people to understand, because the disease will usually have associated with it all kinds of issues of pain, struggle, and it will make you value your life. Now, to the extent that the collective consciousness chooses a predominance of certain diseases over others as a reflection of its own nature, then yes, of course in your understanding of the collective consciousness and your relationship to diseases these are important issues.
But, it does not mean by any means you are to understand this solely at the influence that humanity is having on you. If you come into a world where you have to deal with this particular issue, because it is what all of humanity is dealing with. Rather for many individuals they are given a piece of the puzzle, an insight, an awareness. Sometimes it comes from their own body in their willingness to change and shift their consciousness, sometimes their discovery with foods or methodologies that are healing and helpful. But that can change the collective consciousness and do so very quickly and do so in a way that it produces unexpected results. That is the other part of it, the unexpected.
This is especially true of viruses. Viruses have the opportunity to change the DNA structure; increasing possibility of positive and helpful mutations in the next generation. No other disease has this property or availability. Thus, though there is a great deal of controversy as to where viruses come from as to whether they are alive or not, as to how they work in the body and many other things. Where you can welcome the opportunity for change that is associated with them, you can then begin to see a general tendency away from bacterial diseases infecting all of humanity into more and more viral diseases, because humanity is ready to change.
Ajounous Vonderplanitz himself had diabetes and it was very difficult for him to overcome it. He has done so very well and without any dependence on insulin or other drugs. A very beautiful example of what is possible if one chooses it. If you do not choose this for yourself then it is very difficult because the nature of diabetes such that when other people try to interfere, you are then rejecting and working with their own issue.
The underlying message often associated with diabetes is the sense that you are feeling grief or sadness about something and there is at the same time as this a sense of lack of love, a love is missing. The pancreas works very much with the energy of love. Often times it is associated with pink energy and the ability to love oneself, to allow love in one's life and to understand it is directly associated with this simple idea of the sweetness of life; that life is sweet or there is a sweetness in love or in connection to another person and so on.
Thus, all of these issues show up for an individual who is struggling with diabetes. You help to some extent not only by letting go of judgment but by recognizing in yourself where you love yourself, where you recognize and sense the sweetness of life, you love it because it is so sweet. That sort of thing is an energy that moves out from you that he will sense. Of course, as an individual must make changes for themselves they must decide what is important and all you can do is show them one of two things. How it is different from what they are doing, that is the Vonderplanitz approach because indeed he has been so successful with this and the other thing you can show them is how it works for you. How that which is so helpful about the sweetness of life, about the loving aspects, about the things in you that are valuable and helpful are those which nurture you, feel good to you and help you to stay healthier.
At the same time as this there are powerful foods that are radical. Those that one might even say, a doctor for instance, might say,” no way.” This is what is so interesting about the Vonderplanitz approach: Honey; such as the honey available from Honey Pacifica (562)938-9706 can be eaten in large quantities to cure diabetes. This is very radical information of course and most would be afraid to even try it. But it is that which Vonderplanitz has advocated for many years and for those who have studied this, not just jumped into that one thing but read the books, understood what is possible and had the courage to jump into it have been able to heal diabetes in only six months using this approach.
Of course a personal consultation is always recommended so that everything that will get in the way can be cleared out. But, the point is that it is possible. You would see the overweight as a problem but in the Vonderplanitz’ approach, it is not. It is actually that which will be very helpful to your husband and healing because the fat can absorb toxic material so it is not circulated elsewhere in the body. Later, the body loses the fat but in the beginning one detoxifies first in order to heal the underlying pancreas condition, liver condition, kidney condition which are also clearly associated with diabetes and overweight condition.
So, it is actually quite possible and easier than most people think to heal this but one must of course decide this is important, this is something I want to do, I am worth it. Now, when you want to change someone's sense of worthiness what do you do? The same thing. You show them how it is different from what they are doing or you show them how it works for you. Just asking these questions today, looking into these matters, following up on the things we have suggested for you reinforces the idea that you are worth it, that you are worthy and that the sadness can be released. The fear can be released, the shame can be released and thus you doing this encourages anyone around you to do it too, if they want to. If they decide that life is worth living in this way if possible.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The Economy and the Formation of Community
Sept. 21, 2011
Hilarion: Unquestionably, so many aspects are in motion which cannot be stopped and we have stated over and over the importance of community, connecting with others, working with them at every possible level and find it for yourself what you have to contribute to your community and what ways you have for them to work with you. Always, where possible, a conscious community; a shared level of ideas; of love; something you have in common with each other, something beyond that which might relate to money. But, if this is difficult for you, if this produces too much fear then of course you have co-housing, co-communities, and if that is too difficult for you then you have your neighborhood community where each one is individually working in their own area but they connect about little things. Perhaps, a sharing of a tool.
Well, we are suggesting whatever it is because of the nature of the powerful economic pressure, all of this community interaction will be forced up a notch from whatever level it is to something of greater interaction. So, take this as proactive. Be a part of this now. Find ways in which what you have is unique and valuable to your community and in this way you can be ahead of the curve, moving that up one notch already. Of course, as the economy is able to produce all kinds of pressure, it has within it this other aspect we've already spoken to. That of the collective consciousness now coming more deeply to many.
You will see more protests, more people rising up against, more energies that say no. Oftentimes these energies are difficult to make cohesive into a new vision that is helpful. You have seen this sweeping through the Middle East and it is happening in the US too, although in a very small way now. But, still already happening. For instance, right now there is on- going a sit in in Wall Street. So, also in various universities, various powerful changes in research laboratories in various areas of community involvement all over the world.
Recognize that the real energy here is emerging around one simple idea. We are going to make our priorities those which are most appropriate. That is of course where the argument shows up. Appropriate in this direction or that direction has to do with asking the right question. There the real questions are those we have already spoken to you today. What do you want and what do you want more than that? Is it interesting, important, valuable to you to feel love? Who are you really? These are difficult questions but in your willingness to answer and work with the answers, in your willingness to ask others and work with their answers, community is created. People are able to connect more easily.
Sometimes there is difficulty with this of course but as you move through that you find on the other side is some aspect of love or trust or a way in which that which was the fear is now melted or shifted. Which brings us to that area that those involved with what has been called, “new age thinking” or new ways of understanding or channeling or many other areas that have been on the edge so to speak of what is collective consciousness, mainstream.
This idea of fear, that you have confronted it. That you have found ways to work with it. By no means is there only one way. Whatever it is, realize, that is your gift. What others are confronting the fear, when they are willing to look at it, look at the way in which the movies now coming out over and over of people dealing with this more and more. Be it the fear of violence, the fear of change, the fear of their economic stability, the fear goes on and on. Often times these movies do not present easy solutions but the point is that the collective consciousness is crying out for an end to fear.
How can you present this? Your own personal understanding? How it worked through you? What happened to help you move through it? That is your gift. That is something that can be shared if you are willing to speak about it. If you are willing to name it. If you are willing to look into somebody's eyes and say are you afraid? This is very important to understand because if you can disconnect the fear from the, as your term was, “economic tanking,” you will find then that it really isn't so bad. That people are able to move through it and find the changes that are needed and find new solutions.
But, when it is the fear that is paralyzing, that is harmful, that prevents them from understanding new opportunities, connecting with others, working in ways that can help them solve it, etc. You then see the way in which this is ongoing and in general the solution presents itself. The opportunity for humanity, the collective consciousness of all of humanity through this fear around economic contraction and all of the difficulties associated with the end to economic growth being those which show up now is that which is symbolic of fear and the readiness for humanity to let that go.
Economic growth of course is absurd. You have but one planet unless you are collecting things from the rest of the solar system all of the stuff you have to work with is right here. It isn’t growing. So, economic growth is simply that which is symbolic of an unwillingness to confront fear. So, what you recognize is neither contraction or expansion but that way in which humanity is able to provide for humanity in a way in which it is appropriate, as it is loving, as is the golden rule: “As you would do for others as you would have them do for you.”
Of course that is all misty eyed and Lala land to think about but in reality it is this urge for the collective consciousness to release this fear that is showing up. What better way than creating fear. Fear of inflation. Fear of losing jobs. Fear of this in the economy or that. The list goes on and on and yet here you are. You survive. If you have a way in which you can share this in a way in which you have personally confronted fear, and have been able to move through it you will be surprised to find it may be very helpful to others. It may be a way they had not considered. It may be some aspect that they would find very useful and helpful.
Hilarion: Unquestionably, so many aspects are in motion which cannot be stopped and we have stated over and over the importance of community, connecting with others, working with them at every possible level and find it for yourself what you have to contribute to your community and what ways you have for them to work with you. Always, where possible, a conscious community; a shared level of ideas; of love; something you have in common with each other, something beyond that which might relate to money. But, if this is difficult for you, if this produces too much fear then of course you have co-housing, co-communities, and if that is too difficult for you then you have your neighborhood community where each one is individually working in their own area but they connect about little things. Perhaps, a sharing of a tool.
Well, we are suggesting whatever it is because of the nature of the powerful economic pressure, all of this community interaction will be forced up a notch from whatever level it is to something of greater interaction. So, take this as proactive. Be a part of this now. Find ways in which what you have is unique and valuable to your community and in this way you can be ahead of the curve, moving that up one notch already. Of course, as the economy is able to produce all kinds of pressure, it has within it this other aspect we've already spoken to. That of the collective consciousness now coming more deeply to many.
You will see more protests, more people rising up against, more energies that say no. Oftentimes these energies are difficult to make cohesive into a new vision that is helpful. You have seen this sweeping through the Middle East and it is happening in the US too, although in a very small way now. But, still already happening. For instance, right now there is on- going a sit in in Wall Street. So, also in various universities, various powerful changes in research laboratories in various areas of community involvement all over the world.
Recognize that the real energy here is emerging around one simple idea. We are going to make our priorities those which are most appropriate. That is of course where the argument shows up. Appropriate in this direction or that direction has to do with asking the right question. There the real questions are those we have already spoken to you today. What do you want and what do you want more than that? Is it interesting, important, valuable to you to feel love? Who are you really? These are difficult questions but in your willingness to answer and work with the answers, in your willingness to ask others and work with their answers, community is created. People are able to connect more easily.
Sometimes there is difficulty with this of course but as you move through that you find on the other side is some aspect of love or trust or a way in which that which was the fear is now melted or shifted. Which brings us to that area that those involved with what has been called, “new age thinking” or new ways of understanding or channeling or many other areas that have been on the edge so to speak of what is collective consciousness, mainstream.
This idea of fear, that you have confronted it. That you have found ways to work with it. By no means is there only one way. Whatever it is, realize, that is your gift. What others are confronting the fear, when they are willing to look at it, look at the way in which the movies now coming out over and over of people dealing with this more and more. Be it the fear of violence, the fear of change, the fear of their economic stability, the fear goes on and on. Often times these movies do not present easy solutions but the point is that the collective consciousness is crying out for an end to fear.
How can you present this? Your own personal understanding? How it worked through you? What happened to help you move through it? That is your gift. That is something that can be shared if you are willing to speak about it. If you are willing to name it. If you are willing to look into somebody's eyes and say are you afraid? This is very important to understand because if you can disconnect the fear from the, as your term was, “economic tanking,” you will find then that it really isn't so bad. That people are able to move through it and find the changes that are needed and find new solutions.
But, when it is the fear that is paralyzing, that is harmful, that prevents them from understanding new opportunities, connecting with others, working in ways that can help them solve it, etc. You then see the way in which this is ongoing and in general the solution presents itself. The opportunity for humanity, the collective consciousness of all of humanity through this fear around economic contraction and all of the difficulties associated with the end to economic growth being those which show up now is that which is symbolic of fear and the readiness for humanity to let that go.
Economic growth of course is absurd. You have but one planet unless you are collecting things from the rest of the solar system all of the stuff you have to work with is right here. It isn’t growing. So, economic growth is simply that which is symbolic of an unwillingness to confront fear. So, what you recognize is neither contraction or expansion but that way in which humanity is able to provide for humanity in a way in which it is appropriate, as it is loving, as is the golden rule: “As you would do for others as you would have them do for you.”
Of course that is all misty eyed and Lala land to think about but in reality it is this urge for the collective consciousness to release this fear that is showing up. What better way than creating fear. Fear of inflation. Fear of losing jobs. Fear of this in the economy or that. The list goes on and on and yet here you are. You survive. If you have a way in which you can share this in a way in which you have personally confronted fear, and have been able to move through it you will be surprised to find it may be very helpful to others. It may be a way they had not considered. It may be some aspect that they would find very useful and helpful.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Golden Ray Children
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https://d2v9y0dukr6mq2.cloudfront.net |
At first there will be many reminders of this in these children in which speaking to them where you utilize the golden term, the gold light, speaking about it in even the most childlike of ways; this will have an effect on such children as if a bell has rung. Suddenly it gets their attention; they listen.
Similarly for the animals on your planet, the animals have been moving through various stages of great difficulty as you're well aware. Climatic change, the shift in pollution levels, the increasing human population, the changing habitats, the list goes on and on. They still however are looking to humanity for answers. You are creating the changes here, show us what you want. In this way the gold energy also serves as a bridge, a light energy between humanity and the animals and it will likely remain as such for many years to come.
In the past there were other energies that worked better for this; in particular, the earth energy and the awareness of the solidness of matter. But, the animals themselves are also evolving so we suggest that in your communication with animals at first with domesticated animals you are already familiar with, but later with the wild animals, and later with all of the animals that live in the oceans, in the remote regions of the world, in places where you would not normally make contact with such animals. We simply invite you to in impart the gold energy. Feel it first in your heart, then see it expanding outward.
The second important aspect of this energy is the way in which it has been utilized for healing for a long time. We spoke about this several times in 1985 and 1986 and suggested experiments utilizing Krypton and Xenon in which the gold energy was produced in your heart then allowed to be created in your imagination as a ball which runs down the arm, exiting the hand, is sent to another human being or plant or animal is if you are releasing to them a golden ball of light, a golden ball of healing.
What we've noticed is that the people doing this in the last few months have found it far more solid, more powerful than before. As if again, this golden light is now becoming clearer and stronger for all of humanity, more available. All we can say on that is that encouraging individuals to enter into such healing, be it just when you meet somebody else and to share that ball of light from your hand to them. More and more conscious process when you are talking about it and describing it, all of these and all of the other ways that occur to you will be very helpful.
But the other aspect here is the “Golden Rule.” That is a euphemism and it is called that because gold is perceived as the noblest of metals. The Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you and the various forms that it has existed in all the world’s religions for many centuries is the most powerful energy that the golden children are already aware of. They are not yet able to put it into words of course, but they will be able to understand this better as they grow. So as you speak of it, as you share about it you may be surprised to recognize that it touches a chord within them and when they are able to communicate and share it back with you, it is different. It is as if it has been transformed somehow. They are teaching you the way in which this powerful energy can at last become anchored in the world.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Who Created God?

Hilarion: The question is useful to understand when you ask the corollaries, such as "What is God?" and "What is Creating?" Who created creating, but God? This makes it pretty tricky to answer until you realize that the answer, of course, is you. This is a conundrum in that you would think that you were created by God--which you were.
But that the nature of time itself as having been created, as creation itself having been created, allows you to let go of the question and tune into the beingness from which the very ground of being, the very aspect of the universe from which anything could be created, was manifested in and of itself.
This does bring you back to the place by which you get a deeper sense of what God is all about. Of course, since we are not God, we do not know the answer to that one. But we get a better sense of it with each passing day. And to simply cop out and say that we can't know that yet, is not quite true. Because each day you step closer to understanding the nature of God, and this makes it easier to answer such a question.
At its deepest level, though, you begin to understand that the manifestation of intelligent principle, the aspect of the desire to know oneself, the manifestation of love, these very basic sort of motivations have a lot to do with the very nature of God. Such as a motivation gives birth eventually in itself to a combination of these factors.
That, then, gives birth to God, to the energies that begin it all. But these very basic factors are the, you could say, the highest and best of you, the loving aspect, the capacity that knows, the willingness to find out more about yourself.
Yes it is true those are perhaps the best parts of God too. And therefore you begin to recognize the circular, cyclical nature of all of these aspects, which brings you back to the appreciation of what you are a part of. Of course, the possibility to not take it all quite so seriously, to step back from it enough to laugh at God and let God laugh at you.
Not an easy thing to do, yet required at times because that gives you distance, perspective, and a willingness to change. Because ultimately it is the manifestation of change itself that is at its fundamental core that which gives rise to God, to creation, to the universe where there was none before, and so on.
Change itself, however, is difficult to contemplate because you are in it, changing all the time. This, perhaps, then gives you the greatest clue, for when you understand for yourself personally, and accept at the deepest level the real nature of change, so then do you deeply appreciate the nature of God, and your willingness to manifest God.
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Ascension Process and the Full Reconnection With My Higher Self
Lori: My understanding is that the ascension process is the full integration of my higher self?
Hilarion: That is one of many ways of describing it but the trouble is when you say, "that which is separate, we are now going to integrate them," aren't they already one? Isn't it really just a matter of what is standing in the way of you recognizing?
Let's say for instance that you decided by your very nature you were going to separate. You are going to separate the highest self, the highest vibrational part of yourself, however you would conceive of that, the most spiritual, the most connected to God and you are going to separate that entirely from your own being? How would that feel? Would that be a comfortable way to be? How far are you willing to take that? Why would you do such a thing? As you would imagine this and work it through, in other words, doing the opposite, playing around with the opposite, you do begin to recognize the fallacy in holding the belief.
Here the belief is ascension is necessary, I need to change. These energies that are present at the higher vibrational level are not somehow intrinsic to my being but are inherently separate. This is why so much of the exercises around ascension in all of the study and working with those various techniques that people play with and so on are as much about letting go of what stands in the way. But, really at the fundamental level it starts when you believe there is a problem.
Now, if you can address that you may begin to recognize where the true answer lies. When you recognize that there does seem to be something wrong. There is something within you that's telling you this part is separated or I am not whole or something is missing or I need something. The more you can follow that, have that, the more awake you can be about it.
Specifically, you have now learned Radical Release. This is a very helpful tool when you recognize that something is wrong because that is fundamentally the underlying motivation to do radical release. It is rare that somebody will say, “I am feeling too happy right now and so I'm going to do radical release on that.” Indeed, it is when you recognize there is this issue. But what is different about it, completely different method than ascension process you emphasize it, you make it stronger you make this separation as powerful as you can.
You have every aspect of this which relates to loneliness, perhaps the thought form along the line of, “I am cut off from God, I am separate, I am alone, I will always be alone or whatever. When you have that fully, when you recognize that it really is going to the core of it all. A fear that you are powerful, that you are powerful enough not just to connect to God but to be God.
Then you recognize where this energy comes from in the first place and with this equal degree of ease to the idea that you are separated and you must somehow connect together, you let that go and that ease is that you are one and that energy simply is. It is as if relaxing into your own nature is a more powerful method of ascension than any degree of efforting or meditation or visualization.
Now, it would be foolish for us to suggest that those things are not wise. After all, we are always suggesting visualizations and meditations for different people but if that which stands in the way is that which you are willing to confront head-on, shift it, release it, allow it’s hold on you to dissipate. The energy that becomes available generally tends to be that which is self-governing. It finds its own way once it is there, once it is available. Then that sense of being separated, that sense of alone-ness then begins to dissipate on its own.
The interesting thing about this is that it is rare for individuals with a spiritual understanding to accept the idea of Radical Release. The very idea that having emotions strongly is good for you. This is indeed a fearsome subject and one of the reasons why many of the people who are involved with such processes as ascension or visualization or meditation or other things come to them in the first place because they are afraid of their emotions.
This is the biggest problem with so many spiritual disciplines particularly in ascension process or Flower of Life or even Reiki. There are so many of these beliefs, so many of these stories, and the energy gets stuck in them in different ways. So then, it becomes more difficult to move on. Move on is absolutely necessary to make spiritual progress, to grow, to ascend. Because the true nature of ascension is really evolution and to evolve always means that you are letting go of that which got you to that place and more as you continue to let go.
For more information on Radical Release:
Hilarion: That is one of many ways of describing it but the trouble is when you say, "that which is separate, we are now going to integrate them," aren't they already one? Isn't it really just a matter of what is standing in the way of you recognizing?
Let's say for instance that you decided by your very nature you were going to separate. You are going to separate the highest self, the highest vibrational part of yourself, however you would conceive of that, the most spiritual, the most connected to God and you are going to separate that entirely from your own being? How would that feel? Would that be a comfortable way to be? How far are you willing to take that? Why would you do such a thing? As you would imagine this and work it through, in other words, doing the opposite, playing around with the opposite, you do begin to recognize the fallacy in holding the belief.
Here the belief is ascension is necessary, I need to change. These energies that are present at the higher vibrational level are not somehow intrinsic to my being but are inherently separate. This is why so much of the exercises around ascension in all of the study and working with those various techniques that people play with and so on are as much about letting go of what stands in the way. But, really at the fundamental level it starts when you believe there is a problem.
Now, if you can address that you may begin to recognize where the true answer lies. When you recognize that there does seem to be something wrong. There is something within you that's telling you this part is separated or I am not whole or something is missing or I need something. The more you can follow that, have that, the more awake you can be about it.
Specifically, you have now learned Radical Release. This is a very helpful tool when you recognize that something is wrong because that is fundamentally the underlying motivation to do radical release. It is rare that somebody will say, “I am feeling too happy right now and so I'm going to do radical release on that.” Indeed, it is when you recognize there is this issue. But what is different about it, completely different method than ascension process you emphasize it, you make it stronger you make this separation as powerful as you can.
You have every aspect of this which relates to loneliness, perhaps the thought form along the line of, “I am cut off from God, I am separate, I am alone, I will always be alone or whatever. When you have that fully, when you recognize that it really is going to the core of it all. A fear that you are powerful, that you are powerful enough not just to connect to God but to be God.
Then you recognize where this energy comes from in the first place and with this equal degree of ease to the idea that you are separated and you must somehow connect together, you let that go and that ease is that you are one and that energy simply is. It is as if relaxing into your own nature is a more powerful method of ascension than any degree of efforting or meditation or visualization.
Now, it would be foolish for us to suggest that those things are not wise. After all, we are always suggesting visualizations and meditations for different people but if that which stands in the way is that which you are willing to confront head-on, shift it, release it, allow it’s hold on you to dissipate. The energy that becomes available generally tends to be that which is self-governing. It finds its own way once it is there, once it is available. Then that sense of being separated, that sense of alone-ness then begins to dissipate on its own.
The interesting thing about this is that it is rare for individuals with a spiritual understanding to accept the idea of Radical Release. The very idea that having emotions strongly is good for you. This is indeed a fearsome subject and one of the reasons why many of the people who are involved with such processes as ascension or visualization or meditation or other things come to them in the first place because they are afraid of their emotions.
This is the biggest problem with so many spiritual disciplines particularly in ascension process or Flower of Life or even Reiki. There are so many of these beliefs, so many of these stories, and the energy gets stuck in them in different ways. So then, it becomes more difficult to move on. Move on is absolutely necessary to make spiritual progress, to grow, to ascend. Because the true nature of ascension is really evolution and to evolve always means that you are letting go of that which got you to that place and more as you continue to let go.
For more information on Radical Release:
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Water Clearing Technique
Can the inert gas technologies be used for healing the waters?
Hilarion: Yes. This has been explored extensively by those who have been utilizing inert gas technologies to change water. There are those who have actually worked with this on a small scale with the idea of scaling it up to much larger scale, the idea is simply that various gases in chambers can be in physical contact with water and can be stimulated in different ways; consciousness, electrical fields, magnetic fields, scalar fields all kinds of these energies and this can then expand outward. We have observed the waters' natural ability to take on these energies. When they are those which enhance the aetheric cleansing methods that water naturally has available to it then these processes are speeded up. Part of them are biological with various organisms that show up in the water naturally using this energy. Their own aetheric bodies affected benefitted positively by this.
The inert gases most amenable to this are helium, neon and argon because they are of the vibration that is better taken in by water but all of the inert gases have this effect. The most interesting and intriguing of this is that which is the most temporary, the effect of xenon on water. This effect does appear to be enhanced very much by consciousness and that which then is lost fairly quickly in water. So the best tool here would be a balanced combination, 20% each of the 5 inert gases and that this might be presented into water by various means in which the water has a chance to be in contact with these devices and here the perspective is simply one of how much contact for how long with how much of a field, etc. etc.
Those who structure water and use these technologies: for instance sound energy research and others involved in this have indeed looked into this and you might be able to learn more by understanding their own perspective on this technology. But an individual can do this too by utilizing a device that has magnetic field interaction be it a pendent, unidirectional, omnidirectional ; any of the devices that are commonly available etc. Taking this to the place where you wish the water to be changed, sitting there with it in such a way that you are in the path of the beam and then it moves into the water. You are connected to the pendant and then touching the water and in your visualization of this energy is a sweeping, a clearing and the idea of bringing in more light and more energy so that the naturally occurring systems of the aetheric bodies, of the beings in the water and the water itself can be assisted and loved.
This is of course naturally present where high levels of pollution are showing up such as in the Gulf of Mexico in the USA where there is increased oil and the natural systems are struggling greatly to cleanse this, clear this and shift it. But these processes are enhanced by this energy that can then move into the aetheric body of all of the biological systems and speed this up.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Universal Laws by Hilarion
1. Law of Manifestation
Know yourself and who you are. Coming into form on earth to learn about ourselves.
2. Law of Reflection
As above so below. From the most personal to the global and political. Our essence is reflected back to us in our environment.
3. Law of Karma
Cause and effect. Both positive and negative in this dimension and others. Work with this effectively and move beyond limitations.
4. Law of Permanence
The very nature of being. The inter-relationships to the other kingdoms and extra terrestrials.
5. Law of Opposite Expression
How the One always manifests as two polarities here.
6. Law of Cycles
Reincarnation, life streams, the cycles of behavior, attitude, expression and learning and how to grow out of the patterns that bind us.
7. Law of Thought
Thinking as the creation of our reality. Releasing the ultimate addiction- to thought!
8. Law of Help
Ask for help and it shall be given to you!
9. Law of Speech
The word, the power of voice, the true value of affirmations, how we create (and un-create)
10. Law of Symbols
Using all the symbols from our guides, our bodies, our world, even the evening news to grow and learn.
11. Law of Progress
Everything changes, nothing ever stands still. How we can choose to align with the spiral of upward evolution and about the entities (the grey’s) whose choices have resulted in a downward spiral.
12. Law of Love
Literally the glue which holds the universe together. Potentially best understood the deepest by humanity. Love is why we are here and what we are to teach the others beyond our world.
Know yourself and who you are. Coming into form on earth to learn about ourselves.
2. Law of Reflection
As above so below. From the most personal to the global and political. Our essence is reflected back to us in our environment.
3. Law of Karma
Cause and effect. Both positive and negative in this dimension and others. Work with this effectively and move beyond limitations.
4. Law of Permanence
The very nature of being. The inter-relationships to the other kingdoms and extra terrestrials.
5. Law of Opposite Expression
How the One always manifests as two polarities here.
6. Law of Cycles
Reincarnation, life streams, the cycles of behavior, attitude, expression and learning and how to grow out of the patterns that bind us.
7. Law of Thought
Thinking as the creation of our reality. Releasing the ultimate addiction- to thought!
8. Law of Help
Ask for help and it shall be given to you!
9. Law of Speech
The word, the power of voice, the true value of affirmations, how we create (and un-create)
10. Law of Symbols
Using all the symbols from our guides, our bodies, our world, even the evening news to grow and learn.
11. Law of Progress
Everything changes, nothing ever stands still. How we can choose to align with the spiral of upward evolution and about the entities (the grey’s) whose choices have resulted in a downward spiral.
12. Law of Love
Literally the glue which holds the universe together. Potentially best understood the deepest by humanity. Love is why we are here and what we are to teach the others beyond our world.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Radiation Remedies/ Iodine supplements by Hilarion

There are several methods that are helpful but it is important to recognize that that which is often advocated, the indigestion of iodine supplements is clearly not helpful; that which ultimately causes great harm. Yes, it can very quickly concentrate radioactive material in the body and pull it out of the thyroid and other organs but it remains in the body.
The body does not excrete enough of it fast enough and it eventually makes its way into the bones, the deeper organs and can be very problematic in the long-term. A far better method is to understand this sense of wholeness: using whole foods, using whole approaches rather than that of supplements or of extracted materials.
Raw unsalted cheeses have tremendous benefit. They can be eaten by themselves and will tend to absorb radioactive materials of all kinds, not just iodine and these then can be easily excreted from the body. These can be eaten as well with pineapple, with papaya, with raw unsalted butter. It’s probably not best to mix all of that together but just one of those with the cheese at each time. This is very helpful because it tends to pull out these materials.
The body tends to regenerate quickly from radiation with the utilization of avocado and orange which is an extremely helpful thing of course. Where the avocados are grown, oranges etc. is very important that they are not adding radiation or chemicals. So, it is always best that these are organic and indeed all of these foods and recommendations to be from organic sources.
Aloe Vera has tremendous capability to heal burns which is the result of excessive exposure to nuclear radiation. The best way to take this is to use the whole plant, cut a leaf and squeeze the juice out. This can be eaten, it can be mixed with various liquids and it is far better than anything you can find on a store shelf.
Also, the ingestion of kelp has much benefit but people have little ability to take this in directly so to use this on your plants, to let the plants be eaten or the cows grazing on the plants to produce milk that you can drink, this has tremendous value because then it is moving through the natural chain that makes it more assimilable and more absorbable by people.
You'll also find that the ocean itself can reveal to you all kinds of ways as if to bathe in the ocean, to bathe in saltwater, to allow the ocean as a sense of moving through you or washing over you. A very helpful way also in clearing radiation even if it is only in your meditations or your consciousness, the sense of the ocean pouring through you can be so valuable and helpful.
Also useful, is this combination of raw, unheated honey, preferably not heated past 93°F and mixed with raw unsalted butter. This can be absorbed under the tongue as well as taken internally and can have much value at clearing out all kinds of toxic materials and more importantly healing the body from within. Regeneration especially of nerves can be very difficult as a result of radiation and so this is very helpful at the regeneration of nerves and bringing in some of these energies for clearing and various ways of strengthening even when the digestive system is compromised because the butter-honey mixture can be dissolved under the tongue.
Spring 2011
For more information on raw (unpasteurized) dairy and where to get it in your area:
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Help for Ringing in My Right Ear

Q. I have this annoying, high pitched ringing sound in my right ear. How do I get rid of it?
Hilarion: There are two sources for this. One is physical and the other is vibrational. There are usually associated with this a combination of both and it is usually wise to pursue the balancing of this by both means. The typical way, most beneficial as discovered by those who have studied this particularly Dale Alexander nicknamed the “Codfather” because of his recommendation of cod liver oil, is the utilization of good absorbable fat in order to balance inner ear issues. Some may take Krill oil who are going down that path and this is certainly one of the most beneficial fish oils you can take because it is low on the food chain and provides many helpful nutrients. But, it is expensive, packaged typically with solvents, often times only available in various packaging methods that involve various other substances, gelatin, plastics, whatever.
So, rarely can simple Krill oil be taken, it must be taken through all of these other packages. However, the other method simply that of raw unsalted butter can be extremely helpful. Simply alternated with food so lots of butter is brought in. Bite of raw butter, bite of food. Bite of raw butter, bite of food.This gradually allows it more absorption, minimal water taken.
Some raw milk can be taken if necessary always at room temperature along with the food. But intent is not to allow the butter to float on excessive amounts of liquid in the stomach. This allows it to be better absorbed and passed into the inner ear. This was Alexander's great discovery. What he had people do was drink small quantity, about 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil on an empty stomach. Although this is quite disagreeable in taste it would correct nearly all ear problems; ringing in the ear, vertigo, poor hearing, all kinds of problems of this nature within a month or two.
This is a very successful treatment, however, we are not recommending it, we recommend the raw butter because it has so much more going for it and it's so much easier, more palatable, it does not taste so disagreeable. Other fats will also work. Most usefully would be coconut cream but raw butter is recommended particularly because you can absorb it well. This takes care of the physical end but does not entirely solve the problem.
You have the condition of energetic signal as a reminder of various forms of intrusion.(from non-physical beings) Energetic signal can occur in many different ways. With practice you can change it. But, to eliminate it is not a good idea. It is a very helpful tool. Energetic signal can appear as a tingling sensation. It can be a sudden thought that “pops” into your consciousness that is destructive or harmful. A thought you would never follow out. For example, driving down the highway at fast speeds, a sudden thought, “what would happen if I suddenly turned the wheel? “ Yes, of course you would go into a spin or have a collision with oncoming traffic but that thought- where did it come from?
These are important tools to recognize because an energetic signal can be a very important helpful tool in the acceleration of your consciousness for improved intuition, for receiving energy from different directions, even for working with healing. So, therefore it is important to recognize that when the energetic signal is that of something that is somehow dislikable, uncomfortable, not yours- something that therefore is a negative energetic signal that at the appropriate time which can be right then or can be a little while later, you will go through a process to specifically deal with it.
Recognize that those energetic signals are usually the presence of an intruder. As the intruder makes contact the signal is present because of your own innate sensitivity. Some people have no awareness of this. Most do and ignore it. Ringing particularly when it's on one side or the other is a good reminder of this. When this occurs than as soon therefore after as possible or immediately if you can, move into an energetic state. We suggest vibrational state because it is a simple exercise that can be practiced regularly described by Vieira in his book “Projections of the Consciousness.” You may find others also similar.
It is a pretty simple exercise. You become aware of energy in the head moving it rapidly to the feet, back up to the head faster and faster. If seated, a diagonal line rather than a broken line, if standing or lying down a straight line. Faster and faster, faster than heartbeat, faster than breathing, until you have a sense of vibration. When you do it repeatedly you can rapidly move into vibrational state without even going through the initial visualization or awareness of the energy moving.
In vibrational state then you may notice that enough to cause ringing to dissipate. But in vibrational state then, (do not do this before) move into vibrational state and within it then think back, “What was the thought, what were you putting your attention on, what was your emotion just before the ringing showed up?” This is what actually allowed entry for the intruder. Oftentimes, your thoughts were drifting. They were into something of a meaningless nature; a daydream perhaps, thinking of something of the past, something that is an entry for an aspect of consciousness that is then at a similar vibration to your own.
Now, within vibrational state change the thought. Work with it. What does it mean to you? You have so many tools to work with this now. If emotion is present then use Radical Release on it. A mini version perhaps, not the one where you need to communicate with someone else but one where you can quickly walk through, strengthening it, moving into an accelerated state of consciousness with a question such as, “Who or what is experiencing this moment now?”-- to a place of deeper relaxation you let it go. You can even just use the thought, “could I just let it go?” We don't usually recommend that though because there isn't as much conscious awareness associated with it and conscious awareness is ultimately the way to solve it.
Because when you go to the place in which you recognize where that thought was present and you have invited this, you have now the opportunity to change. In this way you have a significant evolutionary jump up. You may even get to the point where you welcome or are thankful or grateful for the intrusion and noticing that as the ringing becomes less and less frequent those opportunities still show up but in a whole different form.
Energetic signals can take many different forms. The point is simply that you become aware of them. When you have the awareness you move almost instinctively and rapidly into some form of raising of vibration. We suggest vibrational state. Within vibrational state you re-examine those aspects that relate to it and change them. This is a very powerful way of becoming intrusion free. Not because intruders can't get through its just too much work. They would much rather intrude into the consciousness of other people who have a much easier time of it, aren't going to reject them, might in some ways even welcome them for what they bring into their lives. This is the larger picture with regards to the ringing issue.
Of course this is not true, that is the intruder aspect, for all people. Those with a strong degree of this often called “Tinnitus.” Here it is primarily nutritional or a potential defect in the ear due to exposure to high volume levels of loud sounds. But, in the way in which it has not progressed anywhere near to that degree in you we would see that it is about 50-50 on average, component of both physical and nonphysical.
For more information on how to obtain raw dairy in your area www.realmilk.com/where2.html
Hilarion: You have for instance
significant hydro-fracking occurring in Arkansas. There has been a
observation that the Arkansas earthquakes have diminished as the
hydro-fracking was stopped. But, this activity is one in which the
stirring of Earth
energies for the purposes of extracting natural gas seems so clear. A
way in which this movement of energy and aspect within the earth has no
real benefit to earth because as
the gas is burned, of course more global warming occurs and the ways in
which this is done primarily for profit and has many harmful
effects are
well known.
All of these aspects are reminding people in every way possible that it must be in the attunement into ways of extracting energy that are not harmful that people must put their attention on now. Nuclear power is that which has a powerful energy within it of consciousness on so many levels. People can attune to a greater fear associated with this and with many other things in the world and this is not just because of its inherent activity, it is because many of the individuals on your planet now in positions of power, in positions of understanding, positions of consciousness have had an experience with this a long time ago.
In Atlantis, not an aspect we talk about a lot but that which is known in the consciousness of many, a nuclear weapon was detonated that caused a far greater degree of destruction than was anticipated. The result of this was a powerful fear placed in the consciousness of many and a resolute desire never to do this again. Yet, here you recognize it being used again. Although in a different context at a much lower level still that which causes great harm and more importantly is that which is stirring up a fear that isn't only that which is on your day-to-day consciousness, the things you are aware of and the fear is fear itself but also this idea, that this consciousness is connected to some aspect of your own being. It goes way back. It is that Atlantean aspect that is often bringing into people's consciousness the opportunity to recognize telepathy, deeper connection one person to the other, the awareness of the earth as a living being and many things that are not really within the context of your religions but rather within something much larger; a sort of collective memory.
Oftentimes, this is behind energies that move you in ways of exploring and understanding new science, new technologies that could ultimately be helpful and improve communication at every level in sort of a mimicry of what occurred in these ancient times. So of course, these memories of that which is fearful and harmful stand in your way as if to tell you- you must take another path, you must find a way of greater love, but deeper connection you knew in Atlantis and you must do this in a way that is asking one question over and over as you look at the way in which your technologies are utilized, the way in which your philosophies are utilized the things that you come with and so on. Are these really helping? What's the big picture here? Are these things that are truly beneficial, loving and to the highest good for all?
All of these aspects are reminding people in every way possible that it must be in the attunement into ways of extracting energy that are not harmful that people must put their attention on now. Nuclear power is that which has a powerful energy within it of consciousness on so many levels. People can attune to a greater fear associated with this and with many other things in the world and this is not just because of its inherent activity, it is because many of the individuals on your planet now in positions of power, in positions of understanding, positions of consciousness have had an experience with this a long time ago.
In Atlantis, not an aspect we talk about a lot but that which is known in the consciousness of many, a nuclear weapon was detonated that caused a far greater degree of destruction than was anticipated. The result of this was a powerful fear placed in the consciousness of many and a resolute desire never to do this again. Yet, here you recognize it being used again. Although in a different context at a much lower level still that which causes great harm and more importantly is that which is stirring up a fear that isn't only that which is on your day-to-day consciousness, the things you are aware of and the fear is fear itself but also this idea, that this consciousness is connected to some aspect of your own being. It goes way back. It is that Atlantean aspect that is often bringing into people's consciousness the opportunity to recognize telepathy, deeper connection one person to the other, the awareness of the earth as a living being and many things that are not really within the context of your religions but rather within something much larger; a sort of collective memory.
Oftentimes, this is behind energies that move you in ways of exploring and understanding new science, new technologies that could ultimately be helpful and improve communication at every level in sort of a mimicry of what occurred in these ancient times. So of course, these memories of that which is fearful and harmful stand in your way as if to tell you- you must take another path, you must find a way of greater love, but deeper connection you knew in Atlantis and you must do this in a way that is asking one question over and over as you look at the way in which your technologies are utilized, the way in which your philosophies are utilized the things that you come with and so on. Are these really helping? What's the big picture here? Are these things that are truly beneficial, loving and to the highest good for all?
Oftentimes, in the short-term the question here is easily
answered so that people will not look at the long-term. But, more and more
they are and this is the greater lesson that just as you recognize the ancient
energies from long past, these energies relate to the long future; to the
seventh generation beyond you, to those who you leave this legacy to in the
world, political, economic, social and especially now environmental and that
which is relating to the development of energy on your planet in all of its
forms, all of its guises.
All of this eventually takes you into new ways of consciousness, new understanding but for a time you will be plagued with this opportunity to let go of the old. Those two facets we mentioned before. Now there are those who in looking at all of this who want more than probabilities of course and it would be wonderful if we could state with absolute certainty. But of course it really wouldn't matter. If we stated such it is unlikely for it to have significant impact until afterwards. This is actually the greatest problem you see, if a successful earthquake's prediction is made with perfect accuracy, all of a sudden the very most fearful people, those who need most to let go of this, they are the ones asking for prediction number two. In this way what evolves from this is not so much deeper understanding, deeper connection to earth, deeper opportunity to avert earthquake activity but actually the opposite, and intensification of fear. A greater opportunity for people to misunderstand and in many cases cut off from the earth and their own communication abilities.
All of this eventually takes you into new ways of consciousness, new understanding but for a time you will be plagued with this opportunity to let go of the old. Those two facets we mentioned before. Now there are those who in looking at all of this who want more than probabilities of course and it would be wonderful if we could state with absolute certainty. But of course it really wouldn't matter. If we stated such it is unlikely for it to have significant impact until afterwards. This is actually the greatest problem you see, if a successful earthquake's prediction is made with perfect accuracy, all of a sudden the very most fearful people, those who need most to let go of this, they are the ones asking for prediction number two. In this way what evolves from this is not so much deeper understanding, deeper connection to earth, deeper opportunity to avert earthquake activity but actually the opposite, and intensification of fear. A greater opportunity for people to misunderstand and in many cases cut off from the earth and their own communication abilities.
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