Thursday, February 20, 2025

Alternative Technologies Not Dependent on Petroleum

Hilarion: One of the most important questions asked is as to how people can assist with a move to alternative technologies that are not so dependent upon petroleum reserves and especially therefore all that it brings in terms of those in positions of power. The answer to this is relatively simple once you begin to understand it that the primary issue is that of communication. That most people on your planet recognize that the primary means of fueling their vehicles, producing electricity, doing the things that are necessary to run their lives and many other aspects are principally petroleum based. 

This is not true; they're energy based and energy can come from many different sources. Therefore, the solution becomes very simple: because this energy information is being suppressed, because so few people are understanding the many alternatives that are available, and because those in positions of power related to the petroleum based economies want to continue it in this way; this information will continue then to be repressed and stopped.
But, there are those who have looked statistically at your planet and recognized that there are only six degrees of separation between you and every other person on the planet. Meaning specifically that as you speak to others, they speak to others, and so on six times; everyone will know. It doesn't matter what the information is, and if it is shared in such fashion, personally, it can indeed be as if a lightning bolt across this entire planet.

There are many resources for understanding alternative energy. Many of these have been explored and are worked with by individuals. The resources available for this are minimal and when such inventions as helpful technologically come to the place of being widespread on your planet, various aspects to suppress them and reduce their acceptance immediately take place. This would not happen if sufficient individuals knew of this, and if therefore various opportunities were made to share the technology. 

Many times individuals have spent their entire lives working out these issues, understanding the particular technologies. Yet, because of this the powerful, negative Martian thought form that we've already spoken of begins to take hold, and fear in this case produces greed. Such individuals forget the one very important thing - should they be fully rewarded for all their research, they still die as everyone else does and they don't take it with them. Neither the patents, nor the money, nor the fame. What they take with them is what they learned personally from the experience. The greatest lesson that they would have to learn here is in the sharing of this with humanity for a deep and profound change for all of humanity which is possible, and indeed technologically feasible.

So therefore, we would suggest that those who investigate and research and understand about the various alternative technologies, and there are many of them on your planet, will share their research with others. But, at the same time, ask this deeper questions, "Could this information, could this opportunity be shared in an altruistic, loving manner? Could it be shared with humanity given that we don't take it with us? That I don't take it with me and you don't take it with you?"
Understanding that simple principle may be of some help to engage the consciousness, the imagination and the enjoyment of others in this potential way of sharing information. Some technologies that are certainly worthwhile looking into at this time would include that of Brown's gas, the Jo cell, the utilization of the vacuum energy, the manifestation of various energies through inert gas stimulation, particularly in plasmas, and the awareness of the new, developing cold fusion techniques in laboratories all over the world. These are relatively simply and innocuous technologies.

Unfortunately, the timing of this is not quite in alignment with the larger issues, because as there is greater and greater public attention focused on scientific investigation as to why each of these technologies work, what will evolve from this is a deeper understanding that goes beyond the understanding of atomic fusion and atomic fission, right to the core of the energy of the universe itself. Of course, then the potential to misuse this, to use the technology in ways that would be harmful.

It is hoped therefore, that in some ways the suppressive techniques continue so far as widespread communication in the public media about these techniques and instead people share one person to the next, making use of these six degrees of freedom.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How The Chakras and Meridians Relate To Each Other

There is a question about how the chakras and meridians relate to each other. May we have an energy anatomy lesson? 

Hilarion: When Gurudas asked this and it went on for many hours and other people worked with this energy at the same time, the consciousness evolved about this and much of it was written down in the books, “Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing,” “Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing, Volumes I and II.” 

The problem with any particular system of thought with regards to subtle energies is that it is always influenced to some extent by the time period and the other people who are seeing it and the consciousness that is receiving it at that moment and so on and yet this can eventually lead to arguments. “Well, I thought the blue ray was really about teaching and now you’re saying it’s about healing. Which is it?” You ultimately understand here that the purpose of all of this is to engage your own consciousness and to connect to how you would see this. 

The categorization of various aspects of a being or consciousness, or the universe or what has worked with various levels of experience and consciousness itself is helpful. It gives you an idea of this. But, it should never be limited just because you have come in with the blue ray doesn't mean you have to be a teacher. In fact, your greatest lesson was to show teachers a completely different way of teaching. The point is that when you read these various explanations of what are essentially energies which can be perceived in various ways you then recognize that you may have some disagreement with this or maybe you don’t care and those are both perfectly, equally, valid. 

A lot of it comes from those who have developed their own higher vibrational vision and we have talked about this extensively how it is very much focused on the third eye and working with various energetics associated with that such as the example of gazing at a person, places, objects and nature wIth half closed eyes and a relaxed point of view you might begin to see colors. What is the meaning of those colors? As you get better at it as you begin to notice there is an energetic coming into the top of the head which is a different color of a person or an animal and you see how those energies move through the person and then are moved out of them. Then you look at their body and they turn around and you look at their back and you see how the energy there is a little different from the front. 

So, naturally from all of this you have people naturally trying to explain it and how it works.Their various ways of doing it are equally valid even if they are different from one to the next and yours may be different from all of those. The general idea being that an incoming energy, which is called “the ray,” is then transformed or transferred within the being. Not just the physical but the non-physical associated with the being and then moved into various aspects of the subtle bodies, in and out of them and used in different ways.

The energy then moves through the chakra centers directly associated with particular paths of consciousness and awareness and then out of the body through the nadis, tiny points all throughout the physical body. Those energetic centers are so powerfully influenced by consciousness generally called, “chakras,” are the place by which the energetics from the subtler levels, such as the rays are transformed and brought down from the physical.  

The way in which those interact form an interference pattern which is an energetic like a hologram. That is what you are seeing when you have that subtle vision. It is far more profound, interesting and helpful to those who have the capacity of seeing these things than it is for those who don’t see them at all. Most people don’t see them at all. So, they will rely on what their other friends say or written accounts of such. 

But, interestingly enough, most people do have an energetic experience of this process on some level. At the very least, because of the tremendous power of that interference pattern it is usually helpful for most people to do some sort of meditation or visualization on the chakras. There are many of these and there are many systems of thought about them, the most common ones, the ones we will call lam vam ram yam ham aum (that was seven) it would be very simple and keeping it in a place where you are aware of that energy. You can do various meditations that show up for you as you are aware of that and you don't have to get into an argument about what is the right color of the second chakra. “It’s orange, or no, it is pink,” or whatever. Could you just let it go? Let that which shows up for you be most helpful.

Now, there are those that have worked with this with sound extensively and it has been noted that many vibrations associated with the frequency of certain energetics seem to work a little better with the chakras. For instance, 432 as the basis of the note “A.’ Or variants on some number directly associated with the number 2: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and so on as associated with the note “C” and the various ways of using that through song or through music in various songs such as Steven Halpern being the most famous promulgator of this. All of these things seem to be very helpful particularly because they are stimulating the stem cell production in the physical body. Stem cells are an important component that has not really been well, related to the discussion of the rays, chakras, nadis, subtle bodies, frequencies, etc. But, all ways do connect and all ways do relate.  

Over and over we see that a frequency associated with 528.0 that exact frequency seems to be very stimulating harmonically at higher vibrational levels and even lower ones taken into sub multiples divided by two and multiplied by two in harmony with the various ways of working with the note “C.” You have to be very careful here working with frequencies when we are speaking about such matters in this public forum because what we speak about would be applicable to all cultures and you see very different cultural relationships to musical scales in other countries. In India, or in Polynesia it is a useful place to begin with these simple frequencies and work outward from there.

September 21, 2024

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Experiencing Other Dimensions

Hilarion:  A question has come up about the opportunity to experience these other dimensions.  But, you find yourself in this reality so how do you experience another universe? Can you slip from one to the other? Well, it’s interesting to look at it from the non-physical perspective where we can see how these things are working in different ways and how would you know?

In other words, when perhaps you have slipped from this to a different one who would be there to tell you and how would you recognize it? This goes at the core of another question which is about creating your own reality. In so much within what might be called the “cliched” area of New Age Wisdom teaching and thinking all the way to the famous manifestation in the movie and energy associated with it and the book called, “The Secret.”

This manifesting of various aspects of your life, who you are or noting that you are creating your reality moment by moment; here you cannot hold in your consciousness the entire universe. The many, many galaxies containing many, many stars and many, many planets with their own civilizations and their own beings. When you slip into another universe, you are slipping into that one that is part of that, too. Yet, the evidence that you create your own reality, indeed create your own universe, is also a part of this mysterious and beautiful function.  

So on a practical level it does help, we notice, a lot. We observe what works and what doesn’t and a lot of time people are going to focus on it so hard and they are going to do their meditations and their visualizations on it and they are going to create a board and put pictures.of things that they are trying to manifest and that’s alright. It gives the guides and helpers directions and aligns some things but we notice so often success and the opportunity for that which is shifting into a different universe that is more to your liking and to your desires when you let it go. 

The Sedona method which has been widely understood and utilized: five different ways of letting things go; and each way to look at it to find a way to just let it go in a way that we can summarize it to just a few words:could you just let it go? Because it turns out that actually moving into a slightly different universe from the one you’re in is really a matter of letting go of the one you’re in. Oftentimes, you’re attracted to that other one, naturally. However, to fully understand the multiverse is fairly difficult. It’s hard often to understand the simple things in your own family. But, as you play with this idea you get a sense of greater flexibility and greater possibility.

On a more practical level it is also noted that so much in your reality and in all of these different universes and in the underlying functionality of so many processes both physical and non-physical, vibration is noted. But, what is vibration? It is often a movement between two states.In its simplest way it is called, “oscillation.” The single state in which there is no vibration is also available but you’ll notice it doesn’t show up a lot in nature. If you notice it more deeply, it has vibration and oscillation, and has movement between those two states. Be they as plus and minus, be they as high and low, be they as in and out, etc. 

So, this state from the micro with the oscillation of the atoms, all the way to the macro with the oscillation of galaxies shows you that any way in which you are using vibration, in which you are accessing vibration and welcoming vibration, will be helpful. Now, if you are going to recognize that, that has allowed you to shift your vibration you could also note that perhaps that you have shifted into a different universe. How would you know? Generally, what the issue around the various universes is, “could you just let it go?”

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Domestic Violence & The Unquiet Dead by Dr. Edith Fiore

 How can we help with the rising incidence of domestic violence?

Hilarion: This is partly due to increasing population on your planet, and of the way in which the interaction with the non-physical beings continues; especially those that we haven't spoken of yet. The one-third of these nine to one who are indeed those of malevolent nature, those who are seeking harm, those who often don't even know they've died, who are then drawing energy unconsciously from others. Speak to them. Oh yes, you have all kinds of techniques for non-violent communication, various ways for counseling, for understanding and working with all kinds of manifestations of interaction with the children, with going to the issues at their core, with using the Byron Katie technique to ask the right questions; these are all good techniques. 

But, don't forget about the non-physicals. If it is a being who you are noticing is allowing a child, or a spouse, or someone in your family, to do things that seem to be motivated by unconsciousness, that which doesn't seem to be the natural thing that's best for them and they do it anyway, there might be a non-physical being involved. Speak to that being directly. 

Well, if the child is old enough, he or she will think you are crazy, and so also would a spouse unless of course they've read books such as The Unquiet Dead by Edith Fiore or Projections of the Consciousness by Dr. Waldo Vieira or others that address this issue. 

But, as you speak to these beings, and you receive intuitively more about them, you may get flashes or ideas, trust them and speak of them. Speak to the being directly and say things like, "You know, you're dead. You hadn't thought of that had you, and you're drawn to this energy and this child or this situation because of the violence, because of the struggle. But, if you look around you, you may discover that there are others loving you, right behind you. That there is a world of much greater light, peace and energy than you experience here as you are drawn to us."

[ Ed Note: To learn more about the nonphysical beings who co-exist with us, including psychotic post-mortems, see Projections of the Consciousness and other books by Dr. Waldo Vieira.

To learn more about releasing spirit attachments, see The Unquiet Dead by Edith Fiore - published by Ballantine Books, ISBN 0-345-35083-9 ]

Now, there are many ways that you can work with this energy, but we are simply suggesting that you widen the context to include the non-physical beings. It's no coincidence of course, that speaking in this fashion, we are a non-physical being, does that mean what we are saying is pay more attention to us? In a certain sense, yes, because indeed, we do sometimes have some answers you haven't thought of. They're not always the best answers, but they do help you to think.

In addition to those methods, of course, there is simply the way in which many beings on your planet simply want one thing. They want to know love. They want to feel it. They want to receive it on some level and because at some level they are convinced that it is not available to them, they then don't have that energy, and are seeking then to manifest it somehow, even by negative attention, even by harm, or even by ways in which that fear that they're not going to receive that love, would then perhaps be multiplied. So think about it. Get a little practice. As you speak to someone and get to know them a little better, ask yourself this question - "how does that person love? How do they express their love?" And find a way to express it with that person the same way. In other words, not the way that you would love, but the way that they would love.


This gives you a good practice as to how to do this more easily, and may give you some hints as to how to reduce levels of violence in domestic relationships as individuals do go deeper to that place of love. In addition to all of this, of course, how you use the new techniques, as you find the deeper levels of peace and love, you will also find that food plays an important role. That people are very stressed because they are not getting sufficient nutrition and that they are relying on drug substances, either recreational or prescription in order to solve their problems and that many ways of intervening and looking into this more deeply with food are becoming more possible now. 

Certain fats for instance, (raw butter, raw cream, raw cheese, raw milk,raw coconut, avocado) those which tend to build and strengthen the body can be very helpful and very useful to individuals who are seeking deeper levels of their own sense of peace in their bodies. For this we would certainly suggest We Want to Live as a beautiful book to encourage people to go in new directions with this, and to awaken their own intuition and their own intuitive ability to receive the benefits of foods and pay a little less attention, perhaps to those nutritionists, doctors, and others who have reversed themselves so often just in the last few decades. In other words, a certain level of trust in yourself sometimes goes a long way.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


But this naturally brings us to this way in which the medical establishment makes all kinds of claims for benefit for the human body. It is true that lifespan has increased, but quality of life must also be examined here. Particularly, in the advancing years. Such diseases as Alzheimer's were indeed unknown even as little as 40 years ago and such widespread causation of death as degenerative disease was also unknown. 

There used to be that expression, "he died in his sleep." You don't hear that very much anymore. Much more typically: "He died in the hospital due to respiratory failure while under treatment for cancer" or various other difficulties of degenerative nature. "He died of heart failure," or other matters. Understanding this, then, tells you that the next wave--what you could call the holistic understanding of the human body and its interaction with its environment--must be that which is taken to heart by the medical establishment in order to achieve greater lifespan and at the same time a much higher quality of life, particularly in the advancing years.

However, in the meantime, one must come to one's own decisions about this by what works in one's own body, and one really can't go past this because ultimately to achieve the higher lifespan within any individual will require some aspect of intuition, instinctiveness, some reawakening at a deeper level of what is appropriate and what is not. Until this is manifested, it becomes extremely difficult to make blanket recommendations beyond the clear need for more enzymes in foods, more enzymes in everything that one is consuming.

There are many questions about water. These will continue, because the very nature of what humans are doing now tends to contaminate water supply. This is happening on a widespread level and has gone on for quite a long time on your planet. Indeed, in the last 50 years, the manifestation of fluorides all over your planet in many forms, but especially sodium fluoride, has been quite problematic. It has even been noted in the highest mountain snows and so the understanding of this and the way in which pure water plays an important role for people certainly is helpful. But here again, water is devoid of enzymes by its very nature. 

So, if water has been filtered, has been enzymatically activated, has various capacities within it that increase enzymatic aspects within people, then of course there is benefit. This was something that used to be done until about 1935 when pasteurization became so popular on your planet. But up till then, such ingestion of water enzymatically activated was called "milk." When this changed, however, by the heating to destroy all of these enzymes and prevent new enzymes that could come in as the cows were allowed to graze on different forms of food, different types of grasses, then this reduction of enzymes through the liquids in your body certainly has been the case and this has been passed on generation to generation continuing to cause more difficulty.

Are we suggesting that one should drink raw milk rather than drink water? You must decide this for your own body, but some people will certainly benefit from this because of the additional enzymes that will be present rather than the simple activation by the water itself. Water can be quite helpful, and some individuals may find that is the only thing that is necessary for them, but generally what this will be observed to be are individuals who have excessive amounts of toxic materials in their bodies. Sometimes these are the broken down enzymes having been cooked. Sometimes it is fats that have been heated past critical temperature such as 104F or 40C, or it can be various other toxic materials ingested from the environment.

[To learn more about fats and oils and our deep need for them in our healing, see Aajonus Vonderplanitz' revolutionary book, We Want To Live.] Ultimately, then, for such individuals, the purest water that you can find is going to be the best, because it will most easily pull these materials out, but it is a temporary measure. Ultimately individuals will only find this for themselves as to what is appropriate and what is not, and for most people, a periodic balancing by utilizing water of a pure nature for a time will be helpful, then followed by enzymatically rich water.

Some people seek to achieve this by vibrationally rich water, and this is certainly helpful, but one can also manifest the vibrational change within the physical body that is actually taken into the cells by many means. It need not only be by ingestion of water that has been vibrationally activated. 

One of the most powerful ways to do this is by the manifestation of the vibrational state exercise. You simply move energy from the head to the feet, back from the feet to the head, slowly at first, then faster and faster, until you begin to feel the vibrational state. You don't need that visualization of the energy moving up and down--you can actually go straight to it, simply becoming aware of the vibration itself. With practice, this will quickly energize all of the cells of the body, and indeed it does activate the water in the body and so this is certainly a less expensive method than buying add-ons for your kitchen sink.


In addition to this, however, it is to be noted that the presence of fluorides is particularly damaging to the development of higher consciousness. Consciousness needs a seat. It needs a place in which the brain can activate and work with it. And so it is wise, if possible, to try to avoid such materials. The milk that has been, then, enzymatically rich will generally be quite low in such materials because of the natural filtration action that the animals have before they produce it. So, at least the filtering of fluorides from water is an important recommendation; secondarily, chlorine and related materials.

Now, in understanding this connection to scientology, there are those who are asking about various ways in which water and various groups and so on might be associated. By and large, there will be continued associations of all of these kinds. Because if a group in accepting higher consciousness by whatever means--following a particular leader, getting involved in a cult, working with particular techniques or particular electronic devices; whatever they do--come to some place of higher consciousness, they are going to look at the issue of water. They are going to seek water that somehow is purer, clearer, more energizing, more helpful, or other means, dietary or otherwise, to increase their own energy and increase their own lifespan. 

So, naturally various groups are going to continue to associate. We don't see that this has any real meaning in the long run. As various energetic means to understand your world, the vibrations associated with water will be an important transfer point for many other energies.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Astrological Cusps by Hilarion


Is there a special significance to being born on the "cusp" of an astrological sign?

Hilarion: The individual sings of the zodiac represent particular "packages" of traits which individuals tend to develop during an earth incarnation. That is, all of the various characteristics of a given sign will tend to be found together, more or less, within a single, individual personality. 

For example, the analytical mind of the Virgo typically goes hand-in-hand with the judgmental and critical traits usually ascribed to that zodiac sign. Of course, there are exceptions, but we are pointing to a general rule at work. 

Now, it sometimes happens that a soul who has lived a series of lives under the strong influence of one zodiac sign (whether sun sign or not) wishes to break the pattern by taking on a personality that exhibits opposing characteristics. In many cases the guides will suggest that he opt for the traits of one of the signs immediately adjacent to the previously chosen sign, because each pair of side-by-side signs represents a duality or dichotomy which is, in a sense, like two sides of the same coin. 

We will give an example. Consider the Scorpio-tending soul who has lived a series of lives strongly marked by the intense, passionate and at times self-destructive traits of the Scorpio. Not all such lives would have had sun in Scorpio, but in each case some strong scorpionic vibration would have been found in the birth-chart. Now, it is the case that the adjacent signs Libra and Sagittarius both have characteristics which are opposed to scorpions traits, although in different areas.

Thus, the Sagittarian would never think of self-destruction (there are rare exceptions, of course) and would not shrink from the willing manipulation of others which any Scorpios find so easy to do. As to the Libra, it is the passionate side of Scorpio which is rejected. The Libran never wishes to lose his controlled facade, and looks on rash or impulsive behavior as unworthy of civilized man.

Hence, if our hypothetical Scorpio-leaning individual wanted to disassemble the scorpion traits or at least pull them back more toward balance, he might agree to being born in one of the two neighboring signs. However, in order to indicate that the soul has made this change, the sun would be located within a few degrees of the sign representing the old traits that are now to be modified or balanced. 

Thus, an individual with the sun, say at 29 degrees of Libra would likely be one in whom the scorpionic traits were stil present to some extent, along with a wish to control or modify those Scorpio tendencies which run contrary to the essence of the new sign, Libra.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Universal Laws

Doreal, the founder of the Brotherhood of the White Temple in Colorado, responded to those apparently getting their karmic due by saying, “You can’t break the Universal Laws,you can only break yourself against them.”  Can Hilarion please provide some words of wisdom on these laws?

Hilarion: More than we have already about the Universal Laws? We are not going to comment on other channels, but you do see how Universal Laws are so important. Now that other people are becoming aware of this is a wonderful thing. That an individual is willing to take on the karma of telling others, “you blew it,” with regards to Universal Laws is probably a good thing. But, you know this for yourself, once you examine each of the Universal Laws that have come through another or through ourselves, it doesn’t  matter, you will see various ways in which at turns in your life you were able to make a mistake, reject, or resist or work with that Universal law that provides a great deal of friction or problem. 

But, there is another question, one we have posed in our talks about Universal Laws in the past. What Universal law, once you learn about the twelve, are you having the greatest trouble with? What one do you need to put more attention on? Do you think one is the most important overall in your life? You can of course apply this on a daily basis or an hourly basis. What Universal Law should I be looking at today?  

But, if you look at the general principle where it applies across your entire life you can often see a theme emerging. If you have but one day left on this earth you can do a lot to move and better understand that Universal Law and how it works with others and how it applies to yourself, etc.   

December 21, 2024

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Can you please comment on Xylitol, a cheap over the counter product for dental health.

Hilarion: It is a fascinating substance. Though it is found in nature, in tree bark and various trees that utilize it in different ways, it is primarily produced by artificial means.Therefore, it is useful to utilize it in relatively small quantities. In the natural state it can be ingested at higher levels. But, at the lower levels we see little harm that occurs to the body when taking it. 

It has some unique properties in relation to dental health in ways in which the various bacteria that cause problems for teeth are those which are very attracted to xylitol. As a result, they are not able to thrive and when they perish, the destruction and difficulty that they can give to teeth is eliminated. 

Part of this goes way back in human history, in ways in which bacteria are able to thrive and to work alongside human beings. But, we notice that in the child, in the infant and as the child grows even into the stage as near puberty, this bacteria causes destruction. There are six of them, but the most prominent is streptococcus mutans, which is simply not present. It is not in the mouth of these children and then at a later time it does show up. It is as if this substance interacting with this bacteria either is naturally occurring, that is small quantities of Xylitol or similar properties in the children causing its destruction or it is not present because it has never been introduced. 

However, when an individual who has this bacteria in their mouth kisses another individual it is transmitted and there are so many substances in the mouth that the bacteria thrive on, then it tends to multiply. It is possible then, to use Xylitol in the ways that others have suggested to stop this bacteria and the damage that it causes as long as one is restricted to no more than approximately 20 grams per day of such material we see no problem. 

There are those who would use Xylitol as a substitute for sugar, using as much as ½ of a cup of it in a cake recipe, for instance. This would not be recommended. Once you get way into many   grams, many more than 20, you get into various digestive problems because the other bacteria that are harmed in the intestinal region may be necessary and beneficial for human health. 

But, restricting this to the mouth area, by chewing a Xylitol mint, or using it in small qualities in a mouthwash; these activities seem quite harmless and ultimately quite beneficial.

December 21, 2024

Monday, January 20, 2025

The Role Of Bacteria in Dementia

Hilarion: Speaking of bacteria, a question has arisen about the bacteriological role of dementia. Of course, here as always it is a matter of the bacteria coming to heal and to help and work with clearing away various capacities of debilitating nature in the brain. In doing so, it can indeed be quite painful, it can be quite harmful and takes you to a difficult place and so it only makes sense as always that a diet that reduces on its own, the things that the bacteria is trying to cleanse and clear away makes sense. 

Still though, the role that they can play can be one that goes across all kinds of areas that are very difficult for current science to investigate because they are going on beyond the blood brain barrier in the brain and there is great reticence to do anything while the person is alive, as there should be and such bacteria are short lived and difficult to even diagnose or obtain after the person has died.

So, the role of the bacteria will continue to play in the understanding of dementia in various forms will be quite difficult for people to understand. But, eventually, it will be understood as a relatively simple matter associated with the body’s ability to metabolize the most healing foods in the small intestine and provide some of that bacteria across the blood brain barrier on the carrier of that food. 

For this reason, we can look at which foods would be most helpful in bringing the most healing, helpful bacteria into the brain and this is true whether it is dementia or Alzheimer’s or even just for average everyday people who might need to have a little more healing in their body. Such carriers, we have mentioned before such as raw milk, will have enzymes within it and the raw milk will work with those enzymes to work more importantly to help bacteria to make their way into the body in ways that are ultimately helpful. 

This is a little more dangerous as people would say, well, “I don’t know about this bacteria or that one, but all we have to do is suggest to look at what most farmers have known all of their lives if you want to heal an animal, if you have a newborn baby animal and you want it to thrive you give it raw milk from your cows. If you don’t have cows, goats or sheep’s milk works just as well.

The point is that is what you also give your human baby. You give it human milk. This is not always possible, of course, with the farm animal, you are not going to give it your milk. But, the milk is specifically to heal, give strength and benefit is going to be helpful as long as it has not been destroyed by overheating or chemicals or various things that naturally cause the destruction of the enzymes which help the bacteria in their own role all throughout the body.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Isreal & Palestine; 9/11 (June 21, 2002)

This is old, (2002) and I'm sorry I didn't post it earlier. Unfortunately, it is still relevant today. ~Lori  

Are all of the bombings in Israel done by the Palestinians and their Arab friends, or are some initiated by the Israelis to keep the tension up, or as some have said in the past, are extra-terrestrials using holograms of such events to keep the tension up? And that also brings up the question of who actually initiated the 9/11 attack?

Hilarion: Yes, certainly there are many ways in which all of this is true, that all of these ways of bringing attention and energy to this part of the world continue to allow focusing. Though this business of the Israelis being involved in this is very rare, it has occurred a few times. One of the most powerful energies still remains though that of sacrifice and suffering amongst the Palestinian and Arab peoples as they are seeking change without the understanding of consciousness.
For change that allows others only to die can only increase greater and greater death and struggling and suffering. However, it is that which we have commented on to some extent with regards to the destruction of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Building on September 11th, of 2001, that many of these energies have been misunderstood. That they had clearly within them many aspects that could be understood from a simple engineering point of view, that the planting of explosives, the various destructive capabilities and other things, are the only explanations that can be found for all the things that occurred. 

Yet, at the deeper level, the understanding here has been to promote various aims and goals of various beings who want to bring more fear to your planet. Various ways in which you would struggle against this, teach you something about these methods, but teach you nothing about yourselves. Because it is inevitably towards a world in which fear is unnecessary in order for somebody to know who they are, that a world that could invite a greater degree of peace, acceptance and love, would result.

Of course, there are underlying this, all kinds of scarcity issues, that those in positions of power, those very same people who would want you to be in fear, will keep on your planet. Money keeps this in place very strongly as does scarcity of food or various necessities of life and of course of energy. 

Hence, various technologies are being proposed by various beings all over your planet, initially at small scale level to make shifts in this direction. Some have already come from the past, for instance with regard to inert gases, with the pap engine. But, much more deeply, the new technologies have all with them a greater and greater degree of responsibility, love, or you could even say devotion to maximal assistance on the part of other beings. This is why it is difficult to introduce too much in the way of positive, helpful technology to your planet.
That this goes hand in hand with the idea of greater, shared love, greater shared responsibility, and more importantly, asking the right questions: what are we all here for? How can we co-exist? How might this love be somehow stronger? What kind of a world do we want to create for ourselves? 

When these questions are answered honestly and clearly within the consciousness of each person, usually it paves the way for greater degree of opportunity for these new technologies.