Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Srem Cells & Healing

Can you please comment on how stem cells can help us. 

Hilarion: there are many techniques for deriving stem cells. There are some that are developed from the person themselves. These hold the greatest promise because they have the ability to so beautifully enmesh with the consciousness that the person is working with. If the stem cell is taken from a stranger, then there are various energetics associated with this and that is still helpful and that which is currently in the throes of development by various non-physical beings similar to those examples we have given already. 

You will also notice that all of this dovetails powerfully with those beings who are associated with unborn babies, with abortion, with fetal tissues and all of this. It is quite controversial on your planet. There are many who have a great rejection of any of the science associated with this because in their own karmic history they have been responsible for the death of a child and they wanted some way to balance this by making sure that the children were not harmed. Be they just conceived or those of a young age. Still though, this science is not fully understood. There will be many breakthroughs with this and this will likely continue.

All of the ways in which stem cells show themselves over and over to be helpful to many people are intriguing but there are failures. We would recognize that this is principally because of this energetic mismatch: that the person from whom these stem cells were derived, even if it is through a long cell line lineage may have some karmic issue with the person into whom these stem cells are being injected or applied. 

So, the trick with that of course, is that these are from your own body so there will likely be for many individuals the opportunity that has been done in other civilizations to take a small amount of tissue from the umbilical cord or from the child on the very first day of life and preserve it. So, that can be developed into various cells, such as stem cells or others later in life to help that person. 

This does not have to be a particularly invasive or difficult procedure but the preservation of such is still under a great deal of science and we would strongly suggest that inert gasses stimulated by magnetic fields be employed in such a preservation process as naturally able to assist. In addition, it is noted that if in receiving a stem cell of some sort you can deliberately move to a place of emptiness in your consciousness; a place in which there is a higher vibration of greater receptivity and this can also help in whatever processes are utilized.

Unfortunately, there are those people promoting things that are like stem cells but not really those things and others taking advantage of this by overcharging and working in various ways in which there is not very much consciousness and all kinds of issues and these will be eventually ironed out as rules and regulations and government agency oversight and so on is eventually employed. 

In the meantime, there is a pure vibrational aspect to this if you can in some way imagine you are witnessing your own birth and then you are going to consciously and deliberately draw into you the energy of that newborn with a powerful ability to grow and to learn and to awaken and to receive the energies of the mother through the umbilical cord. On that day of your birth there is a powerful energy of the guides and helpers, the mother’s guides and helpers of course, to help her survive the process and to you as a reminder of what it’s like to become physical. 

But, there is also the energy of the physical itself, that it has a vibration, a color, a love and you will receive that as if you are receiving across the bridge of time the benefit of the stem cells from yourself your first few minutes on this planet in a physical body separate from your mother This is a sort of vibrational energy because you can send that vibration from your hands to the baby and see that the baby lifts his or her hands up to you and sends you an energy too. It is a simple back and forth but has a greater meaning with the recognition of stem cells in accelerating healing on all levels.

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