Hilarion: There are certain specific questions about certain specific technologies, etc. We will mention these and work with them very briefly. The individual Viktor Schauberger has produced much wonderful work on your planet in the 1930's. Anyone who can study it will learn from it and be inspired by it on many levels. As soon as you can arrange to go out in nature, particularly near moving water, in streams, rivers, etc., you will be nourished and strengthened as these concepts take a deeper root in your own consciousness. But, as people study this, they will begin to recognize that the very essential energies that surround you and can work with you are very simple. These are the same energies that can produce levitation, free energy, and very health-giving water on your planet. These have been ignored for some time for very specific reasons, not the least of which that many individuals would have their identities threatened, as we previously mentioned, as power and energy become free, as health is improved, as these capacities for new modes of transportation are discovered, etc. So, this is going to be continued to be slowed down a little bit so that these identities of these individuals, indeed, remain, at least for a time.
But, as money becomes less and less important, as people truly recognize their own corporate being and how they are then working under such models, they may begin to shift this to the level by which society as a whole will shift.
In the meantime, we see that smaller inventions based on Schauberger's technology are to come forth on your planet, and the total understanding of water as a living being is his greatest achievement. Just as this is a living component of Earth, it has many aspects that are hidden, as the water that is underground, that works through the fissures and cracks that you call the water table, is assumed but never proven or understood and the way in which this forms in layers, levels, and moves up and down, changing under actions of huge amounts of pressure and exposure to various gases inside the Earth. These are aspects that Schauberger glimpsed and understood as intrinsic to Earth's own nature, but not that which was understood scientifically at the time nor proven even to the current day.
Thus, we encourage you to study and learn about this, to be inspired by it, to set the stage for these healthful and useful inventions to be more widespread on your planet, perhaps this to occur a little past the time 2009 or 2010.
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