Tuesday, March 21, 2000

Future Self Meditation

 Hilarion: Yes. We are very grateful to the many questions that you have asked, and we would wish to invite a composite being of all of your energies to be with you now. We would like you to focalize your energy on the time period 2011 AD, imagining that by such time you have learned a great deal, that you have seen many things, you have interacted with many people, you have grown in many ways, and that that being that you will be is sitting right now in meditation with all of the people who would be hearing our voice--the people in this room, but also the people spread all over the world receiving this energy. 

Somehow all of you are together, sharing an energy with your hands, opening a loving contact between each other, receiving, giving, feeling such an energy. That you are feeling it in your hearts, that you are seeing it swirl around you, and that such an energy powerful with the wisdom with 10 years of experience, of 11 years of manifestation transformation, consciousness increase, now is released, forming a powerful ball of light, back in time to you, here, now, in the year 2000. 

Then receive this energy, this light, this awakening, this wisdom of what you can be, what you will be, who is now in the future sending you energy, and to open the channel further, think of a time in the past when you could have used a little bit of such an energy of wisdom, understanding, compassion, patience. Send that energy now to that being, knowing that it is not just your individual energy, but the capacity of wisdom from your future self and your future selves, all of the beings that would be interacting with you that add to this.

Then letting go of all of these aspects, become aware of the now, the here, the present, the air that you are breathing, the ground beneath your feet, the vibrations that surround you, and see that in this moment, you have cleared a space for a greater energy of powerful helpers, anonymous ones loving you on many levels, wishing you simply to know and feel this as a clear energy that you can use any way you wish to do good works in the world, to help others. And so in a similar fashion that you would receive their help, think of another person that could use some assistance right now. Open your heart to that being, and give them energy and you will see that as much as you give, so it is then sent into you many times more.

Then lastly, we ask you to let go of all of these things and be aware of your heart, and its capacity to love. Pick a being that you care for deeply. Feel the love between you and that person; open your heart to it. A sound like OM, like AHH, like MMM, the sense of an embrace, the energy of light between you and that being, stronger, clearer. Then think of somebody else you've had difficulty with perhaps in the last week, and pour that same energy into that being, healing and changing that relationship. And then perhaps even to send that same energy to someone that you've had a great deal of difficulty in your life, again, shifting that relationship, sending that energy to love, to forgive.

Then to close, we ask you to let go of the energy and the visualization and simply see it suffusing, blending into the emerald light cylinder, infinitely upwards through you to center of Earth, about a hundred feet in diameter, connecting, protecting. As it contacts Mother Earth, recognize that She responds lovingly, welcoming: A percolating, loving bubbling up of energy, sending the idea of love, that it would form a sound, a beautiful sound like OM. We ask you to draw that in and share it out loud. Goodbye.




What is a comet and why do comets often have a bad reputation in astrology?

Hilarion: In astroloy, so many things are slow moving. It's pretty hard to get stuff that really whips so that you can see it move through all different signs, through all different things in the planetary aspects; and of course, it is one of the few aspects that can easily move out of the plane of the ecliptic through the aspects of the fixed stars. 

Comets are not well understood because they have often in the past been associated with fear. They suddenly show up, and the people looking at them didn't know they were on the way, and then they will naturally associate this with any of the various negative events that might happen to occur. Sometimes these are deliberately sent, of course, where there can be a negative aspect, but if you go looking for it, you can find something negative happening on your world just about any time just as you can anything positive.

Comets themselves often have a certain specific consciousness associated with them, and by using a tracking telescope it is possible to capture this in water, just as we've suggested such energies as the stars be captured in water in the book we transmitted through this vehicle called Starlight Elixirs, Cosmic Vibrational Healing. So therefore, you may understand that comets have the capacity to catalyze, to create swift change, to move things rapidly from one level to another, to allow you various aspects of transformation. No wonder they get a bad rap. There are so many people who might indeed resist such levels of transformation, not be willing to find it in themselves, and at times be hardpressed to be able to manifest this when they do discover it--that is, they know they should change, and they don't.

And so then, indeed, comets at such a level should be feared, because change should be feared, and if you believe that, we have a bridge we would like to sell you. Ultimately, in your own consciousness, you must discover that change is the capacity of the universe. It is the very nature of consciousness. And so, it can be stated sometimes, comets show up when things are getting a little bit stagnant, when there's a little bit too much of this or that happening and a little shake-up is needed. And so you'll notice no really big visible comets lately, because there's a lot of change already happening. But sooner or later this will occur again, and when you can tune in to such an energy, meditating on the comet, you may realize the aspect of personal change in yourself, ready to be shifted. 



 The Bible would say that consulting a spirit is demonic. Does Satan exist? Can you define Satan?

Hilarion: This is clearly, by your religious way of seeing things, a negative aspect in all people. To externalize it is to discharge responsibility about such matter. That is too bad, because then you simply can pin it on the church or various rituals or other things you might do to clear Satan from your life. Satan is a concept. It is an energy. Certainly there are Biblical references to the fallen angel, and there are many angels, demons, and all kinds of beings that co-populate your world with you and do influence various aspects of your consciousness, your society, and other things. We don't want to deny that. But the largest aspect of this by far is established in resonance from you, from the way in which you would understand and work with these energies yourself. So, it is always back to the matter of taking responsibility for oneself.

In terms of channeling and other aspects, we have certainly already described this, how one must always choose this for oneself. But there is nothing to say that you must choose this path. You may choose another one instead. But to all of those who would look at established religion, you must ask some very careful questions about it, logical ones. 

If a religion has within it exclusivity, that is, if you don't follow this particularly path, you're all going to go to hell, and that applies to the majority of the world's population, isn't it conceivable that this religion is a little bit short-sighted insofar as humanity's evolving together? If that is what you need to understand, rather than hold it as right or wrong, the proper religion or the improper one, hold for a moment the possibility that you attract that religion because it says something about your nature of exclusivity, that you would want to say that certain people are okay and others are not, as if to say certain aspects of your being are okay, and other aspects are not. In other words, always to turn this back around to oneself.

There has been a request that another speak on such matter as self- responsibility. A moment

Gurdjieff: To see into the eyes of yourself, to see in the mirror who your soul belongs to, this is the essence of the distinction between what is possession and what is real. You must see in your own heart that there is the place that knows love, but there must also be the eye to see in the mirror of the heart who is willing to love and who is not. In your aspect of life, you will come often to tremendous obstacles and you will fall back on that which is familiar. This is where doing something a little different can help catalyze an idea that has been dormant in your body, somehow waiting millennia to surface. Then, you do this. You wash the dishes at half-speed or you speak in a pitch or tone higher or lower than you would have otherwise, or you find a way to look deeply into someone else's eyes as you have never done before, not for the purpose of change itself, but to draw up in you a new way of seeing, and then to ask, "Where am I responsible for this?"

Others have spoken of this as the ability to respond. That is what we suggest, that somehow in this avenue you are seeking a new response. But deeper than this is what I would have told you. Go to work. Dig this hole, deeper, deeper. Then when you are finished and quite tired, fill it in. You would get mad at me for this. You would tell me all kinds of things, all kinds of interesting names, and then you would hear them for the first time as the names you call yourself when you are feeling irresponsible, unwilling to respond to yourself.

And so, slowly, gradually, humankind grows and learns. I have said in the past that you are not going to progress unless there are those who are also left behind. But there is, from my way of seeing it now, a higher path in which the separation is gradually dissolved, that you accept both parts of all of you. And so part of responsibility must be the response to the lowest part of yourself as well as the highest--that you can laugh at it, that you can play with it, that you can love it.

It is interesting that some have tried to base a religion on me. In doing so, in digging into my writings and other matters, have discarded personal pronouns, deciding that there is no I, no we, no me, that all can be as one. This, then, is the answer, you see. It comes naturally, as anyone would see. This blending of the higher and the lower comes to all of humanity.

Hilarion: Yes. Hilarion here. We thank you, Gurdjieff, for your assistance in speaking of these matters, and ability to generate some responses in others, because in recent past lives, many individuals hearing these words will have heard of you, work with your energy and related functions.


Inert Gases Technology In Atlantis

Hilarion:  An important question has been asked of a purely technical area that we wish to answer briefly. The question is the ideal divergence of inert gas work, particularly magnetic field in presence of inert gas and the way in which this can manifest a pure and powerful energy. There are many different ways to approach this, you know, but indeed over and over in the scientific understanding of this, all beings grow in their awareness of vibration, their willingness to accept at a deeper and deeper level the true nature of all levels of vibration. This means at times that high divergence is necessary when a certain healing effect is necessary, perhaps as much as one-half radian. But at other times when the concentration of the energy is to be for purposes of propulsion, then divergence should be zero, that is, zero radians. Yet when there is to be a concentration of energy, then divergence should be negative, so that a specific focusing of the energy takes place. This increases the density, and makes the energy closer to the physical level. So it depends on the application.

Similarly, then, the bigger question--what is this energy? What is its very nature, particularly at the higher levels of such excitation, and how it might be desirable? Clearly such energies have many ways to be used, but their understanding goes right to the heart of the birth of matter itself, and for this, then, it relates to the way in which consciousness is able to turn energy into matter. This is its highest manifestation, and the most difficult to understand and grapple with. Yet it is the way in which it comes full circle back to that which is ultimately that which is healing, beneficial, and useful on many levels.

It is true that many of these are Atlantean sciences, that much of the inert gas work took place in Atlantis in what was termed the understanding of the Night Sciences. So also this understanding of water and vibration and all kinds of those energies that don't seem to follow the laws of your physical universe. So it is then to be understood that the manifestation and understanding of the primary energy, that which is then liberated by inert gas interaction, is something that has been around a long time, and has been something that has been misused, of a highly destructive nature when not fully understood, by extra-terrestrials, by beings who have visited Earth in the past, by Atlanteans, by many. And so, there is a sort of gradual unfolding of these energies, one little bit at a time, so that not too much is understood at any time. But ultimately it is in the aspect of coherence by which the energies are liberated in step that the manifestation principle then comes into form, and that the coherence combined with consciousness is the highest aspect by which the manifestation of complex matter, complex beings, complex energies of all kinds -- even to the aspect of God -- all of these themselves then come forth.

And so then, the deeper question that then must be asked: "Where is humanity to go with its technology?" And it is always to be seen that this is a symbol. An understanding of what is happening on your planet is to teach you about yourself at a higher level. And so ultimately then it comes back to you, the primary energy of your being. Sometimes people would associate this with what was termed in ancient times the Permanent Atom, the part that is perhaps seen in your heart or an inch below your belly button or somewhere located in your spine, as something permanent, powerful. This is a myth, but in the way in which it truly does manifest as a powerful energy of consciousness, there is something of permanence to be recognized and welcomed deep within your being, and this certainly must be commented on in different ways. Ultimately, though, each individual to find their own highest energy will be an important force for activating love.

The love aspect as it is brought into your consciousness is a difficult one fully to manifest, to activate the full potential of this--not because it isn't there, but because you don't have much support for it in your world. For you to love deeply, you will always find that there is an equal action to love yourself. If you are truly loving yourself, would you be smoking marijuana? If you were truly loving yourself, would you be seeing in any way the need to reduce your energy on any level? If you were truly loving yourself, would you hold yourself in any level of judgement? Would you not then be able to forgive yourself as you would see it so useful to forgive others? In the way in which this relates clearly to an inner component, your Permanent Atom, the part of you that is that consciousness that has created the nature of your being, you see then over and over how accepting, loving yourself, can help you then in loving others. But then, it is also reversed--that as you love others, as you allow that energy for them, so also is there a new energy discovered for you.

This is the most subtle level right now on your planet because there aren't so many courses taught on how to love, at least at the physical level. We are not talking about sex education. We are talking about love at its truest unconditional level. Yet, the teachers for this are all around you, the people that you care for. To let yourself learn to love the way that that person does can help you so much in accepting and seeing the true capacity of the true nature of your being, because then as you accept this, it runs full circle. Because again, you will then find a new way to love yourself.

As this continues, gradually what comes from it is the confidence shared with others to love themselves, and then the individual knows your love, because then you have given them the greatest gift. Not the gift of energy from you--that's available all over the place; energy is abundant in this world. Rather, it is the manifestation of the love principle within that being permanently. This is a very powerful gift. It is that which the individual can activate and take with them to the next lifetime. Because, after all, that is what you have taken with you from your past lifetimes: How to love, how to know it, how to manifest it, all of the different ways to work with this. You may not remember all of the specifics of the lifetimes, but this energy of loving, that does hold over and continue with you.
