Friday, November 10, 2017

Are There Ways To Enhance And Strengthen The Physical Heart?
Do we have ways to enhance and strengthen the physical heart? There are a lot of myths out there about how to do that.

Hilarion: It is fascinating to look at how just about every time anybody seems to come to a conclusion about this, be it scientific or some other way, they are proved wrong. It is because the individual path manifests itself through this path. Because it is the greatest gift of humanity to come to understand and work with love. Oh yes, you thought you were here to become experts on technology? No.

You are here to learn about love, to understand it, to work with it, to see it, to breathe it, to know it and ultimately at some point to share it with the rest of the beings in the Galaxy. Not an easy path and it does involve a lot of experimentation and a lot of play and a lot of mistakes and a lot of learning.

Along the way, there will be for each person some uniqueness, something that is special to them. But, we do notice over and over when one wants to strengthen the physical heart in addition to all of the important attributes of the various nutrients: Omega threes, all kinds of extra exercise and helpful and beneficial healing fats and so on is this attribute we have mentioned and looked at in so many different ways that the heart represents some category or aspect of yourself that you need to investigate and learn about?

To ask the question: where has some aspect of this been denied? Where has it been pushed out? What has been hard? There are those who would say, “I have a wounded heart. I have experienced heartbreak. I have these affairs of the heart.”  The analogies and the list, it goes on and on and on as a reminder for you to see that this energetic of the heart is indeed more than a symbol. It is that which assists with the physical energy of the heart itself. This is hard for people to understand because they don't see the direct connection but it is relatively simple.

All you have to do is put a sensitive electro-meter; meaning that which picks up an electric field around the physical heart and you will perceive a toroidal shaped field. This does not reflect the physical shape of the heart but shows of the energetic energies; the energetic electrical, the energetic magnetic; but something much more. It is illustrating the pathway by which the subtle vibrations, the aetheric vibrations make their way into the physical. It has been now mentioned in so many different ways of how consciousness is affecting the way in which aetheric energies move.

This is why your consciousness affects perhaps more profoundly than any other part of the body the day to day action of the heart. There is a clear parallel here because you have life on your world when you are in a physical form, you are alive when your heart is beating. It is something that happens for your entire life. It is actually possible to supply some of the things you need without breathing.

But, without heart it is a lot harder. These reminders are over and over for you to look within your own heart for the answers that would seem a little odd when you are looking at the building of the physical heart. But, it is important. You’ll often note here that the building of physical heart energy besides that which has been looked at in the various ways through exercise, through building of heart rate, through all of the things that are studied out of the cardiovascular system is also related to the subtle energy through Qigong.

Qigong movement is simply the way in which energies of both subtle and physical are combined. In particular, with the heart energy there is a way in which you can draw energy in and release it with sound. A movement for this can come from any direction, it can come from outward as you draw it in towards the shoulder and heart area. It can come from below as you draw it in and into the physical body and bring it to the chest level. It can come from above as you welcome and receive that energy and bring that energy through.

Generally, the movement of the hands and simultaneously in both hands and the focus ultimately on the center of the chest rather than slightly to the left is preferred as you utilize these Qigong movements. Most individuals will notice a significant enhancement of this when there is action of the voice. It can be as an Ohm sound which is so typically utilized when you are drawing energy from the earth. Ohm… as it is brought to the center of the chest.

But, a sound that might be more appropriate as you are drawing such an energy from above would perhaps beeeee (sounds)  and that which would come from all around you. In particular from a sense of the oceans, would be shhhhh.. as you draw this from left and right. These are not exercises in the sense of increasing the heart rate. In fact, as this is visualized one may naturally have a tendency to release energy and breathe more deeply through the solar plexus and the diaphragm and as a result of this the autonomic system, the heart rate actually decreases.

It slows down and you are a little more relaxed. But, this energy as it tends to build within the heart can be quite regenerative and it can allow the restructuring and building of muscles as they are needed. It can assist with removal of plaque in the arteries. It can build greater flexibility and strength. It can better utilize available vitamin C to rebuild as necessary and can use helpful, strengthening fats to build the nerves around the heart. Most importantly, it can strengthen this electrical energy, this toroidal shape around the heart.

As a result, we would suggest that not only there be a visualization of a general sort of energy in the center of the chest but a visualization of this donut shaped sort of thing. That it is moving both in and out of the body and that it has a very gentle sort of spinning action with it. So, for the first series of movements that you do perhaps then from the earth up, you are visualizing the toroid in a clockwise direction. Then, for a few more, counter clockwise. Similarly, with the energies to the side and the energies up. The order of which they are done is not important. It is more simply a way in which you are deliberately assisting.

Aetheric energy is particularly profound and helpful with healing of the heart and hence the use of all five inert gases can be beneficial. This can be through any of the various forms that have been utilized in the past; those by magnetic stimulation of the gasses are perhaps the most effective. But, there does seem to be for most people with heart problems, a disconnect. Something that is allowing a separation because at some level the soul; the unconscious; past lives whatever. This is in the awareness of the person is therefore important after any exercises are done.

In a time in which you can acknowledge or work or accept this to give yourself a few moments to ask such questions what areas need to be joined in my life? What can I be looking at in particular around the attributes of male and female in my own being? Where can my heart energy acknowledge and receive an even deeper love for who I am, for what I am? For that which is the manifestation of the energy through me and so on. These deeper questions do not always have easy answers in terms of something you can think of but they sometimes do show up as a feeling, as a beautiful sort of love perhaps or a reminder or a sound of a child crying perhaps who then becomes calm and begins to laugh. But, whatever way in which you receive this, this can be very helpful simply to allow it on its own. It's own heart energy, its own heart emotion but especially its own heart language.

September 21, 2017

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