Sunday, August 26, 2001

Helping Children Relate To Earth In A Sacred Way

 How can we help children to relate to the Earth in a sacred way, and maybe you or another of the guides can answer this.

Hilarion: We have been waiting for this one. There is a being who has made her presence known before this meeting with her beautiful loving eye. She raises her eyebrow to you and questions you by her look. Let this come deep into your being. [Pause]

Amaneus: I am Amaneus. Amaneus. Reaching to you, to love you, to find you, to be with you. This place gives you the opportunity to feel, to receive Earth's love. This being receives your light. This being receives your care. Earth as a being transcends your capacity to understand, but she is that which you feel. Feel her now. Feel her under your feet. Feel her in the air around you. For the atmosphere is the Earth's subtle body. You walk within her, you know within her. You are her. You are made of Earth stuff. She is a part of who you always are, who you will be, as long as you are in a body, as long as you come to know of Earth stuff.

Reflect on this. Think on it. Then, set it aside, and ask yourself, "What have I done to balance this? With all that Earth has given me, what have I to give to her? What balances this so that I feel good about it?" In a child's heart, this question will have obvious answers. An adult heart will receive this and contemplate it and figure it out and reason about it. That is alright as far as it goes. 

But feel the child self's answer. A dance, to receive and love Earth's loving clearing connecting energy with the moon, with the sun, with the stars, with the waters in my body. An offering to Earth. A willingness to feel what we share together. A bringing of something to heal and help her. Many answers may come to the child's heart within you. The reasoning mind may shut them down or push them away. But still, if you open to them, there are other answers, deeper ones, child answers.

To ask a child to find an answer is better than to project a doing. To let the child teach you, to honor the child's wisdom is better than to suggest a way. For have the ways that adults have created on your planet been of much help? Certainly there are ways in which some recovery, some benefits are happening with some of the plants, some of the animals. But most of what the child sees when he or she looks through the eyes of the Earth-this is sadness, this is shame, this is energy that is somehow contracting. That is not the answer to the question. It is instead the answer the adults have created, the answer that your society has created. Certainly it is not all adults, all children, always. But all of you are Earth, a part of her being, living with her, using her resources, making them a part of your bodies. So it is from that answer that the child speaks. If such can be somehow brought out and used, more can be known. [Pause]

Yes. Hilarion has asked me to relate a tiny bit of who I am, where I come from, what I have known. Part of my life was lived in acknowledgement of other places, your planet Venus in particular. The way in which your solar system moves through changes, how Mars's energies and resources were depleted by those who lived on her, how the asteroid belt came to be from the destruction of the planet it was before, from the people living there. 

All of these things contribute to another energy, one that says to you, "This place is precious. Understand it and do not abuse it. Use it as you must to learn from and to give back to so that you will know Earth's great bounty, Earth's great gifts for you." It is more precious, more special, more delicate than you realize. Yet it has within it a great and powerful surging of energy-the movement of the tides, the energy of the magma within the Earth, the strength of the movement of the continents, the energies of the weather. These over and over tell you of her great magnificence, her power, her energy. Let it also teach you of her love, that in this way Earth communicates with you.

And so I am here to help everyone, especially the children but everyone, to receive and feel, to connect to Earth. Let it be a question that comes to you, and let Earth answer.

Thursday, May 3, 2001

Nature Spirits & Consciousness

What are some of the misconceptions surrounding the nature kingdom or nature spirits in regard to competition versus cooperation?

Hilarion: Evolution is seen over and over from the purely Darwinian perspective of survival of the fittest, but really in its essence it has to do with consciousness, the shared consciousness of all beings manifesting as a collective, as beings to work out issues, as to understand each other, for the specific avenue of loving each other, learning about each other, living together in ways in which that harmonious living gives way then to deeper and deeper ways of communication, understanding, and ultimately evolution.

This is happening at the soul level for many beings on your planet, but clearly the leaders of this on your Earth are the humans. They are the ones that are also in the place of misconception about the wholeness, about how their actions are indeed interfering on so many levels with the communication between plants and animals, with the consequent death of various species, with the destruction, pollution, and other aspects happening on your planet. 

Yet, here again it is by the misconception that eventually these things will right themselves because of competition, because of survival of the fittest. It is really not correct, because a very powerful motivating factor here is the consciousness itself, the consciousness of the whole. That, to a large extent, many human beings deny, are not willing to accept and work with on a conscious powerful level.

It is true that this is the basis of many native, aboriginal, Native American and other philosophies that are discovered in your world when you look into past history. But it is with the dawn and the spreading of Western civilization and other aspects all over your planet that deny these components that this difficulty has emerged.

At its core, however, reacquainting yourself with the Devic orders, being a part of nature and feeling their energy, can take you beyond the dichotomy of cooperation/competition to the level of wholeness that requires both. After all, if an experiment is to be engaged in in which the answer is not known ahead of time which will survive better, it only makes sense to bring in different avenues and let them compete to find of the ways in which these work. But, they are not born out of the idea of separateness winning. They are born out of the idea of the most effective at the beginning being that which will be shared with all. And that is the real purpose of competition, that as those aspects are learned, that evolution is taken, then that is shared with all beings, that all grow as a result.

Understanding that larger principle--from wholeness it begins, into potential separation, then back to wholeness--you understand the way in which all of these things operate and see it for its larger perspective. All of the nature spirits, all of the Devic orders, know this. They feel it. They recognize the joy in the competitive spirit of the competition in nature as a dance, as an aspect you could say of beauty, of enjoyment of the sport of it. But never with the intent of it being any more than that--only just a game.

So, then you have so many parallels to this in your world, of the way in which aboriginal cultures, Native American cultures, and others, cannot understand the competitive spirit of professional sports, for instance, that requires that there be a winner and a loser, and that the loser suffers the agony of defeat, and the winner the thrill of victory, and this is not to be shared on some level.

So, ultimately the misconception is only around essence, and each Deva, each being knows this essence so well that as you learn from them, as you're with them, as you are engaging with them in a meditative place in nature, that is one of the important energies they will share with you and where your life has had competition, where you have struggled in order to achieve at the expense of someone else, you will be disturbed by this energy. It will seem at times at its core to you that which is uncomfortable or difficult because it relates to how you are seeing and judging yourself. You must forgive yourself under such a circumstance, and then you will be able to see more clearly into the nature kingdoms, to be with these beings and understand them for what they are, not for what you would want them to be or imagine them.

Tuesday, April 3, 2001

Sunspot Activity


Does sunspot activity influence Earth events such as declines in the stock market? Is it possible that man's misqualification of energy is the cause of sunspots?

Hilarion: No to the first question and yes to the second. That indeed sunspot activity is influencing many events on the other, but not directly such events as the stock market or other matters, but rather the whole idea of the sunspot activity is to increase energy, to bring new ideas and possibilities, to open all kinds of energies for people to absorb and work with. This is a natural reaction at times to levels of higher consciousness that interfere in the communication between the Earth and the Sun. When people are thinking extremely fearful thoughts on a large level, it does interfere with such natural communication between these great powerful beings. And so, as a result, to reestablish this, the Sun may at times need to forcefully create the sunspot activity which creates various flares, magnetic storms, various ways of bursting through such blockages, and bring new energies to bear. It is not as if the negative energies of people have sufficient capacity on their own to create such storms. It is rather that their influence is an important factor, and why indeed there can be recognized as correlations between sunspot activity and various human activities.

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Harry Potter

Why is Harry Potter capturing the imagination of young and old at the massive clip it is? What is underneath these wonderful stories?

Hilarion: It is obvious when you understand so much of what is happening in your world appears to be governed by these rules: of science, of law, of economics, of so many things that are overt and understandable. Yet, the whole idea of the hidden reality coexisting alongside that of the overt reality, that of the underlying energies, are romantic and wonderful notions and they are present. It is as if the ancient notions of the Atlantean sciences, the Day science and the Night science, are personified in this way, because as you reveal and understand, of course Harry Potter's world, the magical world, has its own rules, its own regulations. They are very different, but still they are there.

It is in the imaginative capacity to recognize the blending of these two worlds that such an important reminder of the ancient Atlantean ideals and understanding comes forth and a reminder that many possibilities that have been overlooked are available, that the magical understanding within one's own consciousness is an awakening of the child within you, of seeing things in a whole new light, of seeing ways in which you had never conceived of how something could occur, that it can occur quite easily and in such a matter of fact and easy way, once you have recognized that magic is afoot.

Understanding this is a powerful energy, because science in itself seeks to explain and understand, but need not take out the awesomeness, the revelation, the wonder, but rather can allow individuals to discover it if they look deeper, if they use the scientific world as a springboard for deeper understanding.

In the meantime, though, cultivating an attitude that invites miracles, invites magic, invites a shift, this is a beautiful and wonderful thing. So it isn't just that in Rowling's work is an inspiration for your own identification, your own magical creativity, your own imagination. It is also an avenue for your guides and helpers. So when you read it, they gather around you, and they touch you gently, and they feed you energy, and they say to you "Yes, there are more things in life than you thought possible if you will but open to them." In this way it is a symbolic bridge to the guide energies, to the energies of seeing things in a new light, in a new way.