Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Great Pyramid and Damanhur
Hilarion: Now there is also this question as to specific activities happening in the Great Pyramid. There are many ways in which these energies have been utilized by various New Age groups for release and benefit. Certain groups specifically from the Glastonbury area make regular pilgrimages to this area and in the pyramids have created very powerful, beneficial energies for your planet. These have to a large extent counteracted any of the negative forces that have also been placed there. But you have seen outward symbols for such negative forces. For instance, when a little over a year ago there were the difficulties of tourists being gunned down in this part of the world.

So it is that these difficulties are but outward expressions of the inner energies, the nonphysical energies, because beings at a nonphysical level as well as a physical level see the tremendous power manifested in the Great Pyramid. But, what has been observed over and over is that there must be an anchoring in the physical, a human being or a group of them in the pyramid itself, working with the nonphysical energies, translating them, working with them in their own dense level, to magnify them and use them, for good or for evil. The manifestation of these at a physical level must take place. Recognizing this means that it is very easy for those individuals who have a higher positive intent to meditate on positive things in the pyramid and have beneficial impact on your planet. For this is a great antenna, a great amplifier, and that which is not really yet fully understood because of the connections it makes to other important energy patterns all over your planet.
Which brings us to another manipulator of those energy patterns--the community in Northern Italy called Damanhur. These beings work on a regular basis to balance and assist the Earth's grid, and one of the great lessons that they have for all of humanity is accepting that this is possible, that other people can be a part of this too, that they may wish to take positions on the ley lines or grid structures of your planet, and deliberately seek to balance or work with the energies.

One of the locations for this is on the large island of Hawaii, and the way in which indeed many aspects of the 19.5 degrees latitude intersect many parts of your planet in places of great and important energies. So then, many aspects of the Hawaiian island chain have an important role to play in the way in which these energies are balanced throughout your planet. Recognizing that you are drawn to these places yet find yourself there wondering, what am I actually doing here?Stop thinking of it linearly. Think instead of the meditative aspect, the loving aspect, the caring aspect, the awakening aspect.

Which brings us naturally to this question about travel. Is this a beneficial thing to do? Out-of-body you're going to learn so much, but in the body it's pretty darn expensive. Recognizing for yourself that the expense is one of time more than anything else, you will then recognize that the exposure to other cultures, to other ways of thinking, to other ways of life, if welcomed, if embraced, you will then find that the nonphysical beings will stand behind you and help you out. If you go to these places just to have a good time or to make some money, that may not necessarily be a part of your plan. Very unlikely, for most of you, that your guides and helpers are going to put you in such a position just for those reasons. So if these experiences can be that which shifts you, you will find that the guides and helpers will arrange it a little more easily for you, that these travel experiences can come to you.

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