Thursday, December 21, 2023

Gurus by Hilarion

Can you discuss the purpose and role of sadgurus (realized beings) in the scheme of things? How does one know for sure that they are divine beings? 

Hilarion: This is a complex question to answer. There are many levels of attainment among those who walk the earth in this age. Some are of little development and are drawn only to that which is base and unworthy. Others, though tempted and drawn off the path by the world’s attractions, retain an inner knowledge of their goal and their purpose. Still, others have, in past incarnations, succeeded in raising their vibrations to the point required to escape from the wheel of rebirth and the karmic necessity. Yet, they have voluntarily taken on physical bodies so that they could be of service to their brothers as teachers, helpers, healers, etc. 

In the last category fall many of the gurus and masters which have allowed themselves to come into the public eye. However, not all of those who permit others to revere them as advanced souls have, in fact, reached this status. These are intended to tempt the unwary seeker, so that he (the seeker) may learn to sharpen his discernment in the future and not again be led astray.  

The best test for anyone to apply to such gurus is that of the “inner voice.” If your own inner voice tells you that this or that person is right for you to follow or to listen to, then do it. But, ensure that your reasons for following him are not tainted. Do not do it if it is a fad or your friends believe, or because others of his followers have befriended you. Do not do it for self, but for truth. 

A final word of warning, however, is in order. There is a law that the true master never proclaims that he is such. His followers may think as they please, but he never says or does anything which allows others to believe that he considers himself an advanced soul. Any guru or master who proclaims that he is such or who endeavors to make you think that he is more spiritually advanced than you is definitely nothing of the sort.

More Answers by Maurice Cooke

Friday, November 24, 2023

Hilarion on Scientific Errors in the 20th Century

Please comment generally on science in this century.

Hilarion: The subject of science is one that is very dear to our hearts as many readers will know. Indeed, the ray in which we transmit this information is precisely that which is instrumental in bringing about the scientific advancements which already have been made and which are going to be made in the years to come. 

The greatest error which 20th century scientists have fallen into is their belief that the world around them is made up of tiny separated packets of matter, not connected to each other by any intervening material and not having anything to do with each other. They believe that the Universe is made up of tiny billiard balls which they call protons, neutrons and so forth which simply bounce against each other and create the the various phenomena which they observe in their laboratories. Alas, this error is reflected in man's own mental state at present. Humanity shuts itself off from itself, men carve up the surface of the planet into separate chunks which they say they "own;" they put emotional distance between themselves and others. The direction of of science could not have been any other than what is was, given the materialistic, separative and rivalrous nature of man's philosophy over the past period of time. 

But, with the coming of the New Age, there will be a dawning of a different understanding about the nature of man and of the nature of the universe in which he finds himself. The two will again be parallel for mankind will understand that it is one family interconnected by the sea of spirit in which all are immersed, and at the same time he will realize that the matter which he sees about him is composed of one substance, only one substance, which he will probably call the aether again, as it was called in the last century. 

For all of matter which he sees around him is simply the condensation of this aether into particular packets which he recognizes as the protons and so forth. But, between all of these is the sea of aether, that tenuous, fine, beautiful substance which extends through all of space and which is responsible for every manifestation and every phenomenon which he perceives in the real world. 

We believe that this recognition of the oneness of all created matter will soon be manifested upon the earth. Indeed we have attempted to paint the picture in its simplest terms in our own books. We are hopeful that these writings will gradually influence the direction of thought among the scientists of the human family and that as the scientists themselves become persuaded of the truth of the matter, so all mankind will come to understand that every being that has been created partakes of a single, central, creative power which he may call God, in such a way that they are all linked through Him to each other. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Karma and The Arab Spring

This was originally posted January 2, 2012

Hilarion: in the Middle East right now, many powerful ramifications of what has been termed “Arab Spring,” the idea that the people in those countries relate more to each other than the leaders of those countries. This is a powerful message that has been very difficult for Israelites to understand and yet it is the fundamental message. What is coming through now in dreams, in the actions of the guides and helpers, energies of the other side,” meet your neighbors.” To the Palestinians, to the Israelis,” cross the border, become friends.” 

This is a unique opportunity to set aside what your leaders have told you and discover for yourself, find a kinship, find a family, find a loving feeling, find a possibility here. When this is more available, when people write about it, when it is shared in ways that others can accept it, can expand beyond this, can expand to the neighboring countries especially into Syria and the areas of continued repression and difficulty in the Middle East. When the sense of greater brotherhood, greater fraternity, greater respect and when the powerful messages that have been present in Israel about women can be better understood and accepted in the Islamic countries much benefit can take place.

Israel is entrenched. Much of the Arab world recognizes this, although Arab leaders will speak of it as though somehow it will be removed and Israel will somehow disappear. The people who live there know this is absolutely not going to happen. The opportunity to live with your neighbor, to learn about them, to become somehow friendly, this is ultimately more important than any religious idea, then any thought pattern that is simply there to provide power to the leader who provides that thought. 

This is the great opportunity of peace in this region. Not peace in the sense that it relates to the political leaders, the economic issues but the people themselves. After all, think of the karma, think of the energy associated with your own consciousness if you chose to be born a Palestinian or to be born in Israel. The powerful lessons, the balancing opportunities for you and so on.

As this is all occurring, there is greater and greater intensity and focus on communication through the Internet, through various specifics such as Facebook, Twitter. Such as all of the ways in which people can work with this so it expands and expands until it reaches a point of a powerful, critical shift. This has already occurred in some other countries and between the Palestinians and the Israelis some new thoughts around this are now beginning to appear. A way in which the world is told we want to find some deeper connection here. These people deserve just as we do all the opportunities for life, for existence, for understanding.

It is true that at the same time as this there is some backward movement that, “Arab Spring” has produced. In addition to all kinds of ideas of freedom, many aspects of intensification, of fundamentalist religious principles that are essentially exclusionary. It is these very principles that are being mirrored in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because these principles must be discarded.

Those principles that allow greater acceptance, greater love, greater connection are the only ones that can yield any sense of solution to the issues. No people cannot be wiped out. There are simply too many and to accept that this is even possible is going to go again back to the karmic issue, the sense that you are seeking revenge because of what happened to your brother, your father, your mother, or even more difficult, to you in a past life.

It is hoped that as people will recognize this essential sense of greater freedom, the powerful energies that are poured into this place will be better understood. Many eyes are on the countries where there is greater repression and as this shifts more energy for freedom becomes available. What will you do with this? Can it be more than simply an existence in which you have more choices? Could it also be a better use of your time here? When we spoke before about evil, we spoke about it truly being a matter of ignorance. 

The powerful question, the aspect that draws you to your center, the energy that shifts you is possible to discover and when people in the world are willing to ask each other such powerful questions, when they are willing to ask themselves these questions this becomes more widespread. It becomes ultimately the thing to do. It becomes for many an act of love and so such questions as, "is it truly appropriate to allow in religious thought that which would exclude, hurt, destroy? How do you feel about that? What do you sense in your heart about it?"

These are indeed useful questions to ask yourself about your own religion and not necessarily what you would call religion in the usual sense, such as your adherence to a particular faith such as Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam but rather the things that you hold near and dear. The aspects of your life, those that when you question them you might feel uncomfortable, do so. Question them. Find a way in which you may ask more penetrating questions such as: what are you really here for? Given that you are going to leave all of this behind who or what is really experiencing you right now? And so on.

As you are able to ask the penetrating questions, you do not have to have answers. You can simply sit in the place of discomfort as you ask and know that this is mirrored or others are willing to produce some similar level of discomfort, probably questions that would be much easier for you to answer. Still though, as this can be shifted many of the aspects in which the hiding from the sense of connection to others in religion, that can be shifted, that can be released and then the opportunity for celebration, for connection, for love might indeed be magnified between the Palestinians and those in Israel until these energies might be shared with the world. What a powerful and important example if love can be found there.

Friday, September 29, 2023

What is The Origin of the Mexican Alien Corpses Whose Skeletal Structure Looks Similar To Humans?

Hilarion: These are interesting alien artifacts that look like some of the “grey beings,” as they are described, associated with various cultures but these go way back in time to aliens that have landed on your planet before. This has happened from time to time. It's not so much that it's a vacation planet as it is a planet to study and a planet to learn from but once in a while vacations do happen. 

Such beings landing here are very interested in the natural beauty in many of the things that they will discover here and you will find much of this in Mexico and you will find so many of these beautiful places in nature and that is why sometimes these beings who can’t get home or can’t take the atmosphere here end up petrified and end up being discovered or end up as skeletonized bodies, etc. 

It is important to recognize that you are connected. When we mention all of these civilizations of which you have had past incarnations it is good to be reminded of this connection and this connectivity and this way in which on so many levels you are much more than just earth. 

This is also being presented at many levels of consciousness for a completely different reason. It is a path to peace. You don’t see this right now. The ways in which on your planet you are fighting, you are hurting each other or struggling for resources or fighting over money or fighting over territory. From the point of view of other civilizations it is maximum absurdity. It makes no sense to have such borders between countries and these disputes. It is really hurting you because all of those fantastic gifts that could be naturally and easily available to you cannot be provided because it is obvious that they would be misused. 

Humanity moving through a period of spiritual maturity would look quite different from what it looks like now. It would not be a totalitarian regime. A regime in which there is power for the elite or for a small group. It would be shared amongst all because you would naturally know what you are thinking; you would have this connection from one consciousness to another.

Link to free movie on Tubi

Thursday, July 27, 2023

What Is The Timetable For A "Cashless Society?"

Hilarion: A question that has been asked is about the timetable for banking changes on your planet, a major conciliation; a new currency. A way in which the monetary system would be that which is entirely through credit, through consciousness of various numbers in various computers, “the cashless society,” you might say. There are some individuals who think this would be helpful because it would eliminate crime as it relates to money; such as those which are highly dependent on cash. 

But, at the same time we spoke of these divisions in your planet and the ways in which one society is fighting against another, so, it is also that the drug cartels would fight this in every way possible. Their hold on societies and their ability to move money as they need it, would of course, be eliminated by this so it will be resisted and it would be stopped at every turn. 

So, the timetable on such a banking conciliation and consolidation is many, many, years in the future. That is not to say others will not try it and it will not be proposed because those who will benefit from it, the bankers, would propose it and would suggest that on many levels it would be helpful. But, see that this comes at a great cost and if those same individuals are willing to give up their image of themselves as bankers and those who are the ruling elite then a society that does not need money at all might eventually emerge. 

It is part of spiritual immaturity because you can see in the history of other civilizations, on other planets a time when money was important, was utilized and a time when it was seen to be outmoded and far better ways of exchange, trust, connection and sharing emerged. To look at this from a point of view of conspiracy, from a point of view of “them and us,” from a point of view that divides is to miss the deeper lesson that is involved. That place that says, “just like me,” because you could also have the desire within you at some level for greater power. The funny thing is you have it, that power is within you. 

A Blessing Mudra 

So, for a moment we wish to remind you of that powerful strengthening, energy we began with and that you breathe it and you see it in the center of your chest and you see it moving outwards down your arms. Naturally, they begin to move and you might see them with a spinning motion, or a motion as flapping wings, or a motion like a spiral, or a motion that simply has no name at all but is that which is intuitive within your own being. As your arms stretch to the side, as they stretch upwards, as they stretch downwards as they help you connect this energy within you in all directions and remind you of the energy within you that connects naturally and easily outward. 

Then, we are going to ask you to use your own intuition and associate a particular motion. We might call it a “mudra,” a way in which you are moving yourself. Yet, this mudra has a specific purpose. It is to bless. It is to bring the greatest blessing from within you outwards through your arms and through your hands into the world. You do not have to understand it. It can be the mystical attribute. It can be a light. It can be a sound. Perhaps an “ohm,” occurs but whatever way you see this and know it, express it with your hands, with your arms with your expansion of this energy into the world as if to say, “I bless you. These blessings flow through me into all beings to bring them greater peace and greater strength and knowledge of their own gifts and greater awareness of their own capability to know themselves and to assist others to know themselves.”

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Evolution of Man (Lifestreams)

Did man evolve from lower life forms or did God make man in the finished form?

Hilarion: The question assumes that man is a life form that either had to evolve from an initial, more primitive species, or was made fully manifest in his present form. Neither of these concepts express the full truth of the matter. 

In order to explain, we must sketch the theory of lifestreams, so that the reader will grasp the nature of the energies and categories that the question evokes. 

Mankind is a single lifestream which has had many earlier experiences in forms other than human, but which is now concentrating on the lessons which the human form can teach. 

For example, the lifestream which is now humanity on this planet has undergone a mineral manifestation, one in the vegetable kingdom, and another as an animal genus including a number of species.  However, these more elementary learning phases in the past, the lessons have been mastered and the karma arising from the earlier manifestations has been set aside. 

Each lifestream, as we point out in Other Kingdoms, is "breathed forth" from the sea of spirit, sometimes called "the body of God," to begin its sequence of life-form experiences. These follow normally in the order: air, mineral, vegetable, animal, man. It is important to realize that the essence of the life stream exists apart from any dependence upon any given form whether animal, mineral, man or whatever. The essence is never lost and has neither a beginning nor an end. 

The forms which any lifestreams inhabits are merely tools for learning and are not to be considered a special or unique characteristic of the life-stream. 

Now, the human form which man now uses for learning on the earth plane has been the preferred form for only some ten million years- a period much shorter than the animal phase was, for example, and vastly shorter than the mineral, at least as man now measures time. But, length of time is not the most significant factor. What is important is the rapidity of the learning that any particular phase can offer to the life-stream. 

Generally speaking, the phase of man allows much faster assimilation of important lessons, whereas the mineral and vegetable phases are more difficult to learn through and require more time. The reason for explaining the background to this question is now plain: the form which this lifestream is currently using, being merely one of a series of forms, is not as important as the realization that the essence of man is the lifestream as a whole. Having stated that, however, we, do wish to give some understanding of the process through which the current model of man was developed for the lifestream.

When the lifestream began its phase as man, it couldn't immediately inhabit a complex, rational and and sensitive vehicle such as the current physical body which humanity uses. The previous experiences of the life stream had not prepared it to think consciously or to feel at the depth which is now common. Only the physical sensations were to some extent familiar. Therefore, there had to be a long period of acclimation to the basic pattern of man, and this had to take place without any profound experience of rational thought or emotional sensitivity. These latter characteristics, it was known, would develop slowly with the passage of time and the accumulation of experience. 

Hence, the first manifestation of this lifestream as man on the earth utilized an aetheric form (as it would now be considered), of the general configuration of man, but with only a single eye. The fragments of the lifestream inhabiting these creatures were not thinking, rational entities, but rather functioned largely upon the psychic levels to keep in tune with each other. 

Indeed there was little concept of separateness as between the different units, since  they all felt still that they were essentially one entity, namely the lifestream itself. 

In order to instill a sense of individuality, many adventures and phases had to be experienced. Many of these are hinted at in the material in which Edgar Cayce brought through psychically. Still, other experiences were intended to contribute  to man an emotional, affectional nature and then later phases were planned so that the spark of rationality and intellect could be fanned into flame. We have not the space required to detail all of these fascinating adventures as they actually happened. Soon, however the true records of the human race will be discovered, and they will reveal what we have hinted at. 

Finally, we may address the original question: how man attained his present life-form. 

The form has gone through many changes as it is adapted to the advances of intellect and emotion which the life-stream was mastering. However, these changes would never have arisen merely through Darwinian "natural selection," and "the survival of the fittest." In a world where physical prowess determined aptitude for mere physical survival, the Darwinian process would have allowed the strongest and more brutish types to predominate, and the genetic inheritance from these individuals would not have been one that would have allowed the flowering of the intellect or the blossoming of the emotional nature. 

In order to permit these special adaptations, certain additional strains of "man" were fed into the genetic pool at various times in man's history. When it was necessary to to give man a greater capacity for rational and abstract thought, a strain of human from a particular sun-system was imported and mixed genetically with man as he then was on this planet. When an increase in emotional sensitivity was to be bought into manifestation, another genetic strain was brought and so on. 

We understand that what we have set out above will not sit well with many who wish to take the words of Genesis literally, namely that God made man in his image. However, we have explained elsewhere that the underlying occult meaning of this phrase is that man possesses the Triangle of Being, i.e. the capacity for physical, emotional and mental experience, thus manifesting at his own level the same categories as are found in the Highest Creator; represented as God The Father, The Christ, and the Holy Ghost.

At a more simple level, this phrase in Genesis should be read in the plural. (As it is in the original Hebrew:Elohim) that the gods made man in their image. This part of the scriptures, as so many others, was meant to be true at several levels simultaneously. Hence, in addition to the meaning relating to the Triangle of Being, there is also the interpretation according to which the "gods" i.e certain advanced humanoids from another star- system, using techniques of genetic engineering , literally "made" a new and more advanced life- form for the human lifestream to work through. The new form being one very close to their own image because certain of their genetic characteristics were transplanted into the human stock as it then was.

We have attempted here to detail some of the vast concepts behind the simple query as to man's current form. However, we have no wish to detract from the fundamental and eternal notion that "man," stems from God ultimately, and that in the last analysis it is God who has made not only man, but everything that has manifested in Creation. He makes each lifestream. He projects the environment for that stream to inhabit and through lesser beings to whom He has entrusted the task and given the great privilege of creating life forms he brings into being the perfect vehicles at the just the right times to allow the lifestream to progress spiritually at the fastest rate. 

"More Answers" Hilarion through Maurice Cooke

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Are You making The Best Use Of Your Time Here?

Hilarion: This brings us to an important meditation that is now becoming more and more available to people, one where you recognize a seat of your consciousness in the causal plane. 

This is the place that is represented when you think of the sense of your own consciousness existing at about one meter or three feet above the head. As if the consciousness there, one with the highest aspect of coming into existence in your body is welcomed. 

This can reduce thoughts, bring you to theta state, help in your consciousness, bring greater attention. When you come back into the world and when you are not thinking from that place any longer, it allows you more deep insight perhaps around areas of depression and difficulty, etc. 

Which brings us to what is the next thought form coming to your planet beyond that of maximizing your time here now that you are understanding what is best to maximize your time. Are you applying this? Are you actually doing those things that are taking advantage of this? Is the work that you are doing in the world that which is bringing you some sense to the answer to this question in the positive in that you are making the best use of your time here?

Because if it isn’t with greater and greater spiritual insight, greater and greater spiritual energy those jobs will become more difficult and will not be providing you nearly the deeper strength and even economic assistance, sustainment that is necessary so that you will put more and more attention on those things that can be fulfilling financially and spiritually. 

This, of course, brings us to community and how can people support each other and how to bring this more consciously and clearly into form? Because the soul as you understand it, is one. The soul as you look back in your lifetimes to the very beginning, was one so that oneness needs to again be represented here and now. This often involves trust, love, connection to others and so on. But, at its core, the community is about recognizing that in the other person is you. When you lose sight of that is when you have the most difficulty in a community. For instance, many people have a big issue just getting started in a community about three big ones. Money, of course, everyone is aware of that, children, and dogs or cats and here the idea of these animals and people must be understood.

Somehow there is in you the person who has struggled around other issues around money, around children; acknowledging this and understanding this is the greatest lesson to be learned from being with other people. You do this in relationship of course, you see that somehow this is represented though outside of you, the other person is you, is a part of your own being. That is what attracts you to that person that is what you are here to learn, understand, forgive, work with and change in yourself. 

So, then also, if you extend this beyond a relationship, 10, 20, 50. Is this possible? Yes. Is it easy? No. Yet, it is that what you will be enforced upon you by economic situations, by the nature of increasing population, by people being in greater levels of communication with each other and all of the ways in which you do this anyway. You have forgotten, perhaps, but you recall a little of it from your dream last night, that these are the energy of community. 

When you pass your consciousness into the higher self, into the astral bodies, etc. you are joining others in community. You are celebrating, you are learning, you are interacting such is an important activity, so it is only natural that you're going to mirror it and re-create it somehow or other here on earth. Some of these communities are virtual and have been created across many miles through the Internet. But, sometimes they can be actual and physical which of course accelerates and strengthens.

Monday, June 19, 2023

What is The Role of War?

Hilarion: It keeps them in positions of power and indeed all of the things that we have been suggesting - love, community involvement, even alternative technologies - would put them out of their positions of power. But, what drives them in such direction is again, fear, and of course, ego. That they wish to see themselves always therefore as powerful and will manifest this from the outside, rather than from the inside. It is as if they have reached positions of such because other people have put them there. The specific attributes of government, be it from various dictatorships, or various group involvement, or supposed democracies - all the same. 

To put such individuals in power as representation of you, of the individual person, is very important and where they forget that important symbol and are unwilling to see how they are indeed the manifestation of their political leaders is to disavow their responsibility that has put them in position. 

One can look for solutions to this on many levels. But the real key here is in not seeing it at merely the practical level that relates only to the physical, but that that is over arching, that of your life into the next life and into the intermissive periods between and so on and so forth. What you are learning from this so that the opportunity to use the time as best you can here for the greatest growth and awareness is within your consciousness.

Now, the specific solution here is that at the same time as enough people, enough collective consciousnesses focused on prioritizing - what is the most important thing to do here? What is this planet really about? Then the issues of political energy become less and less important. As specifically many individuals when given the choice of the lesser of two evils in their democratic election is to simply vote "no." It is not a matter of abstaining; it is a matter of making one's voice very clearly heard, that neither path is acceptable because neither one is reflecting the deeper question as to asking, "What is the maximization of purpose in being here in the body with this world?"

This is the long term solution of course, and each step taken toward this, little fits and starts, little pieces are the aspects that are being encouraged amongst people now. Of course, there are core beings, extra-terrestrial involvement with such, various groups and so on, be they called Illuminati or others who have this very clear energy that is to a large extent devoid of fear, but quite enraptured with ego. Understanding that they are gods in their universe. So, of course, when they would also recognize that a larger energy is possible, a more loving energy, an energy that helps them be God beyond any aspect that they could ever imagine; perhaps then the little ego issues give way, and the larger universal issues come forth.

But, these are more difficult for more people to understand because they are issues that are associated with ego and most people are so blinded by fear that they do not understand this. But, those beings in positions of power, call them Illuminati or whatever, will continue to manipulate primarily by fear, not ego. It has proved itself in so many ways over the last few years since especially the terrorist acts of September 11th; not just terrorism from individuals but state sponsored too, and many other energies showing over and over how powerful a force fear can be.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Meaning of Money Must Change~Hilarion

It has been said that the meaning of money must be changed, and this is what some have already understood is necessary. The knowledge of this has been on earth for a long time and there have been many attempts to change it many times. Many have seen that the resources can be shared with everyone and even with sincere intentions they have not been able to create it because, those who have to give up their income, those who have to give up profit, or see the change, are not willing to do it. The old way of life is hard to let go of. But, why would one need a change? It is always because there is a possibility of something different than what you are experiencing. Or, because it's better for someone else. Someone you might trust who you might be willing to follow for a while, and thus create something for yourself.

So what is humanity thinking about now, by and large, regarding money? Quite recently there has been a dramatic economic change, between such countries as South America and the United States, so that the energy of money can be transformed into forgiveness, if possible. This is something that must continue as the economic times have a great influence on people all over the planet.

Where do you fit into all of this? Do you have power? Is this energy telling you to do this or that? Or is it an energy that you create? To understand this question, it involves an understanding of reality. The reality that you create for yourself from your own understanding, who you think you are, etc. is as real to you as an extra skin. It is what you cannot get away from because it is part of your being. At the same time, there is a shared reality, what many people on the planet know together, and especially what has to do with money. It's something that keeps you alive. That is what you must strive for if you live in a capitalist oriented economy, where money pays for rent, food, clothing, etc. 

But, somewhere in all this, thousands of people, yes, millions of people have come to the conclusion that this is not in harmony with the reality that they strive to create together. So, that means that within a short period of time, yes in geological time, certain individuals will experience disharmony, certain changes, not only in their reality, but in their structural beliefs. Not just in what they share with others, but what they feel personally. That is why it is so important that you ask yourself these questions. 

There is no longer a lack of answers. It hasn't been a problem in recent years. Many possible solutions are here and a time has now been created where people should not ask based on what they know others have decided is right, but what they themselves know is right for you. This is a wonderful thing, but there are still many open doors for error. There are many places where you can make a fool of yourself, where you do something you regret. So, you will be tested and you're going to open those doors to be tested. It is when you start life after opening the doors that we would like to take a closer look. 

There are individuals who are not yet mature for such changes. Most of you have already recognized that as things stand now, they do not fully support what is possible, what you know you are capable of. The principle behind the fact that you have to earn money to keep yourself alive means that you have no way of serving others. 

So, the work then becomes a reflection of what you think is fun, beautiful etc. and is in harmony with your life. This is not easy to do, but many of you have found a way to create this. Others have balanced it so that "they are in the system but not one of the system", so that they act in such a way that they are there to collect money for food and shelter and clothing and at the same time use the time, because it is theirs, love because it is theirs, to share with others to grow. Yet, to see this from both sides, one can say that there is another possibility. Therefore, it is the special thought that is important: "there is another possibility", which accepts all these changes. All these new ideas, the games, this playing with money directly, these ways of bringing out the spiritual principles, the simple principles, that have been on earth for a very long time are finally understood and played with personally, by you if you choose. 

The only thing that changes here is your mindset and consequently your reality that you live by. But, because this is a shared thought form, shared reality, it also changes the planet. Imagine, for a moment, that everyone in this room, there are actually enough of you, that you held this thought for a few months. That you constantly let others know what you really want to do. We only talk about what you love the most. There are going to be a few here who enjoy plumbing. Some other people really enjoy writing so others can benefit from it. Still others like to cook, etc. etc. This is what they would normally be paid to do, if the world supported them in this. There is always someone who needs plumbing. Or who needs cooking and writing. A society can be created exactly in this way, in such a way that everyone takes care of each other, serves each other. Why do we mention this? Yes, this is one more opportunity.

When money is something to play with, not so serious, not so life-threatening, if you lack it. As if it is becoming a symbol (it has always been a symbol), but a conscious symbol that you are now able to create your own reality around it, symbolizing what is right for you. There is a place where money no longer has meaning. The problem with this is that those who come to such a place without the awareness of it, but in the shared reality that you are creating, that others are also creating on the planet and that money has no meaning, must also come to the understanding of it. Will you become teachers then, as you learn this yourself, yes, of course. It doesn't mean that you have to go out and learn Portuguese to go to Brazil, to teach them about this, but it is clear that what is being "screamed out" is that this should be practiced. 

Experiment with what you are, who you know you are, the energy of light and love that you know you are. What you hold dear. Practicing has often been done with money. You want to build something, you want to explore or you want to create an institution, and then you always have to have money for that.

So, if it is the energy that you want to handle, it becomes much easier because then there is something that does not stand in the way of what it really is. There is therefore, at the same time, a growing new thought regarding the possibilities of moving away from money. A growing thought that money is spent as intended will make the place you create come across much more easily. 

There are two different ways of looking at it, understanding and love, not love and money. You cannot love a stranger who builds you a chair in the present civilization, but rather pays money for it. They receive the money that takes care of them, pays for food, clothes and rent and all that. The action behind giving money is the same as saying that you love someone else, that what they have done is beautiful and that it benefits you. This is really quite unnecessary, as you probably understand, if all you really want is love. The problem is that you are in a transition from one thing to another. Everyone has problems with transitions and there is no difference. Our own energy around what we are called to do from time to time is to comment on the transition about the changes that are about to happen.

We are not prophets, and although we have predicted with considerable accuracy, that is not our job. We are in a place, if you will, where we point out what exists, not what was or what is to come. The assurance that there is power and strength within you, that is our opinion, but what we are looking for is a lawyer, someone who can interpret universal laws. One who understands what is about to happen around you as you create it. These are the principles that you have heard about many times, over and over again and each teacher will talk about them in their own way and everything will be shared so that you can create it your way. 

We talk about the 12 universal principles in a little book called "Vision," written through another channel that has been helpful to us. At the same time, you will understand universal laws in all possible ways in your own life. What does this have to do with money? Clearly, as you gradually change your reality, that you include the consciousness of Universal Law, in your own life and in all ways, you will see that money is in accordance with Universal Law. The connection between Karma and balancing is actually God's love. It is a way of showing you what you have done, there is no Karmic board that judges you, that says that maybe because you have done such and such a mistake you will have to pay dearly for it.

It is your choices, your love your universe, your God within you that helps you choose. Then the speed can be set up on Karma and balanced, just as you have asked. And what does this have to do with money? - So easy! That's because you give it the power to be your symbol. You give it power by unconsciously saying, "I must work for a living! - I must find a way to do it to collect money for rent and food, clothes, etc. To have a happy life I must work hard, that doesn't matter how hard!" The unconscious is then fed this message, over and over again: That work must be a struggle, and that is what keeps you alive. This is your choice. It is perfectly OK that you do this, and there are no Karmic boards to judge you, but think about what you do not understand. You see none of the other possibilities, another way. All this is suggested by the various new principles.

All new principles involving love, forgiveness and all the new ways you have learned are a different form of reality and perception because they have money as the highest conscious symbol in your life - and if you have the awareness to work with them - then they will work with you. This does not mean that you have any kind of guarantees. But, it means in any case that you are guaranteed, as you expand your awareness, that you understand what you are doing. This is the process and it is very simple. With the understanding of awareness, you can use it in all connections around money. It does not matter if it concerns investments on the stock exchange or business or giving the money to others while you yourself hope that others will give money to you. What is important is that you must be aware of what is happening throughout the process and see that the options that you create come from you.

We ask you to think for a moment. Imagine, if you will, a society where individuals are not only cared for, but also given opportunities to serve others. This is what should be encouraged, not by telling them what to do, but by asking them what they want to do! And thus find a way, using the limited technology that exists, to let others know that this is possible. This does not sound very difficult, data banks can be used in this regard. It is a way in which love is simply there. We mention this to you to show you that the change or transition can lead to other changes.

Because in the end you will see that serving others means that you yourself learn from it. A fairly simple saying: when you start something, you continue with it. Now new opportunities have been given all over the planet, with new beginnings, over and over again. We ask you to think for a moment, what happened in the last year, or the last months. What new beginnings have you had? What has been created for you by opportunities, new ways of doing things or new contexts for your understanding and growth?

This is quite funny to think about, because you see that you may have waited 10-20-30 years to get hold of them. For some, it simply means finding out you're not a sales person. And somehow, deep inside, you understand that all that really matters is sharing with others what you are capable of. For some, it means acknowledging that those who work with money, so that it is for the benefit of others, may make mistakes, and that mistakes can be made at all levels and by anyone and everyone.

Forgiving this is a powerful energy. We ask you to think about a small mistake that you may have made in relation to money. It is very easy to apply spiritual principles to all things related to money because when you think about the mistakes that you have made, sometimes it takes a while to remember them, but when you think about them in relation to money isn't that hard. So think about such a moment for a while.

Imagine it showing up for you now. What happens now is that suddenly you are disturbed by a bright and powerful light. A brilliant light like from a spotlight that lights you up completely and maybe also on the person you are with, and in a situation where you use money, or maybe in a group, like in the bank or somewhere else. When the light falls on you, you simply see that you are doing the best you can right then, and that everything is possible for you, and that you are allowed to make such a mistake because the light is with you anyway. God loves you no matter what you do.

Forgiving yourself is a very difficult question, but around money it is very important from time to time. Because your society is very "geared" to get you in the situation where more forgiveness becomes necessary, namely what is called "owing money". A place that should perhaps be called "giving back" what is due, namely "to give", which is an energy of love, that is the feeling behind what you call "forgiveness".

There are many different places you can look at here. It is not for us to say that it should be this way or that way, but we invite you to discover your awareness and your reality regarding all of this. If you serve others (which we speak of as an opportunity) and there is no one there to receive your services, then you are truly in the "dark". Then you are the one who is alone and therefore it becomes more important to receive because it is "the last piece of the puzzle". 

As in this transition and with new thought forms being created, the idea of ​​receiving "fully and completely" becomes part of your being, and in that way another tries to serve you, then receive their own learning or love. Only by serving, and just as you get when you serve others, the thought is changed. Because it includes the idea of ​​balance. Balance as you understand it has mostly to do with the physical, with the most obvious things, but in most cases the potential behind what is being balanced is much greater than what you are aware of. It is usually not enough just to seek balance, to try it, to create it, because you will really understand that it opens the door for more and more to come through. Again we ask you to think for a moment about your conscious plan of receiving. How much are you willing to receive? We don't mean money, but we could if it's part of your daily life. But, what about someone who serves you? Because that's what they really want to do.

What about those who really want to serve just for the sake of service? How much of this are you prepared to receive? Most of you will find that it is all about money. We know that this is perhaps a bit too straight forward to say, but we occasionally have the opportunity to see straight into the subconscious and there we see how you see receiving. It is very often connected with what is fixed and can be counted in the bank or a wallet or "hidden under the mattress." 

This is very important to be aware of, because it is a subconscious perception and we recommend that it be made more conscious for you. In seeing what you deserve to receive, you open a door for another to serve you. It remains to look into the future. At a time when it is the service itself that stands between you and money. Then, you might want to say: "why not get it right away? Why wait?" If what we are talking about is quite a lot of money, so much that you almost burst, then you have come to a place where you do not want to receive more and you think that it is impossible and therefore deny that anyone could serve you.

This is theoretically true, but this is also a shared form of thought, a structure of realities that stands in the way of the possibilities of another reality. So where there are donors - there must also be recipients. It's quite simple. It only becomes philosophical if you can't put it into a system, and that's what we recommend as an opportunity for humanity, and we'll continue to do that as much as possible. 

It is not only humanity that decides here. Just think of this with humanity saying, "Can't someone else do it." It's about you. How much of this are you willing to create in your consciousness. Then you might say: "But what about these people here? If there are 50 people here and they decide to do it, will it be OK?" For a moment or two it will be OK, because a consciousness has been created that can change things. But it is the changes in you that count, because there are so many people who have difficulties with the new thoughts around money that they will be "drawn" towards you, and they will ask you how you manage around money. How can you teach me this and how can we learn this together? And this is where practice really helps - so you're prepared.

Now, what is life all about? It is entirely up to you to decide this. We can't take away all the fun by telling you and everyone else what the point is. This would not only be stupid, but also drastically influence our own Karma. At the same time as you come into balance with your mission and therefore discover it, then it's fun. It is part of your life, then no one can help that they are drawn towards you. Because so many are seeking this now. Our experience is that when man leaves his physical body he asks himself: "who have I helped and what have I learned?". Those aren't exactly the words, but that's how it feels. Generally speaking, it is love or some other way in which others have been helped, but knowing that in yourself defines to some extent your meaning in life. The way you learn.

The way you help others, and the way this comes into your life. This is a very beautiful way of looking at it if you are ready to accept. But we would like to warn you if we could be so frank. In the context of changing values, reality structures of shared thought forms around money, and around receiving - when you give it a "meaning", then you have "dynamite". You then have something that can dramatically change your life in ways you would never have imagined. Why? Because what you are consciously trying to do is to change your subconscious and the beliefs that stand in your way. You find a new way around them. Something new. Something different. Something unexpected.

It's nice to look at the possibilities and see that you have the power to change. Create it, receive it and everything else. What is then needed is an opinion, if you will, and some experimentation with it. Play around with it, see how it feels, try it on yourself. If what comes from this is also more money or the discovery of your meaning in life, or a beautiful lesson and you find that you love yourself more and feel better about yourself perhaps, then that is your sign that this is correct.Then, if you like, maybe the new path has been laid. What is logical then becomes part of your life. What you have played with becomes real to you.

When this is in place for a sufficient number of people, something like approx. 3% of all humanity, there will most likely be a big change. It is simply the energy of thought, the physical hard, gray compact thoughts of war and worry that balance against this one powerful, concentrated and conscious thought form around God's abundance, in all contexts of life, even money as well as personal relationships and the daily conditions in one moment after another. It is very powerful. The idea that a form of thought can change everything has been talked about many times and every time you get closer by playing with it, you may understand a little more of its greatness. 

Now, maybe you think that Hilarion is trying to start a new "movement"? A new way of seeing money, spread all over the world? No! It is very important that you understand that it is your choice to change your own image of your reality. Many of you have asked questions about this. If you do it now, if you do it in such a way that you are able to receive these opportunities and where you open yourself to such changes, then in that change, which is likely to come in others, you will be prepared. You will then be able to help them. You will then make the difference that you have seen possible and it is very beautiful. And thus it is your own, personal path, we recommend. Then you might say: "OK that's fine, I'm just going to do what feels right; why on earth did I even bother coming here to listen to this?" 

This is a good question. The reason is not entirely obvious, because it means that for a few moments we will share this idea that your potential can be fully part of your being, as well as that you should be able to receive more, and that you understand that money is a symbol, and your willingness to understand what is important in your life, together with many others in a shared consciousness. 

So in this moment you can experience a slightly altered reality with the others and that's all! Isn't this fun? For a moment or two you can see that it can be changed and then you have the element behind change that we talked about earlier. That's good.

What we are often asked is: "Give us a special technique. Something we can work with or play with. What can I say to myself as I fall asleep? What affirmations can I use? What should I create around things or people?" You know all this already! It is nice and beautiful. Do all of this. When the affirmations rhyme, they will go deeper into you. When you feel the light in your heart and see it in your mind, it can be used more easily and powerfully than otherwise. Yes, this is just a small additional comment. 

However, there is something. If you accept the change and ask about this, be prepared. Because when you "knock" and "the door opens", then what you saw as an opportunity will be there for you. What you see as an opportunity is what you yourself can open yourself up to. If it is difficult, ask for help. Let someone else help you understand, you are no longer alone in this. This is also the case with asking for help so that others will also become aware of what you are experiencing. We will not disappoint you. We suggest that you imagine that your body is shiny and golden. We want to talk a little about gold. Gold has been mentioned as a noble metal, something of importance that opens the heart, as a beautiful light of a certain frequency, etc., but the substance itself stands for something noble. It stands for humanity and what is possible, and it is noble and special because there is not much of it on the planet.

A simple understanding of physics, far above what is commonly understood, can show how the various substances can be made diverse or deficient according to what you choose. It's just that it's a symbol. That it is your way of seeing it that makes it special. Now, we recommend that you see yourself as (gold) golden, imagine that you open your arms and hands, and that what comes to you is of fine gold, finer than light, radiating towards you, not only from you. That you surround yourself with it, and that it "breathes" through you and that you breathe this golden light. Share this with everyone around you. If you choose to be of this golden light, then you are in that moment. It is a beautiful light. 

If you could see it as we see it at this moment, you would know- and you can.  Step out of your body, for a moment. Think of the golden energy flowing from you, with your arms open in your mind, go up, look down on yourself, from approx. 7 meters high. We will try to help you if we are allowed to do so by you. Feel this beautiful golden light flowing from you. The light can mean whatever you want, but we recommend that it is a golden light from giving or serving. In such a way that it is used in the heart of humanity all over the world.

But, there is also the golden light of receiving. See yourself able to unite your vibrations with the others of the same vibration on the planet, who are already golden. Who are already full of love. Those who try to look after you and who care about you. Friends from the past, and those you yourself have been before and those you will be in the future, who now love you. See also that the earth itself opens to this, loves you and the golden light of the sun flows into you as well. It doesn't matter if the sun is on the other side of the earth, it can shine through the earth and into you. Now we ask that you come back to your body, imagine that as you come into the body that the golden light is within you, deeper and deeper with each breath. This is a wonderful and simple meditation. It is the one that is about giving and receiving, when the golden light is breathed out and breathed in. There are other meditations and ideas around this. Forgiveness is very important, in the way you let go of extra ballast. That's what forgiveness does and as everything works in a circular way, the magnetic light created by forgiveness will give you an experience of letting go of what needs to be let go of. Then it will be real.

Maybe it's that person calling you on the phone that you haven't heard from in years that you're trying to forgive. Or maybe it's the same pattern unfolding with this person, coming to you through another. What you create comes to you. All this leads to a place where you can receive the golden light that is in the world. The information available right now on the planet, not only through channeling, but through books, newspapers and magazines, is much more than any person could ever hope to absorb in one lifetime. And we are then talking about what is available right now, not about what will be added later. So you understand that the light that exists in the world can be of information and love that says to you: "Now you can know, now you can understand and use what you know." Because you are led by the love in your heart. Just as if the golden light creates everything and is always with you. Now we ask you to let go of the light, but simply exist in your body here and now. This is also beneficial because it is a shared experience. Perhaps you had interesting experiences when you went up above your body and looked down on yourself?

We also have the task of serving you. Fortunately, we have no way of receiving money. We are available to many who want our services. It is a simple matter. But, at the same time, we are not burdened with the unconscious feeling of becoming "too rich", and therefore not spiritual enough. We have talked about these negative forms of thought that maintain the idea that there must be a balance between spirituality and wealth many times before. 

But, for each one of you there is a recognition that money is a symbol and that the symbol must be changed, which will help in addition to the old concepts, i.e. what you create in connection with money, you shall receive. The money itself is only a symbol in this respect. When you put a lot of energy into the fact that money is just a symbol, all symbols that are exaggerated will collapse under their own weight, and that is what many of you are experiencing these days. Maybe you get too much money, well what can be too much? Yes, the fact that you are not able to receive it when you create such a reception. Or maybe too little, and you fixate on the reason for it. Eventually you will see that money is just a symbol. That is what we invite you to do. But what you experience in this regard is as symbolically important as what we experience.

We have touched on many points today. We invite questions about this topic now. If you are willing to play this way?

Friday, April 28, 2023

Problems and Remedies Of Overuse of Antibiotics

This is from a personal reading from someone in another country I transcribed a few years ago, The overuse of anti-biotics causes so many problems.

For about eight months I am still suffering from diarrhea caused probably by too many antibiotics ordered by doctors after two stomach investigations against Helicobacter. Diverse remedies were given against the diarrhea but without success. Maybe something else is contributing to the problem as well? A colonoscopy of the large intestine found that the bacteria layer is faulty and the inside is inflamed. All medication did not help up to now. Hilarion might see also other reasons and advise, please help.

Hilarion: it is a complicated picture because of all of the different approaches, some of which are incompatible. However, at the fundamental level it is drawing your attention to the issue of the ability to let go, to release those materials that are not needed, to release energies, to release toxins, but also attitudes, beliefs, where there can be something within you that can be more consciously understood and brought to the surface as you let it go. This would help and this would gradually bring in more and more of the higher vibrational energies which are so important in sustaining and strengthening.

There are two aspects to this that both work simultaneously as with all aspects of the natural healing process: the building and the cleansing. The body is in a cleansing mode and it needs to remain in this until it has sufficiently detoxified. But, it is best if it can do this without it being so difficult, so harmful and so stressful. At the same time the stresses are reduced when sufficient building is taking place. Doctors have a picture as to bacteria levels. The proper state of things and so on based primarily on unhealthy people, those that they observe in various states of distress because they eat cooked food for which their bodies are not programmed. All of this is detailed as you are quite aware in, “We Want to Live,” by Vonderplanitz as we spoke to you about this extensively in 2012. 

However, in the attempt to try to blend and work with both systems one will inevitably get into trouble. In particular, the use of antibiotics has a variety of different effects on the body. At first one would think this is simply in the flushing out of the important strains of bacteria and that is certainly contributing dramatically to the diarrhea. But, it has other effects, too. It works its way into the immune system, the antibiotics themselves have capacity to change some of the epigenetics and cause the immune system to overreact in your case. As this creates various inflammations and other difficulties. 

Therefore, the sense of this, the reminder at the higher vibrational level with regards to letting go. Let go now. It is very important, it must be accomplished, etc. This, of course, is compounded if your own physical body loses strength and you then end your life. You have at the outset then done your preparation but you have done it with a great sense of urgency. This was not in your original plan in being here. Just coming into your 70s it was hoped that greater wisdom and understanding would come into your consciousness and this would extend into your 80s and early 90s before the end of your life would then take place. The intent was that greater wisdom, greater understanding could be imparted not only to your children but to others in your life. It could be an area in which you would be of some assistance and your wisdom would be helpful. 

So, therefore this is moving things too fast at the current time. Building is the answer to this. This is the area that the doctors know very little about and this is where the underlying conflict shows up when you are trying to heal a situation that has been extremely exacerbated by the interventions of the medical authorities and the building takes place by supplying the raw foods so necessary for strengthening the body and these are the foods most assimilable and this would of course as detailed in, “We Want to Live,” primarily that of raw meats. This can be in any variety; be it fish, chicken, beef. All of them helpful in different ways and in different respects. 

But, the key to this is that when they are eaten quite apart from vegetables or things that are going to make the body over alkaline, that they are well absorbed. Much of the digestive process occurs quite early. Sometimes, some absorption and benefit can occur even before it reaches the duodenum. The result being that one can gradually have some re-strengthening even while diarrhea is taking place. This is very important because without it, insufficient blood chemistry will result and this would rather rapidly compound itself for such difficulties as anemia, potentially various glycemic difficulties, be it hypoglycemia or diabetes, more likely hypoglycemia in your case and the opportunities for various infections because of the overactive immune system. 

When we mentioned before to you about the idea of three days of cooked and three days of raw this was so that the blood would not produce the doubling of lymphatic fighting, white blood cells and so on in excess amount continuously. Given three days off, so to speak, the inflammation aspects then retreat.

But, the key to this is the three days of raw are 100% raw, that there is no tea or coffee. Nothing heated past its critical temperature. No cooked honey, no cooked vegetables, nothing that has come from a can or a bottle or anything pasteurized or heated. These are the important aspects related to the switching back and forth. This switching back and forth however could let you think that it has to do also with the medical system and this is not true because intervention of various types could significantly set you back. We see that in others who have utilized a raw diet for healing and especially for building, the use of antibiotics sets them back a year or years in their work. This is unfortunate because it means that they have a lot of catching up to do before they can get right back to where they were. 

However, the powerful energies of your soul are keeping you alive. There are many energies coming through doing their very best to remind you about healing the body by alternative means and strengthening. This of course only makes sense when you are recognizing that what the medical establishment is doing isn't working. But, the other thing it is telling you is that there is something very valuable with each day; a sense of love, a sense of caring, a sense that you can be a part of things. This sort of energy can be multiplied homeopathically. We see that Mag Phos at 30 C once a day could be helpful here.

In addition, the body's ability to detoxify as previously mentioned will also be assisted to some extent by gentle but continuous sort of movements. Qi Gong as mentioned earlier would be excellent for this but even if you make up your own exercises, these slow-moving exercises to help the lymph would be very useful.

In order to reduce the body's need to detox with diarrhea, bathing is helpful. Hot baths as described on the We Want to Live website; and especially the use of lymphatic baths. But, at your current state these would be too difficult. They would reduce your body's energy and you would feel too weak from this. Therefore, as you recognize different things that could be helpful here the strengthening must be in balance sufficiently so that you can give the body an alternate detoxification route in particular the hot bath, even if it is just a part of the body such as the feet and lower legs would be helpful.

The key to this is that it is done long enough that a true detoxification takes place and as described by Vonderplanitz in his work, observation that a minimum of an hour is necessary, an hour and 1/2 preferred. The body temperature rises with this and this is also happening by itself to some extent with diarrhea though temperature fluctuations here go in both directions. Here the idea is again this reminder; what is within you that is warm, that is loving, that can extend in the world? 

There can be different ways to express this but the observation that you are not fully activating all of the love that is available to you is clear. As if there is a certain crust or a wall in the aetheric body where it is connecting to the emotional and in particular with relationship to heart energy. A sense of some compassion or caring for anyone would be helpful. Then the visualization of this coming into your hands, they're lighting up, warm, radiant then you place them near your belly. They can go all around the belly, the large intestine, the small intestine, the pancreas, the liver. Each of these as if then gently, lovingly made warmer. It is noted that bacteria needs to recolonize. A colonoscopy is damaging because various substances mixed with water are often injected through the colonoscopy equipment into the intestine to clear the way for getting a good picture. Many of these substances remain and thus can create even further need for further detox. 

But, quite apart from this the body must move through various stages of bacteria in order to create benefit and strength. The most rapid way to re- populate is by what is termed, “fecal transplant.” This is difficult to hold when you have repeated diarrhea and therefore we would not recommend this as it is sort of a waste of time. But, some of the bacteria might at least stay with that. 

The overall colonization does seem to be assisted by a certain in between material that is in between plant and animal. A sort of yeast- fungus bacteria, hybrid and this material might be of some benefit such as Saccharomyces Boulardii; this is available as a supplement and it may be wise to take this in multiple forms. You might utilize it on an empty stomach, have it with vegetable juice, have it with meat and it also might be useful to empty the capsule into a bit of warm water, not too hot, never as hot as body temperature and drink this.

The different ways of absorbing this will tend ultimately to bypass some of the stomach acid mechanisms and allow it to take hold. This material has much benefit throughout the intestinal tract and it can encourage the other bacteria to get a good hold. Bacteria taken in the form of probiotics could be helpful here but we see the same problem. They are to a large extent being neutralized not only by the diarrhea process but by the stomach acids. 

So, getting in appropriate bacteria becomes tricky. One way to do this is to use the body’s own mechanism by spitting into raw milk and letting the milk sit and let you have a small amount perhaps a cup or so sitting in the sunlight and about a cup or so sitting in complete darkness. These can then be taken 24 to 48 hours later. They will be partially curdled, they will be a little like yogurt but they will be specifically attuned to your own body chemistry because you have spit into them and your own saliva cultures the milk uniquely for your own body. In addition you will find that getting other bacteria in is going to be critical towards this recolonization and this is a constant trade-off because when diarrhea does show up it tends to flush out. It's as if the body is utilizing an antibiotic mechanism all on its own. That is why the substitution with such as heat and exercise, a more natural occurring antibiotic process will gradually allow the body to displace these other methods and again recolonize. 

In particular, raw meats do seem to be very helpful here as the body is able to regenerate and create a greater degree of strength then it relies less and less on detoxification in order to provide health and strength. One way this could therefore be helped is to take a small amount of vegetable matter that has not been washed, perhaps half a stick of unwashed celery then to remove the dirt from this and put it into a little bit of milk or take the celery and run it through a juicer, providing you with a very small amount of juice in which the soil has now been quite well dissolved and pulverized. Either of these is taken along with some raw meat. The intent being that the meat will assist with some of the absorption of stomach acids and some of the colonization provided by the wide variety of soil based bacteria will then make its way into the intestinal tract. 

The idea of improving the body's natural balance of flora is a complex one because those who have studied these matters are not well recognized by the medical profession unless those individuals have studied the matter extensively. The real key to this is the tremendous proliferation of a wide variety of bacteria not so much the specific quantities as the specific varieties. Indeed, a healthy intestinal tract, not your average intestinal tract will have two thousand or so of these strains. Then you'll see in those individuals who are on a cooked diet who still have good adaptation to cooked food, typically 800 perhaps 900 strains, again nowhere near the true potential in their health were they eating raw. The key to this is that the body is able to assimilate these and create a balance naturally in the intestinal tract. One key to this as you would see here is in a sense of something that is inviting, warm, welcoming, loving.

Diarrhea is just the opposite; it says go away, dump out, release, let go, push it quickly or liquefy it but in whatever way is necessary it must be that which is gotten rid of. Particularly effective of course, when what you're trying to do is get rid of materials that are easily dissolved. But, as you work your way through those materials those which are not so easily dissolved become more difficult. In particular, we see some of these with potential to rise to the skin surface and that's why the hot bath could be helpful. 

In lieu of this however, you could use a loofah sponge with warm water and a gentle brushing or skin brushing action across the body. Of course, it is wise to do this intelligently, for instance you would not do such a thing right after outdoor exposure, for instance to any toxic plant material and you would do it at a time when you can rest afterwards. The idea is though by stimulating the skin you can assist with an alternate detoxification pathway and this would be of assistance in other respects obviously. In addition though, the diarrhea is calling on you to make a change. You have to recognize where your commitment to such a change takes place. It would actually be best if for a period of time perhaps as much as a year, one could alternate between normal stools and watery stools or short periods of diarrhea because the body has adapted to this and is relatively quickly able to dump materials.

The unfortunate part about this is that it is very dehydrated and this is the other aspect that needs some compensation, good available helpful, absorbed hydration. In particular, particularly this time of year raw tomatoes are highly recommended. Each time you are thirsty raw tomatoes or raw milk is significantly better than plain water. If neither of these are available then some small quantities of a good mineral water such as the German source water Gerolsteiner would be appropriate. However, if you use anything else tea, coffee various beverages etc. this is going to significantly exacerbate the diarrhea reaction which is liquid based and although there may be some absorption of some helpful materials in this, this could be quite detrimental in the entire process. 

Of course, generally speaking making best use of the available minerals and other materials is so important for the body. As such, your body’s depleting minerals through the diarrhea. This is compensated best by shellfish, in particular oysters and these could be taken on a daily basis again for some of this building. Minerals from oysters are not significantly affected by cooking. But, they are bound up so they are not as well absorbed so that is why the raw is always preferred over the cooked. 

In our original recommendation of switching back and forth for three days of cooked and three days of raw there was the potential here if you did not complicate the matter with too much medical intervention and other benefits possible. We can no longer make such a recommendation without recognizing the tremendous detriments that the body will receive when going into the cooked period. This is unfortunate because this means that there will be a little more stresses but the use of the raw meats in particular could be quite beneficial. If it is difficult, reading and rereading the two Vonderplanitz books can help. The different sauces can be utilized in various ways. The meats can be procured, can be those which are quite tender or ground or easy to digest and any of these will be tremendously helpful at supplying available nutrients and most importantly soothing, cleansing, healing fats.

The second fat that would seem to be very helpful here though you might think it would be dairy is actually coconut. Here coconut cream made in the way as described in, “Recipe for Living Without Disease,” using a juicer is preferable to all of the other fats. This can also activate some detoxification but can do so without as much of a body dependence on diarrhea. The difficulty with this is that of course it is a lot more work.

So, generally what one does is has somebody of teenage years, happy to put in all the work, busting up the coconuts, running them through the juicer etc. However, coconut cream when properly made will only last about seven days in the refrigerator so it has to be a repetitive process. This can be extremely helpful in a second way. Here, the idea is that you're going to bring these helpful, absorbable, soothing fats for healing purposes and help with some of the detoxification. So, the coconut cream is rubbed onto the belly. All of the entire belly would be soothed and assisted by this. At first, it would be just for the skin surface. But, as it is absorbed it would also make its way into the intestines, the interstitial spaces and be soothing and helpful at some of the inflammation and difficulty produced by the diarrhea.

You may also find that the entire variety of cell salts, Ferr Phos, Natrum Mur, Mag Phos in particular will all be of some benefit. These are typically taken at a lower potency, a 12x because it is not so much for their own homeopathic as for providing tiny amounts of well absorbed minerals. Therefore, one might use a combination of all 12 Schuessler tissue salts ten minutes before eating foods rich in minerals such as raw oysters. The other rich mineral food is one Vonderplanitz discovered and that is a small amount of raw, unsalted cheese eaten at the same time as raw unheated honey. This will provide some minerals. 

The more the body is able to heal and strengthen by rebuilding the less need it has for the diarrhea mechanism. This is a difficult way to proceed, you may think that there is an enemy, there's something you have to get rid of but all of this would of course been detected, protozoas, various pathogens, different diseases easily detected by most of the medical methods now available. Instead, it is recognizing that the body is doing what it needs to. It has these materials that have come in and it is doing its very best to dump them to get rid of them. 

So, in supporting and strengthening the body to complete this process and do so with as minimum pain and difficulty as possible, trusting that there is some benefit to this. This is the hard place to go. Doctors want very much to jump in and change things but you would see how this has helped you so far. It certainly has created more difficulty and more disharmony. This would seem to be the important points. At the same time as you recognize all of these sorts of things there is your own intuition as you work with these aspects as described by Vonderplanitz more and more you begin to understand more and more of this yourself. Bring your own intuition to bear here.

Most important would be a simple meter or gauge, from 0 to 10 with 10 being the maximum love that you could present for your own physical body for the people around you, for your own highest self at any given time and zero being that of no love at all, not the opposite of this as one might describe as fear or another modality, hatred. But, rather the sense that there is no love at all, you are simply not deserving or those energies are simply not present. At any given time where are you on the scale? Can you increase it, can you maximize it? What things could be said, what energies could be released? What new way could you see yourself that you could shift this and bring that needle a little higher on that gauge? In what way can you have more of this love?

In particular then, taking that feeling, taking that energy of any kind and then deliberately infusing it into your cells, into your physical body. A simple hand gesture of that of a gentle welcoming, a circular movement as if to draw those energies in and then very consciously with the idea of it being a pure, soothing healing light. Perhaps pink in color. It is then directed into the intestinal tract, into the belly and in all of its ways then, this to be a sense of nurturing, loving, caring. It is certainly a frustrating situation and that which when left unchecked will eventually result in all kinds of physical problems beyond what you are already experiencing. But, the potential here to get around these by assisting the body in its own building is also there if this is properly understood. 

Inert gas therapy would be of some value here, most importantly would be the inert gases helium, neon, and argon which are found in the combination called, “Athletic.” Intent simply being to bring more energy into the physical body. Wearing the pendant around the neck would be helpful and having it in the pants pocket or near the intestinal area would also assist. At all times when it is utilized the visualization of an energetic sort of a beautiful cloud of loving energy around the belly would be helpful.

For the deuterium, this is a worldwide effort and many individuals are involved in researching this and it is breaking every day with new applications, new discoveries and so we will simply ask you to look this up on the Internet to continue the research and understanding about this. The important term, “deuterium depleted water.”

But, in researching this you will understand for yourself and this is important. The news about deuterium is breaking in the world little bits at a time, all over the world more and more over the next ten years you are going to see greater understanding about this.

The specific we would recommend is that the water that you would drink is that which is deuterium depleted and then diluted with ordinary water in the ratio such that the parts per million would be below one hundred of deuterium. Ordinary water is one hundred fifty so depending on what deuterium depleted water you obtain you would dilute it accordingly.

Then, before drinking it, in a glass vessel you put it in the sun for two hours. This is very important and it will allow many of the benefits of the primal diet to be properly utilized. The idea being that when the food or water that is taken in that has been boiled, that has been heated past its critical temperature, the body has a severe lymphocyte reaction to this and it treats it as an infection and inflammation and the white blood cell count triple or in various ways causes many stresses.

This is one of the benefits of the Vonderplanitz approach that this does not take place, this lymphocyte increase and we do not want to stop this by having water as often is the case with deuterium depleted water that has been boiled. You restore its natural capabilities with the sunlight and this is strict if it is a very cloudy day then you simply don't have deuterium water, that is deuterium depleted water until it is sunny enough to energize the water.