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The underlying reasons for this are partially physical, partially planned and partially accidental but have specifically to do with events on the earth and things that have occurred here. Sometimes knowing that can be somewhat helpful as it gives you a different sense or a different perspective.
Another way to understand it is to see the overall plan and sometimes this plan is called a “conspiracy.” That simply means that many are cooperating together in order to bring it about. Could there be a conspiracy of light? A conspiracy of positive change? For many people the answer to this is clearly “no.”
But, as you look at these plans they can largely be broken down into several levels. That which might be called, “level five” relates to the destruction of all of humanity. There are some individuals who see that, that is the direction that this is going. There is that which is, “level four,” which is the enslavement of all of humanity and there are many individuals who see that that is the direction that this is going. This could be to the end of providing food for hungry extraterrestrials who think of human beings as a delicious delicacy or an energetic associated with the mining of various minerals on planet earth or the collecting of souls and human consciousness or the utilization of the planet for various other means such as by increasing carbon dioxide, other beings could live here and utilize human beings as their servants.
Then you come to level three where there is that energetic that is much more associated with a plan where people in positions of power are able to promote that power so powerfully that they're able to see themselves in a completely separate class from all other human beings as if they would be the masters and humans would be the slaves. This would require a chipping that is constant identification, 100% total vaccination of all people in order to promote this and various health issues or addictive issues that would keep people in their place.
When you go all the way down to level zero you have no conspiracy at all. You have this as if a pure accident, somewhere someone made a little boo-boo in their laboratory experiments and that which was meant to be stuck in a test tube somewhere escaped. The result of this spread throughout the world and created all of these problems.
Well, we would have to say from looking at all of this, looking into the dreams and the consciousness of all people involved and accessing the extraterrestrials who watch over you and work with you for both positive and negative that this is clearly not a zero or a three. It is somewhere in between. Whether it is a one or a two will be up to you and it will be a way in which this eventually emerges in the consciousness of many.
It is very easy to see simply looking at the records of what happened that an American scientist in the city of Wuhan in a laboratory working with others built this virus now called Covid-19 and did so by drawing in capacities from other viruses and giving it a very high level of adaptability and then it was then released into the world. So, where the adaptability comes in is that it has a particular affinity to help the physical body cleanse materials very quickly and when this occurs that quick cleansing causes major cell disruption and for some individuals death.
The first target of this was the mineral arsenic. Arsenic is found at high levels in chickens and rice and in China particularly because very recently there was a large wholesale slaughter of pigs and so a big movement towards chicken took place. Chickens have been fed arsenic for a few years now as part of their feed because they grow much faster; they mature, and the arsenic does not seem to hurt them very much but of course, people absorb it and the rice has arsenic in it from industrial waste, from the atmosphere and even in some cases where it is added to the soil by chicken manure.
*** China Mandatory Vaccinations
You already see how this is going by talking about a vaccine for Covid- 19 people are already predisposed to this. So, perhaps a year or two years from now when someone brings this forward everyone will want it. It will be that which people will say, “Oh, thank goodness these pharmaceutical companies finally have come through for us and will help us with this.” This is unfortunate because of course there is this lack of accountability and so along with the understanding of this potential plan there is time at a political level to change this, to overturn the Vaccine Act (The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 to shift public consciousness around this and to bring it into the awareness of many.
-Hilarion hilarion.com
Another way to understand it is to see the overall plan and sometimes this plan is called a “conspiracy.” That simply means that many are cooperating together in order to bring it about. Could there be a conspiracy of light? A conspiracy of positive change? For many people the answer to this is clearly “no.”
But, as you look at these plans they can largely be broken down into several levels. That which might be called, “level five” relates to the destruction of all of humanity. There are some individuals who see that, that is the direction that this is going. There is that which is, “level four,” which is the enslavement of all of humanity and there are many individuals who see that that is the direction that this is going. This could be to the end of providing food for hungry extraterrestrials who think of human beings as a delicious delicacy or an energetic associated with the mining of various minerals on planet earth or the collecting of souls and human consciousness or the utilization of the planet for various other means such as by increasing carbon dioxide, other beings could live here and utilize human beings as their servants.
Then you come to level three where there is that energetic that is much more associated with a plan where people in positions of power are able to promote that power so powerfully that they're able to see themselves in a completely separate class from all other human beings as if they would be the masters and humans would be the slaves. This would require a chipping that is constant identification, 100% total vaccination of all people in order to promote this and various health issues or addictive issues that would keep people in their place.
When you go all the way down to level zero you have no conspiracy at all. You have this as if a pure accident, somewhere someone made a little boo-boo in their laboratory experiments and that which was meant to be stuck in a test tube somewhere escaped. The result of this spread throughout the world and created all of these problems.
Well, we would have to say from looking at all of this, looking into the dreams and the consciousness of all people involved and accessing the extraterrestrials who watch over you and work with you for both positive and negative that this is clearly not a zero or a three. It is somewhere in between. Whether it is a one or a two will be up to you and it will be a way in which this eventually emerges in the consciousness of many.
It is very easy to see simply looking at the records of what happened that an American scientist in the city of Wuhan in a laboratory working with others built this virus now called Covid-19 and did so by drawing in capacities from other viruses and giving it a very high level of adaptability and then it was then released into the world. So, where the adaptability comes in is that it has a particular affinity to help the physical body cleanse materials very quickly and when this occurs that quick cleansing causes major cell disruption and for some individuals death.
The first target of this was the mineral arsenic. Arsenic is found at high levels in chickens and rice and in China particularly because very recently there was a large wholesale slaughter of pigs and so a big movement towards chicken took place. Chickens have been fed arsenic for a few years now as part of their feed because they grow much faster; they mature, and the arsenic does not seem to hurt them very much but of course, people absorb it and the rice has arsenic in it from industrial waste, from the atmosphere and even in some cases where it is added to the soil by chicken manure.
So, those who were aware of this took the homeopathic “arsenicum 30” and noted that the worst effects of this virus never reached them. They got perhaps a little sniffle and that was it. So, the conclusion to this from some is that all you need to do is take “arsenicum 30” and you will have an excellent preventative. It is termed “prophylactic,” against this virus. This is not correct. Yes, it certainly can be helpful, particularly, if your diet includes a lot of arsenic and it will be part of the picture.
Next, is the awareness of how this moved strongly across the world through travelers and in Italy took hold. Here is the second adaptation: aluminum. Aluminum is widespread in pasta, particularly in the last ten years, the widespread use of aluminum not just for cooking but for many forms of preparation.
Now, these are the purely physical attributes not the karmic; not the bigger picture. Interestingly enough, there were many travelers to India during this time period and they were not beset with this virus. Those might say well, this is karma but it is actually another attribute and those scientists who watched this go all over the planet are learning from this. That it was not effective there is primarily because an herb that deliberately works with arsenic and to a lesser extent aluminum and is very healing and helpful has proven itself not just to the Indian people but to people experimenting with herbs all over the world.
This is Moringa Oleifera. It is a plant that grows all over the world but that has been widely cultivated for its leaves in India. Certainly, it is an excellent herb for you to be taking for prevention and when there is healing needed in the body to help cure the effects of this virus. It does seem to combine quite well with another herb that has not been as widespread in its use and that is Elderberry.
But, as these are seen as helpful tools we are then encouraging people to explore this and learn about them and to use them more. At the karmic level the idea was that some of the powerful issues of the suppression of consciousness, awareness, truth, and other things in China might change and indeed this is occurring. Many people will see that the government cannot be trusted and those that have spoken about this regarding the lack of transparency know all of that is a huge karmic issue immediately coming to the fore with this.
In Italy, the idea of those who profess a higher spirituality but in point of fact have no regard for religion or assistance, they indeed are also at a karmic level being strongly hurt by this. We spoke of this in the early 1980s through our friend in Canada now deceased in the little book, “Nations," that was the first in the series of these channelings. Its purpose is not to lay blame but simply to point the direction in which healing can take place and many of you have this book and having read it you know that the healing associated with America has to do with its generosity and its willingness to help others. You see some of that when you are helping your neighbors, when you are learning to coexist peacefully but in terms of welcoming others or assisting through health and benefit to others of science and technology, not at all. You are seeing just the opposite and this does not bode well for America's path through this difficulty.
Indeed, anyway even if it is only through the Internet in which you can make communication with people in other countries who are suffering and encourage them or share light with them or do whatever you can this is a small thing of course because it is not involving all of the country but still it is an important attribute because America has a history of welcoming, of bringing in others.
Indeed, it is a country entirely based on immigration and immigrants except for those who are native to this place who have been suppressed and harmed by those immigrants and those who are here now closing their borders keeping people out and so on do not understand of all of the importance of this at a spiritual level, at a larger level, at a karmic level. It is hard to forgive them but you can because you know inside of you the fear is Xena phobic and it is that which is afraid of others, that which is afraid of that which comes outside of you. What is the truth of that? Is it really outside of you or can you find the place and utilize perhaps that little phrase “just like me. “
Can you find that place within you where you can love people from outside this country? People who come to you from other places and such really is present at every level. In every country wherever you are. We are not saying that at a physical level the right thing to do is to open all of the borders but the right thing to do clearly is to provide help at every level by sharing of the resources of the learning, of the health giving measures whatever they are amongst all peoples. Such generosity, such caring will leave its mark particularly because it is more needed now than any other time.
So, in this way you can recognize that all of these energies as they shift have occurred in an interesting timing sequence. We spoke of this in the last quarterly channeling and in those previous in the development of higher frequency microwave energies pouring into humanity at stronger and stronger levels. The levels are not strong as determined entirely by amplitude but by their effects on the human body. There is now seen a direct correlation when the frequencies are higher there is a restimulation and a re-emmission that the cells, particularly the nervous system cells, but all of the cells in the body do.
This is called “Brillouin” and they are called these days “Brillouin precursors,” though it is actually Brillouin scattering. The Brillouin precursors are those within the cell that cause damage of all kinds. This mirrors in a way the entire idea behind 5G. That is that energetics will go from the satellites into the individual cell phones but also into the antenna on the poles throughout a city. In this way, people can be in constant communication and connection together. They can achieve all kinds of levels of greater awareness and contact and naturally have their needs met more carefully, more consciously and more effectively.
This is a boon of course for the telecommunication companies but also for all of those who are interested in providing this. Because they have such a huge financial stake in this and every turn the guides and helpers (of humanity) have been beaming potential to simply tell them to “turn it off,” and they refuse. They are saying regardless of the destruction, regardless of the damage we are going to continue maintaining. Right now there is a great sensitivity to 24.25- 24.75 GHz this is a higher frequency then has been present in cell phone communications on your planet which is typically under 8 GHz and that which there just isn't enough data of an experimental level to justify its use.
But, it is the only frequency area available and it is only the beginning. Frequencies all the way up to 80 GHz are being seriously considered and will likely be employed as the satellites launch into space by the thousands and have the capability to provide this. They to the largest extent have about a five-year life because they are in low Earth orbit so it is also possible that if they are simply no longer maintained that they will fail.
But, the primary idea being provided to those who want to create an actual physical change political in nature that which could make a big shift and so on is simple:
5G = coronavirus.
5G needs to be turned off now
Turn it off
These are the three slogans that are being shared in the consciousness by all the guides and helpers (of humanity) all over the planet right now. You are seeing tremendous resistance to this principally because the very networks that are putting billions of dollars into this enterprise who are providing the money for the media to keep the news and television and radio and Internet and newspapers going.
So, it's going to be a big loss for them and it has been observed that this Brillouin precursor predisposes the cells to damage and in particular from this virus. It is no accident or coincidence that some of the very first cities to be fully wired with all of these little antennas for 5G were those cities of Milan, Italy and Wuhan, China and that the Princess Cruise ships were heavily wired for 5G so that all of the people there could benefit from all of these excellent ways of connecting with each other, playing games and connecting on the Internet etc.
Well, this is clearly a cause and effect relationship at two levels. There is the one of simply recognizing the correlations; the ways in which so many people are predisposed to illness when they are subjected to these radiations to all of these 5G frequencies and the second is that of the actual causation of the Brillouin Precursors and the ways in which the cells themselves are damaged and slow down their natural immune processes in the presence of this radiation.
Now, many would of course be asking “well, what can I personally do?” It is actually an interesting question.There was a time when people saw what a problem something was then challenged the authorities; they destroyed the brazen idols; they tore down the churches that were stealing the money from everyone; they brought to a halt the taxation of the humans by tossing the tea into the ocean.
Is it time for humans to now take down these little cell towers? This is an interesting idea but we would suggest that if you do this that you leave a calling card explaining why. Showing these specific correlations of the cities and the cruise ships and the causation associated with Brillioun precursors and the simple statement of one of the three we mentioned earlier.
We cannot be in a position ever to promote civil disobedience but we are noting that in the consciousness of those who understand this that this is coming to mind and that they are thinking about this. All they have to do of course, is identify what these small cell poles looks like in order to make such changes. Obviously, anyone speaking of such matters could get in a lot of trouble so we wouldn't want to do that. So, we simply note that this is in the consciousness of many at the current time.
In addition to all of these sorts of energies there is the possibility of utilizing technology that shields, that changes these energies before they hit your body and we suggested a variety of these. We cannot say for certain which ones work the best for everyone. You have to try it for yourself, you have to work with it and see.
But, we can observe that there are people who have tried these different technologies and have been successful and are healing or shielded or do not have these affects from these exposures to virus or whatever. Principally, you could say the cleansing of the materials that are difficult in their physical bodies is taking place at a slower rate.
Which brings up of course the most important technique if there is anything within you that needs to be cleansed, do so. In the northern hemisphere you could consider this, “spring cleaning.” In the southern hemisphere you could say that you are getting ready for the winter and you are going to put into storage only the very best. Some of the things we mentioned in the past, utilization of brown’s gas inhalation, and the utilization of deuterium depleted water. These are powerful techniques that help the body cleanse.
Further off in the past we have mentioned the implementation of the Aajonus Vonderplantitz techniques. In particular, the use of having some pineapple and coconut cream and hopping into a hot bath for a while what he called the “lymph bath” which is widely detailed at the website wewant2live.com where “to” is the number two. The point of these is to cleanse all kinds of toxic materials from the physical body.
The interesting one that it appears the coronavirus has not yet adapted to cleanse is glyphosate. This is a more complex chemical and it is that which the scientists involved were rather disappointed to see it did not cleanse it nearly to the degree that it caused great disharmony or difficulty in the physical body as it is such as noted with arsenic and aluminum. In the future perhaps a new virus will be developed that can do this so again it just makes sense where possible to clear this from the physical body as much as you can.
Of course, fluoride is another toxic material and there is right now a tremendous effort underway to bring out a new virus that would adapt to this. It is hoped that this will not be successful and those involved will not be able to present this because of course this material is so widespread affecting the pineal, causing various difficulties in the body and so on.
One of the best ways to keep this out is by the use of gem elixirs and various useful gems certainly have been proposed for this in the past and those containing fluoride are in some way superior to anything homeopathic because what they do is align the physical body in such a way that the body can naturally move this out in a slow and steady manner. Of course as much as possible avoiding fluorides is very helpful also.
Now, we are getting pretty radical here and telling people to do things that perhaps their dentist or doctor or others told them they should do but you must do your own research on this in order to decide for yourself.
Now, in this overall plan there is this possibility as we mentioned at levels one and two that there would be greater widespread vaccination and the benefit to this is that the vaccine will bring in all kinds of substances.
Next, is the awareness of how this moved strongly across the world through travelers and in Italy took hold. Here is the second adaptation: aluminum. Aluminum is widespread in pasta, particularly in the last ten years, the widespread use of aluminum not just for cooking but for many forms of preparation.
Now, these are the purely physical attributes not the karmic; not the bigger picture. Interestingly enough, there were many travelers to India during this time period and they were not beset with this virus. Those might say well, this is karma but it is actually another attribute and those scientists who watched this go all over the planet are learning from this. That it was not effective there is primarily because an herb that deliberately works with arsenic and to a lesser extent aluminum and is very healing and helpful has proven itself not just to the Indian people but to people experimenting with herbs all over the world.
This is Moringa Oleifera. It is a plant that grows all over the world but that has been widely cultivated for its leaves in India. Certainly, it is an excellent herb for you to be taking for prevention and when there is healing needed in the body to help cure the effects of this virus. It does seem to combine quite well with another herb that has not been as widespread in its use and that is Elderberry.
But, as these are seen as helpful tools we are then encouraging people to explore this and learn about them and to use them more. At the karmic level the idea was that some of the powerful issues of the suppression of consciousness, awareness, truth, and other things in China might change and indeed this is occurring. Many people will see that the government cannot be trusted and those that have spoken about this regarding the lack of transparency know all of that is a huge karmic issue immediately coming to the fore with this.
In Italy, the idea of those who profess a higher spirituality but in point of fact have no regard for religion or assistance, they indeed are also at a karmic level being strongly hurt by this. We spoke of this in the early 1980s through our friend in Canada now deceased in the little book, “Nations," that was the first in the series of these channelings. Its purpose is not to lay blame but simply to point the direction in which healing can take place and many of you have this book and having read it you know that the healing associated with America has to do with its generosity and its willingness to help others. You see some of that when you are helping your neighbors, when you are learning to coexist peacefully but in terms of welcoming others or assisting through health and benefit to others of science and technology, not at all. You are seeing just the opposite and this does not bode well for America's path through this difficulty.
Indeed, anyway even if it is only through the Internet in which you can make communication with people in other countries who are suffering and encourage them or share light with them or do whatever you can this is a small thing of course because it is not involving all of the country but still it is an important attribute because America has a history of welcoming, of bringing in others.
Indeed, it is a country entirely based on immigration and immigrants except for those who are native to this place who have been suppressed and harmed by those immigrants and those who are here now closing their borders keeping people out and so on do not understand of all of the importance of this at a spiritual level, at a larger level, at a karmic level. It is hard to forgive them but you can because you know inside of you the fear is Xena phobic and it is that which is afraid of others, that which is afraid of that which comes outside of you. What is the truth of that? Is it really outside of you or can you find the place and utilize perhaps that little phrase “just like me. “
Can you find that place within you where you can love people from outside this country? People who come to you from other places and such really is present at every level. In every country wherever you are. We are not saying that at a physical level the right thing to do is to open all of the borders but the right thing to do clearly is to provide help at every level by sharing of the resources of the learning, of the health giving measures whatever they are amongst all peoples. Such generosity, such caring will leave its mark particularly because it is more needed now than any other time.
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So, in this way you can recognize that all of these energies as they shift have occurred in an interesting timing sequence. We spoke of this in the last quarterly channeling and in those previous in the development of higher frequency microwave energies pouring into humanity at stronger and stronger levels. The levels are not strong as determined entirely by amplitude but by their effects on the human body. There is now seen a direct correlation when the frequencies are higher there is a restimulation and a re-emmission that the cells, particularly the nervous system cells, but all of the cells in the body do.
This is called “Brillouin” and they are called these days “Brillouin precursors,” though it is actually Brillouin scattering. The Brillouin precursors are those within the cell that cause damage of all kinds. This mirrors in a way the entire idea behind 5G. That is that energetics will go from the satellites into the individual cell phones but also into the antenna on the poles throughout a city. In this way, people can be in constant communication and connection together. They can achieve all kinds of levels of greater awareness and contact and naturally have their needs met more carefully, more consciously and more effectively.
This is a boon of course for the telecommunication companies but also for all of those who are interested in providing this. Because they have such a huge financial stake in this and every turn the guides and helpers (of humanity) have been beaming potential to simply tell them to “turn it off,” and they refuse. They are saying regardless of the destruction, regardless of the damage we are going to continue maintaining. Right now there is a great sensitivity to 24.25- 24.75 GHz this is a higher frequency then has been present in cell phone communications on your planet which is typically under 8 GHz and that which there just isn't enough data of an experimental level to justify its use.
But, it is the only frequency area available and it is only the beginning. Frequencies all the way up to 80 GHz are being seriously considered and will likely be employed as the satellites launch into space by the thousands and have the capability to provide this. They to the largest extent have about a five-year life because they are in low Earth orbit so it is also possible that if they are simply no longer maintained that they will fail.
But, the primary idea being provided to those who want to create an actual physical change political in nature that which could make a big shift and so on is simple:
5G = coronavirus.
5G needs to be turned off now
Turn it off
These are the three slogans that are being shared in the consciousness by all the guides and helpers (of humanity) all over the planet right now. You are seeing tremendous resistance to this principally because the very networks that are putting billions of dollars into this enterprise who are providing the money for the media to keep the news and television and radio and Internet and newspapers going.
So, it's going to be a big loss for them and it has been observed that this Brillouin precursor predisposes the cells to damage and in particular from this virus. It is no accident or coincidence that some of the very first cities to be fully wired with all of these little antennas for 5G were those cities of Milan, Italy and Wuhan, China and that the Princess Cruise ships were heavily wired for 5G so that all of the people there could benefit from all of these excellent ways of connecting with each other, playing games and connecting on the Internet etc.
Well, this is clearly a cause and effect relationship at two levels. There is the one of simply recognizing the correlations; the ways in which so many people are predisposed to illness when they are subjected to these radiations to all of these 5G frequencies and the second is that of the actual causation of the Brillouin Precursors and the ways in which the cells themselves are damaged and slow down their natural immune processes in the presence of this radiation.
Now, many would of course be asking “well, what can I personally do?” It is actually an interesting question.There was a time when people saw what a problem something was then challenged the authorities; they destroyed the brazen idols; they tore down the churches that were stealing the money from everyone; they brought to a halt the taxation of the humans by tossing the tea into the ocean.
Is it time for humans to now take down these little cell towers? This is an interesting idea but we would suggest that if you do this that you leave a calling card explaining why. Showing these specific correlations of the cities and the cruise ships and the causation associated with Brillioun precursors and the simple statement of one of the three we mentioned earlier.
We cannot be in a position ever to promote civil disobedience but we are noting that in the consciousness of those who understand this that this is coming to mind and that they are thinking about this. All they have to do of course, is identify what these small cell poles looks like in order to make such changes. Obviously, anyone speaking of such matters could get in a lot of trouble so we wouldn't want to do that. So, we simply note that this is in the consciousness of many at the current time.
In addition to all of these sorts of energies there is the possibility of utilizing technology that shields, that changes these energies before they hit your body and we suggested a variety of these. We cannot say for certain which ones work the best for everyone. You have to try it for yourself, you have to work with it and see.
But, we can observe that there are people who have tried these different technologies and have been successful and are healing or shielded or do not have these affects from these exposures to virus or whatever. Principally, you could say the cleansing of the materials that are difficult in their physical bodies is taking place at a slower rate.
Which brings up of course the most important technique if there is anything within you that needs to be cleansed, do so. In the northern hemisphere you could consider this, “spring cleaning.” In the southern hemisphere you could say that you are getting ready for the winter and you are going to put into storage only the very best. Some of the things we mentioned in the past, utilization of brown’s gas inhalation, and the utilization of deuterium depleted water. These are powerful techniques that help the body cleanse.
Further off in the past we have mentioned the implementation of the Aajonus Vonderplantitz techniques. In particular, the use of having some pineapple and coconut cream and hopping into a hot bath for a while what he called the “lymph bath” which is widely detailed at the website wewant2live.com where “to” is the number two. The point of these is to cleanse all kinds of toxic materials from the physical body.
The interesting one that it appears the coronavirus has not yet adapted to cleanse is glyphosate. This is a more complex chemical and it is that which the scientists involved were rather disappointed to see it did not cleanse it nearly to the degree that it caused great disharmony or difficulty in the physical body as it is such as noted with arsenic and aluminum. In the future perhaps a new virus will be developed that can do this so again it just makes sense where possible to clear this from the physical body as much as you can.
Of course, fluoride is another toxic material and there is right now a tremendous effort underway to bring out a new virus that would adapt to this. It is hoped that this will not be successful and those involved will not be able to present this because of course this material is so widespread affecting the pineal, causing various difficulties in the body and so on.
One of the best ways to keep this out is by the use of gem elixirs and various useful gems certainly have been proposed for this in the past and those containing fluoride are in some way superior to anything homeopathic because what they do is align the physical body in such a way that the body can naturally move this out in a slow and steady manner. Of course as much as possible avoiding fluorides is very helpful also.
Now, we are getting pretty radical here and telling people to do things that perhaps their dentist or doctor or others told them they should do but you must do your own research on this in order to decide for yourself.
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Particularly in USA, there is no regulation of this, there is no consequence of this because of the Vaccine Act of 1986, there is no financial consequences to any of the companies involved in producing effective or ineffective contaminated or non-contaminated (“whatever”) vaccines.
*** China Mandatory Vaccinations
You already see how this is going by talking about a vaccine for Covid- 19 people are already predisposed to this. So, perhaps a year or two years from now when someone brings this forward everyone will want it. It will be that which people will say, “Oh, thank goodness these pharmaceutical companies finally have come through for us and will help us with this.” This is unfortunate because of course there is this lack of accountability and so along with the understanding of this potential plan there is time at a political level to change this, to overturn the Vaccine Act (The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 to shift public consciousness around this and to bring it into the awareness of many.
-Hilarion hilarion.com