Monday, November 13, 2017

The Nature Of Planet Earth and What Sustains It : Kundalini
Hilarion: Now, a question has popped in about the nature of this planet and what sustains it. At the human level when more beings are in physical bodies there is more energy available. This energy is physicalized and it begins early on.

It is an energy sometimes called, "kundalini."  It is that which simply moves through the physical body up-and-down the spine as it begins to form in utero and take shape as the person comes into physicality. How to use it, how to know it, how to work with it; this is changing because you have a better idea of the fluidity of time. This allows you to tune into the increased energy in the future and to receive some of the awareness of the learning of the past.

But, some of those energies also stand in the way. They are as if then telling you it is to be done this way, or that way according to this book or that book or this particular teaching. There is certainly much to be learned from this and it is sometimes a very good start but there is also the way in which you do it yourself. So, when there is a movement, a shift of energy in your body and you can tune into it differently, work with it on your own level of imagination, play and see how it works you can then make discoveries. This is naturally speeding up and accelerating as people are able to open to this.

But, the Earth herself also provides an energy. Where does this come from? Some would say that there is magna, molten metal or something of the sort in the center of the earth. But, no one has been there. They are simply observing various magnetic and other effects and drawing a natural conclusion about this when, in fact there is a brilliant body of light in the center of the earth. This is called, "The Great Central Sun." There is one of them and it is also able to manifest all kinds of helpful energies toward life itself. This is aetheric energy or subtle energy or that which inspires and creates and helps life to exist. It is a necessary component beyond that of the initial components for life such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, warmth, salt, all of the usual things you see in the ocean and all of that. These sorts of things as they are combined with this energy to become alive is an important thing to understand. At the same time as this eventually, people will make their way into the center and recognize this energy and see of the beauty that this place gives.

There is indeed a place there that you can live and breathe and learn and it has been within the center of the earth, not just for the purpose of bringing life but also as a refuge. Should there be some dramatic difficulty on the surface of the earth; the opportunity on a temporary basis for people to re-locate inside is also available.

We mention this simply because along with the incarnation of more and more of these beings who are creating various forms of hopelessness, struggle, division and difficulty is this opportunity to attune to other alternative ways of seeing things. Things that can bring to you a sense of light or love. This is difficult sometimes for people when they are stuck in the throes of this collective consciousness of negativity. Sometimes it is suggested that they take a little fast from the news for a while since the news will focus so much on the negative, that they spend a little time in nature and they observe a beautiful cloud formation or the way in which a tree can be so beautiful swaying in the breeze or experience the majesty of the oceans or whatever it is that gives them inspiration.

But, it is important as you do this that you now also realize there is an energy behind that. It is not just something that you see, it is something that you feel. Oftentimes, the breath can be very helpful for this. First, you simply become aware of the breath and you allow it to be the entire focus of your energy and concentration as your mind drifts away from this you come right back to thinking about the breath. After a few breaths of this there will often be a sense of calm.

What is happening here is that in the brain, the rhythms are shifting from beta to alpha and these allow a little more synchronization, a little more calm but also they are a higher amplitude so they bring more energy of an electrical nature. Then as the breathing takes place in a more calm and relaxed matter you realize that there is an energy behind that of the beautiful tree or the swirling ocean or the clouds in the sky and you recognize that energy as that which is life itself. Something that says, “I am.”

What you are receiving here is the very beginning of life itself, the urge simply to exist. If you acknowledge that, if you recognize it you will see that this is an energy that you have always had. It is where you began, it is what started your series of incarnations. But, it is an energy which is still present as those who would begin their series of incarnations are also attracted to this place feeling this energy, knowing it. Then, if you can receive it as something that is perhaps an internal sound like ohm. Perhaps it is a beautiful light, a beautiful, pulsating, loving, white light or some way in which you can allow this as if you a part of it. Not separate from it, but a apart of it.

It would seem sometimes to be a little better than some of the other suggestions that are often given when someone is feeling hopeless simply because those energies are present, we acknowledge them, you recognize them, we don't suggest you push them away. But, simply recognize them as relatively small in the larger scheme of things. Then, have them. Let the hopelessness be there in your body. Where does it land in your shoulders or your solar plexus? As you let it go notice that there is also another energy and it can fill, it can strengthen. An energy of love perhaps. Ask who or what is experiencing this right now?

Sometimes that simple question can tune you into something much bigger than yourself. Oftentimes, in that sense that you are feeling depressed, hopeless or difficulties or come from that separation and when that can be understood in it's true context that you are also experiencing the hopelessness and struggle of others, you naturally realize that you are connected, that you are a part of this larger energy. Sometimes that love has a property to gradually but persistently dissolve karma. It is important at times to feel this because sometimes that is the energy that you come in to let go of in this life.

Karmically, you are here to re-experience that which has led to in a past life a suicide, a great struggle that led to guilt or some energy that has held you back and it is not so helpful then to resist it but to let it flow through and be released. The interesting thing about doing this in this time period and especially in the season of Fall is that you don't always have to understand it or explain it. It is often that which is available, that which is perceived and known at a higher vibrational level, a sort of energy with its own language and its own way of being.

This is why this attunement to death, to the shift between the dimensions of the physicality and the non-physicality shows up so much at this time with Halloween and Day of the Dead and all of these holidays that begin to look at this. It is because you are coming to it with consciousness and at the same time you are seeing the reduction of the length of the day and increase of the night reminding you of the darkness and the aspects that are hidden and most importantly as it is understood in the symbolics of astrology; the attunement to the group consciousness, shifting with the individual consciousness, so that you are seeing that the real energies that are important to you at this time are from the group, are from your family, are from your community, are from the world at large or from nature and so on. It is often in this connecting that you see the opportunity to shift these energies.

There are those who perceive light as that which has a profound effect and certainly it does. It is underlying basis of course, for plant life and therefore animal life and therefore your life. But, there is also with it an energy of gravity, of connectivity at a completely different level.

Those who are theorizing that there is not so much a pulling as a pushing can perceive of that energy but do not confuse it with light. It is a primordial energy, a wave of energy, an energy that moves throughout the universe but is also manifested in the very small. As science is able to understand this and work with it principally with helium and xenon it will reveal itself in its true nature. Thus, providing that which humanity has sought for a long time; infinite energy, opportunity for manipulating and understanding gravity and the opportunity to bring health and strength to the human body as well.

But, the introduction of better understanding of this comes to the next generation not to those who are entrenched in maintaining their own domination be it as of oil and gas and other nonrenewable energies or those of solar and wind where powerful industries have been established. But, rather the understanding of that which is the very nature, the very fundamental nature of how things work in your universe.

In the meantime, those who might perceive of this energetic push from the entire universe recognize its inherent level of connectivity. Yes, that is a wonderful and sometimes correct way of seeing things on your planet and in the way the universe. But, how does this affect you on a day-to-day basis? It is that what which is illustrating to you by the pressure and the energetic of collective consciousness is increasing on your planet.

Therefore, you elect representatives that bring to mind those energies of fear and of love and how these are going to work themselves out, it is to the nonphysical beings who don't have to live with it everyday, a rather amusing sort of thing. A sort of play as these things are running out in all different areas. It is not easy to understand it when you are in the middle of it.

September 21, 2017

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