With all of the things going on in the world, what do we do?
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But, most people and especially those in positions of power, such as world leaders, leaders of corporations, movie stars; people who tend to be isolated from their friends, from those who they would trust, from their spiritual guides; these beings at times will forget that they’ve embarked on this experiment, an experiment that perhaps spans lifetimes for some individuals. Thus, they don’t become aware so easily when things go wrong that the experiment has reached its conclusion. The aspects that were brought in can now be evaluated.
You are focused right now on the future because you are worried about what may or what may not happen. Yet, at the same time there are aspects of this which you already understand and you already know. This could be separated into that which is associated with your instinctive side, your animal side, the aspect in which all of the animals around the world are coordinating and looking to you for understanding and so on and yet, not questioning the future, just being here in the moment.
This is a beautiful thing and this is something that you can draw into your own consciousness and bring into your own awareness that this sort of shift is also available to you. We would also suggest where possible that you give a little bit of this energy, this light, this love, to these animals, to these animal friends and your own instinctive self. Your own animal self. An excellent way of doing this is to visualize a totem animal. An animal you are friends with, an animal you are familiar with and have that sense of love and companionship.
This is the other side oft he instinctive, the animal self being focused on the present and not the future and in this way this presence, this energy right now can be reassuring. What emerges from this at once, a higher perspective. In that higher perspective there can be some understanding from the scientific awareness of the likelihood of reincarnation, of the likelihood of the existence of the soul, of the likelihood of multi-dimensionality (more than the three dimensions that you are used to).
The problem with these is that in this time that you are witnessing the destruction, you are experiencing fear, you are seeing suffering. It is harder because you are in a physical body to remember these perspectives, these likelihoods and rather you become more focused on those around you who have such a higher perspective, forgetting that you have such perspective yourself.
Thus, gradually what emerges from this is what you could call two ways of being; the spiritual and the physical. Yes, but physicality comes from the spiritual. You are visualizing this life to the best that you can before you came into it and choosing the people you would be with; choosing the country you would be born into; choosing the likely circumstances with which you would live your life.
So, really it is a limited perspective or an unlimited perspective. Therefore, whatever it takes for you to shift into the unlimited perspective, do it. Do it now, do it as frequently as you can and when you hear the news about a terrible atrocity, something that doesn’t make sense, something that is frightening, understand its meaning and work with it as is is and then as you let it go, go to that which gives you that limitless perspective.
Specifically, we often suggest you ask the question, “Who or what is experiencing this right now?” You don’t therefore have to exclude, you can say, this fear, this struggle, this connection to my fellow human beings and the death and destruction that they are experiencing. Who or what is experiencing that right now? As you tune into that and ask the question, “does it have any limits?” Has it ever been born or ever died? It can help you to let go a little and relax a little and find a place in which you have a deeper sense of peace.
Now, of course if you are a refugee, if you are someone suffering physically, if you are a soldier with commands to do things to other people that you do not want to do and would never do to yourself, or your friends or your family. It is very hard to go to that unlimited place. Yet, when there are others around you who do so, it can remind you. You may not be aware that there is an unlimited place. Perhaps, through the guides, through suffering, there will be a reminder that there is more than this, there is limitlessness and you can move from the place of being at the effect of it, to asking about it and understanding it. This is another excellent technique: the reminder to ask, Is it true? How can I really know it’s true? When you are caught or swept up in some belief about something or someone.
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It therefore lies to the beings who are of a higher perspective and awareness who can tune in more regularly to the unlimited and are non-physical to take on this task.
In times of war and in times of great difficulty or struggle, it is as if a great call goes out. It is not as if there is an organized being that says, “go forth and do that, it is the energetics itself that call for this; the sense of struggle or suffering or fear say to those who have a higher perspective or limitless perspective and bring this into the awareness of people who are in physical bodies now as they would for you, if the roles were reversed.
This is important to understand because being here has been a choice for you. Some are drawn here of course, through their own karma but most of those individuals would not be the ones listening to what we have to say today or reading transcripts of what we are saying today. If they did they might find it a little bit laughable or struggle with it in some way, Still though, for your consciousness, for your awareness it is important to remember. This is an answer to one of the questions, “With all of the things going on in the world, what do we do?”
Now, the limitless perspective reminds you to start from being.” Who am I? Who or what is experiencing this right now? Is it true? How can I really know it’s true? These sorts of questions push you over and over to this other place, to this limitless perspective in which you then recognize the truth of your being. At the same time can find a little more peace, a little less fear and more importantly, the ability to stop taking it personally if you are and stop projecting into the future some aspects that are fearful or troubling if you are. Because even though those things may happen, it is possible. Who would you be if they do occur? This is the important question to begin from. So, it is not about the doing it’s about the being. From the being, naturally comes doing and everybody plagued with that which they see in their world is that which they would consider wrong, frightful, and causing suffering.
There are many of these things, not just a war, not just the troublesome diseases, not just the inequities associated with gender or gender choice, or the inequities of poverty and wealth. These and many other things are to be questioned, not just from the place of doing but to begin from the place of being. From that you recognize who you really are, who the nature of your sort of inner loving place then says, “these inequities, the suffering, those are wrong.” In other words, you turn it around from the very thing that upsets you about what you see, about what you hear and about what you learn. You come to better recognize who you are. A person who does not condone suffering or inequity. A person who does want to bring change or love.
For some individuals, that return to being-ness, that refocusing on who you really are and that recognizing your limitlessness perspective and then bringing it back to ask yourself, “What are my talents and capabilities?” This brings to you that answer you are seeking. What is yours to do? You may not be the one who is hearing this, there is someone else who is, and from these very words now recognizes what is theirs to do. Perhaps, they have waited lifetimes for this reminder that what is theirs to do, is to help somebody else, to give writing, to give time, to give money, to give awareness, or to give art. What it is theirs to give in the world is their doing. Be inspired by this for a moment. Look at the heroes of this age, of this time. Look at those who are willing to speak the truth and who are willing to put it out for others to know and this reveals to you one of the beautiful things emerging from this.
The news organizations continue to find heroes because they want to have something to focus on other than the difficulties and the struggles. These are not the “heroes” winning awards but those by personal sacrifice and those by trying to help others have shown themselves and shown who they really are.
We remind you then from this limitless perspective and should you fall from it as you hear our words then stop for a moment. If you start to feel the fear or feel the contraction or recognize the limitless perspective is somehow disappearing, stop for a moment and focus on that question, “Who or what is experiencing this now?” or “Who am I?” or “Is this really true?” “How can I really know this is true?” or whatever helps you move back to that limitless perspective.
From that place then, you can then turn it back on and continue listening. The idea that there is an underlying energetic that appears to be knitting together a great deal of this fear and this difficulty. What it is has to do with is an awareness through extensive studies with computers and psychology of the value of keeping people in a place of uncertainty, of not knowing. Those are both negatives. It is keeping them in a place of fear. It is keeping them in a place in which the correct way to “do,” is not available to them.
Are you beginning to see what this really does? The real nature of uncertainty? It is to pull you away from being-ness into a doing-ness. As long as you remain in a doing-ness in which you don’t know what to do, the doing-ness doesn’t seem to help. The doing-ness that everyone is “doing,” seems to have the wrong effect, (meaning the effect which creates more suffering, more inequality in your own consciousness) you become trapped in it. It is as if that uncertainty feeds on itself and as a result you have greater fear, suffering, difficulty, inequity but more importantly you are more compliant. You are more pliable. It is easier for you to be manipulated, for you to hear and understand propaganda, various lies in the news, various other perspectives that bring you to a place in which you have more uncertainty.
The aspect of this that is then added to it is that you become more compliant, more willing to follow the orders of, more willing to listen to…less willing to question the thoughts of somebody else who is certain; a leader perhaps, a book perhaps, a way in which somebody stands out perhaps.
This is as we have of course, observed in the past, another form of “guru-itis.” But, gurus are not creating such certainty at the level now as they might have in the past because many of them have said or done things, that although they have been helpful to some of their followers, clearly have not produced the results that you would say would be truly valuable such as more peace in the world (when you see more war in the world). Such as greater health in the world (when you see more disease in the world) Such as greater consciousness being pulled out of poverty and into a place of more relaxation and love. No, just the opposite; greater inequity, greater struggle.
This means that the same sort of things that would have applied to “guru-itis” as it might have been discussed twenty years ago could be applied to world leaders; to those who appear to bring certainty into the world. To those who seem to tell you what to do and you listen partly because you have been receiving so much to make you more compliant.
Now, three months ago when we spoke about compliance we spoke about it in terms of the biological factors; those related to the 5G radiation, those related to the injections of various substances including several carbon- based substances along with the so called “vaccines,” used as a weapon to bring forth compliance and those certainly are part of the story. But, if you understand this as having the ability to pull you out of the being into the doing, in which the “doing,” is so confusing you can begin to recognize the power of this and the ease in which you can shift, in which you can let it go.
But, there is one more part to this that is very helpful. That is as is often stated that “when you embrace your enemy, when you embrace that which is so troubling it is the great zen movement to move the attacker in the direction in which he or she is already moving or to ride the horse in the direction in which its already going.” to quote Werner Erhard. But, the point is that in your consciousness you always have a choice if you can forget about it so stuck in doing, forgetting you have a choice. Then, it is possible, so stuck in doing, that you are easier manipulated. We can get into a few specifics if you wish, but much more important is the embracing of the enemy.
In this case, you might say the enemy is compliance. What we suggest is that you see deeper that it is really uncertainty. This is where the great difficulty comes because in so many ways, your need to complete this experiment, this powerful consciousness experiment that moves through all of humanity as the great experiment of being on this planet without the memory clear in your consciousness of your past lives and with death and the way in which you re-create over and over the emotional aspect of your past life into this life. This great experiment trickles down into your individual experiment about how you work with yourself, your relationships and your understanding of the world. If, from what you come to understand from this is certainty, then the experiment has failed.
This is the great revelation of the physicists of the early 1900’s. Einstein being the most famous of these: that it is all relative. That within the understanding of the material world itself from observations of the universe and observations of the very, very, very small. This principle of uncertainty and of relative interaction that it is the relative interaction of one thing to another that is running the show, so to speak. There is no independent, no objective that this great and powerful lesson has not been understood at a level to be taken in by your being.
You’ve observed it as that which is a “doing” which, of course has led to all kinds of technological developments such as the laser and the transistor which have given you in your own life various ways of communicating and utilizing your cell phones for various things other than communication. But, all of that computational ability is based on those underlying principles and all of this is simply an awareness that is right at the edge of your consciousness. Indeed, there is no absolute, there is only the relative. There is no certainty, there is only the likelihood, the probability, the possibility.
Now, we know this is sometimes difficult when as a child re-creating evolution of humanity from the earliest to the current, as you move through early childhood into early adulthood the greatest level of spiritual maturity comes when you can let go of the need for certainty. Now, the specific exercises around this become obvious. What things could you do today to experience deliberately, consciously, walking into you, drawing it into you, attracting it, manifesting it; some uncertainty. Some sense of “I just don’t know. I just don’t know and that’s ok.”
Because it is in the acceptance of certainty and the willingness to end the rejection of uncertainty that your own spiritual maturity begins to awaken and then you are not so compliant. You are less likely to follow a leader, you are less likely to do so what they say until you question it, and you look at it more carefully and until you understand it for yourself. Then you ask that question, “is it really true? How can I really know it’s true?”