Thursday, July 27, 2023

What Is The Timetable For A "Cashless Society?"

Hilarion: A question that has been asked is about the timetable for banking changes on your planet, a major conciliation; a new currency. A way in which the monetary system would be that which is entirely through credit, through consciousness of various numbers in various computers, “the cashless society,” you might say. There are some individuals who think this would be helpful because it would eliminate crime as it relates to money; such as those which are highly dependent on cash. 

But, at the same time we spoke of these divisions in your planet and the ways in which one society is fighting against another, so, it is also that the drug cartels would fight this in every way possible. Their hold on societies and their ability to move money as they need it, would of course, be eliminated by this so it will be resisted and it would be stopped at every turn. 

So, the timetable on such a banking conciliation and consolidation is many, many, years in the future. That is not to say others will not try it and it will not be proposed because those who will benefit from it, the bankers, would propose it and would suggest that on many levels it would be helpful. But, see that this comes at a great cost and if those same individuals are willing to give up their image of themselves as bankers and those who are the ruling elite then a society that does not need money at all might eventually emerge. 

It is part of spiritual immaturity because you can see in the history of other civilizations, on other planets a time when money was important, was utilized and a time when it was seen to be outmoded and far better ways of exchange, trust, connection and sharing emerged. To look at this from a point of view of conspiracy, from a point of view of “them and us,” from a point of view that divides is to miss the deeper lesson that is involved. That place that says, “just like me,” because you could also have the desire within you at some level for greater power. The funny thing is you have it, that power is within you. 

A Blessing Mudra 

So, for a moment we wish to remind you of that powerful strengthening, energy we began with and that you breathe it and you see it in the center of your chest and you see it moving outwards down your arms. Naturally, they begin to move and you might see them with a spinning motion, or a motion as flapping wings, or a motion like a spiral, or a motion that simply has no name at all but is that which is intuitive within your own being. As your arms stretch to the side, as they stretch upwards, as they stretch downwards as they help you connect this energy within you in all directions and remind you of the energy within you that connects naturally and easily outward. 

Then, we are going to ask you to use your own intuition and associate a particular motion. We might call it a “mudra,” a way in which you are moving yourself. Yet, this mudra has a specific purpose. It is to bless. It is to bring the greatest blessing from within you outwards through your arms and through your hands into the world. You do not have to understand it. It can be the mystical attribute. It can be a light. It can be a sound. Perhaps an “ohm,” occurs but whatever way you see this and know it, express it with your hands, with your arms with your expansion of this energy into the world as if to say, “I bless you. These blessings flow through me into all beings to bring them greater peace and greater strength and knowledge of their own gifts and greater awareness of their own capability to know themselves and to assist others to know themselves.”

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