Saturday, March 8, 2025

Extra-Terrestrial Communication Through Radiotelescopes Such as SETI

What is the likelihood of extra-terrestrial communication through radiotelesopes such as SETI? 

Hilarion: It is 100%. Contact has already been made. Various beings have transmitted energies, and on many levels some of the individuals involved have suppressed this information. This is very important because the whole program underway--that which we have mentioned a little bit of with regards to the economic domination of your planet by a few individuals--this has not been completed yet, and the ability to work with another civilization, to share information of various higher technologies and other aspects would indeed stop such plans from unfolding in the ways that those involved wish them to be.

As long as these programs are centralized, as long as only a few have access to the important information at the critical times, then such suppression can continue. It will not last forever though, of course, as various beings will utilize more and more sophisticated, simpler, less costly technology, particularly reaching into higher and higher frequency ranges, to be able to establish their own small-scale receiving stations and be able to receive such information and contact directly.

In terms of this being outwardly seen, this appears as if to be continually repressed by many beings. But we see that the whole idea of this bursting forth somewhere is a pretty good probability, that other people will recognize this and acknowledge the presence of extra terrestrials wishing to establish positive helpful communications with people, and that this would be of benefit to many. 

An interesting experiment has already begun in Germany by a Dr. Meyl in working with faster than light communication, and such will be available more and more and is already that which is available on the Internet and can be understood by others who wish to examine and work with these forms of higher communication.

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