Hilarion: Yes. We are very grateful to the many questions that you have asked, and we would wish to invite a composite being of all of your energies to be with you now. We would like you to focalize your energy on the time period 2011 AD, imagining that by such time you have learned a great deal, that you have seen many things, you have interacted with many people, you have grown in many ways, and that that being that you will be is sitting right now in meditation with all of the people who would be hearing our voice--the people in this room, but also the people spread all over the world receiving this energy.
Somehow all of you are together, sharing an energy with your hands, opening a loving contact between each other, receiving, giving, feeling such an energy. That you are feeling it in your hearts, that you are seeing it swirl around you, and that such an energy powerful with the wisdom with 10 years of experience, of 11 years of manifestation transformation, consciousness increase, now is released, forming a powerful ball of light, back in time to you, here, now, in the year 2000.
Then receive this energy, this light, this awakening, this wisdom of what you can be, what you will be, who is now in the future sending you energy, and to open the channel further, think of a time in the past when you could have used a little bit of such an energy of wisdom, understanding, compassion, patience. Send that energy now to that being, knowing that it is not just your individual energy, but the capacity of wisdom from your future self and your future selves, all of the beings that would be interacting with you that add to this.
Then letting go of all of these aspects, become aware of the now, the here, the present, the air that you are breathing, the ground beneath your feet, the vibrations that surround you, and see that in this moment, you have cleared a space for a greater energy of powerful helpers, anonymous ones loving you on many levels, wishing you simply to know and feel this as a clear energy that you can use any way you wish to do good works in the world, to help others. And so in a similar fashion that you would receive their help, think of another person that could use some assistance right now. Open your heart to that being, and give them energy and you will see that as much as you give, so it is then sent into you many times more.
Then lastly, we ask you to let go of all of these things and be aware of your heart, and its capacity to love. Pick a being that you care for deeply. Feel the love between you and that person; open your heart to it. A sound like OM, like AHH, like MMM, the sense of an embrace, the energy of light between you and that being, stronger, clearer. Then think of somebody else you've had difficulty with perhaps in the last week, and pour that same energy into that being, healing and changing that relationship. And then perhaps even to send that same energy to someone that you've had a great deal of difficulty in your life, again, shifting that relationship, sending that energy to love, to forgive.
Then to close, we ask you to let go of the energy and the visualization and simply see it suffusing, blending into the emerald light cylinder, infinitely upwards through you to center of Earth, about a hundred feet in diameter, connecting, protecting. As it contacts Mother Earth, recognize that She responds lovingly, welcoming: A percolating, loving bubbling up of energy, sending the idea of love, that it would form a sound, a beautiful sound like OM. We ask you to draw that in and share it out loud. Goodbye.
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