It has come up for discussion that Jesus Christ was a myth based on ancient stories. What is Hilarion's perspective on what is true and not true about Jesus?
Hilarion: There are many ways to understand this. The troubling part about it all is the same sort of energy we come into when we try to talk to you about things like truly, deeply healing foods. Your preconceived ideas about this get in the way. You have been preconditioned by so many in this regard with the relationship to the individual known as The Carpenter, known as Jesus of Nazareth, various different names. Well, we like to think of him as The Fisherman because of the way in which he drew in the souls of so many on your planet. This is a positive and beautiful way to think of him.
So, the simple truth is that there was an important man, a being who had gathered many energies, who had been incarnated in the past as the one that legends speak of as Moses, and as the one called Adam (who was a real man--the first one to die when the Xenon was removed from your atmosphere). In all of the subsequent incarnations of this being, a great deal of learning and gathering of information took place, but he recognized that the information needed to be shared, that others needed to understand it. This was ultimate empowerment, and was that which cut right to the heart of the rulers of the day.
Eventually, this caused them to destroy the great library he had created of his works and his ability to assist others--the library at Alexandria and the ability as a result of this to change the attitudes of those who were empowered became paramount to those who wished to control others: the pharoahs, the priests, the popes, and all of the others that came since have continued this energy in submerging these great works into that which would seem to be within the current understanding. For instance, in the King James interpretation of the Bible, a lesson of fear, a lesson of disempowerment, a lesson in which, unless one goes right to the heart of the most helpful energies, one that cannot always bring one to a state of greater clarity, but rather one of dependence on the priests, on the religion. Perhaps even a fear of the various energies, guilts, and other excesses that the individual has experienced.
This man had a name. It was Apollonius. Yet, at the time that name was attempted to signify consciousness, awareness, and so it was wiped from the face of Earth. There were many myths and energies associated with this energy, drawn in then from the Greek civilization, the Roman civilization. Many similarities to great Greek and Roman myths and Gods, and just as the Church has attempted to do this in so many ways powerfully drawing in from the lessons of the festivals, the times of Earth change, celebration and related matters, so then was this done with these myths and legends.
In the building of the Christ energy, there was much truth. There were many energies that were understood. But there were also many energies that were deliberately redirected to bring power to those in positions of power, to bring fear to those who needed to horde that fear over others. The being, as Apollonius, traveled all over your planet, learning in different capacities, working in different ways. Some important stops made in Japan, others in India. These are the legends that come to the Essenes and those who have studied and worked with the energies associated with the Christ at the higher vibrational level. As a man, he had opportunities to share many energies, to do many things, even to take a wife. To understand things on your planet at a physical level sometimes means being physical.
But, at the same time, the essential energy seen at the highest level, that which you might associate with the higher vibration which entered into this being--that which has been known as Sananda--is a beautiful energy, an important energy, an energy that has direct association with what you would see as the highest and best aspect of the Christ; not that which disempowers, but that which loves, loves unconditionally, and empowers you to love unconditionally.That is perhaps the best way to see this, because it must be seen that the unconditional love extends to those priests, pharoahs, rulers, and others who sought to change history, who sought to stop the process of enlightenment that had been begun in Jerusalem by the great words that this man had spoken. Understanding this process is very difficult, and that is what you are being asked to do when you comprehend and work with history in such a fashion.
Understanding it will have a direct implication in the physical reality, as many of the ancient writings that were buried deeply in the Earth are produced from Alexandria, from aspects around the world where some of these were taken from the library before it was destroyed, and revealed again to humanity. These ancient scrolls, books, symbols, carved on rock and other things, will emerge in the next few decades in direct response to people having the deeper message of the true Christ energy. Don't give it a name. Know it as an energy. Feel it within your being and in this way you have the real answer to what you seek.
We are grateful to Sananda for his overshadowing and assistance with our answer.
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