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Hilarion: You might ask the question, "Given the trouble that money has caused on your planet for the last half millennium or so, then why has this been encouraged and permitted?" Oh yes, money was certainly around long before this. But it was with the rise of lending in Venice that so much of the difficulty began that has led into the Western world acting as if then a takeover mechanism, or a candidate for cancerous mechanism, thus spreading all across your planet.
This is increasing, not decreasing, and must be acknowledged, that the pursuit of power over others through money has then engaged so much difficulty with destruction of your planet, various native peoples, various ways in which people then choose that way over what they have then come to to do. That is, they are choosing the path of money and accumulation of power through this as opposed to that which they have come here to learn.
So this analogy takes you back and answers that question, too. Look at a corporation as it has now been formed. You have the core, that group which has a particular mission statement, something to accomplish, and at the same time reaches out into the world, has help from others, has hierarchy within the organization, has beings that rule perhaps from top down, and others who work at the bottom and their energies are projected upward. The corporation might be then viewed as an analogy to you, the very nature of your being, that you have guides and helpers that are ruling and helping you, though you do not always understand them.
The rules come then as if through nature itself, through how things work in the world. You have guides and helpers of a nonphysical nature who are quite far separate from you--these would be those others that the corporation interacts with, the vendors or the people to whom you are selling. And there is of course that great level of support structures that help you--not only nonphysical beings, but bacteria, viruses, parasites, and organisms that are within your own physical vehicle, the very nature of food and the environment, and so on.
Recognizing that the corporation has mimicked life, that the corporation has then allowed you a very systematic and easy way to understand things and that various corporate rules have been discovered and applied (many books have been written about this) gives you an inkling now as to why this has been permitted on your planet. That you may begin to discover and re-create a form of group thought, and that this was all based on money. That money is what initiated it and allowed it to move forward.
We are speaking about this also because personally, many individuals who will be hearing our words and working with our energies are going to experience some difficulty with money over the next few months and years. Part of this comes out of a very underlying basic problem that you don't like money, you don't really understand how it works, you recognize that inherently it is destructive and causing difficulty, and so, whether you like it or not, you will be continuously unconsciously pushing money away, saying you don't want it even at the very time in which you see that you do.
This is very important to understand because of one very basic simple principle that will change all of this for your society once it is fully embraced. It is perhaps to some extent expounded upon in a recent book by Lynn Grabhorn called, "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting." The idea being that as you are able to work with energies that relate specifically to those things that you do want, those things that you're excited about, that you're passionate about, that engage your attachment, that engage your interest, your attraction; these are energies to which then you will naturally help yourself, magnetize the assistance of guides and helpers, bring energy from many levels to bear upon various problems, and eventually get solutions.
But, if the solutions that you are looking for are simply a way of countering those things that you don't want, then the very underlying source or focus energy from "don't want" is also being brought into bear on the problem. Brought into play on many levels, and this ultimately then results in a conflict, a difficulty, which is wonderful for the nonphysical beings who wish to draw energy from you about fear, about survival, about struggle, which only of course reduces your opportunity for solutions. Thus, in many ways, focusing on solving those things that you don't like for the specific purpose of reducing that which you don't like is ultimately only going to amplify the problem.
Understanding this principle then will allow you the greater pathway to an understanding of money and how it can be changed on your planet. Because this very thing that money has given you--the corporate model, the understanding of hierarchy, interaction, interrelationship, even through the corporate model of beings who you don't know, you don't see them, they are the faceless stockholders, the people on the other side of the world who buy your products or who produce the raw materials by which your corporation works with; in other words, interconnectedness has been deliberately and systematically created.
This is the model that is being asked for others to bring into their own consciousness, to learn from the best of this, so that now it can at last be released. That money is not necessary for the corporate model. That it can be that which is based upon loving, on caring, on the recognition of the hierarchy as it stands, the recognition of your role to play in it, your willingness to allow the energies to flow through out of the lovingness, out of the helpingness.
This is a difficult issue to understand purely linearly and logically. But it will become clear that the many individuals involved in corporations who draw their power from the corporations might find that identity, that power, that very energy that tells them who they are, changed, shifted; so that they don't need it anymore. Once this occurs, corporations and money will be easy to dissolve. It will be very simple because of the various technological advances already being brought forth on your planet.
There are many individuals working on this, and indeed they are now slipping into your society without your even being aware of it. An example of this is a whole development in motor technology--electrical motors that produce more mechanical energy than electrical energy is needed to run them. These are Overunity motors, and at first the idea was they were to be designed to produce electric power. This, of course, is going to bring a lot of resistance and difficulty on your planet as it puts various power generating companies, etc., out of business. And so the solution: Allow these as highly efficient motors to be utilized in all kinds of equipment over the next few years. And these highly efficient motors will use less and less electricity as they are used more and more widely, and individuals will in this way incorporate them without even realizing how much of this efficiency they are actually gaining.
By this, the methods, the technologies, the science will gain a foothold, and this has already taken place, though you aren't aware of it. Some of these higher efficiency motors, a great deal of them, are coming from Japan at the current time where many of these discoveries are being made. And the result: You will see the Japanese economy continuing to rebound, partly as a result of this and many other technologies. This is but one tiny step which gives you an inkling of how these technologies will eventually replace money. We have already channeled this in our book Nature of Reality, how indeed it is possible to replicate matter, produce infinite amounts of energy, and so on, utilizing inert gas technology. And the way in which this will eventually be embraced and shared by many is a way in which you can see many changes for positive benefit on your planet. Unless, of course, too many people are threatened by this. So gradual introduction will be necessary. But recognize that this model of how you can work with this because of your thought processes, your thinking, will be very important, because now is the time for the destruction of all of the old models, all of the limiting thinking patterns.
This means that many beings are going to continue to coordinate with destructive aspects on your planet, particularly when solutions can show up that ultimately are beneficial. Thus you are likely to see more of these relatively small-scale but still quite disturbing geological events--earthquakes, volcanoes, particularly troublesome in the Ring of Fire, thus in the Pacific, where most of the stresses are greatest. We still do not see that such are going to be of tremendous life-threatening problem--millions of individuals, for instance, killed--rather that they are going to be in troublespots, places where a clearing away of old ideas needs to take place. With this the recent difficulties in Taiwan.
Here, just as in Turkey, those who are greatest affected are those living in poorly constructed buildings, where of course it will be discovered that somebody somewhere along the line was bribed. In order to allow such shoddy construction, they padded their own pockets and the cost was in many thousands of lives. This is unfortunate, but it must be recognized that those who seek to build must do so using common sense, and the first lesson in this common sense is to build in a way that uses all of the available technology, that trusts that it is in place and not trusting a person or an agency but indeed the people themselves to investigate and learn about this. It is relatively simple to do once you learn enough about construction methods, and this is going to be taking place, of course, all over your planet as a result of these difficulties.
Therefore, watch to see that these things have a positive side. If there is a sweeping that needs to take place by an impending hurricane, sweep yourself. Share the energy. Let it be released. The hurricane then may come with far less fury and difficulty because it does not have to do such a thorough job. Recognizing all of these energies will be of much assistance to you over the next few months especially.