Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Srem Cells & Healing

Can you please comment on how stem cells can help us. 

Hilarion: there are many techniques for deriving stem cells. There are some that are developed from the person themselves. These hold the greatest promise because they have the ability to so beautifully enmesh with the consciousness that the person is working with. If the stem cell is taken from a stranger, then there are various energetics associated with this and that is still helpful and that which is currently in the throes of development by various non-physical beings similar to those examples we have given already. 

You will also notice that all of this dovetails powerfully with those beings who are associated with unborn babies, with abortion, with fetal tissues and all of this. It is quite controversial on your planet. There are many who have a great rejection of any of the science associated with this because in their own karmic history they have been responsible for the death of a child and they wanted some way to balance this by making sure that the children were not harmed. Be they just conceived or those of a young age. Still though, this science is not fully understood. There will be many breakthroughs with this and this will likely continue.

All of the ways in which stem cells show themselves over and over to be helpful to many people are intriguing but there are failures. We would recognize that this is principally because of this energetic mismatch: that the person from whom these stem cells were derived, even if it is through a long cell line lineage may have some karmic issue with the person into whom these stem cells are being injected or applied. 

So, the trick with that of course, is that these are from your own body so there will likely be for many individuals the opportunity that has been done in other civilizations to take a small amount of tissue from the umbilical cord or from the child on the very first day of life and preserve it. So, that can be developed into various cells, such as stem cells or others later in life to help that person. 

This does not have to be a particularly invasive or difficult procedure but the preservation of such is still under a great deal of science and we would strongly suggest that inert gasses stimulated by magnetic fields be employed in such a preservation process as naturally able to assist. In addition, it is noted that if in receiving a stem cell of some sort you can deliberately move to a place of emptiness in your consciousness; a place in which there is a higher vibration of greater receptivity and this can also help in whatever processes are utilized.

Unfortunately, there are those people promoting things that are like stem cells but not really those things and others taking advantage of this by overcharging and working in various ways in which there is not very much consciousness and all kinds of issues and these will be eventually ironed out as rules and regulations and government agency oversight and so on is eventually employed. 

In the meantime, there is a pure vibrational aspect to this if you can in some way imagine you are witnessing your own birth and then you are going to consciously and deliberately draw into you the energy of that newborn with a powerful ability to grow and to learn and to awaken and to receive the energies of the mother through the umbilical cord. On that day of your birth there is a powerful energy of the guides and helpers, the mother’s guides and helpers of course, to help her survive the process and to you as a reminder of what it’s like to become physical. 

But, there is also the energy of the physical itself, that it has a vibration, a color, a love and you will receive that as if you are receiving across the bridge of time the benefit of the stem cells from yourself your first few minutes on this planet in a physical body separate from your mother This is a sort of vibrational energy because you can send that vibration from your hands to the baby and see that the baby lifts his or her hands up to you and sends you an energy too. It is a simple back and forth but has a greater meaning with the recognition of stem cells in accelerating healing on all levels.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Organ Transplants and Abortions and Non-Physical Entities Intervention

HilarionA question has arisen about transplantation of organs and indeed this is becoming with greater data collection and computer utilization a little more streamlined and for many individuals it is their only hope of continuing their life. It is important to recognize the ancient understanding of this through the Hebraic tradition can be found in the ancient teachings of the kabbalah and the old testament and that of the conservative hasidic jews is essentially correct. When you do things to the body within the three days after death there is still a nervous system connection, there is still a sense of harm, there is still some fear going through the body and there is still an awareness of the cutting or cold applied or various ways in which the organs are utilized. 

But, there is also the sense or feeling of wonderment and assistance as that organ is transplanted into the other person. But, this process began a while ago and guides and helpers have been working on it for quite some time. In a similar way, guides and helpers and angels have been developing to intervene in various human activities.

In our book “Other Kingdoms,” that we channeled through our friend in Canada many years ago the “airplane devas" were described. They are able to modify air flow so the plane does not crash. 

So,also this race of beings, so clearly developed to help with abortion where the consciousness is within the womb and is within the baby and then recognizing that the baby cannot come to term for whatever reason the mother has chosen, these beings guide and help the child transition out of the mother and into a place where the soul can grow and be nurtured and be loved and then eventually try again to come into consciousness. 

So, also now there are these beings who are specifically focused on organ transplants and they assist in the process of dying. So, that, when a person dies and their organs are to be harvested, they will know this because it was already decided upon ahead of time: legally or with the application of a driver’s license or in some way philosophically and so the guides are fully ready to jump right in. They will first use a powerful energetic to create a vibration within the nervous system and in particular the para- nervous system to block pain that may come from the harvesting process. 

Thus, the individual may have a connection to their physical body as they leave it and see these guides and helpers around them and be alerted as to what is going to happen. As the harvesting is about to take place those guides would wish to step in and sever the connection that might cause the individual  physical pain. Sometimes, if the person is sufficiently conscious they will ask. If the person is not sufficiently conscious they will usually jump in and allow this cutting off anyway. This can cause a bit of confusion for the person, so usually someone they have known in their life will be called upon and given extra energy to manifest and assist them in the transition. 

Naturally, when you transition through the levels of subtle energy into the non-physical realms you meet them and they are drawn to you and you to them and they help you through this but that usually comes a little later. So, one person will usually be a standout and help in this process and explain what is happening. In most cases this is quite successful because the guides and helpers and others guiding this over many years have a lot of practice at it and they are often able to allow that person to be at peace as those organs are taken. 

Some residual energies of that being will inevitably be in the organ. But, just as that person might feel gratitude as that organ is added to their body, that gratitude will go out to the world and be very strongly felt because of that vibrational connection by the donor. So,again the guides and helpers will remind that being to share some of the love that they have for that person that is now going to benefit from those organs. Indeed, when you receive an organ it makes sense to look at the being that gifted it to you, that you feel some gratitude for it and you also recognize the intervening energy, the bridging energy of the non-physical beings that you are aware of your own lessons around this. 

Every part of the body has an important symbol and as you are able to release, shift, and know in some way the symbolic meaning of that organ. An obvious example of this is the kidney, which is marking of territory. You are seeing a new territory, a new aspect of your life and you are willing to let go of the old territory and to find ways that you can express and speak of it and this will inevitably assist with the new organ coming into the body and more easily taking hold and being used. 

There are dozens of stories about hearts in particular being so valuable and the connection that the person feels and a different kind of love when that comes into them. Sometimes, this is a wonderful gift. In all cases it always makes sense to go to the place of the highest possible vibration and ask the question, “who or what is experiencing this right now?” can often take you to such a place. Or having a visualization of an energy moving up and down the body rapidly can take you to such a place. Raising your vibration will help you so much in the receiving of a transplanted organ.

June 21, 2023