Friday, December 1, 2017

Remote Viewing
A technique known as remote viewing has been used by the governments of Earth for espionage. It involves the projection of consciousness to gather intelligence. It's now being taught to people who are interested in changing the course of humanity away from war, and embracing healing and love. Is it safe? Is it karmically ethical? And if so, can you add anything to improve and guide such involvement?

Hilarion: It has been an important issue in discussion amongst many guides and helpers for the last 25 years or so, since the techniques have become more widespread and written about. Yet, as esoteric techniques, they have been available on your planet for millennia. The whole point of this is to understand that in this new utilization, a larger group of angelic presences is being developed to assist with some level of protection in this matter. An example of this is the utilization of Tarot in which an angelic presence has been in place for a few centuries and will make itself known to you the moment you begin with an open heart, a clear mind, and true sincerity to utilize Tarot for your own consciousness and awareness.

Similar energies exist on various levels for certain other divination and other techniques which we won't go into now. As you understand remote viewing, you see that at the current time it is not protected. Many energies can be subverted by beings with malintent. Indeed, some can be attracted to it who at some time in their last lifetime on Earth did something of a similar nature, and they are simply continuing it unconsciously. These are beings who are the most trouble because they have the strongest physical energy and the least degree of consciousness: A type of intrusion known as psychotic post-mortem, a being that simply doesn't know that he or she is dead.

Such beings can indeed present all kinds of mistaken images, and the key will always be that the remote viewer raise his vibration to the highest possible level, and that this level is raised repeatedly over and over. Wherever possible one must question what one sees, bringing logic to bear upon it, and always seeking the sensation in the physical body, some awareness of these as positive beneficial energies reminding you that what you are seeing is accurate, correct, even if it is that which would bring you a sense of fear or other difficulty because of a resonant connection. Still, there is as if underlying this a sense that there is peace, there is some harmony deep within your own being as you view these things.

Generally, however, it appears that over the next few years, as this cadre of protective beings is sufficiently trained, that the results of remote viewing can not be depended on for total accuracy. This has already borne itself out. For instance, in the predictions of widespread destruction on planet Earth in a time frame that has already passed as a result of the actions of remote viewers and all that they have presented. In order to understand this more deeply, you will perceive then that the guides and helpers will use every means possible to allow individuals come to a place of greater understanding, greater awareness, greater possibility on your Earth, even if it means at times that people react to fear and struggle around such issues. 

An example of this is the widespread sharing of information about various destructive capacities, various calamitous happenings on your planet. These have gone on for a long time, and will continue. Latest predictions relate specifically to some large object to collide with the Earth or come very near it in a time period around 2002, 2003. This has been explained and worked with by many individuals, and we see that this object is right on course. Yet, it is a very simple matter with its sufficient distance from Earth for various energies to move it very slightly off course sufficiently that it comes somewhat close to the orbit, but never sufficiently close for any sufficient gravitational shift to occur on planet Earth herself. This is easily possible within the next year or two, and so the result of this would be that by 2003, little understanding that this had even occurred would be available to your astronomers.

The whole idea is that as you present these ideas, as others share their precognitive visions, as they share their channelings, how do you respond? Is there a sense of fear? Is there a sense of energy within you that would allow you to change? If this change is based on fear, but it changes you deeply nonetheless, then it is a good thing. But if perhaps that fear can be seen in its proper context, and you ask yourself, "How would I change as a result?" and you do this not out of fear but because the change itself is desirable, that is even better. What is the worst outcome? That you listen to what we were saying and you say to yourself, "Well, according to Hilarion it's never going to happen, so I don't have to worry about it and I'm just going to go back to exactly what I was doing before."

This would be the worst possible outcome and that is why we are suggesting indeed at the level of higher truth, if sufficient energies are not directed to change the possibility of such cataclysms, they will occur. There will be much destruction, pole shift, and related issues of powerful detrimental nature just as it has occurred several times in your history as recognized in the geological conditions that refer to the strata variations of magnetic substances in the deeper layers, indicating that at various junctures in humanity's past, pole shifts have been indeed quite widespread and that which caused much difficulty.

The real key to it then is asking yourself the deeper question about how you can form community? How you can love more? how you can learn more, how you can assist others. This will have many important ramifications. If nothing else, it alerts your guides and helpers that you are clueing into what is really going on on planet Earth. It is a schoolroom planet where you educate each other, but it is also a hospital planet where you help each other.

Finding these characteristics sufficiently balanced in your life, with a continued movement more and more towards schoolroom, as hospital becomes less and less necessary to get your attention would seem to be the best way to avoid all of these difficulties. Because then if it is not necessary to cause widespread destruction, it will not take place. Sufficient energy is available of the 50 billion beings, physical and nonphysical, directly associated with Earth, to indeed turn these catastrophic events away, just as occurred indeed in various times in the more recent past in which various powerful cataclysms that were predicted to destroy California or cause great flooding still have not occurred. Do you understand the larger picture on this? That indeed it is your response to these energies that makes all the difference. 

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