Why is Harry Potter capturing the imagination of young and old at the massive clip it is? What is underneath these wonderful stories?
Hilarion: It is obvious when you understand so much of what is happening in your world appears to be governed by these rules: of science, of law, of economics, of so many things that are overt and understandable. Yet, the whole idea of the hidden reality coexisting alongside that of the overt reality, that of the underlying energies, are romantic and wonderful notions and they are present. It is as if the ancient notions of the Atlantean sciences, the Day science and the Night science, are personified in this way, because as you reveal and understand, of course Harry Potter's world, the magical world, has its own rules, its own regulations. They are very different, but still they are there.
It is in the imaginative capacity to recognize the blending of these two worlds that such an important reminder of the ancient Atlantean ideals and understanding comes forth and a reminder that many possibilities that have been overlooked are available, that the magical understanding within one's own consciousness is an awakening of the child within you, of seeing things in a whole new light, of seeing ways in which you had never conceived of how something could occur, that it can occur quite easily and in such a matter of fact and easy way, once you have recognized that magic is afoot.Understanding this is a powerful energy, because science in itself seeks to explain and understand, but need not take out the awesomeness, the revelation, the wonder, but rather can allow individuals to discover it if they look deeper, if they use the scientific world as a springboard for deeper understanding.
In the meantime, though, cultivating an attitude that invites miracles, invites magic, invites a shift, this is a beautiful and wonderful thing. So it isn't just that in Rowling's work is an inspiration for your own identification, your own magical creativity, your own imagination. It is also an avenue for your guides and helpers. So when you read it, they gather around you, and they touch you gently, and they feed you energy, and they say to you "Yes, there are more things in life than you thought possible if you will but open to them." In this way it is a symbolic bridge to the guide energies, to the energies of seeing things in a new light, in a new way.
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