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Hilarion: It is a difficult matter, because there is so much inertia, so many doing this as they have been. But, one of the first methods is to employ as much of the desirable materials such as non-toxic metals and the many ceramics and glass materials on your own as soon as you can. To use those materials in the process for instance of obtaining milk from your own cow or water from your own well or the ways of transporting any of the things that you come in contact with.
Of course it is possible in a simpler way; the basic, direct, political action ways to lobby companies, to ask for products that are not made of plastic and send along pictures. The Pacific Gyre for instance, is a huge collection of plastic materials, broken down to some extent but some of them are floating sneakers, floating water bottles and many of the things discarded from the land. These are so huge now on your earth that people would be quite disheartened to see them.
Luckily, the shipping lanes do not go through these areas so they are not aware of them. But, a few individuals have done their best to bring more and more information about this to the world and you can continue as by bringing this information to the companies that are producing these products. Ask them to find another way, suggest glass materials, recyclable materials, various materials that can be employed instead. Now, of course, this dovetails into the local movement where you are choosing to eat food that is locally available and does not have to be transported long distances, thus reducing significantly the tremendous requirements that are placed on various packaged materials.
But, at the same time it is important as you move through this that you realize there are other ways to clean up your environment; other than recycling. There are also the ways in which you are able to directly assimilate light to bring in the sense of being nourished. This is a little farther out from the previous material as mentioned, but we are noticing that many of the individuals who employ the Vonderplanitz methods for a long time are beginning to recognize this. They gain more food value in what they eat, they use the food more efficiently, they are able to receive the light of the sun more directly.
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But, still this is not the only aspect. The solar energy has tremendous value to the human being and here again, leading edge relative truth, at a time when people were saying, "Oh, avoid solar exposure, use all that sunscreen," and look what happens when they absorb the materials in the sunscreen. Solar exposure for a limited time, perhaps 45 minutes per day, full body, is often very helpful at correcting many difficulties. Yes, vitamin D is produced. Yes, this a factor, but there is more. There is the sun speaking to you, learning with you, sharing your love, light and awareness with you.
But it does so in a way completely different modality and yet there is that which is deep within you that can connect to this solar energy, this beautiful communication. Yes, all beings communicate, they do so in ways that you are not necessarily aware of because it is very different from your way of communicating but communicate nevertheless, they do. On earth that communication has a powerful common message of survival, learning, interacting and love. That the intercommunication, the awareness that they are touching each other, learning from each other, aware of each other.
This often leads to their ability to ask, be it the germs, be it the animals, the people, be it the kingdom of the air, the mountains, the grass, all asking, and they are asking each other. They are especially asking humans. The question of course cannot be formed in the purely verbal, that is how people would interpret it. A microbe does not ask with verbal since it does not have anything approaching a mouth or a brain. But the question is there nevertheless. It is about love. It is about being together, it is about learning from each other. It is about learning to love from each other, it is about this way in which they ask, "how."
You may think it is more about “why.” But “why,” inevitably leads to the intellectual. Sometimes it is about “what” as they are coming just to an understanding of manifestation. But for the most part it is about, "how." How we live, how we love, how we interact how we know each other, how we know we know the infinite and the tiny.