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Sometimes these are, as in this case, that which is artificial, that which was brought to humanity and has been strongly, powerfully, energized and the physical body is weakened by the significant increase in high frequency radiation, typically in the range from twenty gigahertz to one hundred gigahertz. These are in many places called “5G” and in some areas they are called “4G,” but they are not high-frequency as in the case of New Zealand.
But, these high-frequency energetics weaken and cause all kinds of communication issues within the cells and make it harder to deal with any virus be it man-made or that which is naturally occurring. So, people suffer and they struggle with this, the numbers are clearly higher than what have been in viruses in the past but they are not those which are going to significantly depopulate your planet. There will be many who will survive this and be able to shift their own energies and many who can utilize natural means to strengthen their own bodies and there are those who have been discussing it and doing all kinds of tests with it.
There are many people who are not willing to make significant changes in their own diet in their own physical regimes in their own weight or in their own body type or other things that relate to their own immune systems. These people, of course, become more susceptible. At the same time though, it is noted that the idea of this has a uniting capability and that everyone will somehow be in this together. It is not entirely true and there are a few who are sitting out in the sidelines waiting for this to pass by in the hopes that they can take advantage of it.
But, other than that it does seem to bring up all of this questioning. If you are altogether then why is there so much inequity? Why are there so many difficulties for humanity and all of the other things we were speaking about earlier in regards to starvation or homelessness or poverty, etc.
Now, in understanding this though people still taking advantage of their own opportunity to make money on this are introducing vaccines. The vaccines have been in development all year and various vaccines are being introduced at this time. Each of these have interesting and different effects and some of them will be found simply to have no effect at all on some people. They will be able to cleanse out the chemicals in these vaccines fairly easily and their own ability to fight off the coronavirus infection will already be substantially improved enough that the vaccine will not be particularly helpful or harmful.
The problem here of course is prediction. Overall way of looking at it, in general it does seem as if people who have diets that are naturally high in enzymes, not enzymes taken artificially in a tablet or capsule. But, those which come naturally in the foods that they eat. Enzymes are killed by heat and are very heat sensitive so the foods that have not been heated, those that have all of these helpful enzymes seem to have all kinds of benefits to the immune system and are very helpful to those who do contract coronavirus.
Secondarily, is the naturally occurring vitamins (in particular D & C) that come then through eating the correct foods; vitamin C rich foods and vitamin D from being exposed to sunlight. This is one of the explanations for why it is becoming more problematic in the winter because so many people are wearing more clothes and not getting as much skin surface exposure.
Yes, taking artificial vitamin D, vitamin D from various foods is helpful. Not nearly as helpful (we would put it at nearly 25% of the benefits) of the vitamin D from skin exposure. Forty-five minutes in the sun is usually enough for most people regardless of their complexion, regardless of their racial or ethnic heritage. This has tremendous effect at boosting not only the immune system but many things in the physical body.
However, if there are those who for whatever reason do not accept this and refuse to work in these arenas or do things that deplete the body of these helpful enzymes and vitamins. Well, then of course, they are going to be searching within the pharmacological pantheon for other solutions or other ways of helping, preventing and so on.
The vaccine as it is being developed has some interesting capabilities that are closer in their own nature of action to the action of a virus than any other vaccine that has ever been developed before. These are called “RNA vaccines,” and they are working within the physical body attributes that have been worked with by extraterrestrials working with their own RNA, DNA and other things, though different from the sequences associated with humans we do have the opportunity to see how this works for them and from this can draw some conclusions.
With people, there just aren't enough, the data is insufficient to make absolute conclusions but it does appear that by and large at least at this stage the changes that will be made to RNA and consequently DNA within the physical being will not be those which will be overtly harmful.
The primary harm from the vaccine will likely be that which is from the chemicals that are involved in the manufacture and the production and the storage and even the use just before it is injected. These chemicals have long, complicated names and many different effects on the physical body. Yes, they are there in small quantities but they are so well absorbed because they are being injected.
So, we would strongly recommend that before taking the vaccine if you choose to do so, you have a series of the traditional Aajonus Vonderplanitz “lymph bath.” You might do this for three days in a row, done in the usual way, that is raw coconut cream and pineapple (about 4 ounces of each) taken before hopping into the bath with a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour and a half. If you get too hot you can put your hands into ice cold water, this can be a mixture of ice and water or ring out a washcloth and put it on your forehead etc.
But, the lymph bath before hand stimulates the lymph and gets it ready to go so to speak. Then after injection as soon as possible afterward, another lymph bath and for the next two days after that. So, you are doing six lymph baths altogether; three before and three after.
Raw coconut cream is the primary detoxifier of a wide variety of chemicals. It will have no specific effect on the RNA, on the cellular changes or the other aspects associated with this vaccine. But, it will help the body to rapidly detoxify these chemicals. There isn't much benefit to it before you would have the vaccination but afterward to continue with coconut cream on a daily basis even as often as twice a day about four, perhaps 8 ounces for an individual would be about maximum. Most people will top out at about 4 ounces per serving and they can have it twice a day.
One might do well to continue this for a week or so. Yes, we know that means busting up a lot of coconuts and you may be able to find others who can help you with this. Which brings us of course to the matter of teenagers. Soon it will be suggested that teenagers take this vaccine. There are many who are quite unwilling to do any of the other natural health regimens we have mentioned, particularly with the enzymes, vitamins etc. and so indeed they may indeed choose to do the vaccine. They may also be those who are very resistant to the lymph bath but at least an absolute minimum of one very hot bath preferably ingest pineapple and coconut before taking the bath, right after getting the vaccine. Then, at least for as much as possible eat raw coconut cream on a daily basis.
We know how hard this can be but still we are always concerned about what occurs and this is the more difficult aspect: where are you a year down the road? Once those RNA changes, once those DNA shifts, once those aspects go deep into the body we have a significant number of the population by our simulations having some reduced immune function.
We have others who have a brief bout of some unusual mental symptoms. They become very spacey and they aren't able to easily communicate and it has to do with a reduction of dopamine in the brain. This does not lead to Parkinson's as is typically the case but rather to a feeling of being rather disconnected or spaced out from the world. What can assist this of course is movement and physical exercise, drumming, and connecting to the earth are helpful.
In addition we see that there is likely a metals reaction that might take place at that juncture so somewhere about a year after getting the vaccine it would be very wise to have blueberries with raw milk cream, equal portions about 4 ounces each, (raw coconut cream is even better than raw milk cream) but either way it very helpful at detoxifying these metals and that would be daily for about a week. This may prevent some of those later symptoms.
Now, we cannot be 100% certain with all of this since the data we are gathering is from the relatively small amount of people who have already been injected with the vaccine who have not gone longer than a year and the many millions who have somewhat similar DNA makeup to humans who live on other planets.
Because we are drawing data from all of these we can only make some likely postulates and suggestions as to where this might go. But, that is for the many who have asked this question, “If I must take this vaccine what should I do? “It is a difficult matter of course, there are many who are going on strike about this so to speak in the healthcare professions, in all kinds of “frontline workers,” as the term goes. People who are simply refusing. This is not making the news yet, it will at some point in the future. Of course, they do so because they recognize that this vaccine has not been adequately tested and that typical testing might go on for years before any vaccine would be approved for the general public.
So, we are not in position to recommend the vaccine as the best choice but for some individuals who choose it anyway for whatever reason, or deciding that they don't want to be involved in the various aspects of improving their health by other means that it is not going to be as harmful as some of the other vaccines that have been utilized in the past. Principally, because these do not contain the metals that are in those vaccines. The chemicals that are more difficult to get rid of are in those vaccines and they do not contain a live virus, they are working along a different means. At the same time though, we are not going to tell you,“get out there and get the vaccine,” rather, when you hear others say this, look inside and ask, “what are they really saying?” What are they really looking for?