Is there a technique to put you in tune with your contract? How do you activate your soul plan?
Hilarion: We have alluded to this several times, with the most direct way being a full spectrum memory that occurs while in the projected state. You visit your extra-physical hometown. You tune into the energies you had before you came into this world, and receive all that you created, not as if to receive it from little intuitive methods - tarot cards, channelings, other people’s ideas, or any of the rest of it. However, since we are channeling, we certainly have a little difficulty in stepping aside from our own suggestions, don’t we? So, what we would suggest for your own consciousness is the little hints as being those as best as possible derived from your own ideas not those of others.
Specifically, a second image meditation would be of some value to you, because it gets you back to that being of the light heartedness, the fun, the childlike way. Imagine yourself in a mirror, that being as you perceive changes - older, younger, fatter, thinner, clothed, nude, clothed all different ways. Working out all of these options, play with them until the image stabilizes. Then see that being exit the mirror and go into the world and try different things - a job here, a re-location there, a person to talk to, a book to read, just sitting quietly.
But, you see that it is your second image doing this, not you. You see the division, the non-attachment is enhanced by this process and then, as you see the second image doing these things, notice, gently peripherally, what is happening in your physical body - a sense of expansion, warmth, lightness. That is yes, this is part of my contract, this is to be pursued, this is helpful. A sense of heaviness, coldness, contraction - this means no. Yes, these are little hints, but because you derive them yourself and work with how you perceive them, you will be enhancing your own opportunities in this regard and bringing in more of that energy.
A more direct way of working with this would be to as consciously and clearly, both in mediation and in the sleep state, deliberately invite the idea of visiting your extra-physical hometown and tuning into that place and that energy, surrounding yourself with it, and then looking at these issues again.
As your memory awakens, it becomes clearer and easier. But, so also will this bring to you other memories, memories of mistakes or difficulties and it brings up a much greater potential. What if, what you receive and remember is to do a certain thing or go in a certain direction or to meet certain people? None of which has happened. All of it was supposed to have happened by now, in the way in which you imagined it, in the way in which you welcomed it. What are you going to do then? You have a few choices, of course.

But, what you will recognize is that there is an intent to this, something to be learned by your being, and it can be accomplished by other means. Or, if all you can accomplish at this stage of your life is a small percentage, even if it is only five percent of that original opportunity, then that is there for you to do. That is there for you to awaken to. It is important to realize this because sometimes as a result partly of insufficient fats in the body, particularly those raw fats that strengthen the nervous system, and as a result of these memories and attunements, a depression may result. The individual may feel quite sad. Or go through various difficulties in recognizing what has occurred. Sometimes this is called mid-life crisis, though it need not happen at the mid-point in your life.As you recognize this as a real possibility, you do not have to be so caught up in it that you take it so seriously. You can recognize that these are energies ready to change and that you have invited this and that you are now ready to change them. As you nourish the physical body and allow yourself to enjoy the things that you do have, the things that are fun, though, please, not those that are illegal or fattening or harmful to you on any level; but meaning, especially those that are quite helpful in your own evolving, your own understanding, as well as those that are fun. You will be able to map out new opportunities, new things based on what you have learned that would be important to you.
Now, there is an important spectrum that is created as you tune into the place where you were before you were born, and that is the place you are going to be after you die. You are preparing in the period before you were born for this life. But, this cycle continues. You are preparing now for what you are going to be in the next life and especially what you are going to work with when you leave this life. The spiritual matters, the energies and attunements that you work with at a psychic level, the emotional development; those things will serve you very well in the next intermissive period, that is before you are born in the next life but when you are out of a body in this one. The more you attune to this consciously, the more you welcome naturally and easily, the energies of attunement you had before.
We’ve given examples of this for instance, suggesting that you think of powerful, positive, helpful energy for a part of you perhaps that was suffering ten years ago and project to that being some of that energy. This naturally opens the opportunity for your future self ten years from now to project energy of a positive nature to you now, that you could receive. But, the whole idea of this can be expanded way more once you understand the principle that simply enables you at a belief pattern level to accept that you are more than physical, that you have a multi-dimensional existence, that you receive energies and give them. Simply making the process more conscious enables you then more easily to continue.