Monday, June 19, 2023

What is The Role of War?

Hilarion: It keeps them in positions of power and indeed all of the things that we have been suggesting - love, community involvement, even alternative technologies - would put them out of their positions of power. But, what drives them in such direction is again, fear, and of course, ego. That they wish to see themselves always therefore as powerful and will manifest this from the outside, rather than from the inside. It is as if they have reached positions of such because other people have put them there. The specific attributes of government, be it from various dictatorships, or various group involvement, or supposed democracies - all the same. 

To put such individuals in power as representation of you, of the individual person, is very important and where they forget that important symbol and are unwilling to see how they are indeed the manifestation of their political leaders is to disavow their responsibility that has put them in position. 

One can look for solutions to this on many levels. But the real key here is in not seeing it at merely the practical level that relates only to the physical, but that that is over arching, that of your life into the next life and into the intermissive periods between and so on and so forth. What you are learning from this so that the opportunity to use the time as best you can here for the greatest growth and awareness is within your consciousness.

Now, the specific solution here is that at the same time as enough people, enough collective consciousnesses focused on prioritizing - what is the most important thing to do here? What is this planet really about? Then the issues of political energy become less and less important. As specifically many individuals when given the choice of the lesser of two evils in their democratic election is to simply vote "no." It is not a matter of abstaining; it is a matter of making one's voice very clearly heard, that neither path is acceptable because neither one is reflecting the deeper question as to asking, "What is the maximization of purpose in being here in the body with this world?"

This is the long term solution of course, and each step taken toward this, little fits and starts, little pieces are the aspects that are being encouraged amongst people now. Of course, there are core beings, extra-terrestrial involvement with such, various groups and so on, be they called Illuminati or others who have this very clear energy that is to a large extent devoid of fear, but quite enraptured with ego. Understanding that they are gods in their universe. So, of course, when they would also recognize that a larger energy is possible, a more loving energy, an energy that helps them be God beyond any aspect that they could ever imagine; perhaps then the little ego issues give way, and the larger universal issues come forth.

But, these are more difficult for more people to understand because they are issues that are associated with ego and most people are so blinded by fear that they do not understand this. But, those beings in positions of power, call them Illuminati or whatever, will continue to manipulate primarily by fear, not ego. It has proved itself in so many ways over the last few years since especially the terrorist acts of September 11th; not just terrorism from individuals but state sponsored too, and many other energies showing over and over how powerful a force fear can be.

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